
Demon Orchid Academy

I had it all, and that's when I realized that only the small things matter, that small smile that little kiss, a good hug and having people around you Ten thousand years later am reincarnated in a new body and given a second chance to live the life I once desired, not minding that my the fact that my name had been changed over time I tried to live my life until " You know I like you right " A soft voice whispered Uber her breathe " Am in love "Her voice was strong and her eyes stared right in to mine " I can't stand you stupid " Her voice didn't carry any remose in it as she said this Three faces turned my life up side down and gave me a new reason to fight " Eeeeeee!!, that's definitely my son he is back with wife three " My parents cried as I stood at the door

CloverXIIV · Fantasy
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22 Chs

how much have i suck

As the blinding lights diminshed a female body came into view ,her posture proud as her long blond hair flowed with sparks of lightning, she had blue eyes flashed, a wide smile showed clear signs of satisfaction, her body was clothed with a skin tight white skin tight suit from head to toe and glass heels with a small scent of burnt flesh entired their noses, on the ground under her magestic figure lied a scotched body, the body was burn to a point of no recognition, they couldn't even tell the gender of the body, and they never wanted to know,

at first sight she looked like a goddess who had just descended from the heaven but after the onlookers eyes adjusted completely, they saw the pair of black horns on her head, horns that were only possessed by beasts, monsters made to destroy,if one was in the city then nothing but chaos was going to follow it especially one as strong as her the people quickly broke in panic quickly closing shop and running to hide only God knew what the beast wanted, the panic increased when the beast rose her arm a spear head spark of electricity forming on it, everyone in street could feel sparks of electricity passing through there bodies at a good distance from her, they could only imagine the true strength of the spear head on her finger tips

she aimed it at one of the building muttering

" So let's see his true strength "and launched the spear head at light defying speeds as it moved sparks of lightning were constantly being absorbed and given off from the spear heads,

the figure sized object carried a destroying force stronger than anything the vendors had ever seen all glasses of shops close by where instantly shuttered, the street was mainly empty otherwise any human who would be in it's path would be scotched instantly but at the end of the street one unlucky person suddenly appeared in the path of the spear head as she exited a clothing store

her body was covered in a brown cloak as she held two shopping baskets, her violently red hair flowed out of the cloak's hood, which was the only noticable feature from the distance Nora stood

on appearing the spear head instantly hit her abdomen vaporizing the cloak around that area leaving a burnt hole on her new cloak but except her burnt clothing her body wasn't affected,

the woman stood still almost all unshaken by the deadly strike, the only thing that changed was her aura, which could be felt even from the other side of the street

" Sweet demon lord, I think we shall be meeting soon, " a vendor prayed under his counter feeling the kill aura being emitted from woman

" BRAT! , you shot me !" She snapped

Nora adjusted her footing on the ground a little surprised it didn't kill the woman,

' She must be really strong, that aura ! 'Nora thought ' hmm, this might be a good thing, now I can really test how much energy I got from the cutie,'

Nora had never felt this strong her entire life this was a foreign feel to her, since birth the three of them where abandoned to starve for power until they die,

Nora wasn't the only one who felt the power surge, Cole not only filled her up, he did the same to Lena and Eli,: for a student Cole felt too strongest, she knew that if Cole where to ever let out a spark when they were in intimate contact she could suck out his power, the only thing she never knew that she would get this much power

" Yes, " Nora raised her hand attracting a lightning bolt from the sky which quickly condensed on her entire arm, this one ten times the size compared to the first one, it ilumitated the city sky making the setting sun look like a little fleck from a flame, she had on her finger

The vendors only saw a heavenly white light flash into there shops

" And I have more from where that came from " Nora said redirecting the bolt to the woman

Seeing this the woman quickly reap off the cloak her human like body coming to sight,she wore black wedged heels with dack thigh high scoks that brought out her curvy thighs a short black mini skirt and crop top that revealed her flat flawless stomach , her beautiful face had no sign of fear instead a wide happy smile appeared, and one of her most noticable features where her folded back horns that mad Nora's look like little cat ears

" Ten thousand years of bathing in the blood pond hell, I might be a little rusty but I hope I can teach you a valuable life lesson " She answered, hexagonal cedules appearing on her arms, " Demon Goddess Descends, hell pond furnaces Arts " she cursed

" Galaxy Void swallowing array, Blue lotus strike " Nora said launching all the energy she had gathered in her arms, the woman melted the ground and molten lava burst out like a snake heading straight for lightning strike Nora launched the two forces collied with no effect, it seemed they cancelled each other out but form where these two force collied a swallowing energy quickly drained both women, the ground instantly turned white and so did everything seeing this the woman knew it was time run but on taking the first frightened step a hand held her hair

" Lucie, where do you think you're going " he asked " And Nora seriously "