
Demon of original sins

Warning:incest, gore, strong language,18+, torture By a twist of fate, Kael, a young demon, from a small and weak demon baron family chances Mark of Sins. With his newfound power, Kael's ambition and greed grew driving him to embark on a relentless journey of conquest With the power of the Mark of Sin coursing through his veins, Kael's thirst for power knows no bounds. Fuelled by ambition and greed, he schemes, betrays, and manipulates his way to the top, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in his wake. No territory is too vast, no riches too extravagant, as Kael seeks not only to expand his own dominion but to acquire the other Marks of Sin by all means As Kael's influence grows, so too does his ruthlessness and his enemies. He employs every tool at his disposal – Schemes, blackmail, war, assassination, and mind control – to crush any who dare stand in his path. Where will Kael's journey leads? Will his greed be satisfied or will he search for more??

jasonphlg · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 16:Spell training (1)

The next morning after taking his breakfast early in the morning, Kael decided to go to the family training ground to train in the spells he just learned. The training ground was situated next to the manor. It was not too big, half the size of a football pitch. It reassembled a coliseum, circled by high walls but without a roof with several entrances. The walls were reinforced with barriers that could withstand several blows from a newly advanced demon baron. There some equipments such as training dummies, weight, etc…

The training ground was almost empty with only a few guards training, This was a normal sight as most guards did not bother with training. With the state of the territory they had almost no enemies, even bandits would not attack them as their territory was by no means rich or resourceful. The only people who had any interest in them was those noble's who wanted to make Irina, the baroness their concubine or toy. And even those noble's wouldn't attack them as they did want to be the one doing the laborious task of planting the seeds, but others enjoy the harvest.. They knew that the moment they are the first to attack, they would waste their effort and would be ambushed the moment they capture Irina thus profiting others.

Kael was not bothered by them and decided to start training in his new spells.


"I should start with infernal Conflagration first. It is the easiest for me as my affinity with fire is one of the highest.. Furthermore I've trained in some fire related spells before although they are pretty weak."

With determination I started with a small fireball which was easy to control as it was a basic fire spells. I started to add more mana to the fireball. It's size grew bit by bit and the more it grow the more difficult it was to control the flame. I wanted to know my limit. When the ball of flames was at a size bigger than two soccer ball, I was finally unable to control and the ball of fire exploded. My skin was feeling their searing heat wash over me in a wave of blistering intensity. Thanks to my demon physique who was resistant to fire to a certain degree and granted me rapid healing for light injuries accompanied with the light armor on me I was not badly injured by the explosion..

Not deterred by my failure, I continued my attempts to better control the flames and increases the size of the flames. The more I tried the more I failed, but I was learning from each failure.. With each failed attempt, I learned from my mistakes, honing my control over the flames.

"I am not one to back down from a challenge." I though to myself. This continued for a few hours with every passing hour my control increasing, and the flames exploded less and less. As I became more adept at controlling the inferno, I experimented with shaping the flames, molding them into intricate patterns that danced and swirled with mesmerizing grace. I learned to manipulate the temperature and intensity of the flames, mastering the art of combustion with a finesse that belied my demonic nature.

No longer having my skin skin seared and scorched by their relentless onslaught at every attempt I was more than satisfied. The next step would be to be able to make the flames attain the proper size as it was still too small to be called an infernal Conflagration spell. Having gained an understanding of the spell I decided to call a maid to bring me lunch as I was famished before training in the other two spells..

Quickly a maid came and brought me to the side hall of the training ground, where guard captains took lunch when training Soldiers. As I entered the hall following the maid , I saw some maids who had finished making the table before retreating respectfully.

"Your lunch is ready, young master. If you need anything else, please let me know. "said the maid respectfully

"has my mother already gone in seclusion" I asked

"yes, young master. After the baroness, finished the discussion in the grand hall yesterday she immediately went into seclusion.."

"What about those guards and maids who were summoned yesterday?? Has my mother left any instruction?" I continued

"most of those who were summoned by the baroness except Alexia, have either gone into seclusion or are doing their final preparation before going into seclusion delegating their task to others. Furthermore, during the night yesterday, 3 people were found dead.. It is suspected that they were spies, which prompted the baroness to give the order to silence them. Their house have been searched but nothing much was found…Before going the baroness has designated the young master as responsible for the territory's affairs. She also instructed Alexia to help you in case you face any problems " replied the maid

"very well if there are any problems you can notify me, oh.. And before I forget find someone to create a map marking every nearby territories and their affiliations. It should be ready in two weeks.. And find someone to inform Alexia that she can go into seclusion, and try to break through. " I ordered

"It should not take long for her. She was already at the very peak of demon vassal realm, needing only a small opportunity to break through "I muttered to myself

Finishing my lunch, I decided to practice the Nether Grasp spell.

Following the correct signs and incantation I beckoned forth the spectral tendrils of the Nether Grasp. I felt the chill of the underworld seep into my bones. Based on the spell books, the first contact with the Nether energy was difficult and depends on the affinity with Nether energy, for those with low affinity it could even takes days to control a bit of Nether energy. Nether energy also exerts a potent influence on the mind, shaping thoughts, emotions, and perceptions in ways that can be both profound and perilous. Thus one must have a strong will and determination to effectively use Nether energy.

At first, the energy like shadows remained elusive, slipping through my grasp like smoke on the wind. I tried to control a bit of Nether energy for hours but to no avail. The Nether energy seeped into my body causing me to grow restless and frustrated. But I persisted without stop until finally I managed to control a bit of Nether energy. Having been training for the whole day, I finally laid down on the ground exhausted.

I then decided to have dinner and rest. The next day I started training again. With the newfound control over a strand of Nether energy I delve deeper into the mysteries of the Nether Grasp. I studied the intricacies involved in controlling the Nether energy. Through tireless practice and unwavering determination, he began to unravel the secrets of the Nether Grasp, forging a connection with the Nether energy that lurked within.