
Demon Lord Reincarnated to The Future

In the perilous realm of Murim, the Demon Lord Ji-Hoon stood at the pinnacle of power, his name evoking fear among orthodox factions seeking his demise. Pursued relentlessly, he faced insurmountable odds, battling thousands of martial arts masters and witnessing the tragic fall of his comrades. In a final desperate stand, Ji-Hoon confronts the Blade Master, drained of strength and outnumbered. With no path to victory, he makes the ultimate sacrifice, unleashing a forbidden technique that engulfs him in a cataclysmic explosion, obliterating everything in its wake. But instead of meeting his fate in the afterlife, Ji-Hoon awakens in a future Earth, the year 2023. A world teeming with hunters, individuals who combat interdimensional monsters emerging from portals known as gates. Guilds and powerful factions dominate this new era, with ten guilds reigning as pillars of strength. Remarkably, Ji-Hoon is reborn in South Korea, his once formidable presence reduced to that of a child. In a world where power reigns supreme, the pursuit of becoming a hunter becomes an obsession for all. Little do they know of the impending cataclysm that awaits humanity. Nightmares from other dimensions threaten to consume Earth, and it is Ji-Hoon, the reincarnated Demon Lord, who holds the key to their salvation. As he embarks on a journey to reclaim his memories and unlock his newfound potential, he becomes humanity's last hope. With each battle, he grows stronger, not only facing the nightmares but also the demons from his past. The fate of the world rests on his shoulders as he fights to protect the fragile existence of mankind.

Bijuudark · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Static Portal

Yeon Ji-Hoon had been trapped in a monotonous existence, his days stretching before him with nothing but meditation and skill training.

Although he had been diligently working on expanding his qi capacity and honing his martial arts skills, the absence of genuine battles left him feeling unfulfilled.

The once exhilarating life of a fighter had been reduced to a mundane routine, and Ji-Hoon longed for an opportunity to put his newfound power to the test.

One restless afternoon, as Ji-Hoon sat in contemplation, his mind wandered through memories of thrilling combat.

Images of epic clashes and adrenaline-pumping encounters danced before his eyes, stirring a restless fire within him. He yearned for the rush of battle, the clash of steel, and the satisfaction of killing.

Unable to contain his boredom any longer, Ji-Hoon decided to approach Min-Jae with a request. "Min-Jae, I'm incredibly bored. Can't we do something exciting?" he implored, hoping for a chance to break free from the mundane routine.

A mischievous smile graced Min-Jae's face as he replied, "Well, I think I have just the thing. How about we visit the static portal?"

Intrigued, Ji-Hoon inquired, "What's a static portal?"

Min-Jae explained, "It's a portal from which monsters continuously emerge, but unlike regular portals, the static portal remains open indefinitely. It's a constant source of challenge and danger."

A surge of exhilaration coursed through Ji-Hoon's veins as he absorbed Min-Jae's words. The prospect of an unending gauntlet of battles, where each encounter would push him to the brink of his abilities, held an irresistible allure.

It was the chance he had been yearning for, a way to break free from the chains of monotony and test the limits of his newfound power.

Preparing himself for the unknown, Ji-Hoon gathered his necessary supplies. The day of their expedition arrived, and Ji-Hoon made his way to the location Min-Jae had disclosed.

Upon his arrival, he was taken aback by the presence of numerous hunters already congregated around the portal. Min-Jae greeted him with uncontainable excitement.

"You're finally here!" Min-Jae exclaimed, a glint of anticipation in his eyes.

Perplexed by the crowd, Ji-Hoon inquired, "Why are there so many people here?"

A proud smile adorned Min-Jae's face as he explained, "They are our team for today's portal raid!"

"P-Portal raid?" Ji-Hoon questioned, his curiosity piqued.

Min-Jae's expression grew animated as he began to enlighten Ji-Hoon about the concept of a portal raid. His words painted a vivid picture of a thrilling adventure that awaited them.

A portal raid, Min-Jae explained, was an organized expedition where a team of skilled hunters ventured into the depths of a portal to acquire valuable materials, slay formidable monsters, and discover ancient artifacts hidden within.

"The static portal we will be venturing into is designated as a D-Rank Portal," Min-Jae elaborated, his voice filled with a mix of caution and excitement.

"Although it may be considered a lower-ranking portal, it can still present potential dangers. The monsters that emerge from it may not be as formidable as those in higher-ranked portals, but they can still pose a significant challenge."

Ji-Hoon's curiosity intensified as he listened intently, his imagination conjuring visions of epic battles and the rewards that awaited them within the portal.

He could almost taste the thrill of victory and the satisfaction of acquiring rare treasures.

"The number of hunters in a team for a portal raid depends on the portal's rank," Min-Jae continued, his tone conveying a sense of strategic planning. "For a D-Rank Portal like this one, a team of four or five skilled hunters should suffice. It's important to strike a balance between strength and versatility."

Ji-Hoon nodded, his mind racing with the possibilities. He envisioned a team of hunters working in harmony, each bringing their unique skills and abilities to overcome the challenges that lay ahead. The camaraderie, trust, and reliance on one another would be vital for their success.

"As we venture into the portal, our primary objectives will be to eliminate the monsters that emerge and collect valuable materials," Min-Jae explained, his voice brimming with determination.

"The portal itself is a treasure trove of resources, and the creatures within may yield rare components that can enhance our abilities and equipment. Furthermore, deep within the depths of the portal, there may be ancient artifacts of immense power waiting to be discovered."

Ji-Hoon's excitement soared. Not only would the portal raid provide the exhilarating battles he craved, but it also offered the potential for substantial growth and the acquisition of invaluable resources.

The prospect of uncovering ancient relics that could amplify their skills and reshape their destiny fueled his determination to embark on this perilous journey.

Ji-Hoon noticed that Min-Jae's father had assembled a team of ten experienced hunters, consisting of seven Initiates and three Adepts.

Despite their prowess, Ji-Hoon, brimming with confidence, opted not to carry any weapons or armor, much to Min-Jae's concern.

The other hunters, observing Ji-Hoon's audacious decision, exchanged skeptical glances.

"Just follow our instructions, or you might get hurt," warned one of the Adept hunters, attempting to dissuade Ji-Hoon from his reckless choice.

Ji-Hoon maintained his unwavering resolve, his eyes gleaming with determination. Without uttering a word, he simply nodded, silently assuring them that he knew what he was doing.

The team ventured into the portal, immediately sensing a shift in the atmosphere. The cave emanated a distinctive mana, warning of imminent danger.

Ji-Hoon's instincts heightened, and he alerted the team of an impending threat. However, the Adept hunter dismissed his warning with a scoff, believing it to be a jest at best.

To their astonishment, a horde of goblins and orcs suddenly materialized before them.

The hunters were caught off guard, freezing in a mixture of shock and fear. But Ji-Hoon refused to succumb to the surprise.

Summoning every ounce of his inner strength, Ji-Hoon drew upon the depths of his qi and took a deep, resolute breath.

The energy surged within him, coiling and building like a tempest on the verge of release. With a primal roar, he unleashed his power upon the horde of monsters that stood before him.

A torrent of raw force erupted from Ji-Hoon's being, rippling through the air and engulfing the battlefield. The shockwave of his attack shattered the tranquility of the surroundings, scattering debris and dust in its wake.

The sheer magnitude of his unleashed power left everyone, friend and foe alike, frozen in a moment of awestruck silence.

Wide-eyed and slack-jawed, the hunters, including the seasoned Adept, could only bear witness to the sheer devastation wrought by Ji-Hoon's formidable strike.

The force of his blow decimated the ranks of the monsters, scattering their remains across the cavern floor. The ground trembled beneath their feet, a testament to the unleashed might that Ji-Hoon possessed.

The air crackled with a newfound energy, the lingering echoes of Ji-Hoon's attack vibrating through the atmosphere.

The weight of his presence, now undeniable, settled upon the hunters as they cast astonished glances at one another.

The realization dawned upon them that they stood in the presence of a force that surpassed their expectations—an unyielding warrior whose power transcended the boundaries of their previous encounters.

"These are nothing but weak monsters. Why are you all so afraid?" Ji-Hoon declared, his voice laced with conviction as he peered into their bewildered eyes.

Grateful for Ji-Hoon's intervention, Min-Jae expressed his appreciation. "Thank you, Ji-Hoon. I didn't expect monsters to appear so soon. You truly have become stronger."

As the other hunters busied themselves with disposing of the fallen creatures, Ji-Hoon patiently waited. Once the cleanup was complete, he took the initiative, proclaiming, "I will lead the way. Just follow my lead."

His commanding presence silenced any objections, and the hunters agreed to follow Ji-Hoon's lead, sensing an air of authority emanating from him.

As they delved deeper into the portal, they encountered various traps and encountered more formidable monsters.

Ji-Hoon's guidance proved invaluable as he skillfully guided the team, ensuring their safety while dispatching adversaries effortlessly.

Finally, after navigating through treacherous terrain, they reached a grandiose chamber. Standing before them was an imposing door that resisted the hunters' efforts to open it. Perplexed, Ji-Hoon turned to Min-Jae, seeking answers.

"Do you have any idea what this is?" Ji-Hoon asked.

Shaking his head, Min-Jae admitted, "I don't know. This is my first time encountering something like this."

Determined not to be thwarted by a mere door, Ji-Hoon decided to employ his formidable power.

With a surge of strength, he pushed the door open, revealing an initially empty room. However, Ji-Hoon's heightened senses detected an overwhelming surge of energy lingering within.

"Stay behind me, everyone!" Ji-Hoon bellowed, a note of urgency in his voice.

Without warning, a colossal fireball hurtled towards them, aimed with malicious intent. Ji-Hoon swiftly intercepted the attack, shielding his comrades from harm. The source of the assault revealed itself—a formidable boss room housing both a Chief Orc and a Goblin Shaman.

The room fell into a palpable silence, punctuated by the hunter's incredulous question that hung in the air like a shroud of doubt.

All eyes turned to the chaotic scene before them, where hordes of grotesque creatures—Chief Orcs and Goblin Shamans—congregated in an unlikely union. The air crackled with a foreboding energy, swirling with malevolence and defiance of the portal's supposed limitations.

The seasoned hunters, their collective experience etched on weathered faces, exchanged worried glances and murmured amongst themselves.

This unforeseen turn of events had shattered their preconceived notions and left them questioning the very foundations of their understanding.

How could such formidable adversaries have infiltrated a supposedly low-ranking portal?