
Demon Lord Jaune Arc

"I am Jaune Arc, the Demon Lord of Remnant! Let all who are my enemies tremble in fear! Let those under me bask in my glorious presence and know peace! None shall stand in my way, neither devil nor God! Not even those beyond this limited universe shall pose a threat to my glorious kingdom! So come and face me if you dare!" Synopsis: Jaune wakes up one day with memories of a man from Earth. Unwilling to be a pawn in the immortal game, he decided to flip the board and become a leader that follows his own desires while becoming the Demon Lord Jaune Arc in the process.

Neo_Acer · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 3

*Clash* *Clash* *Clash*

'God, I love the sound of a weapon clashing against another. God, I'm becoming a battle maniac.' Jaune thought as he deflected a thrust from his father and sent an attack that his father dodged with grace.

Whatever happened after their talk, Nicholas had been training Jaune in combat. When he wasn't training, he was either tinkering with his scroll or building up his magic pool using his aura.

And what a doozy the tech of this world was. While in RWBY, it showed that only a genius like Watts could hack the CCT and other tech from Atlas; that wasn't true at all. Anyone with a basic education in cyber security on Earth could break into every database on Remnant with little difficulty.

Not that Jaune could blame them. After all, Earth has had plenty of Cyberwarfare which allowed Earth to increase its protection against cyber attacks. Remnant, on the other hand, has barely scratched the surface since they focused more on their A.I. and mechs, and the only wars that the current humanity is aware of are the Great War, the faunus rights revolution, and the war against the Grimm. They have never had to deal with a cyber-attack; thus, they only had the bare minimum of defenses.

And with his memories from David, who worked in cyber security on Earth, Jaune could hack into the CCT and the world. And what he found disgusted him to the core.

Human experimentation, known rouge huntresses and hunters, backhand payment through council officials, slavery, all of that, and more was happening right under the surface.

'I need to get stronger. And to do that, I need to perform a harvest festival or reach enlightenment to evolve. And while I would rather not go down the demon lord route and kill thousands. I don't have time to mess around for an untold amount of years without knowing how long it takes to reach enlightenment. So by next year, I'll leave to start creating my demon lord seed and recruiting people for my faction. And I know the perfect people to provide me the energy I need for my demon lord seed.' Jaune thought while glaring at the ceiling from the ground after his father beat him over the head for being distracted. His rage was barely contained, but if one looked into his blue eyes, all you would see was a storm brewing and ready to destroy anything in his path.


A year passed in the blink of an eye for Jaune, who was now six years old, as he continued his training diligently. In that time, he unlocked his semblance aura amp that helped him develop his magicules since he could boost his aura capacity and spend even more aura to create magicules.

"Sorry guys, I'll make sure to call, but I have to go," Jaune whispered as he stood on the windowsill. Jaune made sure to leave a letter that told them a vague idea of what he would do while he was gone, along with his scroll number.

Using his [Darkness Manipulation], Jaune covered himself in a large black cloak made of shadows before jumping out of the window on the second floor.

Using his [Hard-Light Manipulation] skill, Jaune created small platforms under his feet as he descended to the ground.

Touching down on the ground, Jaune ran into the forest, disappearing into the night.


'This is a disaster.' Nicholas thought while sitting in the living room with his entire family crying.

It all started with Jaune not showing up to the usual morning practice, which was unusual since Jaune was usually there before him.

Then as the hours passed and enlisting the help of the family to search the entire house, they finally found the letter in his room and an open window.

After reading the letter, Nicholas had the urge to choke his son for the sheer stupidity of getting in-field experience by traveling Remnant. The only saving grace was that he left his scroll number, which could be used to track him whenever he was in the range of a CCT tower.

But his wife and daughters thought differently since as soon as they heard the news, they began crying.

'Damn it, son, don't you dare die. I still have to punch you for being so irresponsible.' Nicholas thought while gritting his teeth, his fist tightening, which popped menacingly.


"Why do I have the sudden urge to run for my life?" Jaune asked the dying Grimm around him. But as expected, they gave only silence causing Jaune to sigh before using predator on the pack of Ursa.

"I'm just glad this has been easy so far," Jaune said as he continued on his way. Grimm, like they were shown, were extremely weak, but a large enough group could take down teams of huntsmen in an instant. But Jaune mainly was relying on outlasting his opponents by having a hard-light shield around his body, then his aura, and finally, if his aura broke at any point, he had his [Body Armor] skill to create armor on his legs, chest, and arms that sat comfortably under his clothes.

Yes, Jaune was a literal tank in every sense of the word.

'Alright, first stop is Vale, but it's going to take me a couple of days to travel on foot.' Jaune thought while looking at the map on his scroll.

Before he could do anything else, however, he saw a tower of smoke in the distance.

'Damn it!' Jaune thought before sprinting in the direction of the smoke. 'Calm down, Jaune. It could just be a nice bonfire with kids happily playing around it.'

It didn't take long until Jaune arrived at where the tower of smoke originated from, leaving him horrified.

It was a small village that was entirely on fire, and because of all the negativity, the Grimm were coming in droves. But what horrified him was the group of people going around looting the place while anyone that got in their way.

Jaune didn't think anymore. He just ran toward the burning village. With only one thought in his mind. To kill every single bandit and Grimm in sight.

Once he was in the village, he rushed at one of the bandits that was about to kill a woman who was protecting a child. Before he could pull the trigger on his gun, Jaune appeared beside him and cut off his hand, causing it to fly through the air.

The man looked down in confusion, not seeing the woman in front of him dead. But then he saw his missing hand and had a flash of realization across his face before it contorted in pain.

Just as he was about to scream, Jaune covered the man's mouth with an armored hand before he thrust his sword into the man's chest. "Die, you scum." Jaune said with venom lacing every word that came out of his mouth.

Pulling his sword out, Jaune flicked the blood off his blade before using [Predator] on the body, making it disappear. Turning to the woman and child, Jaune couldn't help but notice the looks of fear on both their faces.

Sighing, Jaune began walking away, but not before giving them some advice. "You should hide for the time being and wait until the fires die down before doing anything."

With that, Jaune began slaughtering any bandits or Grimm that came into his path of destruction.

"Wait, wait, wait! I can get you dust, lien, and materials! Anything, just let me live!" The man pleaded for his life. Not that Jaune gave him any mercy since he didn't listen to him and cut off his head.

Ten minutes later and the entire town was clear of both Grimm and bandits while the fire was put out thanks to the rain that rolled in.

Jaune, after finishing the last bandits, just stood in the middle of the destroyed village, contemplating his actions. He had just killed humans for the first time, and he felt nothing besides satisfaction at killing those monsters in human skin. 'And I would gladly do it again.'

Before Jaune could contemplate further, the people that had survived the attack started to come out.

"T-thank you, mister." A young girl said with a small smile while walking up to Jaune.

Releasing a small smile, Jaune patted the girl's head. "Don't worry about it." With that, the rest of the people began to cheer and give Jaune praise.

But all good things had to come to an end, and Jaune needed to start heading out so he could make it to Vale. As he was leaving the village, he stopped hearing a man call out to him.

"Um, we never asked but who are you?"

Closing his eyes, Jaune began to contemplate before opening his eyes and turning around to face the villagers. "I am the future demon lord of Remnant. Due well and remember it, for I will change this world so that this never happens again." With that, Jaune walked away, not knowing he had started something that would cause waves to travel through Remnant. But that is a story for another time.