
Demon Lord Jaune Arc

"I am Jaune Arc, the Demon Lord of Remnant! Let all who are my enemies tremble in fear! Let those under me bask in my glorious presence and know peace! None shall stand in my way, neither devil nor God! Not even those beyond this limited universe shall pose a threat to my glorious kingdom! So come and face me if you dare!" Synopsis: Jaune wakes up one day with memories of a man from Earth. Unwilling to be a pawn in the immortal game, he decided to flip the board and become a leader that follows his own desires while becoming the Demon Lord Jaune Arc in the process.

Neo_Acer · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 10

"Alright, Honey you got this. After all, you've been practicing diligently. " Jaune said with a smile while looking through the glass to the recording room while starting the recording.

Releasing a sigh, Honey stepped up to the mic and began singing.

As she sang, Jaune couldn't help but smile listening to her sing Weaker by ReoNa. After a month of being in control of the Spider, Jaune was finally getting ready to start one of the many ideas he had to make money, creating a famous singer.

After having [Great Sage] go through his memories, Jaune wrote down those songs for his use later. And now they are doing their final recording before uploading it to the CCTS network.

Once Honey finally finished, Jaune pulled his scroll out of the mixing console and began uploading it.

Stepping out of the recording room, Honey released a sigh of relief as she leaned against the door. "That was nerve-wracking."

"I bet, but now your hard work has paid off," Jaune said, showing her the uploaded video. As Jaune was about to speak again his scroll began to ring. Seeing who it was he gave Honey an apologetic smile as he headed towards the door, "Sorry Honey got to take this." Jaune said as he answered the scroll as he stepped out of the room. "Hey… Mom."

"Jaune how are you!? Are you okay!? Are you eating healthy!? And how did you get to Mistral last month!?" Alexandra asked frantically.

"Wait, wait, wait, calm down Mom one question at a time," Jaune said with a sigh though he couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

"Are you doing well Jaune?" Alexandra asked calmly.

"I'm doing fine Mom. I assume everyone is there with you." Jaune asked while walking out of the building onto the rooftop.

"We're all here son/little brother/Jaune!" The voices of his father Nicholas, and his sisters Saphron, Coral, Sarah, Hannah, Nicole, and Lauren.

"It's good to hear from you guys," Jaune said with a laugh as he began telling them an edited version of what he was doing so they wouldn't worry.

"So son, when do you think you'll come back home?" Nicholas asked.

Jaune hearing his question caused him to release a sigh. "If all my plans all line up I should be back in two years."

"I see… Well son, just make sure to call us from time to time. We're all worried about you."

"You got it, Dad." Jaune said before feeling the person appear behind him [Aura Sense], "Guys I got to go but I'll make sure to call when I'm free."

"See you later then Jaune and make sure to call!" Alexandra said tearfully. With a couple more goodbyes Jaune hung up the scroll.

Turning around, Jaune looked down at the kneeling Alice, "Alice report." Jaune said seriously.

"My lord, we have finally located the Branwen tribe. They have been moving constantly but we have finally pinned them down."

"I guess I'll start preparing then," Jaune said as he began heading towards the door of the roof.

"My lord, do you truly have to do this alone?" Alice asked with concern as a frown marred her face.

"Like I told you before Alice, Raven is both extremely arrogant and also a massive coward. If I bring all the people you want me to bring then Raven will immediately run her tribe be damned. So I shall go by myself so that she underestimates me." Jaune said before drawing the blade from off his waist while looking at the blade as the black metal reflected the sun's rays. "Also this is the perfect time to test my swordsmanship against someone of her caliber."

"I… understand my lord," Alice said reluctantly before disappearing via [Shadow Movement].

'I glad I have subordinates like her who actually care about me.' Jaune thought with a smile while heading back into the building. 'Well Raven, I hope you're ready to serve me in the future.'


Something was stirring, Ozpin could feel it. After living thousands of years due to reincarnating he had gained a sixth sense to this type of thing. And whenever the feeling came it usually meant that Salem was on the move.

Thinking of his ex-wife caused Ozpin to release a mournful sigh before banishing the thought as the elevator door opened and Glynda stepped in.

"I'm sorry sir I wasn't able to do anything." She said with a sigh while taking a seat in front of him.

"It's fine Glynda I'm just glad they took responsibility and helped restore the areas they fought in," Ozpin said as he thought about the gang war that happened seven months ago.

After the fight apparently someone took control of the survivors of both the Spider and Xiong Family and changed how they operated. While that was all well and good he didn't know who was in charge with Glynda and Qrow only able to find out he was referred to as the Demon Lord.

'Salem, is this one of your schemes to take control I wonder?' Ozpin thought.

"Ozpin!" The voice of Glynda pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought. What were you saying?"

"I was saying I wish we could deal with that crime syndicate but they aren't doing anything illegal and if they are covering their tracks well. And with no evidence I would be just accusing them and they could easily get out of jail."

"Yes, that's truly unfortunate. Hopefully, we will find out this 'Demon Lord's' true intentions soon." Ozpin said with a sigh, "And have we found the Spring Maiden yet?"

"Sorry, sir even after all these months we still haven't found her after she ran away months ago."

Ozpin sighed once more, 'I feel I'm going to be sighing a lot in the future.'


"Remember to circle back around in an hour," Jaune said while looking at the man in the pilot's seat.

"Got it, sir." The man nodded before opening the side door of the bullhead.

Taking his scroll out Jaune started a timer for an hour before pocketing it and jumping out of the bullhead.

As the wind whipped past him Jaune looked to the south, seeing where the Branwen tribe was set up in the distance. They were using an abandoned village with old brick walls surrounding it and a forest surrounding the village. With but a thought Jaune righted himself in the air and then used [Gravity Manipulation] to slow his fall until he gently touched down on the ground.

"Show time," Jaune whispered before dashing towards the camp. Under the cover of night and a cloak made from his [Darkness Manipulation] Jaune easily blended in with the surrounding darkness.

It didn't take long for him to start sensing humans with his [Aura Sense]. 'Ten people are patrolling right now I'll take them out first.'

Coming up to the first person Jaune used [Shadow Movement] to appear from the woman's shadow. Before she could react Jaune had stabbed her in the spine with a dagger and covered her mouth with [Sticky-Steel Threads] to muffle her scream of pain.

With her spinal cord severed she couldn't even struggle as she died in his arms. Using [Gluttony] he absorbed the woman, getting rid of the body as well as getting more soul energy.

This continued with Jaune systematically killing off all the people patrolling until there was no one left.

"Now for stage two," Jaune said before confidently walking toward the front gate, discarding his cloak and drawing his sword, gaining the attention of the two guys standing over it.

The two of them looked at each other before shrugging, pointing their guns at Jaune, and then firing.

Jaune continued to walk forward and with a flick, he deflected the bullets away from himself and gave a cocky smile toward the two.

Recognizing the threat that he was one of the men ran away to warn the rest of the tribe while the other began shooting to stall for time.

But it was all for naught since each bullet was deflected with ease causing the man to become increasingly scared that by the time Jaune was near the wall, the man was missing all his shots due to his trembling hands.

Feeling the various people moving around in the village, Jaune leaped and landed on the wall right next to the man who was shooting at him.

"I would say I'm sorry about this but I'm not a liar so I'll say how I really feel. You're a disgusting creature that isn't fit to live and as the future demon lord of Remnant it is my right to judge all those under me so… prepare yourself for your execution!" Jaune said before beheading the man his fear-stricken expression forever painted on his face.


Stepping backward Jaune stepped backward before turning his head to the left and seeing the group of people gathered around the area below the gate.

Looking into the distance Jaune saw Raven standing on a building in the middle of the village and a young woman next to her.

Raven wore the same outfit as when she was on team STRQ and shown in RWBY, which consisted of a V-neck black and red wrap style top with a black pleated skirt that has black shorts underneath, with a series of beaded necklaces. She also wears a red obi sash around her waist alongside a red tassel wrapped around her waist that carries her weapon, Omen, an Ōdachi made from solid Dust, and her blade-changing sheath. Attached to it is a long black object that is either fur or feathers, with a red and white bandana material hanging from behind her. Her forearms bear red armored gauntlets that protrude outwards and black fingerless gloves. She also wears black mid-thigh high boots with red soles and solid black heels that have armor plating with red splatter patterns and black heels.

Her most distinguished feature was the Grimm-like full mask that she wore that she used for both intimidation and to hide her maiden power.

The young woman on the other hand had shoulder-length dark-brown hair that has one long strand of hair which she keeps combed neatly to the left side of her face and chocolate brown eyes.

Narrowing his eyes Jaune immediately understood who that girl was and what that meant. 'So that's the spring maiden huh.' Jaune thought before shaking his head, 'I'll deal with those two later for now I need to take out the trash.' Jaune thought before jumping down to the crowd of bandits below him. They all took that opportunity to shoot at him but he dodged or parried everything that came at him.

Once he was close to the ground Jaune used [Sticky-Steel Threads] to pull one of the many bandits up to him and kicked the bandit and used him as a springboard snapping the bandit's neck in the process.

Still being in the air Jaune flipped over and sliced off a woman's head before he landed on the ground.

After landing the slaughter began with Jaune killing anyone who got in his way and any attempts to take him down were ineffective due to his strength and speed and any attacks that did land were dealt with by his aura. The only time he didn't kill is when one of the many children that were fighting came up to them which he simply knocked out. He even saw a tiny Vernal who looked like a younger version of her canon counterpart.

It didn't take long for half the village bandits to be either killed or knocked out and Raven and the spring maiden made their move.

The spring maiden ran in his direction but Raven went in the opposite direction disappearing from his sight but he knew their plan as soon as he saw the raven form of Raven fly from where she came from.

'So she plans to ambush me. Foolish Raven tricks only work on those who haven't seen them.' Jaune thought as he dodged another strike and made his way toward the spring maiden.

It didn't take long for Jaune to meet up with the spring maiden and Jaune could immediately tell she wasn't a fighter with her slightly trembling hands that held her bow and trembling knees that shook like noodles.

'Alright I just need to wait for Raven and then it's checkmate.' Jaune thought before clashing with the spring maiden.

She was decently skilled Jaune could give her that but she was mostly on the defensive. He could have ended it in one strike if he wished to but he needed to draw out Raven.

And the foolishly arrogant bandit leader took the bait swooping down in her bird form before changing back to her human form and unsheathed her Ōdachi, a fire dust blade drawn to take off Jaune's neck.

Jaune's only response to his deadly situation was to smile widely. '[Great Sage] activate Intrinsic skill [Small World].'

["Understood. Activating Intrinsic Skill [Small World: Blue Rose Garden of the Demon Lord]]

A blinding golden light was released from his body enveloping himself, the spring maiden, and Raven. Disappearing from the village.


When Jaune opened his eyes once more he was in a new area entirely. Underfoot and stretching as far as the eye could see were beautiful blue roses untainted by man, their beauty undeniable. And in the sky above him was a beautiful night sky with billions of stars that twinkled with light.

"It's beautiful isn't it Raven," Jaune said while turning to the two women, letting him see the way Raven flinched at the mention of her name.

Without a second thought, Raven turned around and swiped her sword down but nothing happened.

"Now, now Raven, there's no reason to run away after all we're going to have a long chat about you and spring over here," Jaune said with a laugh seeing her pitiful attempts to use her semblance but in [Small World] he was a God among men so simply sealing the space was child's play.

Raven didn't say anything, just dashing forward to take off his head but it was blocked with ease, and even with all her strength she couldn't move Jaune a millimeter.

Pushing Raven back Jaune continued to smile which seemed to anger her greatly since she came at Jaune again much more ferociously than before. Their fight was a dance of steel and the chimes of metal striking metal resounded throughout the world.

"Heather!" Raven yelled while jumping back.

"R-right!" The now named Heather stuttered out before a pitiful amount of magicules gathered around her and her eyes were shrouded by a fiery orange glow. Lifting her hand she gathered electricity in her hands before throwing it at Jaune.

Without even saying anything Jaune just lifted his hand and used [Gluttony] to completely absorb the magic attack.

"I hope you weren't hoping to overpower me with magic Raven, after all that old man and Salem aren't the only ones with magic," Jaune said as he looked at the silent Raven. "Now Raven…" Dashing forward Jaune delivered three consecutive slashes that caused her aura to shatter. "You work for me now after all the weak have no rights and can only follow the strong or die right?"