
The fox vs the returner

Tsukiko watched as her most loyal subordinates died in front of her. She wanted to save them, but at the critical moment, Kretos's warning rang in her head. The moment she hesitated it was already too late. The two Oni brothers died as they were bombarded by those new weapons the humans were using. The two fell to the ground their bodies full of holes, and blood that flowed like a river. 

Tsukiko hated herself for not being able to do anything. She hated that she actually hesitated to save the two. That brief moment of hesitation was all it took, now they were dead and gone forever. Tsukiko grabbed her chest as she tried to control her emotions but it proved to be quite difficult, as this was the first time after she gained the strength of a demon lord that she has ever lost someone close to her.

She always thought that her power and wisdom were enough to protect what she wanted to protect.

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