
Demon Kura

Kura is killed and gets reincarnated in another world. He sets out to get stronger to never watch those around him suffer again.

MosesYT_Games · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Now that I had completed the daily quest, I returned to the cave I had originally appeared in. That's when I ran into a problem. Food and water. I had goblin meat, but I don't think I could stomach eating the meat raw. I didn't have anything to start a fire with, so I didn't know what to do.

Of course, if it came down to it, I would eat the goblin meat raw, but I wasn't at that point yet.

'System, how much money will a simple fire skill and simple water skill cost?'

Tti-ring Tti-ring

[To earn the skill (Fire)(Simple), Player Kura must pay a total of 5 silver coins.]

[To earn the skill (Water)(Simple), Player Kura must pay a total of 5 silver coins.]

'I love you System.'

No answer.

I went ahead and bought both fire and water skills. I needed them if I was going to survive in this new life. I know I won't be in this place forever, but for the time being, I needed to eat and drink.

'System, where am I currently?'

[Player Kura is currently in a low-level dungeon provided by the system. You will not find any other race except for monsters in this dungeon. This dungeon also has three parts to it. The first part is the low-level dungeon. The second part is the mid-level dungeon. The third part is the high-level dungeon.]

As I finished reading the system message, I looked into the new skills I just got.

[(Fire)(Simple) Level: 1; Cost to activate: 10 Mana; Cool-down: 10 Minutes; Upon activation, fire will be lit in a cone-shaped 17 cm by 17cm area; Proficiency: 0/50]

[(Water)(Simple) Level: 1; Cost to activate: 10 Mana; Cool-down: 10 Minutes; Upon activation, water will be poured in a cone-shaped 17 cm by 17cm area; Proficiency: 0/50]

I could use the goblin tooth as a type of kindling for the fire. I currently have three pieces. These three pieces should last me for today. Tomorrow, when I got another daily quest, I would hunt goblins like crazy. I need to stockpile the goblin teeth.

'System, how much will a simple transmutation skill cost?'

[To earn the skill (Transmutation)(Simple), Player Kura must pay a total of 15 silver coins.]

'It's a little expensive, but it's doable.'

The transmutation skill would be important when crafting items, but what I really need it for right now is that it could be of some use in making traps and simple houses. Even though it would be a simple stone house, it would be better than sleeping out in the open.

Transmutation can be used to purify an ore from its impurities, or it can be used to change the form of ores in a certain radius. The earth can also be changed using transmutation skills.

I started a fire with my new skill, Fire. I used one of the goblin teeth as kindling. Surprisingly, when I set the tooth in the fire, it didn't immediately burn. I slowly cooked some goblin meat over the fire for a little while.

When it was done cooking, I tried a bite out of it.

'Holy crap, this is horrible. Seasoning wouldn't even be able to make this enjoyable.'

I felt like spitting it out, but I knew I needed to get the food down. As soon as I finished eating the piece of meat, albeit unwillingly, I got a few system messages.

Tti-ring Tti-ring Tti-ring

[Player Kura has acquired the skill, 'Devourer'.]

[(Devourer) (Advanced) Level: 10; Passive; Upon eating any type of monster meat, you will gain triple the amount of nutrients you can gain in other food. You will also gain the buff, 'Goodwill'; Proficiency: 0/1000]

[(Goodwill)(Buff) -

1. All nutrients gained in the next two hours will be tripled (Can not be stacked)

2. All experience gained in the next two hours will be doubled (Can not be stacked)]

'Holy crap, that's an amazing buff!'

As I finished reading through the messages, I had already put another piece of goblin meat in my mouth. The taste didn't even bother me anymore. All I needed right now was the tripled nutrients.

Eventually, I was filled to the brim with goblin meat. So I prepared myself for the following morning, and eventually went to bed. I had my soldiers watching over the entrance of the cave while I slept.

'They are really convenient. They don't eat, drink, or sleep.'


I couldn't get the sight of my dead family members out of my head. The thought that I had failed them kept attacking me over and over. I felt guilty. I should have been there for them. I tried thinking of other things, but the thoughts I had failed them resurfaced again.

I loved them, and it hurt to think I would never be able to see them again.

Each time I was hit with a feeling of guilt, I lost more and more emotions.

Soo, I just didn't care anymore. It's probably a side effect of being a necromancer.

'Ah, I remember I loved them, but I don't have that feeling for them anymore. No point mourning over the dead.'

They were dead, and I was alive. That was that. The least I could do for them was to keep striving forward.


I woke up with sweat on my forehead. I felt different somehow, but I don't know what had changed. I kept trying to recall what I had been dreaming about. That's when I thought back to my family, but this time, when I thought about, I didn't feel anything.

I was a little surprised at first, but I didn't ponder too long about it. I didn't feel anything for them anymore, and there was nothing that could change that.

I ate some more of the goblin meat I had made the night before while waiting for the daily quest to trigger.


[Daily quest is now available.]

[Quest: Kill 10 goblins, 2 hobgoblins

Rewards: 350 EXP, 2 stat points to distribute

Time Limit: 24 Hours

Time Left: 24 Hours]

I stood up and stetched

'Let's do this!'


Kura, Age: 19

Race: Demon

Health: 1000

Currency: 6 Silver coins

Class: Necromancer

Soldiers: 9/9 (Increase by upgrading your intelligence)

Level: 2; Experience: 50/1800

Rank: D

Mana: 180

Stat points to distribute: 0

Strength: 8

Agility: 6

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 18

Skills -

(Unknown) (Unknown) Level: MAX; Passive

(Night) (Domain Skill) Level: 1; Cost to activate: 200 Mana; Duration: 1 Hour; Cool-down: 2 Hours;

Upon activation, darkness will envelop the area within 50 meters; Proficiency: 0/100

(Rise)(Class Skill) Cost to activate: 10 Mana; Cool-down: No cool-down; Upon activation, specified monster will become a soldier for you.

(Soldiers)(Class Skill) Cost to activate: 10 Mana; Duration: Until soldier dies; Cool-down: 0; Upon activation, soldiers will be called from your shadow.

(Identification)(Simple) Level: 1; Cost to activate: 0; Duration: Until player cancels it; Cool-down: 0; Upon activation, you will be able to see the basic information about an item; Proficiency: 10/100

(Fire)(Simple) Level: 1; Cost to activate: 10 Mana; Cool-down: 10 Minutes; Upon activation, fire will be lit in a cone-shaped 17 cm by 17cm area; Proficiency: 1/50

(Water)(Simple) Level: 1; Cost to activate: 10 Mana; Cool-down: 10 Minutes; Upon activation, water will be poured in a cone-shaped 17 cm by 17cm area; Proficiency: 1/50

(Devourer) (Advanced) Level: 10; Passive; You will gain the buff, 'Goodwill'; Proficiency: 8/1000

Traits -

(Soldier Heal) Your soldiers will automatically heal at the cost of 10 Mana.

(Night Proficiency) When in the dark, your stats will double.

(Night Vision) You can see in the dark.]

Will be posting chapters every other day from now on!

MosesYT_Gamescreators' thoughts