
Demon King Working System

Jack, A 25-year-old guy walked through the streets with a very happy face. It's his first day of work and after staying unemployed for more than a year. He was finally able to get a job and also in one of the big companies. Jack was so excited that he arrived an hour ago before the given time. So he strolled through an alley near the building. He lighted his cigarette and enjoyed it while standing in the alley. SHOT... Suddenly a shot was fired and a murder happened there which was witnessed by Jack. "Holy shit!! Did I just witness a murder?" Jack shouted as he called the cops and started to record Everything on his phone. RING... "Who is there get him..." "Damn, these call centers. I forgot to silence my phone." Jack ran away with the proof of murder as two killers pursued him. "Damnit stop running you fucking rat." One of the killers screamed at Jack while running behind him "Damnit what type of shitty luck, I have why it always happened to me..." Jack screamed as he ran away from both the killers. SHOT... Suddenly a shot grazed his leg and he fell to the ground, as he screamed in pain. SIREN... Suddenly the Siren of cops sounded and Jack took a sigh of relief that he was saved. "Who called the cops, damnit..." one of them screamed as he asked his other partner and Jack decided to take this chance and tried to run away. SHOT... "What did you think, you could run away from us that easily..." "Hand up, all of you..." "We need an ambulance there is the injured person, he has been shot through the chest near the heart." 'So this is how I am going to die, really now that I got a good job too, why has it always happened with me?' As his crimson-red blood flows from his body, his life slowly fades away, and he falls into a deep slumber from which no one can ever get up. .............. 'Where am I?' Jack found himself drifting into a never-ending dark realm, which seemed to stretch infinitely. #YOU SO YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE OVER MY BODY INTERESTING...# Jack heard a voice but wasn't able to see anyone as the Voice talked with him Jack got to know many things and that he was going to a new fantasy world. #AND BEFORE YOU GO, I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE A GIFT TO YOU # The voice said as an unknown energy got inside Jack's body which was comfortable in its sense. #HAVE FUN DUDE AND USE MY GIFT PROPERLY...# The voice said and suddenly Jack's eyes shot open as he woke up and found himself in a new and very luxurious room. TIN TIN.... {SYSTEM IS ESTABLISHING CONNECTION TO THE HOST BODY.} {SYSTEM HAS ESTABLISHED THE CONNECTION. THE DEMON KING SYSTEM IS ONLINE} {SYSTEM IS EVALUATING HOST STATUS WINDOW.} "Ya!! I have my System that is so cool now I am also going to become an MC like those novel characters." With this Jack's new Adventure in an unknown world began.

Mask_Kk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


"Right this instant, get changed; we're leaving today..." Jack's words ignited excitement, his infectious enthusiasm setting the tone for their impending adventures.

"So, how do I look, Evelyn? Don't you think I'm the most dashing guy in the entire universe?"

"You... you look fantastic, Young Master..."

In the midst of preparing for his date... I mean, sightseeing excursion with Aurora, Jack experimented with new attire. Evelyn, his devoted personal maid, was his trusted advisor in this sartorial endeavor.

"Is that so? Well, that's delightful. So, what's the verdict? Have you fallen for me yet?" Jack inquired with a playful glint in his eye. Evelyn's reaction was priceless – a mixture of embarrassment and surprise.

"What... what are you implying, Master...? Why would I ever fall for you, Master...?" Her response was a blend of bashfulness and incredulity as she turned away, concealing her flushed cheeks with her hand.

She struggled to articulate, her embarrassment palpable as she hid her blushing face with her palm, making her words barely discernible.

"Really teasing this personal maid of mine is the best feeling in the world..." Jack mused silently, a playful glint dancing in his eyes as he continued with a gentle smile.

"Don't be so embarrassed, Eva. I'm just seeking your opinion as a testament to how sharp I look. After all, I wouldn't want to embarrass myself in front of others, and your judgment means the world to me..."

Jack's reassurance softened the air, prompting Evelyn to steal a glance at him, sneaking a peek at his outfit with a mixture of curiosity and admiration.

Jack adorned a sleek black three-piece waistcoat suit, adorned with vibrant blood-red stripes cascading down its length. The striking contrast of the crimson against the darkness accentuated his silver hair and mesmerizing crimson eyes, creating a captivating allure that could ensnare anyone with just a single glance. The tailored coat hugged his frame with effortless elegance, exuding an aura of confidence and sophistication. It was a sartorial masterpiece, meticulously chosen to command attention and admiration wherever he ventured. With each step, Jack emanated an irresistible charm, effortlessly drawing all eyes towards him, bewitching onlookers with his magnetic presence.

Jack had employed an ancient ARTIFACT, imbued with mystical powers, to conceal his formidable horns, transforming him into a strikingly handsome figure.

"Well, as much as I want to linger here and chat with you, I have a date... sightseeing session to attend, so I must bid you adieu, Evelyn..."

Saying that, Jack gently took Evelyn's hand, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it before gracefully departing from his room with a charming smile.

Witnessing the unexpected gesture, Evelyn's composed and professional facade shattered, replaced by a flush of bright red on her cheeks as she tried to make sense of the sudden encounter.


Demonic Order Teleportation Center

Jack stood within the grand halls of the DOTC, clutching a bouquet of vibrant red roses that exuded an aura of exquisite beauty.

"Isn't that the prince...?"

"Yes, the man of legends..."

"The one who triumphed in the Sword Tournament..."

Whispers swirled around him, but Jack paid little heed, his focus fixed on the imminent arrival of someone who promised to leave him utterly spellbound.

"Oh, look at her! She's absolutely stunning..."

"Yes, indeed..."

Amidst the murmurs, Jack turned, his attention captured by a figure gliding towards him with an enchanting grace. With each step, she emanated a captivating allure, capable of ensnaring hearts with a mere glance of her mesmerizing eyes and the graceful curves that adorned her form.


There she was, approaching him with deliberate elegance, a vision of beauty potent enough to render many speechless with admiration.

Aurora Frostblade, her dark blue locks cascading in a symphony of loose waves around her shoulders, emanated an aura of captivating mystique as she strode purposefully towards the protagonist. Her eyes, the color of the deepest ocean, shimmered with a subtle blend of curiosity and determination, reflecting the profound depths of her enigmatic soul.

Clad in a gown of flowing emerald green, its fabric trailing behind her like a whispering breeze, she seemed to glide effortlessly across the floor, her ethereal form standing out against the dimly lit hall. The vibrant hue of her attire provided a striking contrast against her cool-toned features, enhancing her otherworldly beauty.

With each graceful step, Aurora commanded attention, her presence an intoxicating blend of strength and allure. Her very essence seemed to captivate all who beheld her, drawing their gaze like moths to a flame, as she moved with an undeniable elegance that left a lingering imprint upon the senses.

Caught in Aurora's mesmerizing presence, Jack was oblivious to the admiring gazes of others, both men and women alike, who were equally captivated by her allure.

"You look stunning. And what's this bouquet for? I told you we're not going on a date..."

"Hmm... Well, it doesn't matter. We should always appreciate beauty, and you look so beautiful that I can't even find the right words to describe your radiance."

Jack's reverie was interrupted by a melodic voice, drawing his attention with curiosity.

"Don't try to flatter me..."

"Really, don't you have any confidence in yourself? Look around, everyone seems to have lost their senses. Even the girls are watching you with admiration, just like me."

As Jack gestured towards the onlookers, they quickly averted their curious glances.

"And here, take this..."

"Why only one rose? Why not the whole bouquet?"

"Well, there are seven roses for seven days, and I believe I'll need more to appreciate your beauty every day..."

Jack's words were accompanied by a beautiful smile and an intense gaze that didn't escape Aurora's notice, eliciting a subtle blush from her cheeks.

"Well, we don't have much time. Where are you planning to take me?"

"I've decided to take you to seven different places for our seven-day sightseeing adventure."

Jack extended his elbow with a charming smile, and Aurora happily linked her arm with his, joining him with a smile of her own.


"I'm surprised you didn't get sick after passing through the gate. You seem to be in better shape than others."

Jack and Aurora stood in the teleportation area of DAKONOS.

"I have a slight headache, but I'll be fine."

Damn... My head feels like it's going to explode, but I can't show weakness in front of her. What kind of guy would I be if I did that?

"Don't worry, after I take a short break, we'll be good to go."


"Hmm... So that's what a dragon looks like."

Right now, Jack and Aurora were strolling side by side through the bustling streets of the Dragon Territory. As they walked, Jack couldn't help but notice the diverse populace that populated the area. Many individuals bore small scales on their faces, a unique feature that distinguished them as residents of this extraordinary realm. Their eyes and hair displayed a remarkable array of colors, ranging from vivid hues of azure and emerald to deep shades of sapphire and amethyst, creating a captivating mosaic of diversity amidst the lively thoroughfare. Each passerby seemed to possess a distinct charm and character, adding to the vibrant tapestry of the Dragon Territory's cultural landscape.

"It is said that there were once Five Heavenly Dragons who were so powerful that many races had to sign a treaty to prevent their destruction. The royal families of this place are direct descendants of those dragons, divided into five houses: Dark and Death, Sky and Space, Earth and Rock, Flame and Mist, Water and Ice."

Aurora shared the history with Jack, who listened with keen interest.

"These commoners are the descendants of the royal families."

"Hmm... Well, it doesn't matter. After all, we're here for our sightseeing date. I've heard that the Dragon Territory boasts one of the best five-star hotels in the world. How about we have dinner here?"

With that suggestion, they entered the grand hotel, its majestic design captivating their attention.

"Shall we enter, my beautiful lady?"