
Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in Shadow' or 'To Be a Power in the Shadows' as the main character Cid Kagenō's little brother. This fanfiction story timeline will take place just after Shadow Garden and Cid saved his sister when she was kidnapped and two years before he goes to the capital.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 9 - Shadow Garden

To clarify what happened after Nee-san and I escaped through the hole in the wall, it's a simple story…

"Hey! Stop right there!"

The dark knights stationed outside the building nabbed me and tossed me back again into another cell. "Nice try you little shit."

"NO! Kuh-! Cid!! Leave him-"

"What is going on here?!"

While Nee-san fought vehemently to stop them, a striking red-haired girl suddenly appeared and ordered my release. She was probably an important character or something, as I later discovered she was none other than Iris Midgar herself, this kingdom's first princess.

After the first princess Iris dragged my Nee-san away for some questioning, I was left to my own devices.

"Get a move on, you fucker."

My back is pushed roughly as I am effectively evicted from the gate of the garrison. Then my belongings are thrown out right after me.

As I am now only in my underwear, I pick up my clothes and shoes and put them on right there and then. Because I no longer have fingernails on either hand, it takes a bit longer than usual.

After I finish arranging myself, I heave a sigh and then walk off.

Dear brother Anos-kun, it is crucial that you do not approach things with a half-hearted effort like this… Because it really sucks. If you decide to start a rescue event, then it is your responsibility as a last-boss character to ensure its completion.

"Mom! Dad! Look!"



The pedestrians going to and fro that I pass all stare at my 'scratches' and bloody appearance.

I heave another sigh.

"Stay calm, me. Stay calm. What's the point of flipping out over a few small potatoes?"

I try my best to not remember the face of the knight who interrogated me while maintaining a calm mind.

"They were merely doing their job."

My wounds are all only superficial, and I can grow my fingernails back whenever I want.

The only reason why I don't is to fully act out my mob character.

"Yes, I am the very definition of calm."


I take a deep breath. My vision widens back up.

Probing with my senses, I notice some suspicious presence.

"They put two tails on me, huh."

The kidnapper is yet to be found. Naturally, Alexia's safety is still unconfirmed.

My head is not so full of daisies that I think I have been acquitted. They didn't have enough evidence, but my name is definitely still on the list of suspects.

I keep my face down and pretend to be haggard and exhausted while making my way back to my dorm.

Along the way.


A really, really tiny voice reaches my ears.

Accompanied by the faint smell of a familiar perfume.

"Alpha, huh…"

The avenues are extremely crowded in the evenings. Her figure is nowhere to be seen.


Having returned to my dorm room, I turn on the lights.

From the shadows, a young girl reveals herself.

"You wanna eat?"

She is wearing a tight bodysuit that seems to be emphasizing her recently acquired assets.

In her hand is a thick sandwich filled with tuna, bought from the famous store MagRonald in the royal capital.

"Thanks. It's been a while, hasn't it, Alpha? What happened to Beta?"

I haven't had anything proper to eat for 5 days straight, so I attack the sandwich with gusto.

Beta was the one who had been supporting me recently.

"Beta? that girl… She can't bear to stay anywhere near 'him'. So, since I was close to the capital. I took her place temporarily."

Alpha answered as her voice turned cold when she said the word 'him'.

"This is very suspicious. How did 'he' manage to enter the capital without us noticing... What in the world is Zeta doing? Wasn't she assigned to keep a watchful eye on 'him'?"

Noticing the tension in the air every time Alpha said 'him', I decided it was best not to ask about 'him'.

"Do you think?..."

As I ate my meal, Alpha waited for my reply with a gaze fixed upon me. So, I responded with some random nonsense.

"Too early, It is not the time yet."

Hearing me, Alpha narrowed her eyes and muttered slowly. "I see... As we thought… he's on their side…"

"Pretty much."

I replied without much thought as I looked at the sandwich in my hands.

"I heard from Beta. Seems things have gotten a bit troublesome, hm?"

She sits on my bed and crosses her legs.

Both her silky blond hair and long-slitted blue eyes seem somehow nostalgic.

In the short time that she's left my sight, she has grown up so much.

"Guess so."

I throw the last scrap of the sandwich into my mouth.

"There's water in that."


I drain the large cup in one breath.

"Whew, back to life."

I throw off my shoes and coat, then dive into my bed.

"At least change your clothes first."

"Nah, gonna sleep."

"You... do you even understand the situation you are in?"

"I'll leave the preparations to you."

Alpha is super capable. By giving her free reign, I am sure she will prepare the most wonderful stage for me. Perhaps one day, I might even introduce her to my younger brother Anos. I'm sure he will appreciate her expertise. She can teach him about how to properly plan his last-boss events and stuff. But until then, I am going to sleep… I mean, conserve my strength.

Alpha sighs deeply.

"I'm sure you understand this, but the way things are currently developing, this will be pinned on you."

"Probably, yea."

As long as the real culprit is not found, it is almost certain that the one under the most suspicion would be executed.

Especially since this case is the kidnapping of a member of royalty. Someone's head has to fly, or else the case can't be closed.

Yay for the Middle Ages.

"The situation is no longer a probability! That arrogant bastard visited the palace today and made it 'inevitable'!! To make matters worse, 'he' even made it like you tried to escape!!"

For a brief moment, Alpha's demeanor became ominous, and then she proceeded to bite her lower lip with a scary expression.

"I am unsure why you allowed 'him' to live for such an extended period, but you must have a grand plan beyond our comprehension."

Who the hell is 'him'?!- Was what I wanted to say, but I just hummed wisely as I looked mysteriously at the ceiling.

"Get up, I have another sandwich."

"!! I'm up."

I receive the sandwich from Alpha.

"Other than 'him', there is also another movement to actively frame you as the culprit for this."

"Heeh~, even though I would become it automatically if left alone?"

"They probably want to resolve things quickly. An average performing son of a poor baron family is the perfect scapegoat."

"Agreed. I'd do the same too if I were them."

"The knights cannot be trusted."

"The Order has moles inside?"

"Without a doubt. It was the Order who kidnapped her. Their aim is probably her thick Blood of the Heroes."

Alpha and the girls are still sticking to the whole Order of Diabolos setting for me. How considerate of them.

"Do you think she's still alive?"

"You can't draw blood from a dead person, right?"

"Good point."

"Though we can't seem to understand why you decided to take part in a romance story with a princess."

So says Alpha while frowning at me with half-closed eyes.

"It is not what it seems."

"I'm sure you must have another great plan for that too, something that you can't tell us."

I evade Alpha's eyes as she tries to peer into mine.

And of course, I remain silent. Because I don't have any really big reason.

"It's fine, we understand that you're shouldering something really big."

What do I do if I'm not actually shouldering anything as important as she's making it sound?

"But I just want to say, please trust us a little bit more. Even this time, if you had given us a heads-up in advance, things wouldn't have blown to such proportions. Right?"

"Alright, alright."

"Anyways, don't worry about it anymore. It's our job to follow up after you."

So saying, Alpha smiles at me.

"When this incident is all resolved, treat me to MagRonald. That second sandwich was my share, actually."

"Sure thing. Sorry for eating your share too."

"Don't mind it."

Alpha stands up, opens the window, and puts a foot through.

Her small hip sways.

"I'm going now. You just keep low for a while."

"Got it. What's the plan?"

"I'm going to gather numbers. We currently don't have enough people in the capital. Also, I'm going to call Delta too."

"You're going to call her too?"

"She said she really misses you."

Delta the Loose Cannon. Or by another name, Delta the Suicide Weapon. To put it simply, she's basically an idiot specced solely for battle.

Since it's been a while, guess everyone wants to host a reunion or something like that? I sincerely hope that they're all living decent, respectable lives.

"I'll tell you the details after the preparations are over. Well then."

After flashing me one last smile, Alpha covers her face with the bodysuit and then disappears through the window.


Everything was for the sake of this day.

The next day after my release from the knights, I am in my dorm room, sorting through my power in shadows collection and picking out what I can use.

Cigar… it'll be a long while yet until when I would be of the appropriate age to use it well.

Vintage wine... this is a rare one from Portau in southwestern France that is worth 900,000 Zeny. Good, this is just right for the moonless night tonight.

This means I need the ultimate glass to go with this... ah yes, the only glass made by Vuitton. This is also French-made, and cost me 45,000 Zeny.

Then there's also this antique lamp... and this... this too... oh right, and this legendary painting called 'The Scream' that I had coincidentally picked up that time. It goes on the wall like so, and... ahh, perfect.

My heart feels so full.

Bandit hunting and crawling on the ground picking up gold coins was all for the sake of this.

I shed a tear of admiration for this room that I had decorated with the very best items from my collection.

How I long for Anos-kun to witness this accomplishment. He would surely be immensely proud of his elder brother. Unfortunately, ever since the rescue event in the prison, he has been nowhere to be found.

The coup de grace is this invitation that I received just today. Then all that's left to do is to wait.

I continue waiting, for that moment.



Waiting in suspense!

Until... Finally!

The moment the girl clad in black comes in through the window, I open my mouth.

"The time has come... Tonight shall belong to the world of shadows..."

Verily, everything was for the sake of this very day!


"The time has come... Tonight shall belong to the world of shadows..."

Those were the words that greeted Beta the moment she got to Shadow's place.

Shadow is sitting in a chair with his legs crossed and his back to Beta.

The back looks defenseless, but Beta knows that it is the furthest thing in the world.

In his hand is a wine glass glittering under the light of an antique lamp. And the wine that he is drinking without a care... even Beta, who knows almost nothing about wine, recognizes the label as one of the most precious in the world.

Beta is shocked at seeing the various first-grade items decorating the room until she notices the painting on the wall.

It is Munch's 'The Scream.'

It is known as a phantom treasure that cannot be attained regardless of how much wealth one is willing to offer.

Beta almost wanted to ask how on earth he got his hands on it... but then realized that there would be no meaning in such a question.

Because it is him. That's why.

That single phrase is more than sufficient explanation in and of itself.

The fact that he owns 'The Scream' feels only natural. More like, it could be said that there is no one in the entire world more fitting to own this item.

"The world of shadows. It's true that with the moon hidden, tonight is indeed a world most fitting for us."

Says Beta.

Shadow gives Beta a single glance, then only brings the glass to his lips again.

"All the preparation is ready."

"I see."

He already knows everything. So sagacious is his voice, that Beta feels herself almost hallucinating so.

Actually, he most definitely already knows everything that Beta will tell him now.

But even so, Beta will say them. For this is her mission.

"Under Alpha-sama's order, everyone nearby who could move has been gathered in the royal capital. Our total number is 114."



Is it too few?

Considering Shadow Garden's battle strength, this should be sufficient though.

But... no.

Beta realizes that she has misunderstood.

114 random riff-raff would, in the end, be but supporting actors. In truth, the ones who truly matter are not even 10% of that number. And tonight, he is the main character. The moment she realizes that the role of the supporting actors is to show up the main character, then 114 is truly, truly too little.

"W-, we're so so-...!"

"Extras, huh."

His words cut off Beta's apology. What is an 'extra'? Beta does not understand the meaning of that word.

"No matter. Don't mind it, that was just me talking to myself."

"Yes, my lord."

Beta knows better than to ask any further. Every single thing he says contains meaning so deep that Beta cannot even imagine how far it goes. She has neither the privilege nor the strength to ask.

But, still.

One day, she will stand next to him, and she will be strong enough to support him in everything he does. That goal is what fuels Beta's very being.

One day… For the sake of that day… She will definitely kill that 'trash'!

The audacious 'trash' that dares to refer to 'himself' as Shadow-sama's little brother! The mere thought of that damn self-important disgusting face is causing Beta to feel nauseated.

Beta shock her head and continues speaking.

"The strategy is to simultaneously attack all hideouts of the Fenrir branch of the Order of Diabolos that are scattered across the royal capital. While attacking, we will also search for Princess Alexia's magic signature. The moment her position is confirmed, we will immediately change gears towards her protection and extraction."

Shadow only nods, as an indication for her to continue.

"Overall command will be handled by Gamma, but the on-scene command will be taken by Alpha-sama, with me as support. Epsilon will be in charge of logistical support, and Delta will spearhead the attacks and initiate the start signal. The composition of each squad is..."

Before Beta goes into further detail, Shadow raises one hand to stop her.

In his hand is a single piece of paper.

"It's an invitation."

After catching the letter that was thrown her way, she reads it as instructed.

"This is..."

An invitation that was written so badly that it makes Beta both exasperated and furious.

"I'm sorry for Delta, but... I will be the one to play the prelude."

"Yes, my lord. I will make the arrangements."

"Come along, Beta."

So saying, he turns around.

"Tonight, the world shall learn of our existence..."

Beta is shivering with the delight of being allowed to fight by Shadow-sama's side.

As she thought, that 'thing' doesn't deserve to be blood-related to Shadow-sama.

In her mind, that arrogant 'trash' does not deserve to be considered Shadow-sama's kin. It is a heinous crime against the Shadow Garden to permit such a 'thing' to exist.

One day, she would certainly eradicate 'him'.

Just bide your time, Anos Voldigoad.