
Chapter 18 - I AM ATOMIC 『 1st Volume END 』

Earlier in the evening, I received a dubious letter supposedly from Alexia. It was an amateurish attempt to entrap me. The letter asked me to meet in some obscure alley, an obvious trap. But instead of sidestepping the bait, I decided to spring the trap on my own terms.

As I entered the designated spot, guess who I found lurking in the shadows? Two knights, straight out of a medieval comic book! And guess what? These were the same dudes who made my life miserable back in prison. Talk about a reunion!

But here's the thing: I was more prepared than a Boy Scout on a survival expedition. My sword sliced through them like a hot knife through a butter sculpture at a summer fair. They were so stunned, it was like they were trying to process the latest smartphone update. Bam! Down they went, lifeless bodies meeting the filthy floor of the alley.

Those poor souls, they really should have learned their lesson after my little bro unleashed a can of whoop-ass on them the last time around. I mean, seriously, did they really think it was a good idea to go up against us again? It's like they were begging for a round two of getting their sorry behinds handed to them on a silver platter. Guess they just couldn't resist the temptation of another royal beatdown. Oh well, their loss!

They really believed they could take on the big brother of that ridiculously overpowered Last Boss character? Well, sorry not sorry, guys. That one's on me! Rest in pieces, my misguided friends. Uhh, I mean RIP—no, Umm… Rest in peace. Amen!

As I dealt with those pesky assassins, my detective skills kicked in, and I decided to play detective myself. I followed the breadcrumbs they left behind, which happened to be a tracking device they cleverly attached to me. Sneaky, huh? But hey, I'm no rookie!

Following the signal, I ventured into an underground tunnel. It was like stepping into a secret lair, minus the cool gadgets. And guess what? Right in the middle of that dark and eerie place, a showdown was unfolding between Zenon and Alexia. Talk about being at the right place at the wrong time!

Now, let me tell you, my instincts were on fire. My "mob sensors" were hyperactive, sensing something fishy about that 'Alexia'. And don't get me started on my uncanny ability to detect mana. I mean, it's like I have a sixth sense for magical stuff. Oh, and did I mention my previous encounter with the real Alexia? Yeah, I've got a history with her, but that's a story for another time.

So, there I stood, watching the clone getting slaughtered without batting an eye. I knew she was just a cheap imitation, not the real deal. And boy, did she go out with a bang! Dramatic self-destruction, check! And as if that wasn't enough, Zenon decided to undergo a monstrous makeover right before my eyes. You'd think I'd be shocked, right? Nope, not even close. I was like, "Well, that's one way to make an entrance!"

Man, my life is full of surprises, but I take it all in stride. No need for flinching when you've seen it all. The clone's demise and Zenon's grotesque transformation? Just another day in the crazy world I call home.

Shit, he's looking at me…

Oh boy, talk about an intense stare-down! That dude's gaze is fixated on me, and let me tell you, it's enough to make your stomach churn. Seriously, he's giving off vibes that could make a circus clown squirm.

And let's talk about his appearance, shall we? Zenon, the guy who's making my eyes regret their ability to see. I mean, picture a lesbian American grandma on a serious dose of steroids. It's like someone turned up the volume on the weirdness dial and forgot to hit the mute button.

But hey, I'm not one to judge...okay, who am I kidding? It's hard not to be grossed out by this whole situation. It's like witnessing a train wreck in slow motion, except the train is being driven by a mutated American grandma. Yikes!

Damn... Seriously, that dude's fucked up gaze locked onto me like I owed him money!


Zenon slowly raised his head, directing his ugly countenance toward Shadow.

"You scoundrel! W-What have you done to me?!!" he exclaimed.

"Nothing," Shadow replied, with a chilling calmness. "You did this to yourself."

Desperation clawed at Zenon's gut. His skin was too tight, his bones ached with an unnatural intensity, and the beast within him snarled and scratched at his psyche. The reality of what had happened, of what he had become, was too much to bear. He was a man of order, of power and prestige, reduced to a grotesque and ugly monster.

"I'm... I'm a mere monster?" Zenon's voice trembled with incredulity and fear, his monstrous eyes wide with shock. Even if he took the pills, Zenon was pretty sure the side effects would never be this severe. Especially, when he still has self-awareness and is sane after the transformation is finished. This is definitely not an Awakening.

"Pathetic," Shadow scoffed, his piercing gaze freezing the air. "No one to blame but yourself, mere human husk. Your wretched fate was sealed the moment you laid a hand on that 'thing'."

"Return me back!" Zenon roared, lunging at Shadow.

But Shadow moved like a wisp of smoke, fluid and seamless, effortlessly avoiding Zenon's frantic attack. Zenon howled, a terrible, soul-wrenching noise that echoed off the walls of the cavernous tunnel. His monstrous body crashed into the stone wall, fragments of rock clattering to the ground around him.

"Change me back!" Zenon screamed, swinging wildly at Shadow.

But it was useless. Shadow was always a step ahead, his movements elusive and unpredictable. Zenon's attacks landed on nothing but air.

"Unsightly," Shadow finally said, halting Zenon's desperate assault with a single, powerful hand. His fingers curled around Zenon's throat, squeezing just hard enough to hold him in place, but not enough to strangle him. "I warned you, but you made your choice. Now you live with the consequences."

Zenon could do nothing but stare in horrified silence at the man in front of him. His mind was a whirl of terror and regret. He had never imagined such a fate for himself. But there was no turning back now. He was a lowly monster, a beast, a grotesque parody of the man he once was.

And all of this happened because he had made the mistake of underestimating this man that was now looking at him with disdain.

Shadow released Zenon, letting him stumble back and collapse on the ground. The once proud man was now nothing more than a broken beast, looking down in despair and regret.

"You... you can't leave me like this!" Zenon gasped, looking up at Shadow with pleading eyes.

Cid, under his mysterious persona 'Shadow', prepared to make his dramatic exit. Yet, he paused just before his departure, allowing his gaze to veer subtly sideways.


A pair of ominously familiar, deep red eyes met his. For a moment, Shadow questioned the accuracy of his own vision. Standing there and leaning nonchalantly against the stone wall while observing him, was none other than his younger brother, Anos Voldigoad.

Anos had been silently scrutinizing the skirmish between Shadow and Zenon, his ruby eyes glittering with a blend of interest and delight. "Intriguing," he commented, his tone cool and measured. "You've certainly been 'quite' engaged, Cid. I must say, your presence in this unexpected location comes as 'quite' a surprise."

Outwardly, Shadow projected an image of serenity, but his internal state was far from tranquil. He was busily piecing together how Anos had managed to ambush him, remaining undetected until now.

"Dear brother. If I'm not mistaken, it was only yesterday that I intervened to save you from a certain death sentence. And now, strangely enough, I find you single-handedly dispatching the man who framed you with such ease that it raises… you know, 'quite' the suspicions."


"Hm? Speak up, I didn't catch that."


"Say it again?"



As Shadow's declaration reverberated through the tunnels, a surge of unfathomable power surged from his being. The atomic energy within him instantly exploded outward, engulfing the underground caverns in an immense blaze of raw thermonuclear force.

The terrifying shockwave rippled through the tunnels with a deafening roar, obliterating everything in its path. The ground quaked violently, and the walls crumbled under the overwhelming might of the explosion. The force extended far beyond the confines of the tunnels, reaching upward to the capital city above.

In a blinding flash, an entire section of the capital was wiped away as if it had never existed. Buildings were reduced to rubble, and the bustling streets were swallowed by chaos and destruction. Panic and terror gripped the surviving inhabitants as they witnessed the catastrophic aftermath. Their dark sky became white in the middle of the night.

Anos remained calm inside his timely conjured barrier, his expression unwavering as he observed the spectacle unfolding before him. He knew of his human brother's hidden potential, having long suspected the depth of Cid's true abilities.

Zenon, however, met a fate far more severe. The force of the nuclear explosion consumed him entirely, erasing his monstrous existence from existence itself. There was nothing left but an echo of his anguished cry, swallowed by the maelstrom of destruction.

Silence settled upon the shattered remains of the capital's city block as the dust began to settle. The once-thriving district now lay in ruin, a testament to the cataclysmic clash between Shadow's unleashed atomic power and the world around him.

Amidst the wreckage, Anos remained, untouched by the devastation. He turned his gaze toward the epicenter of the destruction, where his human brother had once stood. A faint smile played upon his lips, showing a tiny culmination of excitement and anticipation. He finally cracked open one of the secrets of his brother Cid.


"Holy fucking shit man, that guy scared the hell out of me!"

Holy smokes, I nearly peed my pants when he popped out of fucking nowhere! That really scared the living daylights out of me! I mean, we're talking about a level of fright that had me blurting out "I AM ATOMIC" and going into full-on pilot mode without even thinking twice. It was like my body decided to activate its own superhero mode, ready to take on whatever had just spooked the bejesus out of me. Talk about a reflex action on turbo-charged cocaine!


Oh no! Did I seriously just vaporize my own little bro with a jump-scare? This is beyond messed up man! I practically turned his face into a cosmic fireworks display! Like, I literally nuked his fucking face. But hey, let's not panic just yet. We're talking about my lil' bro here, the ultimate Last-Boss-level character. He's got more magical tricks up his sleeve than a circus performer. I bet he whipped out some epic barrier magic stuff or some super-duper shield to protect himself from my accidental attack. Whew, crisis averted... I hope!

"Shadow... or should I say, 'Cid'," Anos said, suddenly emerging from a dark alley unscathed. His eyes sparkled with humor and curiosity. "I have to admit. Your true nature is more fascinating than I ever imagined."

I let out a huge sigh of relief. Crisis averted, indeed! "Dude, I really didn't mean to do that. It was like a surprise attack, you know? A jump-scare gone wild."

"Jump-scare? Fufu, you mean a rather serious panic attack issue," Anos teased, raising an eyebrow with a mischievous grin.

"Whatever!" I retorted, feeling a tinge of embarrassment creeping in. "You're the bastard who sneaked up on me like a stealthy fucking ninja cat."

"Hey, watch your language–"

"Oh, give it a rest, man. No one cares about that stuff. It's just you and me in this crazy moment."

"...Alright, fair enough," Anos replied, his expression then turned pensive. "However, I'm intrigued. How did you uncover this... 'I AM ATOMIC' ability? I've never encountered such a type of magic spell. Considering the minuscule quantity of magical energy you expended... the resulting output is extraordinarily disproportionate. I worry that if you were to utilize your full reserves of magical energy, you might unintentionally obliterate this entire planet."

"Well~ that's the million-dollar question, my friend," I said, scratching my head in thought. "I guess it's part of my genetically blessed older sibling status. Just like you rock the whole fantasy magic gig, I've got this... thing going on."

"I see," Anos nodded, a smug smile forming on his lips. "It seems we have much to learn from each other, oh mighty 'big' brother."

"Oh, so now you're making fun of me because you're taller?" I shot back, unable to resist a playful jab.

"It's all in your imagination, dear 'big' brother."

"Cut it out! You cheeky little shit!"

The banter between me and Anos was nothing short of entertaining. It was like dealing with a cheeky little bro, but with the added bonus of him being an almighty, all-powerful Last Boss character who had a knack for bad jokes and also for showing up at the most unexpected times.

"Wait! Hold up a sec, we're breaking character here!" I shouted, feeling a sudden anomaly in the atmosphere. "See ya later, man!"

With that, I quickly made my escape, leaving Anos behind, his laughter echoing in the alley. As I walked away, I couldn't help but also chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. It's not every day you find yourself bantering with the almighty Last Boss himself. Ah, the joys of living in a world where reality and fiction blend together in the most unexpected ways.

And so, with resolute determination, I ascended into the heavens, my voice resounding with sublime power, as I proclaimed, "Unleash, O mighty dominion! Embark upon the clandestine celestial minuet that lies ahead, draped in enigma and reverence!"

Thus, propelled by a surge of adrenaline, I soared towards the lunar orb, an emblem of audacious ambition against the vast expanse of the night sky.


Author's note:

Alrighty, folks! We've reached the grand finale of the first volume of this epic tale.

Get ready for the highly anticipated second volume, where we'll dive headfirst into the thrilling Academy setting! With Anos finally unveiling Cid's Shadow alter ego, you can bet things are about to get seriously intriguing. Buckle up for an exhilarating ride!

[ 2nd Volume COVER ] (By Civen_Voldigoad)

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