
Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in Shadow' or 'To Be a Power in the Shadows' as the main character Cid Kagenō's little brother. This fanfiction story timeline will take place just after Shadow Garden and Cid saved his sister when she was kidnapped and two years before he goes to the capital.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 15 - Calculated Chaos

"Did you just say Kageno?! That Pochi's family?!"


Iris blinked, momentarily thrown off by her sister's sudden reaction, then nodded. "Yes. Claire and Anos are indeed siblings from the Kageno family."

"What?!" Alexia cried, her eyes wide with shock. "That man… Anos, he's from that rural family?!"

"Yes," Iris confirmed, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Why? What's wrong?"

"No, it's just..." Alexia began, a thoughtful expression appearing on her face. "I saw Claire once before. She was normal. But Anos...he seemed nothing like her. He was arrogant, passively disrespectful even… he's like the complete opposite of how a noble-born son of baron rank should behave towards the royal family."

"Indeed," Iris agreed, her own gaze turning dark. "His insolence and disrespect for authority is completely infuriating."

"But what troubles me more is how he could save you," Iris added, her gaze softening as she looked at her sister. "Despite his unacceptable attitude, he still did save you, didn't he?"

Alexia nodded, her face going pale as she remembered her encounter with Anos. "Yes, he did save me from that madman. However... the way he gazed at me, it sends a chill down my spine. It was as if I were nothing but an insignificant pebble on the side of the road."


"Yes, that Anos... he is indeed different. Dangerous, even. I can't shake off the feeling... the more perfect a person is, the more likely they are to be a fraud. But with Anos, there's something incredibly genuine about his confidence... his power. It's as if he has absolutely no need for pretense," Alexia admitted, her expression troubled.

"He seems really... authentic," she continued, her eyes narrowing in thought. "Authentic and terrifying."

Iris pondered on her sister's words, her grip on her sword tightening. "You say he is not a fraud... and yet you also say he is terrifying. I assume it is because of the power he wields?"

"Yes," Alexia admitted, her expression somber. "I think his power is immense, yes, but there is more to it than just that. His demeanor... his condescending way of speaking... it's as if he truly sees himself as superior to all others. As if he perceives himself as the absolute sovereign of the world–"

A chuckle escaped Iris' lips before she could stop it, her eyes sparkling with incredulity. "A man of superior strength? You must be jesting!"

"No, Onee-sama," Alexia insisted, her tone earnest. "I'm not joking."

The first princess threw her head back, her laughter echoing through the room, rich and full. "That's preposterous! Is that uncouth, disrespectful peasant displaying unparalleled strength? It's ludicrous! His only remarkable attribute seems to be his audacity, and even that's rather infuriating. I don't know what underhanded methods he used to rescue you, but he is really pushing his luck."

"But, Onee-sama–" Alexia started, only to be cut off by another round of laughter from Iris.

"No, no, Alexia," Iris said, wiping away the tears of mirth from the corner of her eyes. "Your tale, though thrilling, is far too fantastical to be believed. The idea of Anos, a man from the modest Kageno bloodline, wielding immense power is beyond absurd. It's laughably ridiculous!"

"Remember, dear Alexia, even the lowliest of insects can have a sting," she added, her laughter subsiding, replaced with an arrogant smirk. "But an insect remains an insect, no matter how deadly its sting may be. Anos is no different. Even if he does possess some strength, in the grand scheme of things, he is nothing more than a mere blip, an inconsequential speck."

As she finished, Iris' laughter filled the room again, her disbelief in Anos' strength apparent, and her arrogance towards him undiminished.

Alexia, however, didn't join in her sister's mirth. Instead, she watched Iris, her thoughts heavy. She wished she could share her sister's dismissive views about Anos. But she couldn't. She had seen his strength against the knights, his fearlessness. She had been at the receiving end of his subtle disdain, and it had shaken her more than she cared to admit.

"Maybe you're right, Onee-sama," Alexia finally said, though her tone lacked conviction. "Maybe Anos is nothing special."

Iris's laughter subsided as she glanced at her sister, a smug smile playing on her lips. "Of course, I am right, Alexia. We are the royal family. What can a mere baron's son ever do to harm us?"

But Alexia wasn't convinced. Something about Anos's demeanor, the way he had saved her... It wasn't something she could easily dismiss. The fact that a man of such low rank could possess such power was troubling, to say the least.

"Onee-sama," she said hesitantly, "I think we should be cautious. I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Nonsense," Iris dismissed with a wave of her hand. "You're just being overly cautious. Let's not waste any more time on this matter. Anos is of no concern to us."

Despite her sister's assurance, Alexia couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew Iris was confident, but this time, her confidence seemed misplaced. Alexia could only hope that her sister's laughter wouldn't turn into a regretful cry in the face of Anos's unknown strength.

But for now, all she could do was wait, and hope that her unsettling feeling about Anos was nothing more than just a figment of her overactive imagination.


"..." Millia blinked, her expression one of disbelief as she observed Alexia restlessly shifting back and forth while lying unconscious on the sofa.

Silence enveloped the room.

Taking a moment to tuck the white cover snugly over Alexia's sleeping form, Millia slowly directed her gaze downward, where Iris lay sprawled haphazardly on the cold floor. The sight was undeniably undignified, prompting Millia to feel a pang of sympathy for the first princess, despite never having met her before.

With a flicker of hesitation, Millia turned her attention to Anos, who sat leisurely in a chair behind the desk and was deeply engrossed in a book he found by chance in the drawer. His demeanor seemed out of place in the room - calm and composed, contrasting sharply with the unseemly sight of the unconscious royal figure sprawled across the floor.

"Anos-sama," Millia started, her voice wavering with uncertainty. "Why...why did you do this?"

Anos turned the page of the book, his gaze never leaving the text. "Do what?" he asked, his voice sounding as indifferent as his expression looked.

Millia gestured awkwardly towards Iris, her fingers trembling slightly. "This...making her unconscious."

Anos looked at Iris, his gaze apathetic. "Oh, that," he replied, his gaze returning to his book. "She was getting annoying. This way, we can work without interruptions."

"But," Millia stuttered, "Wasn't that a bit...ruthless? You even left her on the floor..."

Anos ignored Millia's last words and simply looked at her. "It's a harmless illusion magic, those two humans are in an illusion world right now," he said dismissively. "They'll wake up after we are done. Now, let's focus on our task."

"But still..." Millia protested weakly, her voice trailing off under Anos's disinterested gaze. She found herself at a loss for words, unsure of how to voice her concern without provoking his ire. The aura she had sensed earlier still haunted her, intensifying her reluctance to irritate Anos any further, especially considering how he treated the first princess compared to Alexia. It was a clear indication of what fate awaited her if she were to push him too far.

Anos, however, didn't respond. He simply continued reading his book, seemingly unperturbed by Millia's evident discomfort. His apathy served as a chilling reminder of the disparity in their power and status.

Millia was left standing there, her discomfort slowly giving way to a sinking feeling of unease. She found herself wondering about the kind of man Anos really was - a savior, a powerful being, or something far more complex and daunting.

With a sigh, Millia turned away, deciding that for now, it was best to keep her thoughts to herself. There was no point in questioning Anos's methods. After all, they were merely the tools for his objectives, no matter how ruthless or unorthodox they might appear.

'You said our 'task'… but you still haven't explained anything…' As Millia thought that with a sullen expression, Anos suddenly lowered his book and looked at her.

"Are you afraid?" he asked, his voice as cold as ice. His gaze pierced through Millia, causing her to stiffen.

"N-no, I'm not afraid... I'm just... concerned," she replied, her voice barely more than a whisper. She didn't dare to meet his gaze, fearing the intensity she might find there.

"Concerned?" Anos echoed, his voice carrying a note of amusement as he leaned back in his chair. "Concerned about what?"

"About...them," Millia responded, gesturing at the unconscious royals. "About what you did to them. About why you did it."

"..." Anos, despite his apathetic demeanor and seemingly ruthless actions, wasn't inherently a bad person. His disregard for human sentiments was a product of his age, his status, and the countless eras he had lived through. His actions were dictated by practicality and efficiency, by the need to achieve his goals without unnecessary hindrances.

"Alexia and Iris, they're in no harm," Anos spoke without raising his eyes from his book, as if reading Millia's mind. "Their bodies are here, but their consciousnesses are in an illusion world I've created. They are living their usual lives there, oblivious to the truth."

He then closed his book and stood up, walking over to a weathered painting hanging on the wall. The artwork depicted a colossal beast locked in combat with a valiant human hero. For a fleeting moment, Anos's dark and crimson eyes gleamed, as his visage merged with that of the monstrous creature within his thoughts. "My actions might seem ruthless to you, but they're necessary. I have a clone looking for the culprit behind the kidnappings. If it was made public that Alexia has been rescued, it would alert the kidnapper, and he would likely go into hiding or possibly hurt other victims."

He turned to face Millia, a serious expression on his face. "I can't afford to risk that. So, for now, Iris and Alexia will remain here, in their shared illusionary world, unharmed and safe."

His words made sense. Millia realized that his actions, though harsh, were calculated and aimed at protecting everyone involved. It was a new perspective on Anos, a perspective that highlighted his strategic thinking and his willingness to take extreme measures to ensure success.

It was a reminder of the complexity of Anos Voldigoad, the Demon King of Tyranny.

Millia slowly nodded in understanding, finally beginning to grasp the depth of Anos' strategy and the motivations behind his seemingly ruthless actions. It was a harsh lesson, but one that was essential for her to learn in her new existence as a 'demon'.

Anos' eyes glinted with an unreadable emotion, and he fell silent for a moment. As if in thought, he crossed his arms and gazed out at the cityscape beyond the window.

"I presume you're curious," he began, turning back to face Millia, "as to why I don't simply employ my magic to swiftly locate the culprit, thinking, 'Since he possesses such immense power, can't he just employ a magical technique and uncover their whereabouts instantaneously?'"

"!" Millia flinched, her eyes widening at Anos's perceptiveness.

A wry smile spread across his face. "Indeed, it is true that with my magical abilities, I could swiftly track down the culprit. However, such an action would potentially alert them to my awareness of their true identity. As the Demon King of Tyranny, my powers are far from subtle, unlike those possessed by most individuals in this world. Employing them to such an extent would be akin to sounding a war drum, announcing my presence to an unfamiliar adversary. Regardless of one's might, it would be foolish to provoke an unknown enemy in an unfamiliar environment, with unknown third parties involved and countless variables at play. Unfortunately, that is precisely the situation I find myself in at the moment, albeit temporarily."

Silence hung in the air.

"There's no need for me to elaborate on my powers, as you've already experienced them firsthand mere moments ago," he asserted, causing a loud gulp to involuntarily escape Millia's throat.

A sudden dryness seized Millia's throat, leaving her momentarily speechless, while her complexion paled noticeably.

Anos started to pace the room, his hands clasped behind his back. "Locating the kidnapper is just the beginning," he emphasized. "Our ultimate goal is to apprehend them swiftly and discreetly, preventing any harm to others and ensuring their escape is impossible. This situation demands utmost delicacy. If we alert them prematurely, they will likely resort to desperate measures. However, since I have already confirmed Cid's safety and we now have the princess in our custody, we find ourselves with the luxury of time. With this advantage, I have deduced that our best course of action is to pursue the most promising strategy, one that guarantees the highest level of certainty."

He stopped and turned to her, his unfathomable and terrifying eyes intense. "That's why I've created this illusion. It buys us time to locate the perpetrator quietly and efficiently, without setting off any alarms. The lives of other innocent humans are most likely at stake here. One wrong move, and the kidnapper might harm them or worse kill them out of desperation. Naturally, I would still possess the means to rectify the situation if necessary. However, I would prefer to avoid such drastic measures, given the multitude of currently unknown variables that are in play. So, Millia, does this explanation satisfy your curiosity?"

Understanding dawned on Millia's dazed face, and she just nodded in stunned silence, a newfound respect for Anos's strategic mind growing within her. His methods might have been ruthless and seemingly indifferent, but it seems they were always calculated and had a higher purpose. It was yet another facet of the enigmatic Demon King of Tyranny that she was just beginning to comprehend.