
Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad from the 'Misfit of Demon King Academy' will reincarnate in 'Eminence in Shadow' or 'To Be a Power in the Shadows' as the main character Cid Kagenō's little brother. This fanfiction story timeline will take place just after Shadow Garden and Cid saved his sister when she was kidnapped and two years before he goes to the capital.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 13 - Stress Relief

A few hours ago.

"Here, take my hand."

"U-Umm. Thank you, Millia-san."

As Alexia awkwardly stood up from the operating table with the help of Millia. In his mind, Anos continued to analyze Alexia's lifetime memories.

At that time when Anos first came to this room and laid his eyes on the kidnapped Alexia, Anos had pointed his palm towards her and told Millia, who had stepped in front of her defensively, that he was going to heal her. However, this was only half of the truth, as Anos had actually secretly used a combination of two spells: Leaks and Eviy. These spells allowed him to perform a long-distance mind reading of the target and to forcibly evoke memories from the distant past.

Anos had kept the spells active from the moment he first cast them until now, having already analyzed over 10 years of Alexia's past without her knowledge. However, at that moment, Anos decided to release the spells. As he realized that what he was currently seeing were only the useless memories of a three-year-old human child, which held no value to him.

Aside from her childhood memories such as growing up in the palace, interacting with family members, and training in various skills like etiquette, diplomacy, and combat, attending royal functions, meeting with foreign dignitaries, and participating in political discussions, Anos had also gained valuable insight into the internal politics, customs, and past of the kingdom, as well as the second princess's private life encounters. Anos now had more information about Alexa than Alexa had about herself, not figuratively speaking but literally.

After all, while he doubted the human girl could even remember what she ate last year, Anos, on the other hand, could recall with perfect clarity the number of wrinkles on the face of the royal nanny who had changed her diapers more than a decade ago.

What interested him the most, however, was the strange relationship and the absurd interactions between the princess and his brother Cid.

Spanning over only a few days. It was such a small fraction of the memories as a whole that it felt like a tiny drop in a vast ocean of information. But despite its brevity, it still allowed him to discover a 'side' of Cid that he never saw before.

Anos absolutely regretted seeing it.

Watching in horror as his older brother barked like a dog with Alexia patting his head and muttering "Good boy, Pochi.", Anos almost spat out blood, bones, spine, and his entire organs from his mouth as he once again SERIOUSLY considered if his human brother is suffering from some kind of severe causality-law defying mental illness that is undetectable by magic


Anos vowed to never read minds again unless it was absolutely necessary after the traumatic experience.

As he released the spells while feeling very uncomfortable on the inside, Anos returned to the present moment and saw that Alexia and Millia were looking at him nervously.

"Follow me," Anos said curtly before striding out of the room, with the other two trailing closely behind him.

However, after walking only a few meters away from the room. Anos couldn't handle it anymore and so he abruptly invoked another spell. "Rivide," he spoke, and both Alexia and Millia froze mid-step, affected by the instantaneous effect of the Time Magic spell. Without even glancing at them, Anos kept moving forward and activated another spell, "Gatom." As he uttered the incantation, Anos vanished from his spot and reappeared in the middle of the main laboratory, where the robed men were still waiting.


Confused by the sudden appearance of Anos, the others muttered among themselves, but before they could do anything else, Anos invoked the "Rivide" spell once again.



This time, it affected all of the robed men in the room. Anos could feel their movements slowing down as time itself seemed to grind to a halt. With his enhanced strength and speed, he started systematically killing all the robed men with his bare hands, his movements almost too fast for the human eyes to follow.

As if healing something that was damaged inside of him, Anos's restless complexion gradually lessened with every human he shredded in his way.

In just a matter of seconds, all the robed men lay dead on the floor, and Anos stood amidst their severely mangled corpses, his clothes splattered with blood as a calm expression settled on his face, now refreshed after the horrifying slaughter.


After a brief scan of the room, Anos casually sauntered towards the least damaged corpse.

Using the spell that brings the dead back to life as zombies, he invoked the incantation, "Igrum." A wicked magic circle materialized on the floor as the headless corpse of the scientist levitated into the air. Suddenly, a new head emerged from its neck, and it let out a deafening roar, entering the world once again.


Anos simply glanced at the monster with its bronze complexion as it growled at him and then proceeded to cast another spell.


The Subordination Magic immediately seized control of the creature's mind, shattering its will like dust.

Anos focused his attention on the zombie, using his vast knowledge of magic to formulate a plan. He decided to use a combination of several spells to transform the zombie into a clone of Alexia.

First, he used the "Najila" spell to conceal his magic power and hide his actions from any potential onlookers. He then cast "Lynel" to create a transparent illusion of Alexia standing in front of him.

Next, he used the "Neria" and "Teles" spells to engrave Alexia's memories and personality directly into the zombie's mind. This process was complex and required a great deal of concentration, but Anos was an expert in the use of magic and was able to complete the process quickly.

Finally, he used the "Naaz" spell to camouflage the zombie's source and make it appear as though it was a natural part of Alexia's body.

As he completed the final incantation, the zombie's body began to glow with soft white light, and its features slowly began to change. Within moments, the transformation was complete, and a perfect clone of Alexia stood before him.

Anos stepped back and surveyed his work, satisfied with the result. The clone had all of Alexia's memories, personality, and physical characteristics, and was indistinguishable from the real princess.

As he looked around, Anos noticed the scattered corpses of the robed men littered across the hallway. Remembering why he killed them and rendered them into such unsightly and unrecognizable forms of mangled meat, Anos grimaced and commanded the clone to drag and gather all the corpses into a nearby empty room. The transformed zombie dutifully obeyed and dragged the lifeless bodies of the humans into the designated room.

Turning to face the zombie, he commanded it again.

"Come," he said, gesturing for the clone to follow him out of the laboratory. "Grab a sword from there, and follow me."

The zombie nodded blankly without saying anything as it moved and grabbed a short sword that was laying on the ground before following Anos obediently.

As Anos walked silently in the dark tunnels, he thought back to the memories of the second princess, and the rather obvious clues that had led him to the kidnapper's identity.

Zenon Griffey. The swordsmanship instructor at Midgar Royal Spellsword Academy and Alexia's fiancée.

Ironically, the individual who had the misfortune of standing in his path at that time happened to be the mastermind behind this trivial kidnapping mishap.


My name is Thomas, and I've been a guard in a small countryside village for as long as I can remember. It's a peaceful place, with nothing much happening most of the time. But being a guard isn't exactly a lucrative profession, and I've always struggled to make ends meet. That's why, when I heard about the Cult of Diablos, I couldn't resist the temptation.

The Cult of Diablos is a secret society that operates in the shadows of society, making deals with those who seek power and wealth beyond their wildest dreams. It's said that they have access to knowledge and resources that no one else does and that their members are among the most successful and powerful people in the world.

I was skeptical at first, but I figured I had nothing to lose. So I made contact with one of their recruiters, and before I knew it, I was initiated into the cult. The initiation was intense and terrifying, but also exhilarating. I felt like I was finally part of something bigger than myself, and that I was on the cusp of a new life.

At first, the cult didn't ask much of me. They just wanted me to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity in the village and report back to them. It was easy enough, and I was grateful for the extra income they provided. But soon, they started asking for more.

They wanted me to turn a blind eye to certain things, like smuggling and illegal gambling, and even to protect some of their members when they came to the village. I knew it was wrong, but the money they offered was too good to pass up.

Over time, I became more involved in the cult's activities. I helped them recruit new members, and I even participated in some of their human trafficking crimes. It was all very secretive and mysterious, and I felt like I was part of a select group of people who knew things that no one else did.

But as time went on, I began to see the dark side of the cult. They were ruthless and unforgiving, and they didn't hesitate to eliminate anyone who stood in their way. I started to feel like I was in over my head, and that I had made a terrible mistake.

But by then, it was too late. The cult had become my life, and I was trapped in a web of lies and deceit. I couldn't go back to being a simple village guard, and I couldn't leave the cult without risking my own safety.

So when the cult ordered me to join their latest mission to guard the underground tunnels beneath the capital city of the Midgar Kingdom, I didn't have much of a choice. I was nervous about the assignment, but I knew I had to do whatever it took to prove my loyalty to the cult.

I arrived at the designated meeting spot with a group of robed men, all of us armed with swords and other weapons. The tunnels were dark and dank, and the air was thick with the scent of mold and mildew. We moved slowly and cautiously, scanning the walls and floors for any signs of danger.

As we ventured further into the tunnels, it became evident that this mission would be arduous and protracted. We had to maintain constant vigilance since the tunnels were riddled with traps and other hazards. Additionally, it was clear that we were not the sole occupants of the area. Faint sounds and voices reverberated through the tunnels, and we glimpsed movement in the shadows. Based on their previous experiences with the Cult of Diablos, Thomas, and his companions understood that it was prudent to remain quiet and avoid investigating further.

As the days wore on, we grew tired and hungry. We had brought some provisions with us, but they were quickly running low. We tried to conserve what we had, but it was difficult. The air in the tunnels was thick and oppressive, and it was becoming harder to breathe.

By the end of an entire week, we were all exhausted and on edge. We had seen and heard things that we couldn't explain, and we were all starting to doubt our own sanity. But we couldn't give up. Surrendering was not an option. We have to accomplish our objective, no matter the cost. Our very lives depended on it.

Just as we were about to reach the entrance of another tunnel, we heard a loud noise from up ahead. We froze, our weapons at the ready, as we tried to discern what was happening.

Suddenly, a man appeared from the shadows, catching us off guard. He was barehanded with crimson blood on his arms and had black hair and black-red eyes. He wore a white outfit, a black belt, and a metal chain around his waist. We had never seen him before, and he didn't look like anyone we had encountered in the tunnels before.

Before we could even react, he lunged at us, his movements inhumanly fluid and extremely precise. We tried to fight back, but he was too fast and too skilled. One by one, my companions fell, their bodies sliced open by his bare hands. I could do nothing but watch in horror as he effortlessly slaughtered them all.


As he turned his attention to me, I realized that I was the only one left. I tried to run, but he was heinously quick. He instantly caught me by the arm and pulled me close, his inhuman black-red eyes staring into mine. I felt my soul tremble under that terrifying gaze.



With a mere flick of his wrist, he plunged his hand into my chest, tearing out my heart. I fell to the ground, my life slipping away as the man silently vanished back into the shadows. Not uttering a word from start to end.

In my final moments, I realized that I had been a pawn in the cult's game, nothing more. They had used me, manipulated me, and ultimately discarded me like a piece of trash. I had made a terrible mistake, and now I was paying the price.


As I lay there, my life slipping away, a young girl with white hair appeared before me, wielding a short sword. Despite appearing to be no more than a teenager, her red eyes conveyed a chilling indifference that caused shivers to run down my spine. Without a moment of hesitation, the unfeeling girl drove the sword straight into my throat.


As my vision faded to black, I knew that I had only myself to blame. I had let greed and ambition cloud my judgment, and now I was paying the ultimate price for my folly.


Anos and the zombie clone of Alexia make their way through the damp tunnels. As they progress, they come across several other groups of robed men. Anos quickly dispatches each group with brutal efficiency, using a combination of magic and physical strength. The zombie clone, meanwhile, follows behind him, finishing off any injured humans that survived Anos's absolute carnage without question.

As they move deeper into the tunnels, the groups of robed men become smaller and less organized. Anos takes them down one by one without exception, his movements fluid and graceful as he dodges their attacks and strikes back with deadly precision.

With the last human in the underground facility lying lifeless under his foot, Anos muttered, "This should be enough," before crushing the head and causing a gory explosion of blood and brain matter.

While observing the blood-stained sword in the clone of Alexia's hand, Anos detected a strong odor emanating from both himself and the clone. It was the all-too-familiar disgusting smell of blood and bodily fluids, and he realized that it was from the countless robed men they had slain.

With a swift incantation of Miscellaneous Magic, both the scent and the blood vanished completely.

Satisfied with his spellwork, Anos strode towards the clone and teleported with her to the room where he had initially discovered Alexia. He pointed to a corner beside the door and instructed the clone to stand there and not to move from that place.

Using Conditioning Magic, Anos set specific conditions for activating other spells. He pointed his palm at the door and muttered, "Lent," causing a yellow magic circle to appear. He then evoked the same spell on the clone, saying, "Lent." again.

The conditions he established were as follows:

First, If a human entered the room, it would release the Subordination Magic "Eje," which held the clone's will, allowing it to act as Alexia with free will.

Second, If the clone sustained a fatal injury, it would convert its source into magical power using "Gavdea," which would then activate "Nedra" on the perpetrator.

After finishing his task, Anos left the room and shut the door behind him. He strolled over to where Millia and Alexia were still frozen in time, and upon reaching his previous spot, he deactivated the Time Magic.

Without any indication of what had just occurred, the two unknowingly followed him in silence.


Author notes:

During the Mythical Age, Anos Voldigoad was widely recognized as the Demon King of Tyranny, a powerful demon who was feared for his absolute power and infamous for his extreme brutality towards his enemies, particularly the humans who were considered the arch-enemy of the demons.

Comments + Story reviews = More chapters

Where are those who kept claiming that Anos was acting weak? Anos himself had stated that he was intentionally keeping a low profile to maintain peace.

If there is no Hero Kanon and Anos is severely angered by the humans, then goodbye world.

If Cid doesn't control his Chunibyo, then also goodbye world.

His delusions are too powerful and can cause harm to Anos's mental state.