
Demon King of Remnant

Azazel, the most fearsome Demon Lord, was heavily wounded on his fight against the Hero. The gods, who feared his power, took this chance and attack him, left with no choice, Azazel used a spell that send him on a place where gods cannot reach him. Knowing that he won't be able to return to his world for awhile, he decided to conquer this new place where he was sent. Thus, his path to conquest, begins. A RWBY fanfic

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 6

Winter Schnee gave an annoyed sigh as she gaze at the place she 'used' to call home. General Ironwood has given her a week off due to some....reasons.

And as much as she hate being at this place, she do want to see her little sister, and Klein, she even wanted to see her mother, yet she hated to see her father, and.....brother.

'Gods...just saying that word gives me the chills.'

Its not like she hate her brother, more like, she just don't want to interact with him. He was just so fake, the perfect imitation of her so-called father.

Suddenly, the door of the house opened, revealing a short and rather plump man wearing a butler uniform.

"Ahh, Miss. Schnee, welcome home."

Winter revealed a small smile seeing the man, he was one of the small number of people in this house that she liked. "Klein, its been a long time."

"Indeed, and though I hate to cut our greetings short, your father is calling for you, he's waiting in his office."

Winter sighs, and there it goes. Her mood already went sour hearing that her father want to see her, she wanted to see her sister first, but looks like it will be held off for now.


Winter turned her head, a smile formed on her face when she saw her sister. There she was, looking down from upstairs.

Weiss Schnee smiled when she saw her sister, she quickly went down and approached her sister before giving her a hug.

"Its been so long."

Winter's smile turned even more gentler as she hugged her sister back. "Indeed, its nice to finally see you again Weiss."

After awhile, Winter broke the hug as she stared at her sister, "I like to catch up to you Weiss but, father wanted to meet me. Why don't you go to my room later and we'll talk?"


Winter nodded and gave Weiss one last hug before she nodded at Klein, who gave a slight nod and began to walk, Winter followed behind him.

Few minutes later they finally arrived in front of her father's room, fortunately they haven't encountered her brother or else things might turned worst.

Winter once again released a small sigh before opening the door. The very first thing she noticed was the painting of her father when she was young.

Her eyes slightly scanned the room before settling at the white haired man sitting on a chair with his elbows on the desk.

"....Greetings, father."

"Hello, daughter."


Winter walked out of her father's room, annoyed. She closed the door and took a deep breath to calm down, after awhile, she finally decided to go to her room.

'Weiss must already be waiting for me.'

As she turned to a corner, she couldn't help but scream in her mind. There, standing in front of her, is none other than her...dear brother.

Whitley Schnee.

"Oh my, if it isn't my dear eldest sister. I have heard from Klein that you have returned, oh how you hurt my feelings for not even informing me. I could've greeted you earlier."

"What do you want?" She asked with an annoyed tone, though she managed to hide it with her usual cold voice.

"You're hurting me sister. Can't a brother greet his family? Especially his dear eldest sister."

Winter glared at him as Whitley just smiled and raised his hands, "Alright, alright. I'll be taking my leave, I wish you have a pleasant stay.....dear sister."

Winter watched him as he left before she sighed. It took her a full minute to regain her composure before she continue to walk towards her room.

After a few minutes, she finally arrived at her room, however she noticed that the door was slightly open.

She narrowed her eyes, the only one who held the keys to her door was her and Weiss, she shook her head, thinking that Weiss was already inside.

She opened the door, "Weiss? Are you there?" She asked as she noticed the room was dark.

Her hands moved to the side and switched the lights on. Her eyes shot wide open when she saw an unfamiliar person sitting on her bed.

She pulled out her sword and pointed at the intruder.

"Who are you?!"


Azazel decided to make a move himself instead of staying at the castle. He was thinking of recruiting the next winter maiden himself.

He went to Atlas and searched for the Schnee Manor, it did not take too long for him to find it. He was even lucky that his target visited her home.

He used some minor hypnotism to ask where is the room of Winter Schnee, and breaking in was quite easy, he doesn't even need to use magic.

He went inside her room and waited, after a few minutes he saw the door slowly opens.

"Weiss, are you there?"

Azazel smirked and remained silent. Then, the lights turned on and he saw a woman with white hair pulled out a sword and pointed it him.

"Who are you!?"

Azazel saw her put her hand on her back and couldn't hold back a chuckle. Winter glared at him, unamused by his actions.

"I ask you, did you not hear me? Who are you!?"

"Winter Schnee, don't bother sending some signals, I covered this whole place with my.....abilities. Messages and signals are useless, none can go in, and none can go out."

Winter narrowed her eyes and took out her scroll, true to his words there is no signal. She bit her lip in frustration before glaring at Azazel.

"What do you want?"

Azazel suddenly turned his head to the side with his eyebrow rose, before revealing a smile as he faced Winter.

"Nothing complicated Winter Schnee, just a little.....cooperation."

"I won't make a deal with the likes of you. You might cut off my connections to the outside but Atlas is nothing to scoff at, before the sun sets you'll be chased in every corner of the kingdoms with nowhere hide!"

Azazel couldn't help but feel amused, does she really think that the kingdoms were that strong?

"Don't be so quick to decline. All I need is for you to work for me."

"And what makes you think I'll betray my kingdom to join you?"

"Hmm, I don't know, maybe because I hold the life of your sister, and other people who are important to you."

Winter stiffened for a brief moment before she glared at him, ".....Don't make me laugh, holding the life of the heiress of SDC isn't that easy, besides, my duty is to protect the kingdom from people like you. I will capture you, no matter cost."

Azazel couldn't help but smile as he said, "So, let's say, I have your sister, and since you won't cooperate with me I'll have to kill her. You'd rather choose the life of stranger from Atlas than your very own sister?"


"So a strangers life is much more important than your family? Well, good to know how much you love them."

At that, an evil smirk made its way to Azazel's face, causing Winter to take a step back.


Winter's eyes widened when she heard the familiar voice of her sister. She turn around, there, she saw her sister, standing outside the room, staring at her in shock.

"Weiss? What are-" she didn't get to finish her words when Weiss began to tear up before running away.

She was confused, but then she thought of what they are talking about and her eyes widened, she faced Azazel and glared at him.

"You-! You planned all of this haven't you?!"