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Demon King Ifrit Chapter 1 page 3

IFRIT: After Being In Hell for over 90 Million Years I didn't know about the situation My Demon Race Was in.... When i made a Deal with One of the goddess,I expected Them to keep their promise and maintain peace ...But they broke their part of the deal , So Now Its my time to destroy All of the goddess's and other beings that didn't follow their part of the deal.

AZATHOTH: And Do you have any orders for us?

IFRIT: For now I want all of you to return to hell, Until the day when All Of goddesses are defeated.

Unknown Demon: But How are we going to do that?

IFRIT: I will answer that question, but first you state your name

Unknown Demon: My Name Is Abigor my lord.

IFRIT: Abigor I will open an Dimension traveling door that would allow you to enter Hell

[ IFRIT walks aside with AZATHOTH]

IFRIT: My dear fellow, I will grant you the power to control The whole realm of hell, Because as if right now you are the only Being i trust enough.

AZATHOTH: Thats An honour My lord

[ Azathoth Kneels]

[Ifrit gets Azathoth to get back up]

IFRIT: No, Other Demons Have to Kneel before me, But You are not one of them, You are my closest friend

AZATHOTH : Thank you

IFRIT: Actually..Thank YOU for bringing me back, and letting me know about the situation my race was in.

[ Both smile at each other]

IFRIT: Alright its time for all of you to return back to hell, until i deal with everybody in this realm..

[IFRIT opens an dimensional portal to hell]

[ All the Demons enter the Portal]

IFRIT: Okay,Now Its Time For Revenge... And My First Target Is going to be....

{To Be continued....}