
Demon Hunter! A Fairy Tail Adventure

What would you do if you were given a chance to live again after your death?? Would you take it, and milk it for all its worth? Or would you be content and pass on naturally? This is a story of a young man who got that 'second chance' at life. Join Alex as he try's to make the most out of his second life in the wonderful world of Fairy Tail! Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy tail or any of the characters from the series except my own MC. This is just a fan-fic I'm doing for fun to kill some time. Might have some romance in the story, however there will be no harem and no lemons. So sorry in advance if that's what you're looking for. P.s. I don't own the image or anything related to WOW and will remove it if I am required to do so.

SpawnOfSatan · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Laxus Dreyer

The morning after being introduced to the guild, Alex was sitting at the bar in the guild hall having breakfast while talking with Mira.

They weren't talking about anything in particular, it was simply small talk.

"Hey Mira, If I wanted to sell something to the guild, how would I go about doing that?" Alex asked when he remembered the extra 'camp kits' he had in his {Inventory}.

"If it is an item that you want to be sold to the guild members, you can put a price on it and the guild will display it in the shop. Only once it is sold you will get the Jewel, but the guild takes a small fee for holding it and selling it for you. What did you want to sell?" Mira explained before asking a question.

Pulling out one of the higher quality 'camp-kits' he showed it to her.

"This is a portable tent enchanted to regulate temperature and good for any weather. It requires at least a D-class mage to use, but they are very convenient" Alex explained to her.

Giving her a demonstration on how it works, she was shocked. " 'Very convenient' is an understatement, this is amazing. Where did you get something like this?" Mira asked curiously.

"Well don't tell too many people, but I actually made them myself" Alex said.

Slightly embarrassed by the praise.

"What?" Alex asked after a moment to the wide eyed and silent Mira.

"Sorry, I was just a little surprised. Usually magical items without lacrimas are extremely rare because the method to create them has been lost" Mira replied after she come out of her thoughts.

"To think you discovered a way! This is awesome, can you create other things?" Mira replied, excitement all over her face.

"Yes, I can create almost anything. Most things are only limited to my imagination and magic power" he said shrugging his shoulders.

To demonstrate his ability he poured mana into his hand and created a small blue hair clip, it had the same design as the necklace she wore.

Pouring more mana into the clip it started to glow softly before going back to its original appearance.

He handed the clip to Mira. "It's beautiful. I can also sense magic in it. What does it do?" She asked, turning the clip over in her hand.

"Just pass some magic into it and see" Alex said with a smile.

Mira had to channel magic into the clip for 5 seconds before it had a reaction, it glowed for a second and then started to play soft Violin music accentuated with a soft beat. (Lindsey Stirling's - 'Song of the Caged Bird')

Mira having always been a lover of music was instantly in love with the little clip and asked him if he created the song or heard it from somewhere.

He told her it was copied but didn't tell her from where.

She asked him if he could add more songs to the clip causing him to chuckle at her over excited appearance. He told her he can only add 1 song at a time to an object that small, but if he added a lacrima, for memory storage, to a bigger object it should be possible.

They were discussing music when the Master came down the stairs and stared at the odd tent set up in the guild hall.

"Hmmm, usually the brats just pass out on the floor. Why would someone set up a tent in here anyway?" Makarov said slightly confused.

Mira and Alex chuckled at the master before going over and showing him what it actually was.

Just like Mira, the master thought the item was amazing and called Alex up to his office to discuss getting some for the guild members.

Alex happily agreed and followed the master, leaving Mira to play with her new Hair clip.

Alex and the master discussed many things, from how many of the tents he already had built to how long it would take to build more.

He didn't hide anything but he did tell him that he wouldn't be making anymore of them until all the ones he had were sold.

Makarov didn't mind as Alex already had about 100 already in his {Inventory}, They varied from the base 4 person models to the high end single person models.

Telling Makarov that he only required about 25% of the sale, he would let the guild have all the rest.

They cost literally nothing but time for him to create and not even that much time.

The guild would have to sell them without his assistance though and also keeping his name out of it.

Makarov agreed quickly as this would be very beneficial to the guild even if he just sold them to his own members.

He could get more for them if he sold them outside the guild but still wouldn't.

They were having a morning drink to celebrate their successful business deal when and elderly lady with pink hair and a permanent frown walked into Makarov's office without nocking.

"Laxus has woken up" she said to Makarov, completely ignoring Alex.

"Thank you Porlyusica" Makarov said to the woman before quickly leaving the office in the direction of the infirmary.

"You come too Alex" He called over his shoulder.

Alex not really knowing why he was being asked to come along, just shrugged his shoulder and followed after the two.

When they reached the room Laxus was in, they were greeted by three others aside from Laxus.

They were having a quite conversation with Laxus but stopped when they noticed Alex enter with the master and Porlyusica.

They didn't say anything but all visibly tensed at his presence, it was the 'Thunder God Tribe' Laxus's closest companions and lackys.

They had seen the spell that took Laxus out and unlike everyone else, they knew exactly how strong Laxus was.

To be able to take him out with a single spell was a terrifying prospect.

Laxus for his part had the decency to look slightly regretful about his attack on Wendy.

This was proven true by his next words. "I'm sorry for attacking the child, I'm not entirely sure what came over me. I know that doesn't excuse my actions but I still have to say it" He said to Alex.

"You needn't worry. She has already forgiven you and is terrible at holding a grudge. I do still expect you to apologize to her in person though" Alex said.

Laxus had a complicated look on his face before he sighed and nodded.

"If you're still thinking that she is weak, you should know that she is only 12 and already as strong as Natsu" Alex said with a smirk.

This statement caught Laxus and the 'Thunder God Tribe' off guard, with stunned looks they turned to Makarov for confirmation.

Simply nodding to them he said nothing, letting Laxus work through his own thoughts.

"What kind of magic does she use?" Laxus asked after a some time.

"She is a Sky Dragon Slayer, but she can also use healing and support magic" Alex said calmly.

He had no reason to hate Laxus and knew he would be a strong ally to have in Fairy Tail if he ever figured his own shit out before he was removed from the guild.

"Tell me Laxus" Alex said, deciding to try something.

"Why is it that you hide the fact you're a Dragon Slayer? Even if you aren't a real one, you would have so much more control if you stopped suppressing it and embraced it fully" Alex said as if a sage.

Everyone in the room had a mixed reaction to his statement ranging from shock and surprise to confusion.

"How were you able to tell he was a Dragon slayer?" Makarov finally asked.

They had kept the fact Laxus was a Slayer a secret for a long time.

If someone stronger than him was able to extract the lacrima he could loose his power and possibly even his life.

"I am an enchanter. With my magic I can 'See' the lacrima inside of him. That is how I also know he is not embracing it" Alex said.

Everyone in the infirmary was listening intently to his words so he continued.

"If you fully Embrace the Dragon magic in the lacrima you can eventually integrate it all fully into your body making it your own. At this point the lacrima itself will fully dissolve and nobody will be able to take it from you. You are strong, so there are not many who could take your power but I can say with certainty I could easily take it anytime I wanted" Alex said.

(A/N: Lacrima's that turn people into Slayer type Wizards can actually be taken, though it kills the wielder. I don't know if they can be fully absorbed and made "their own" but for the sake of this story they can.)

Looking around at the stunned faces of the 5 others in the room, Alex wasn't sure if he could have surprised them more by dropping a bomb on the guild.

Laxus was the first one to snap out of the stunned stupor he was in. "Is accepting the Dragons Power and training it all I have to do?" Laxus asked, the gears in his head spinning.

He did not like the fact that he had to hide the dragons power all this time, and trained like hell to keep it.

Finding out he was going about it all wrong, was a massive slap to the face.

"Yes, but it will take some time. Had you started when it was first put into your body, it would already be yours" Alex replied.

Makarov feeling like he has been a side character this whole time decided to voice his thoughts. "If you can use your enchanting to take it, can you also use it to speed up the process?" He asked with a concerned edge to his voice, he has always loved his grandson and would do anything for him.

It hurt his heart when he started acted out against his family, but he still had very high hopes for the boy.

If he could get over his internal war he was having and stop seeing the guild members as the enemy and start treating them as the family they were, like he used too, he would be the prime candidate to be the next Guild Master.

"Yes I could" Alex replied to the master.

"But know there is a reason it is supposed to take a long time, the pain involved when it's done all at once will likely be immense" He said quickly when he seen the hopeful look appear on Laxus and Makarovs faces.

"I can handle the pain. Trust me, I've dealt with worse" Laxus said with clenched fists, images of training with his sadistic father flashing through his mind.

"No you haven't" Alex said simply.

The conversation turned into Laxus and Makarov asking Alex if he would assist them in this as they both knew Ivan, Laxus's Father, wanted the lacrima back and would take it if given the chance.

They even offered to pay him massive amounts of money for his help.

Alex agreed to help and said the money was not necessary, saying they were now both members of the same family(guild) and it was only right to help when you can.

This brought Makarov to tears, he was thanking the stars that he was blessed with such a family.

They did not know each other long, but from what he was able to dig up on the young wizard with too many strange magics, he knew he was being honest.

Alex told them all that it wouldn't be able to be done today and certainly couldn't do it in the guild infirmary.

He said it might be a while before he can do it as he needed to make some preparations.

He turned to Porlyusica "I have a favour to ask of you. I will need some assistance in the healing department during this operation. Would you be willing to help?" He asked her.

"Hmph! I hate humans! Why would I help you?" the old lady asked in a huff. She was very interested in the process he would use and actually wanted to help, but she would never tell him that.

"Besides, isn't your sister a healer? Why wouldn't you ask her" She asked as a follow up.

"You are all seriously underestimating the pain he will be going through, unfortunately he needs to be conscious for the process to work properly so we can't just knock him out, Wendy has the ability to heal him but I am concerned she will panic under the stress of the situation. She is still way too young" Alex replied to the old lady.

"Fine, I will help you" She finally agreed. "What do I need to do?" she asked.

"Is there somewhere we can speak privately for a while?" Alex asked, not answering her question.

My own little attempt to change Laxus personality somewhat. The tom-fuckery and randomness of this novel increases a little for the next chapter. As always... ..Enjoy.

SpawnOfSatancreators' thoughts