
Demon Hunter! A Fairy Tail Adventure

What would you do if you were given a chance to live again after your death?? Would you take it, and milk it for all its worth? Or would you be content and pass on naturally? This is a story of a young man who got that 'second chance' at life. Join Alex as he try's to make the most out of his second life in the wonderful world of Fairy Tail! Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy tail or any of the characters from the series except my own MC. This is just a fan-fic I'm doing for fun to kill some time. Might have some romance in the story, however there will be no harem and no lemons. So sorry in advance if that's what you're looking for. P.s. I don't own the image or anything related to WOW and will remove it if I am required to do so.

SpawnOfSatan · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs


When Alex made it to the infirmary, Makarov was in deep discussion with Gildarts about the medical machine and Its function. Gildarts looked like he would still refuse, but was obviously considering it, nobody wanted to remain injured and in pain longer than they had to be.

The trio turned to Alex as he entered and Makarov spoke first, "Alex, what can I help you with?" he asked, trying to get Alex's reason for interrupting this talk.

"Just wanted to see if you guys needed any medical assistance." Alex responded simply.

"You can use healing magic?" Gildarts asked, slightly taken aback.

"Yeah, I actually created that machine. If you give me some of your blood, I could also create you some magical Prosthetic limbs. They would easily be better than the wooden ones you have now and you probably wouldn't even be able to tell they are fake." He said, dropping a bomb on Gildarts' already overwhelmed mind.

He just stood there in stunned silence, staring at Alex uncomprehendingly. Cana eventually pulled him out of his stupor when she asked Alex if he could really do it.

"Of course. This actually isn't even the first time I have done it." Was his simple reply.

"Umm, okay. I guess. What do you need me to do?" Gildarts asked, still a little unsure. "Also, it's nice to officially meet you" he followed up, holding out his good hand for a handshake.

Alex accepted the handshake and used the contact to scan Gildarts body with {Mana Manipulation}, "It's good to meet you too." he replied. "I just scanned your internal injuries" Alex said when he felt Gildarts tense up.

"Your organs are in a mess and one of them is almost completely missing. I will need 2 vials of blood, one for each of your limbs. While I'm re-creating your limbs, You'll need to stay in the medical bed. By the time I'm done creating the prosthetics, it should have fixed up all your organs and got you back to 100% minus the missing limbs. We will have to re-open the wounds on your stubs to access the nerve endings, but thankfully it will be painless." Alex spoke professionally and to the point, all while sporting a calm smile.

Gildarts glanced momentarily to the master, upon receiving a nod from Makarov he turned back to Alex and accepted the 2 vials and needle that had appeared out of nowhere.

Alex discussed a few random things with Cana and the Master while Gildarts filled the vials, when he had the vials he bid them all a good day and left the guild, though not before telling Mira what was going on and that he might be out of reach for a few days.

Alex went straight to his workshop and got to work, he still had the fresh memory of Gildarts bodily scan and used it to create copies of his limbs using the shape and size of his good ones. Creating the limbs and adding the blood was quick for him after how many times he had done it so far, but infusing enough mana into it to get the blood to accept and assimilate was different for every person.

He had been able to create the prosthetics for the two merchants quickly as they had very little mana within their blood, Alex wasn't even sure they were wizards. Gildarts however, had a massive amount of mana. Alex had to channel mana into the limbs for almost 12 solid hours each before they assimilated fully.

He put the 2 limbs into his {Inventory} and was about to head to the guild when Carla caught him. "Alex! We have a problem!" she shouted half panicked.

"What's going on?" He asked quickly.

"I had a vision that the city Just vanished. I tried to push it further, but after remembering what happened last time I hesitated and lost the vision." she said a little sadly but still with determination.

"Show me." Alex said after noticing she was wearing her earrings. Carla played a short video for him, showing her and Wendy running in the rain towards the guildhall, when the building started changing colors and becoming hazy. The next thing they knew they were in a completely barren area where the city once was.

The vision cut off as soon as they looked to the still swirling portal in the sky. 'Hmmm, so I guess the Anima portal will be opening soon.' Alex mused before sending a couple pulses of mana up into the sky to see if he could get any sort of reading on when/where the portal will open.

To his annoyance, he wasn't able to sense anything out of the ordinary but didn't beat himself up about it as he literally had no point of reference for the anima portals. He asked Carla if she knew when it would happen, his annoyance spiked at his own inability to do something about anima when she said she didn't know.

He sighed, "Well, I can't sense the portal as I don't really know what I'm looking for. If we can find Mystogan before it happens, I should be able to close it. First though, I gotta go and patch up Gildarts. If you or Wendy see Mystogan, tell him to come find me. He is an odd wizard that hides his appearance and carries too many staves on his back." Alex said to her before continuing his way to the guild. Carla agreed to pass his message on to him before Alex disappeared into the rain.

The atmosphere at the guild was very gloomy, matching the weather. He looked around the guild quickly before asking Levy where Mira was and why everyone was so depressed. She told him Mira was with Elfman at the Cardia cathedrals cemetery, It was the anniversary of Lisanna's death and they always spent the day by her grave.

Alex felt he was missing something at this news before he resolved himself to join them at the grave and be her support, though he figured he had time to finish helping Gildarts first, the hard part was done.

He wasted no time in attaching the prosthetics to Gildarts and healing the seam. Usually he would have stayed and made sure everything was functioning properly but as soon as he watched Gildarts move them around, he told him to get used to them and let him know if anything was off.

Seeing that Alex was obviously in a hurry, Gildarts just nodded and didn't try to keep him. Alex headed back out into the rain, using a simple spell to keep himself dry. It didn't take him long to find Mira and Elfman in the cemetery, they were the only ones there.

He stood beside the duo, silently offering his support without saying a word. It didn't take long for Mira's hand to snake out and grab his. The three of them just stood there in silence, the only sounds being the rain and the silent sobs of the Strauss siblings.

Alex felt a very quick and very violent surge of Magic above the City before everything flashed white. Unbeknownst to Alex at the time he was healing Gildarts, Wendy and Carla were having a meeting with Mystogan, also known as Jellal.

He told them to quickly flee the city as he wasn't able to stop Anima and the city would be taken. Carla tried telling Mystogan that he needed to find Alex as he could help but Mystogan simply said it was too late, they needed to leave.

Wendy told him that she wouldn't abandon her friends and started running back to the guild to warn them. She was just about to cross the boundary of the guild when a massive swirl formed in the sky, that was all the warning she had and before she could blink, everything flashed white.

When light returned to Alex, he was standing in a barren landscape still holding Mira's hand. They were both looking around confused before noticing almost at the same time that Elfman was missing with the rest of the city. "ELFMAN! Where are you!?" Mira shouted hysterically.

"I can sense people this way, lets go!" Alex said, before almost literally dragging the still panicking girl. They made it to the area the guild used to be, just in time to see Wendy, Carla, Happy and Natsu disappear into the clouds.

"Dammit we are too late." he said before turning to Mira. "I'm going after them." he stated plainly.

"You aren't leaving me here!" Mira piped up before Alex could say anything.

"Wasn't planning on it!" He replied quickly with a smile before wrapping Mira up in a princess carry and leaping upward towards the remains of the anima portal. As Alex was flying quickly through the portal he was considering what he should do if for some reason his Magic didn't work in Edolas.

He didn't worry about it for to long as he had studied Carla and her magic quite extensively and even knew a great deal about Exceed biology, he also had a few flight packs stuffed into his {Inventory}.

When they got to the other side of the portal, Alex didn't feel anything off with his own magic, everything seemed to function just fine and his transformation wasn't undone. After he had checked himself over he started admiring the floating Islands all around him and even the floating river, that part made no logical sense to him, especially because Edolas was supposed to be losing its magic power.

'Could have freaking fooled me! This place seems more magical than Earthland, though the air is a little weird.' Alex was pulled from his musing by Mira poking him in the cheek.

"As much as I'm enjoying this, you do know I can fly too right?" She said with her signature smile.

"Oh, but you looked so comfortable." he replied with his own smile. Mira laughed lightly as Alex used {Mana Manipulation} To let her stand on the air so she could sort herself out.

"What? Why can't I use magic? What the heck is going on?!" Mira said, very confused and subconsciously getting near Alex again. They were very high up in the sky and if she couldn't use her magic, she didn't want to think about what would happen if she fell.

"Welcome to Edolas! The land of weird ass air... Lets land on one of the Islands and I'll see if there isn't something I can do about your magic. Mine seems fine so it might work." Alex said as he headed for the nearest small island.

"How do you know what this place is called? And what do you mean by 'weird ass air'?" Mira couldn't help but ask as they landed.

"The old healer lady, Porlyusica, told me about it. When she was helping me create the medical beds, Wendy ran in thinking Grandeeny was there. Seeing the smell coming from the old lady, it led to many questions and she eventually told us that she was from Edolas, a sister universe to our own Earthland." Alex replied, even as he was using {Mana Manipulation} to see what was different about his access to magic and Mira's.

"And the air thing?" Mira asked when Alex didn't continue speaking.

"So far, the air is the only thing that seems different. There isn't any magic in it at all. There is lots in the land and the floating Islands, I can even sense an abundance in that odd river" Alex said pointing to the river snaking through the sky. "But none in the air." He finished.

"Because of the abundance of magic in the air of Earthland, I think wizards subconsciously rely on it for our spells. I don't seem to be affected because I pull magic from myself first then just augment it with natural mana." He explained. (A/N. Not much to go on for the specifics of Edolas magic except, Humans can't absorb it and they use lacrimas to cast it. This is kinda me just going free-hand on it.)

Mira nodded, accepting his explanation. She didn't have anything else to do except enjoy the scenery while Alex worked, so as he was just sitting there in meditation she just casually leaned her back against his and watched the small islands float by.

Alex scanned his own body and reviewed his memories of scanning Carla's body to check what was different between how mana reacted to the two. It seemed Exceeds just subconsciously released very small amounts of mana through their pores that aid in casting their mana and even let them interact with the mana of Edolas.

'So maybe that's what x-balls do. Make your body subconsciously release a tiny amount of mana. By doing so it allows the wizard to re-generate their own mana reserves within their bodies by allowing them to interact with this odd mana and at the same time allowing them access to their magic again'. Alex thought.

Alex used {Mana Manipulation} and his knowledge of human anatomy to create a small pill about the size of an X-Ball, with the function to do exactly that. Mira had come from behind him to see what he was doing when she felt the mana around him.

"What's that?" She asked curiously, eying the little pill. "It is something that should give you access to your mana again. Wanna try?" He said, flashing her a smile. Mira just opened her mouth as a reply and Alex chuckled lightly and he put the pill in her mouth. "You're so spoiled" he teased as she stood up, flashed him a smile, then spread her wings.

Seriously though, flying islands and rivers and they are loosing magic... Lmao!


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