
Demon Elector

A sudden accident draws Alex into an eternal game between gods and demons. The game called Elector System is impossible to quit once he join, and Alex is coerced to do everything he can to survive and wait for the final election. Can he become the new immortal demon? And what is the significance of this election? The answer to everything was waiting for him on the throne in hell. There is a lot of content in R18, so please make sure you belong to the audience. The story takes place in a parallel universe of Earth, the names of people and places have nothing to do with reality, if there are similarities is purely coincidental.

reedvinxx · Urban
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17 Chs


It was then that Charlie came back to his senses and hastily concentrated his thoughts, unleashed his psychics, and was lifted out of that dangerous tent by a violent gust of wind, then raised his hands high above his head, as if holding an invisible sphere, followed by a forceful downward toss.

Only to hear a sharp burst, the assassin who missed immediately exploded in place, turning into a pile of broken flesh, while a hurricane wind first spread in all directions from there, followed by a faster speed squeezed back, causing secondary damage to the pile of broken flesh.

Killing the enemy with one blow, Charlie looked around, only to find that the super-powered terrorists, who had been teleported, or whose tracks had been obscured by some kind of stealth ability, were now at the distance most suitable for their engagement, which was almost face-to-face. At this distance, the Marines' heavy weapons and explosives are almost useless, and blind fire is likely to kill more of their companions than of their enemies. The assault rifles of limited power in their hands, however, would hardly harm these enemies, and would even accidentally injure their own men.

The Area 51 agents are still doing their best to fight these more powerful psychics, and the experiments, for all their unstable flaws, are far above the Area 51 agents in terms of output power alone.

The bloody melee didn't last long, and after about a few minutes, most of the psychics, led by Irene, killed them and fled without a trace.

Even Charlie, the most powerful Area 51 agent on the scene, had an arm and half a shoulder cut off by Irene, relying on some special prop to stop the gushing arterial blood.

Charlie, lying on the ground, was dying. The battle between him and Irene had lasted only ten seconds or so, and after they had attacked each other tentatively a few times, Irene had launched a fatal attack on him and then gone to help the other experiments fight.

If it wasn't for his psychic related to atmospheric pressure, able to evade in the air in an emergency, what was cut off at this point would not be one of his arms, but his head.

Will recall the battle just now, Charlie is very chagrin.

The power gap between the two sides of the engagement is actually not very large, and it can even be said that the marines with a variety of heavy weapons, in theory, the destructive power of even more than those with psychics, only they lack the experience of fighting such enemies, and therefore were easily broken.

He used the power of the atmosphere to lift himself up and looked around at the battlefield, more corpses and blood.

Charlie had almost lost his life, let alone those agents and ordinary soldiers of the Marine Corps who were far less powerful in combat, their torn bodies splattered everywhere in explosions caused by various reasons, the vast majority of them would not even have a chance to be buried, almost all the large weapons were destroyed by Irene and a few extraordinarily destructive psychics, the only one that could move at the moment was An armored car, even missing a wheel, leaving only seven wheels for normal travel.

Just as his gaze focused on the armored vehicle, a thunderous roar came. A slender giant with thick and strong bones appeared from the back of the armored vehicle like magic, knocked over the unresponsive armored vehicle, and then began to kill everyone with a huge spear.

The panicked soldiers and exhausted agents were no match for this sudden enemy. Soon everyone nearby was killed by it, and it noticed Charlie not far away. It seemed to realize the unusual of this enemy and immediately conjured a large shield, hiding behind the shield, holding a spear with a blade resembling a short sword, vigilantly staring at Charlie, Make a deafening roar.

Charlie, who knew that even if he survived, he would never end up well in the wrath of Congress and the internal recriminations of Area 51, did not even have an idea of running away, but let out an equally loud roar and sent a super-pressure wave at the giant.

But this attack, which can make all the internal organs of ordinary people crushed and ruptured, did not cause any effective damage to the giant, but rather exposed his weakness.

So Alex raised his shield and began to charge, the length of nearly three meters of two thick legs on the ground ran out of amazing speed, realized the trouble Charlie began to quickly retreat, but because he was seriously injured and exhausted, the speed of movement is not as fast as Alex, he was soon caught up and was attacked by a spear throw.

With Alex's acceleration and amazing arm strength, the spear's speed even exceeded the speed of sound, and as it whistled past Charlie, even though he was a battle-hardened senior agent, he was stunned for a moment by the horrific attack.

And it was in that instant that Alex had closed in extremely close to him, his raised shield ramming into him like a truck at full speed, propelling him all the way and eventually crashing hard into a store down the street.

Short explosions, roars and screams followed for a few seconds, followed by a dead silence.

"Side Quest 3: Completed"

"Quest requirement: Kill Charlie Huntley."

"Quest reward: awaken the tundra giant bloodline ability 'ice element affinity'"

The next day, Alex sat in a cafe with two cups of coffee and a few exquisite snacks on the table in front of him, as if he was waiting for someone.

Soon, a young and pretty girl sat in front of him, her hair dyed in a trendy gradient blue and her eyes equally blue.

"How's the scene?"

Alex pushed a cup of coffee in front of the young girl and asked in a soft voice.

"The situation is not bad, we have consciously destroyed all the surrounding surveillance equipment when we fought, and the people who have seen us have basically been killed by you."

She took a sip of coffee and seemed to dislike the drink, frowned and put the cup down in her hand, then in a solemn tone cautioned, "But I also saw the President Commissioner at the scene today, she is a very powerful psychic, although she also did not find any clues, but you should not go to mess with her."

Alex nodded his head, but in his heart, he did not think so, after the completion of this mission, his harvest was great, plus with the help of the system to cover up the traces, he was not worried about being found by the commissioner.

Seeing that he wasn't serious, Irene cautioned again, "Although I didn't find out exactly which psychic group you belong to, your group's memetics technology isn't infallible, at least for me, it doesn't work."

This statement got to the crux of the matter, and Alex could only acknowledge Irene's statement that Irene had cracked the measures imposed on him by the system to help him hide his personal information, which was something he had not expected, and he had thought how infallible this magical ability was.

Irene called the power a meme, but her explanation didn't fully register with Alex, except that it was something that acted directly on a person's cognitive abilities, rendered useless by the nature of Irene's power.

"Will you come and help me? Some of the people who escaped from the hospital are still following me, and we're planning to create our own organization to protect ourselves. Maybe we can come up with a name for it together?"

Alex was a little hesitant, he had seen how capable the supernaturals were, and even a heavily armored unit could be easily defeated if they fought at the right distance.

But in the end, he shook his head and refused Irene's offer. On the one hand, he had family and friends, and his identity was still clean, there was no crime he could be associated with, and he didn't want to align himself with these revolutionaries who were fighting against the entire Federation just yet.

On the other hand, the limits of the enhancements that the system can provide far exceed any power he currently knows exists in reality, and if he can keep completing his missions and eventually become an Elector, he will have at least the terrifying power to shatter planets.

And that meant that the danger level of the system mission would soon exceed the limit Irene and the others could handle, posing a great danger to them.

Irene was a little disappointed to see him refuse, but did not persuade him to join them again, she could sense Alex's deeply evil heart, and although she believed that Alex would eventually be converted by her thoughts, it was clear that it was not now.

They ended this tea time in silence, and after Alex paid the bill, he drove Irene to a junction not far away in his SUV and said goodbye to her.

After that Alex drove back to his apartment and began preparing for a new enhancement with the mission rewards he had won.

During the raid on St. Anthony's Hospital, he completed the main mission, recovered the hard drive, and rescued Irene, so he was rewarded with 500 coins. In addition, he completed part of the side mission one, where a total of twenty-eight people he killed were recognized by the system as scientific researchers, so he was rewarded with an additional 1,900 coins, for a total of 1,400 coins. He also had ten coins left before, so he now has a total of 1,910 coins.

In addition, he also successfully completed side quests two and three, obtaining the 'Easter Egg' prop for resurrection and the supernatural ability known as 'Ice Element Affinity'.

In the tundra giant tribe, occasionally born by the north wind and frost god Erikius favored lucky children, they were born to communicate with the ice element, making them qualified to become the apprentice of the tribe shaman, learn how to communicate with the tundra spirits, cast the enemy freeze in north wind.

Alex already had enough of a headache from learning endless alchemy and wasn't about to learn the complex and esoteric and extraordinarily perception-testing shamanic sorcery, he simply used this ability as a coupon to buy the North Wind Giant bloodline he had previously had his eye on at a 20% discount, costing a full 1600 coins.

Among the myths of the giants, the North Wind Giants, like the Frost Giants, Ice Giants and other more powerful giants, are among the ancestors of the Tundra Giants, who are the descendants of Erikius left on earth, and the worship of Erikius by the giant tribes of the north is said to have begun with them.

This ancient ancestor of the tundra giants, with long white hair all over their bodies, was active in the age when the power of the gods of the north was more powerful than in later times, so that the great glacier symbolizing their majesty also covered more area, and they lived in the great glacier together with other giants, and various magical creatures.

Compared to the tundra giants who have almost lost their divine power, the glacier giants who are closer to the bloodline of the gods are undoubtedly more powerful. The eternal snowstorm surrounds them as natural armor, and most of the weapons they use are the ice of the north wind carefully carved by tribal craftsmen, a divine mineral that does not melt even in the fire and can only be shaped by carving process.

In addition, they also have a powerful giant primitive magic, does not require incantations or magic, but by virtue of the divine power in the bloodline directly released, into the sigh of the north wind, freezing their enemies.

And the system's explanation for this is that in cold ancient times, the harsh climatic conditions of the north allowed the larger and stronger individuals of the ancient giants to survive and evolve long hair that resisted the cold wind and strong flesh with supernatural abilities that facilitated hunting. In other words, the system does not believe that this giant has the bloodline of the God of the North Wind.

But Alex did not care about this, because any bloodline clearly marked with God-related in the system exchange price is more than 10,000 coins, and the total value to 2000 coins of the North Wind giant is obviously not in the same class with them.

This time the exchange was easier than before, perhaps because Alex had become a Tundra Giant and had the bloodline talent associated with it, and his body easily accepted the process of metamorphosis from Tundra Giant to North Wind Giant.