
Plans for the future

"Free at last!" Naruto exclaimed after spending two hours of acting as a guinea pig.

The moment the Uzumaki stepped outside the hospital, a man with spiky silver hair appeared next to him. He had his Konoha headband covering his left eye, a mask that was covering most of his face and was wearing a Flak Jacket, signifying he is at least a chunin.

"The Hokage is expecting you, prepare yourself." The man told Naruto.

"Prepare myself?" The blonde questioned him. Rather than a response, the man grabbed Naruto and disappeared from they were currently standing. Moments later they appeared in front of the Hokage tower.

"Oh man, that was cool!" Naruto exclaimed while the silver-haired man was looking at him with surprise. Normally when someone brings someone else using the Body Flicker Technique, they would puke their stomach out or at least some form of nausea. But the boy showed none of that.

"We were moving so fast, and you didn't collide with anything on the way. If I tried moving like that, I would have pummelled through everything in front of me," Naruto told the masked ninja.

He didn't receive a response, and the only thing that showed that he heard him was the fact that he raised his eyebrow like he questioned his statement.

"The Hokage is waiting for you." In the end, he decided not to question the boy and disappeared afterward, which slightly disappointed the boy.

Naruto didn't dwell on it too much and made his way inside the Hokage tower. Upon entering the office of the Hokage, he found him there dealing with a stack of paperwork.

"Ah, finally my excuse not to deal with all of this paperwork is here." The Hokage exclaimed visibly happy that he didn't have to deal with all the documents in front him.

"I had some time to consider what to do with you, and I have a plan in mind. I was already informed on your physical check and you perfectly healthy." Hiruzen said with a smile.

"I told you so old man."

"Indeed, you did. Tell me compared to your body from the other world, is there any difference between them?" He asked the blonde.

"Besides that, I'm currently shorter and younger, the only differences would be the fact that I feel there is something inside of me," Naruto told him after thinking for a bit.

The moment he heard him, Hiruzen immediately got serious and tapped on his desk a few times. After he did so, Naruto noticed that the several different people that he was able to smell around the room were no longer there. Except one that was still lingering around.

"Wow, was that some form of code? Because almost everyone left after you did so." The Uzumaki inquired, causing the Hokage to look at him in surprise.

"Yes, but what do you mean by almost everyone?" Hiruzen asked him.

"Well, that one there didn't leave," Naruto said while pointing to a spot next to a window, but the second he said that the person there immediately left as well.

"Nevermind, now he is gone." The Uzumaki continued. Hearing him, Hiruzen came to his own conclusion.

"Danzo.." He muttered silently, but Naruto was able to pick up on that.

"Danzo?" The blonde questioned the old man.

"Yes, don't worry about that. I will deal with it later." Again surprised by the boy, since he didn't think he will be able to hear him.

"How did you know that there were people around us?" The Hokage questioned him.

"Um, I could smell them," Naruto answered him sheepishly while scratching his head.

"Another one of those abilities you picked from the other world?" Hiruzen asked, and Naruto nodded to confirm.

"So let's get this straight. Your senses, physical body, and chakra have been greatly enhanced due to the side effects of the magic that you practiced there." Naruto nodded again to confirm.

"Besides that, earlier you said you can physically transform as well," Hiruzen said and waited for Naruto to answer.


"And you said that you currently feel something inside of you that wasn't there in the other world." The Hokage inquired.

"Yes." With another nod, Naruto answered him.

"I'm wasn't sure of whether I should tell you this now or wait for Jiraya, but since you can feel it, I might as well explain," Hiruzen said with a sigh.

"What you felt inside you is the Nine-Tails." He told the young boy.

"As in the beast that attacked Konoha?" It took him a moment, but he remembered that.

"Why is it inside of me?" The blonde asked.

Hiruzen looked at him silently and pondered if he should be upfront with Naruto or hide some facts from him. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to him the full truth.

"Promise me that you will not speak to anyone about what I'm to tell you right now." The Hokage said to Naruto.

"I promise." The Uzumaki told him, and Hiruzen started explaining to him about his father and his mother. He told the boy everything he knew about that dreadful night when he was born. How the Nine-Tails was released and how his parents sacrificed themselves to save the village and to seal the beast inside of him.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in," Naruto said after listening to his story.

"So my father is the Fourth Hokage and my mother was the previous host of the beast?" The blonde asked, to which Hiruzen simply nodded.

"Why wasn't I informed about that?" Naruto asked. He remembered that his dream was to become Hokage, and the Fourth was his idol. Knowing that was his biological father and that he and his mother sacrificed themselves for him hurt him badly. Just thinking about how he will react if Zeref and Mavis sacrificed themselves for him, filled him with deep sadness and his blue eyes slowly turned purple while his circular pupils slowly turned to slits, like a snake.

"We couldn't let the other villages know that Minato had a son, especially when that son is the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails. During the Third Shinobi World War, your father made a lot of enemies, especially with Kumo and Iwa. We couldn't risk informing a young kid with such information." Hiruzen answered him truthfully while looking at his transformed eyes.

Thinking for a moment, Naruto couldn't help but agree with him. If he was told all of this before, he was sure that he would have let everyone know who his father is and how he will become someone even greater than him. Nevertheless, he felt sad that he will never be able to meet his real parents. Moments later his eyes turned back to their normal blue color.

"So now what?" After calming down, Naruto asked the Hokage.

"I have already picked a few teachers for you, but before that, I would like you to channel your chakra in this paper," Hiruzen told the blonde while handing him a piece of paper.

Naruto did as instructed and the paper split in the middle, the half of the left side caught fire and the other half wrinkled, while the one half of the right side became damp and the other turned to dirt and crumbled away. Seeing this the boy gave a questioning look to the Hokage.

"That was a Chakra Paper that tests the affinity of the person that channels their chakra in it. You my boy, have an affinity for all five elements." The old man answered him.

"Now that we have that out of the way. It's time to plan for your future training." The Hokage told him with a devious smirk.