
chapter 2

semen into her womb. She tried to fight me at first, but that was just her former Hashira pride getting the best of her. Shinobu enjoyed it, every second of me fucking her feeble human brain out. By the end of the seventh night, the others could hardly pull her away from me, desperate to suck every remaining droplet of my cum out of my very cock." Masaru cackled, pressing the girl's heads harder onto his erection. "I'm close now. Prepare yourselves to be drenched to be drenched in my seed." Apparently, Masaru had said that loud enough to alert the rest of his harem who were all now desperately clamoring over towards him. "Hmph, very well. I suppose the rest of you can have some before I have my way with these two whores. Enjoy every bit of it!"

With a loud grunt, Masaru ejaculated as Shinobu's and Mitsuri's lips met at the very tip of his cock, kissing it and each other, while boundless streams of cum jettisoned out of him. They all looked to him, their eyes all bursting with the urgent need to taste his demonic semen. Watching as their pale and dark-skinned faces became stained with his creamy fluids, Masaru knew that he was to blame for their frantic states. He had spoiled them. Always giving them too much of a good thing, whether that be sex, jewelry, or even a kiss goodnight. Without him, these women would be lost. Their families would never take them back, them being soiled by a creature of the night such as himself. No man would every marry them now that their wives were sluts for demonic cock.

"Whores...every single one of you." Masaru grinned as Mitsuri and Shinobu kissed every inch of his cock, while Akari and the others licked themselves clean of their semen-covered faces. "And that is what you will always be, all of you, mine."