

I started crying as He was so rude to me and I was so scared with him.I don't know who he is?and what is he about to do?all this types of questions start raising in my mind.I stepped forward to the room where he was resting,and knocked the door as the mysterious and many types of sounds were coming from the forest near the house.

As he saw me,he stood.He knew that why I came and he came in the living room and sat on the sofa and he slept there.He was soft hearted but dont know why he was so rude sometime.

After a while,I also slept and because of those thundering sound from outside I woked up.

when I woked up,the man was not there and I went in search of him.Then,I heard some sound from outside and I went there.As I went there,I was shocked and stilled there just because I was scared.

I saw that man near a forest with a fire around him and he was having a big knife and in front of him there was a WOLF.It seems like he was about to cut the wolf.All this scenario was looking like,A Horror movie.As I was thinking that the man will cut the WOLF but no,he didn't do that.He bite him near his neck.Then I got to know the truth about that man,He was a VAMP.He felt that someone is watching him and he turned his neck,and I hide myself near a tree and when he continued his work I ran from there amd came to that house and I took my bag and was just about to run.I saw from the window that the man was coming.So,I slept on the sofa where before I was sleeping.