
Demon's Virtue

"Bleh." - Imp An Imp, a monster known to kill with a grin, a demon of the world, a creature of incredible might! Something that no force in the world can stand against! At least that's what the Main Character would like himself to be, the reality is very different, however. Exactly that Imp stumbles along a path of unfortunate fortunes and grows through it, in a world that hates its very existence. It grows more intelligent, more powerful, simply better at whatever it needs to do. Amongst other things, that includes raising children, killing Soldiers, and carving wooden figurines for money.

DiceVR · Fantasy
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734 Chs

Lesson on Magic

Eiro looked at the page in front of him, curiously looking at it, "So, someone in his life broke a taboo, and that's why he's researching this..?" The Demon guessed, "If that's the case, then I should probably be able to talk to him about it." He said to himself. At first, he didn't want to directly talk to Noma about knowing that he could use flesh magic, since he didn't know if he would be able to make proper use of him without building up some form of trust. But now that Eiro knew that someone in Noma's life had broken a taboo, he could just use that fact to directly build up trust without having to directly manipulate Noma's mind.

This being the case, Eiro placed the notes back into the shelf, walking back through the wall as he had before. For now, he just chose to wait for Noma in here, even though that was something that greatly surprised Bavet, "What are you doing? Didn't you want to hide from him like some creepy stalker?"