
Demon's Virtue

"Bleh." - Imp An Imp, a monster known to kill with a grin, a demon of the world, a creature of incredible might! Something that no force in the world can stand against! At least that's what the Main Character would like himself to be, the reality is very different, however. Exactly that Imp stumbles along a path of unfortunate fortunes and grows through it, in a world that hates its very existence. It grows more intelligent, more powerful, simply better at whatever it needs to do. Amongst other things, that includes raising children, killing Soldiers, and carving wooden figurines for money.

DiceVR · Fantasy
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729 Chs

Displays of Power

Eiro let go of his aura for a few moments, since he was basically challenged to do so by this Goliath warrior. His aura exploded outward, as if a balloon had suddenly popped and all the water inside of it was spread all around in just an instant.

The moment that Eiro had let go of his aura, the warrior's skin became covered in goosebumps. Cold sweat started to form on his forehead, and his heartrate exploded as he flinched back. All the other champions, as well as the guards and guides from Baram that were currently here, immediately turned toward that small group and got ready to attack whatever creature had suddenly emerged out of nowhere. The birds from the forest that they were currently in flew away out of instinct, and the other beasts in the forest were running around wildly. Even Biril seemed startled and scared for a few moments.