
Demolition King: An OVERGEARED Story

With the basis being the Satisfy world, this story focuses on the more hidden and miscellaneous parts of the Satisfy story, such as corruption of the nobles, hidden bosses, secret classes, and more, seen through our two protagonists' eyes. There may also be more parts in the real world as well. I will try to write it as accurately as possible to the main Overgeared story line, although there may be some small differences here and there. :)

Selphish · Video Games
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55 Chs

Chapter 16: Bells are Ringing





*Clink* *Clink*

With the sound of laughter, the pitter-patter of feet, and the clanking of glasses, the Local Guild was much Louder than usual. And this overbearing sound seemed to be a bit much for our current protagonists.

'Haven't been here in a while, so to be honest I don't know where to go.' Although he did say that he found his trainer in a corner, he wasn't completely sure if it was like that everywhere. Luckily for him, he didn't have to ponder that for much longer.

"Are you sure you want to ask him?" asked Moonshine for reaffirmation.

"Yeah; Its better this way. We'll get the most out of it if we follow an official format."

Currently, the two were trying to find a certain Sadist so he could give Godspeed a training manual. Due to Moonshine still having the beginning class of 'Warrior'---even if it is at her current level--- she is eligible for 'Rookie Tempering,' which is-- officially-- what the process for the natural training of one body in the game is known as. Although her level is a bit high, so she won't gain anywhere near as much improvement as if she did it earlier. But that wasn't stopping Godspeed.

"Aa~lright. Then, follow me." Weaving through the waiters, waitresses, tables, and chairs, Moonshine led her only friend towards the Ex-Sergeant.

"MR. SERGEANT!" she was able to yell out over the noise.

"THAT'S EX-SERGEANT TO Y--- oh, it's just you again, laddie." Just like normal.

As the two approached, the Sarge went ahead and spoke first: "Once again, I want to apologize for not being able to help enough, especially since you were someone who came to earnestly become stronger," he finished with a bow as the two got closed the distance.

"N-No no, there's no problem with what happened. Not at all, sir," Moon responded fervently, trying to relieve the old man of his guilt.

A message then came through the system.

[Whisper from Godspeed.]

Moon took a quick look at God, who immediately averted his eyes and whistled oblivious.

[Godspeed: Why you so nice to people, but so mean to me? You hate me or something?]

Reading the message, Moon pretended to think for a second before responding out loud in a whisper. "Correct."

'Ah... muh heart. My only friend hates me....' was the only thing that went through God's head.

"Uhmmm..." Waiting for someone to speak up from the awkward silence, the Sergeant chose to take up the role himself. "May I know what you young ones need from me?"

Remembering the whole reason they were there, Moon answered. "Oh. Yes... actually, talking about that training... May I ask for a copy of the manuscript?"

The old man's eyes widened a bit, wondering what the reason for the odd favor could be for. "For what?"

"Well..." Moon's voice trailed off, wondering if this would actually work.

'I got this,' Godspeed thought to himself, trying to give himself a boost of confidence. "Because I want to try and teach him."

The Sergeant finally turned to look at the guest for the first time. And whatever it was that he saw, made his jaw drop six feet under. "Gah..."

Ignoring the old man's weird-ass grunt, God continued with the speech he thought up in his head. "I understand that I may not be a personal trainer---Far from it--- But I still want to give my friend the small help that he can get. So, may you---"

"Strong..." Was the only word that came out of the agape man.

Uhm... What?" 'Yeah, I guess I'm pretty strong, but so what---!'


As if pelted by rocks, the system's bells began to ring in an unbridled fashion.

'What the---Wait a sec, don't tell me...'

[Whisper from Moonshine.]

[Moonshine: What were those unusual bells? Did those ring for everybody?]

'Nah. Let's hope not.' Excitement from the unknown started to fill God's broken heart as he directed Moon.

[No, only for us. All I can tell you is to pay attention, and be careful of what you ask or answer him. You might be seeing something a bit special :) ]

"Young man." The Sergeant's daggers in his eye sockets seem to be piercing God invisibly. Very slowly, he asked him a question. "Do you see yourself as incredible?"

"Absolutely," was his immediate reply.

"Incredibly.... strong?"

"Correct." With that, he began to release his 2nd advancement aura, little by little. As it happened, a chill seemed to come over the Guild Hall, as conversations got quieter and quieter, and the cheerful atmosphere seemed to dissipate.

The people seemed to.... Tense up, from the sudden pressure.

A Malevolent pressure.

"I see," was the old man's only response. His earlier demeanor seemed to have completely disappear, only leaving the face of someone who has only ever been serious.

His neck cracked as it spun to look at Moon.

'It's all up to you now, Moon!'

"And you," Began the Sergeant. "Do you trust him? Do you trust your friend?"

"U-uh... y-yes?" Uncertainty seeped into her voice, and the Sarge's eye grew smaller in response.



Do you trust your 'friend' enough... enough that you would leave yourself in his hands as he crawls for you two from Hell and back?" His final question struck like a hammer to an anvil.

'Bro, Come on!' Desperation started to leak into his mind. 'You really gonna ask someone I met not even a day ago this BS? I know you're doing this on purpose, you damn elder!' Why was he so mad? What could be frustrating him like so?

"This damn oldie is doing his best to find chinks in his behavior. If he sees even a drop of sweat, this quest acquisition will be for naught.'

Yes, the process they're going through is to gain a quest. Most quest acquisition doesn't have to go through such a process, which means that this is likely to be a secret quest. And based off of the ringing of those bells....

'This quest is at least High B-tier... even if it is in a little town like this, the prize will definitely be worth it.

Come on Moon! Fake it 'til you make it!' But the encouragement(?) could only reach his mind's ears.

"So, what is your answer?"


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