
Demolished Heart

“CALIMESA! ZEKE! MCKENNA!” Staring at their dead bodies, as I fight the hold of a guard; twists and turns as I continue to struggle, to break free, halting. Just behind their dead bodies is Lexa smirking, staring at her as the smirk never slips off. Her eyes challenging me to say something; feeling my anger grow as I snarl at her, thrashing around in the guard's arm once again, trying to get the conniving bitch.

MidnightWolf_stori · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Death of Friends

"How do I get out of here?", I ask.

"Just wish yourself out.", they say.

"Wish? Never mind.", I say causational before shaking my head.

Closing my eyes when a burst of energy comes crashing into me. Eyes popping open to see I'm still in my mind; glancing over at the dark mage to see them on their knees. Rushing towards them, bending down to help them up.

"What the hell happened?", I ask.

"Not sure myself. One minute you're closing your eyes and the next a wave of magic hits us.", they say.

"Would it be a good idea to try again?", I ask.

"I don't see why not.", they say with a shrug.

Nodding, I close my eyes once again and wishing; not feeling any magic, I open to see I'm still with the dark mage. Sighing, as I sit down while the dark mage sees what's going on.

"Someone's stopping us from leaving!", they shout.

"Can you figure a way out?", I ask.

"It'll take time.", they say.

"How much?"

"Hard to say; whoever it is, is definitely strong.", they say.

"Maybe I can help?"

"You can't do much unless you're able to control magic.", they say.

"I can somewhat control.", I say.

"Okay, counter the teleporting spell.", they say as they walk away.

"How will I be able to counter a teleporting spell?", I mumble.

"Find the primary source of the spell.", someone says.

Whipping around to see no one, so being slightly scared, I call out.

"Hey, dark mage. Did you say something?"


"Oh... okay.", I say.

"What makes a teleporting spell a teleporting spell?"

"That's easy, being able to move from place to another without walking."

"Then how would a spell for it go?"

"Hey, dark mage."

"Yeah, also my name is Aster"

"Oh, sorry; I want to know if a teleporting spell as any important aspect to it?", I ask.

"Now that you've mentioned it, I don't actually know the important part of a teleporting spell is.", Aster answers.

"Can you give me anything about a teleporting spell?", I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Mhm... I guess an example would be you wanted to go somewhere else in the world and then you use the spell. What comes to mind when you're using that spell?", I explain.

"I guess the place I want to go.", they answer causational.

"Thanks.", I say before mumbling to myself.

"If this person is blocking our way to teleport out, then there's a way to trick the person."

"Aster, I'm going to need your help.", I call out.

They come over, while giving me a confused look;

"We both need to wish out to trick the caster.", I explain.

They nod their head and together we wish- opening my eyes to see I'm back in Cody's room. Sighing in relief before heading towards the area that I saw from McKenna's eyes. Walking out of the room to be right back in as the hunters from before had their backs to me; rushing to the window, trying not to get caught. Flying above the clouds, hoping to spot anyone when I did; turning invisible and flying towards them- sensing something off, I backflip just as an arrow passes me; glaring hard over where it came from to see hunters. Growling as I land, eyes shifting, claws grow as the hunters all get ready.

"I won't hesitant to hurt anyone who gets in my way.", I growl.

None of them moves, so I prepare for an attack, when suddenly the hunters got knocked down by a gust of wind; looking towards the area where it came from to see Aster.

"I'll handle them. You go help your friends.", they say as they dodge arrows.

Nodding even though they couldn't see, taking off once more into the sky, hoping they weren't that far away when I spotted them; quickly scanning the area for more hunters as I scop down and grab a guard. Throwing them in a tree before taking out more guards; as no one notices that a few guards have gone missing, I keep to the shadows as I follow them- staying in the shadows as they stop in an opening, climbing the tree. I wait.

"Why are you doing this?", Zeke demands.

He gets kicked in the face before the same guard that kicked him holds his head up.

"That is none of your business, but since you asked, I'll tell you.", Lexa says, then continues, "One, you don't deserve to be alive and two, killing you will make Ruth angry, so then I can kill her."

This bitch needs to die, a slow, painful death- biting my lip as I hold back a powerful growl.

"We won't allow you to hurt her!", Calimesa yells.

"And who's going to stop me?", she asks.

"I am!", I shout as I jump out of the tree.

Three guards from my left come charging at me, which I block the first attack, then roundhouse kick the second and get punched in the stomach, making me fall. Groaning, my hair gets grabbed, feeling the breath from the guard close to my ear, leaning forwards making them grip it tighter before throwing my head back. Smiling as I hear the nose bone break, back kicking the guard as I knocked them out; rushing towards my friends as I hear Lexa-

"Kill them NOW!"

Without hesitating, screaming-


Staring at their dead bodies, as I fight the hold of a guard; twists and turns as I continue to struggle, to break free, halting. Just behind their dead bodies is Lexa smirking, staring at her as the smirk never slips off. Her eyes challenging me to say something; feeling my anger grow as I snarl at her, thrashing around in the guard's arm once again, trying to get the conniving bitch. Once the other guards surround her did, the guard holding me let go; moving away from me and towards Lexa as one eye stays on Lexa and the other on the guard.