

I wake up in a field of corn. I don't know why, and when did I lay here. As I try to remember what happened. My memory is blurry and fuzzy. I couldn't figure out how and why did I end up here.

I raised my hands at the sky to confirm that this isn't a dream. But as soon as I raised it. My hand got some features that I really don't have, like these scars on it. But I don't argue and I have barely any enemies. And my eyes got blurry. I may be a crossed-eye guy huh.

I got up and I see myself wearing a long sleeve. It's very comfortable wearing this, huh. Well, I walked down this field of corn where at the end I found a cheerful city where the people call it ''Sternezia''.

As I walked down the path of this city. Someone seems to know me. No, everyone seems to know me. As I walked down each hallway. People bow down on me as if I'm the king. This is kind of weird, jeez.

'' Sir William Steinforld what are you doing outside the city, your majesty?.''

Huh?!. What?!. Majesty?!!. Am I a king or something?.

''Sir William. Why are you smirking like that?. Act like a noble once, jeez.''.

''Ohh, sorry mister?.''

''Sir?. Did you forget my name again?. Jeez, I am Karl Sternesty a royal guard of Sylph and also your bodyguard and this city's strategist.''

''What's a Royal Guard Karl?.''

''What?. you must be kidding sir. With all due respect sir William. that seems a little bit rude to ask, isn't it?.

''Ohh, Sorry Sir Karl.''

''Well, may we proceed to the capital of Sternezia. We have a lot of work to do.''

All of a sudden it got me. I don't know who I am in the corn of fields. and suddenly I am a noble. What happened? I can't seem to remember who am I?. All I know is that I am not this nobleman.

Although I have many questions about this world. I should keep it all in myself for now.

''Sir William you're spacing out again?. What're you thinking this time?.'' said Karl

''Ohh nothing Sir Karl,''

''Very well. Then let's keep on moving Sir William.''

We walked for about an hour now and Karl said it's just halfway. Just how large is this city. It contains rivers. Mountains to climb on and an endless amount of terrain. Argh, I feel like my legs could collapse any minute now.

''Are we close yet Karl?.''

''No sir we're still halfway there. you asked me that like 20 times ago be a little more patient won't you, Sir William.''

Ughh this is a pain in the ass. What are we going to do in the capital of this city tho?. This better be worth it grr.

''Are we there yettt.''

Well, I and Sir Karl decided to stop and to rest for a while. We ended up resting in the mountains. Suddenly I hear Sir Karl snoring. What?!. He's asleep already?!. What about Food?!. I'm hungry!!!.

''Hey, wake up do you have any food, Sir Karl?.''

I tried to wake him up but he didn't even get startled. Maybe if I took his sword he'll wake up.

And so I reached up to his sword and as I try to touch it. It released a spark and so I thought. As I blinked the sword was gone and there's Sir Karl standing beside me.

''Sir William, care to explain what you're doing?.''

''Ohh sorry, Sir. I want to ask you if you have any food. I am starving really.''

''Oh, can't you make them by casting a spell?.''

''Huh?. What do you mean by that Sir Karl?.''

''Like say comida stranzia.''

''Uh?. should I just say it?''

''Yes, you've done this many times now sir.

''Alright. Comida Stranzia!''.

As soon as I say those words, lots of food are popping out of nowhere. How can magic be so real tho?. Well after that I ate a lot of the food that I magically appear.

''Sir We should continue our travel it should be a 3-hour walk so be ready.''

I just nodded cause I am too full to say anything. Jeez. As we walk I see Sir Karl smirking, like there's something that he's going to do.

Well, I needn't worry. As we walk I saw a familiar field of corn down the mountain that we are crossing. It was full of bugs gross.

''Sir, do you know the curse of flor del tiempo.''

''Huh?. what is that curse?.''

''It's basically a curse whenever a certain flower touches you in your head. It's as though when that flower touches you. Time will warp and reset, or even stretch the fabrication of the time. Which makes you repeat the scenarios.''

''Isn't that a bit scary? is there something that you can do if you're caught in that curse?.''

''Well, someone told me that the curse erases the future memories of the one who is being kept in it. Only if the person who is kept by the curse figured out that the scenes are repeating. Or the time is bending. They can escape.

''Well, anyway it's just a story for children to not pick flowers randomly.''

''Thank goodness it is just a made-up story.''

Suddenly a gust of wind hits us and I saw a glimpse of a Flower that is colored by black in it. It's not the curse I know.

But suddenly Sir Karl pushes me in an instant. And I took a deep fall into a field of corn. I can't stand up. I can only see the flower. And I-