
A Little Deja Vu

I don't know who am I anymore. through these days. It's been draining me, for hours long. The light quitted on emitting rays of it. The moon disappeared and got swapped by a red moon. I don't know what should I do. Do I keep hiding from them?. No, I shouldn't, I.... am strong. But why am I frightened by them? Why am I shaking whenever I hear them. Yesterday I fought them. hundreds of them. And in a single second, I killed them. They all have great power. I am not against any of them. And yet... I killed them?. No....no I was just trying to protect myself. But why did I go to such lengths?. The guy that I saved... I killed him, because of my carelessness... I am confused. Am I a villain or not?. No... It's not my fault because they turned on me. I...I...I am a victim on this part. I suddenly got tossed into this chaos. I don't know what is going to happen and what should I do. I am only a mere victim of all of these charades. Y-yes I'm only a victim...

Are you really a victim... Y-yes I am. As far as I remember you enjoyed killing them yesterday... N-no what are you even saying?. I saw it. That smile after you killed them. It was really a genuine smile of a killer... N-no I didn't enjoy it. Yes, you did. W-who are you?!... Ohh I'm nothing. I'm just in your head. Although I saw everything.

Well if I were you. Just admit that you are a killer. You already have blood on your hands at the beginning... You're born to be a killer. Every Richard is born to be a killer. They create chaos, wars, and many more immoral acts. We, Richards, define it as destructive and powerful. It's just right for those guys yesterday to be killed. Simply because they're weak. And the strong one's rules.

I don't want to kill them... You do want to kill them. No. Yes. No. Yes. No!!!!!.

The voice clears out in my mind as if it's just nothing. I found myself on a rooftop looking at the mountains. As I look up, I saw someone flying. The Flying Object seems to be wearing a blue hoodie. He seems to be staring down at me As if he's just watching.

We exchanged stares for a minute. But he points at the back of me. Is he saying that there's someone behind me?. I looked back and saw 5 Richards. This time I can't read their powers

Hey kid. Come with us. You're valuable...

Who are you, people?!.

Relax. You just killed a hundred of our comrades. Don't tell me you don't remember...

Are you here to kill me?.

What??. No, we're not.

What do you want then?.

Your power.

What do you mean exactly?.

Suddenly a memory flashed into my head. I remember the guy that I was trying to save. I crushed his brains out... I didn't mean to do that. And after that, I remember the day that I woke up in the exact day. Remembering the variant that jumped into a volcano for me to fully have the power of ''Imagination.'' I still felt bad towards that variant of me.

All of a sudden I was standing in a line for a Bus. It was crowded and noisy. I-i remembered this day. This was the day that I accidentally killed a Man. Am I just remembering or am I really in this time?. I checked out the date and time and it was actually the exact thing. I am heading to the mall at this time When I saw a man being attacked by a guy who was holding a relic.

Officer: Sir your Name and Age?.

Mark: Ohh it's Richard Sternezia.

Officer: U can go in.

As I go in. It felt like I was feeling deja vu. Walking through this bus and sitting on the exact seat. I even noticed this guy that is cold from the aircon. Actually, he's the one who I left with the guy who's holding the dagger. I wonder what happened. As I sat down I think of a plan to fight the other guy with the dagger. There are many options for me to try. And finally, I got down to the station with the other guy.

Mark: Hey... Uhhh what's your name?.

???: Uhhhh I am Nathan... Who are you?.

Mark: Ohh I am Richard.

It was awkward asking for a stranger's name. We both walk on the same path.

Nathan: Y'know this day is weird. It's like I've been here before...

No doubt this is not real huh. We've been walking for a while and I finally saw it again. A guy being chased by the guy with a relic.


Mark: Bud. I got this so step aside.

Nathan steps aside and I walked slowly toward the man who is holding a relic. He's running so I imagine stopping time... And it still works. But something is different. It feels like the dagger is aware. I should probably run towards this guy. As I run, my power suddenly canceled itself out. And the guy kept running and so I chase after him. I imagine a knife and it appeared in my hand. I tried to throw it towards the guy but as soon as I throw it, The knife suddenly disappeared out of thin air. It's as though the dagger is causing this.

Mark: Damn!. you better stop!!!.

As I chase after him I saw a phone flying toward the guy. It's slow Nathan. Your throw is too slow. And so I used my power to accelerate the phone's speed towards the guy. But as soon as I tried, It got canceled out.

Afterward. The guy stopped and faced me. He has a gun this time. As soon as I saw it I tried using my power, but it got canceled. I heard a loud noise and I see the guy wickedly smiling at me. He... looks like me. And as I look down, I saw blood. I SAW BLOOD ALL OVER MY SHIRT. And I suddenly felt numb on my legs. It felt cold as I fall down to the ground. I hear my heartbeat going slow and my sight got blurry. I can only hear an eerie sound of nothingness. As I last see a glimpse of a guy pointing a gun towards my face. Is this?. The End?. BANG!!!.

Richard Starnezia. you can't redo all the mistakes in your life.

And as I open my eyes I saw myself holding the guy whom I crushed his brain. I TRIED TO SAVE THIS GUY!. BUT WHY AM I IN THIS AGAIN. All of a sudden I saw hundreds of Richard's. Both with the same powers. I cried and I didn't try to fight back. But suddenly a Blue Hooded Man appeared in my vision.



And I suddenly used my power without me even activating it. I blinked my eyes and I saw them being pulped and being showered by their own Blood.

I can't save them. Again.