
Demigod Battle Royale

The new God of war is unsatisfied with how he earned his position. His former competition, the numerous demigods of his generation, all died pitifully to his schemes. But, he is a “merciful” God, so he will give them one more chance. 20 years into the past, Marcus Carbo and every other demigod in the land receives a revelation of what is to come. They can no longer blame ignorance for their fall. If they want to live, they must fight. But, the one responsible for their downfall has received this knowledge as well. Once again, he is preparing for war.

DanielC1 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Ch. 9 The Royal Council

Darius Masalis' POV:

I've always enjoyed a hearty breakfast. And, it wasn't like I was putting on weight. Any extra food in my belly would be long gone by the time I finished my morning walk around the palace. I'd greet the servants, listen to their trivial concerns, and enjoy my darling's company.

I and my beloved queen would then spend the remaining morning hours in the courtyard bathing in the sun and watching our daughter's practice. Each day, Chloe was becoming more fierce and beautiful.

I loved this routine. It filled me with energy and got me ready for the day.

Sadly, there was one thing that would regularly interrupt it: the royal council. Every Monday morning, I had to consult with these people on the various matters of state. It was my late grandfather who organized the council, so these weekly morning meetings were a tradition I couldn't just dismiss. Ow, how I dreaded this day.

"You seem unwell, your Highness." Said Olus whom I met in the hallway. "Have you eaten?"

"You should know better." I muttered.

"I did not want to presume." This old jokester was the hand of the king, specifically picked by me to make my life easier. As usual, he wasn't doing a very good job at it.

When I entered the council room, everyone stood up to greet me. Just once I wished they were late, so I'd have an excuse to go join my wife.

"Your Majesty, we need to discuss the western territories."

'My Gods, I haven't even sat.' Ignoring Count Angelopoulos, I made my way to the other end of the room and took my rightful seat. I then gestured the nobles to begin as if the meeting just started.

"As I was saying your Majesty, we're receiving more and more reports from the western cities about brigand attacks and various suspicious activities."

"Send word to General Chronos to prepare his elite troops. He will investigate this matter and wipe out the troublemakers."

"But, my King. Isn't this a bit much for a few marauders?" Asked a skinny man in a flamboyant red suit.

This man was singlehandedly responsible for the capital's textile market tripling its profits in the past 2 years. Whatever he wore today, the nobility would buy from him tomorrow. I was so impressed by his exploits that I added him to the council.

"Earl Helios, although you make a fair point, I'll proceed with my plan because:

Our soldiers' lives take priority. We don't know the extent of the activities in the west, so we should prepare for the unexpected.

Only a large force can spread out and cover the entire western territory in an efficient manner. Inspecting each city at a time may allow the bandits to run and cause further problems.

I don't think this situation is as simple as it seems. The other nations are encountering similar problems, and there's also the issue of the prophecy."

"Blasphemy!" Said Marchioness Philomela. "No holy church or temple has confirmed this prophecy. It's a wicked rumor no doubt spread by those ungodly brigands."

"General Elek was the first to bring us this rumor. Are you calling him a brigand?" Asked Olus.

"Of course not…" the Marchioness backpedalled. "However, Duke Elek hasn't been active for almost 20 years. Maybe his instincts aren't as sharp as they used to be."

"I am also of the same opinion, your Majesty." Said Earl Antero. "His wife even sent a priest to take over our estate. What does a priest of Lady Ophelia know about finances? I don't mean to boast, but I was doing an excellent job already."

'I wonder what Rhea is doing… Did she save me some cookies? Who am I kidding; my wife's probably relaxing in the shade with a belly full of…'

"Your Majesty?" asked Earl Antero.

"About General Carbo". Explained Olus with a nod.

"Ow, how is training his troops going?"

"My King, your council is worried Duke Elek may not be in the best condition to take back his station. After all, so much time has passed."

"Noted. If he performs poorly, we'll replace him with someone else. Count Angelopoulos, how are the troops?" The nobles knew better than to press the issue.

The council was created to advise the king in solving problems concerning the country, the people, and the capital. But, once I've made a decision, any further advice would just piss me off. I liked to keep things as succinct as possible. However, one particular count seemed to have forgotten this fact.

"Your Majesty, I have taken a steady and reliable approach to reinforcing our soldiers' bodies. We've used just enough cores, so our city's defenses won't be affected while still preparing General Carbo's troops at a reasonable pace."

"Are you giving a eulogy? I want numbers."

"Of course, my King. I was just going to say that 2 platoons have already been reinforced and the 3rd is half complete."

My already tapping finger was now smashing into the table vigorously.

"Olus, do the math. At this rate, when will Elek's elite troops be ready?"

"In one and a half years, your Majesty."

"Didn't I ask them to be ready in a year, like 5-6 months ago?"

"You've ordered the elite troops' formation 5 months and 2 weeks ago, your Majesty." Olus was still as sharp as ever.

"Your Highness, I did the best I could given the resources. Any further redistribution of mana cores would leave our city walls vulnerable." Protested the Count. I was getting more annoyed by the second.

"Olus, how much time would you need to prepare 12 platoons of reinforced soldiers for Elek?"

"Besides the ones that were already prepared, 7 months."

"That is absurd, your Majesty! There is no way it can be done without putting Laus at grave risk."

"What risk?" I snapped. "General Sophia is protecting the north while General Chronos will deal with the west. Our shores are protected by Generals Artemis and Cleon. To get anywhere near this city, even a pigeon would have to present identification."

The more I talked, the more sweat gathered on Angelopoulos' forehead.

"My King." He said carefully. "While enemies from the outside can never reach Laus, I'm afraid there may be enemies within. Those street rats are always waiting for an opportunity to cause problems. I only wished to ensure you Majesty's safety."

"You think some street rats are a threat to my safety? Need I remind you of how I earned my throne?"

The Count shrunk in his seat. I massaged my forehead to relieve some of my annoyance. Eventually, I sighed and then spoke bluntly.

"Count Angelopoulos, it is not my safety you're worried about, but your own. I don't know if this was solely your idea or if the rest of you supported it. Frankly, I do not care.

You volunteered to take on my task and you failed. As a result, you're relieved from this council. Olus will take over your responsibilities. If he fails too, though I doubt it, he'll be punished as well. Please prepare all the documents, mana cores, and other essentials that have been entrusted to you by tomorrow.

Olus, if there's anything missing, you have my permission to search for it forcefully."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Silence dropped on the room while Count Angelopoulos dragged himself out. Since they didn't seem to have much to discuss after this, I adjourned the meeting. While leaving the council room, I continued my conversation with Olus.

"Did you prepare the cores I asked for Duke Elek yet?"

"Yes, your Majesty. He will receive them as soon as he comes to the capital."

"Actually, I have a different plan. A few days ago, a message arrived from Damis. Apparently, he was attacked by brigands, but he repelled them successfully."

"Good thing he's safe, your Majesty."

"Yes, so here's my idea. Send one of the platoons Count Angelopoulos prepared along with General Chronos' army. They will deliver the mana cores and protect the General and his family. You will send one such platoon every month to replace the old one."

"Ow, so we're giving the General time to know his troops. Then, I'll pick the most capable of the bunch for his pleasure."

"I'll leave it to you. I'm also curious to see how time has fared on Sir Elek."

'According to the message, there were over 5 platoons' worth of brigands in that attack including reinforced warriors and mages. No villagers were hurt meaning they all hid in their basements.

So, how the hell did he do that? Did he eat cores for breakfast these past 20 years or what?'

"By the way Olus, I've just remembered. About his son…"