
Demi: True Mage Arc

Nami is a fighter who lives to meet her father's expectations, but things take a cruel turn when she gets an injury that threatens to end her career. She moves in with her uncle to begin rehabilitation and eventually attends school at Newark's Rosemary high. She makes a new friend, and they attend a party together which leads them to being strung up in a conspiracy. A mage with the ability to possess people is ruining the school's hierarchy from the inside out and threatens to expose career ending secrets. It is up to Nami to find and take care of this entity before it is too late.

pin_popper · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

<Arlom state prison>

<2 months ago>

In the dark passageways of what's referred to as a final destination for most was where the most notorious criminals from all over the world were kept. All of them were either sentenced to life in prison or sentenced to death having committed crimes that were downright evil. No one in this penitentiary was considered innocent as the place only had prisoners that had been transferred from other prisons. It was located in the center of a desert island. Thousands of kilometers away from any form of civilization and outside the walls of this prison surrounded by the most dangerous beasts known to man.

Escape was borderline impossible. That's why all the prisoners inside accepted their fates and made lives for themselves within the walls. Every prisoner knew every other prisoner and formed not gangs but rather communities with each other.

A man tall in stature and status sat quietly in his cell reading a piece of literature offered to him by the prison. A bland read it was. Nothing in particular stood out, but it was a way to help keep him sane inside of his solitary confinement. The whole institute had no guards, so the prisoners had no one to annoy. It was overlooked by super-intelligent AI that was overlooked by the WSC (World Security Center)

Suddenly the Man's cell door opened which caught him off guard. It wasn't even lunchtime yet. He stood up and slowly walked out the door. He looked to his left and saw a face so familiar he nearly cried at the sight of the man.

"Gordon Banks. It's been a while." The man said as a slow bubbly laugh erupted from his chest.

"Not long enough Ahamed. A couple more years wouldn't hurt." The man Named Gordon said having a visible scowl on his half-burnt face.

"Now don't act like you don't miss me. I bet it has been pretty quiet ever since I left." Gordon sighed.

"We can catch up later Ahamed. Right now, there is a helicopter waiting on you outside. We are taking you back to Locklehome in Newark." Gordon said as he turned his back to him. Then the bracelet and anklets swapped into chain mode and a light steel chain connected itself from one bracelet and anklet to the other making it into a handcuff.

"Why the sudden change?" Ahamed asked.

"Let's go." Gordon ignored his question and just continued walking.

Gordon Banks is the current Chief of the Defense Force and the Chief of Police. With his face having burnt scars that went from his left eye to the top of his scalp he naturally had fading brown hair turning grey. His left eye was blood red with his pupils a green color. He and Ahamed stood at the same height, but he had more of a bulkier build to him. He had a brown bushy beard with silver tips to it and wore Brown pants with a Mustard shirt and Brown shoes. He was unarmed as was the protocol of the prison.

Ahamed was dressed in an all-black prison Jumpsuit with number # 02649

He had Jet black hair that seemed to have grown longer over time. His eyes were a shade of fiery amber and his skin was slightly tan. He had an unkempt beard which was also a result of his long stay in prison.

The two made it back to the Helicopter that was waiting for them on the roof. It was the only way in and out of the Prison without fail Food was also delivered every week here.

The two men Climbed on the Helicopter and were well on their way back to Newark.


<Present day>

<Newark South>

<Nathaniel's residence>

Mohammed was alone in his friends place as both Nathaniel and his little cousin Ashley had school to attend. Unfortunately for Mohammed, in his erratic escape he had no time to pack his school clothes, and either way he didn't feel like going. He didn't know how to face Nami after how he blew up at her the previous day and he didn't want to face the prejudice that rumor had caused for him. So, he lay there in his borrowed room staring at the ceiling while lost in thought.

A knock came from the front door which snapped Moe out of his thoughts. He got up curiously wondering who would be knocking that early in the morning. Skeptical, he walked towards the door and slowly opened it.

"Ashely?" He asked as he looked at the little girl in front of him, she stepped aside to reveal Greshme who had her gaze focused on the floor. She slowly looked up at him and when their eyes met Mohammed's blood boiled as he stared at her black eye dumbfoundedly.

"She tried to protect Hassan when he was being picked on, but the seniors turned on her. Hassan is still there trying to fight with them and..." Ashley trailed off as she began crying. Mohammed was still staring at his sister's bruised features. Her split lips, her black eye and the black and blue bruises on her arms and legs.

"Give me your phone." Mohammed demanded and Ashley complied with no questions asked.

"Get inside and treat Greshme's wounds, I'll go after Hassan." He said as he walked past them.


A bloodied Hassan stood before three Calico seniors, each of them with a varying body type. He had been fighting or at least trying for the past hour. Getting beat up and standing back up every time. He was outnumbered and out matched in every sense of the word.

"Y'know what Ray, I sorta like this kid." Said the fat one.

"The little shit had the audacity to bite me. I swear Imma kill him." Said the skinny one.

"I think we've done enough guys. Let's leave before we get caught." Said the buff one who seemed to be the leader of the two.

"COME AT ME YOU COWARDS!" Hassan screamed assuming a boxing stance. He was battered and bruised everywhere. With a bleeding nose, a swollen right eye, a grazed left elbow and a broken rib.

"The kid still wants more Ray, we could stay for a little longer can't we." The leader, named Ray, puffed a ball of smoke from his cigarette in a sigh before speaking.

"I'll ask you this one last time Hassan. Will you join The Licks?"


"This is one stubborn kid. Maybe he'll change his mind if we go after that sister of his?" The skinny one thought out loud. Hassan's heart dropped to his stomach as fear started to envelope him.

"Looks like we finally got a reaction out of him, maybe we should go for his little sister and make him beg for mercy." The fat one retorted

"LEAVE MY SISTER OUT OF THIS!" Hassan shouted, running after them. He threw a punch at Ray which got him a solid kick to the mid-section that grounded him instantly. Ray pulled Hassan by the hair and blew smoke in his face before asking him.

"What're you gonna do about it?" He asked and before he knew it his jersey had caught fire. He threw the kid on the ground as he began patting the fire off of his jersey, but it spread so quick he took off his jersey and watched it burn to ash in front of him. He turned to Hassan who had fire roaring out of his hands.

"This kid's a fucking Mage!?" He shouted. Hassan looked at his hands in pain as they burnt hotter and hotter.

"What're you waiting for fools!? Kill this little fucker!?" Ray demanded. One took out a 9mm pistol and the other a Desert eagle. They both pulled the trigger, but the guns jammed. They looked at the weapons in confusion before they noticed the guns melting from the tip.

They threw their weapons to the floor and heard a whistle coming from behind them. Standing at the only exit out of the alley was an infuriated Mohammed and a levelheaded Nathaniel.

Nathaniel wasted no time and went straight for the fat guy, jumping him with a heavy drop kick, before the skinny guy could react Nathaniel was already on his feet and delivered a quick right and left hook to his abdomen and then a heavy right hook to his face knocking him out. The fat guy stood up and before he could attack Nathaniel kicked him on his knee getting him to kneel and before he could do anything he received a heavy roundhouse to the jaw.

Mohammed ran straight for his brother and extinguished the flame on his hands. Hassan's hands both having suffered second degree burns. Moe picked up his brother and ran with him to Nathaniel's car.

Meanwhile Nathaniel and Ray were having a standoff. Staring at each other, they both waited for the other to make the first move.

"That kid you were beating on is one of my own. I'll give you one chance to atone." Nathaniel said with a menacing glare.

"Just cause you're the captain doesn't mean you're better than me Nate."

"What a shame, and I thought we could be friends." Nathaniel threw a punch that was parried and returned with a counter which he dodged. A follow up came and he ducked out of danger.

Nathaniel landed a kick on his knee and followed up with a punch to the face that was blocked, but he continued the onslaught of punches until his defense was broken.

Nathaniel landed a blow to his ribcage and then a follow up to his jaw which caused Ray to lose balance. Nathaniel continued by pulling him down for a knee to the jaw and then a final roundhouse kick to end the fight.


Hassan had passed out after they reached Nathaniel's house. He was badly injured, and all Mohammed could do was basic first aid. Greshme had some minor injuries, but she was fine in the most part.

Moe knew he had to take the twins home to their mother as she was the only one with Medical knowledge, but the fact that he'd have to face his father scared him. He got the twins in Nate's car and drove off, heading home.

The car ride was silent with neither of them speaking to each other. He knew what Greshme wanted to say, he just didn't know how he was going to answer her. Mohammed stopped in front of their home and sat their staring at it for a good minute.

"Come home Mohammed." Greshme said, breaking the silence between them.

"I can't." Mohammed simply answered.

"But you promised." Mohammed could feel a huge lump fill in his stomach. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't. Not with him there.

Hassan sat up and walked out of the car on his own. Moe was surprised as he thought Hassan was unconscious.

"Let's go Greshme." He said as he walked out of the car. Mohammed saw Hassan stumble on his feet and ran out, only to catch him before he collapsed.

"Did you see me big bro? I used magic. I can use magic just like you." Hassan laughed as his brother helped him up.

"I'm sorry I didn't get their sooner." Mohammed apologized.

Hassan chuckled before telling Mohammed "It's fine. I'm a mage now, you don't need to worry about me and Gresh anymore. I'm the man of the house." Hassan laughed, but Moe had already seen the tears flowing out of him. He helped Hassan to the door before giving him over to his sister.

"Mohammed?" She asked as she watched her brother walk away.

"I'm sorry." Was all he could say as he got into the car.

He drove off, leaving the twins on the doorstep. He muttered "I'm sorry" over and over again the further he got from them. He despised his own weakness. He hated the fact that he was too afraid to be there for his siblings. His mind caught between the ties of his love for his siblings and his fear for his father.


Nathaniel walked towards an abandoned house with a black plastic bag over his shoulder. A few papers and plastic fell out of the small tear on the side, but it didn't bother him. He dropped the plastic bag in front of the abandoned house and knocked on the door.

A Hispanic man opened the door, but by that time Nathaniel had vanished. He saw the plastic bag and sighed in annoyance.

"I swear to god that I'm gonna kill those brats next time I see them." He said. His voice sounding burnt and tired despite his young appearance. He kicked over the bag, spilling its contents on the floor and only then did he star in horror, at the pair of dismembered heads before him. He approached them only for the nauseating smell of the trash around them to hit his nostrils and what made it worse was the fact he knew exactly who those heads belonged to.

He violently vomited in the bush next to him and that alerted more members of his gang to rush out of the house.

"What's wrong boss?" They asked and all he had to do was point. All of them covered their mouths in horror.

One of them was brave enough to approach the heads and noticed a piece of writing stuck on what used to be Ray's head.

The message read "Stay off my turf."
