

Demi's Ruination

Draeme Saekyr


Copyright © Demi's Ruination 01/23/2020

Copyright © Draeme Saekyr 01/23/2020

Copyright © Lydia M Franks 01/23/2020

Prologue – Downfall of a Demi

Bright shades of sunlight rippled through the air as if guided by unseen hands weaving harmonious threads into a magnificent tapestry of serenity and calm in a forest glad. Men and women clad in tunics, hair bound in kerchiefs, smiling faces, but haunted eyes peered around the shimmering brook.

A dark side to the small area wasn't evident. Then a slender woman with brilliant silver locks, pale green eyes, and pale skin, clad in thin silks that did nothing to conceal her muscular build or feminist. This was Diona, a deity overseeing weaving, fertility, and knowledge.

The only area in which she bothered to exercise her skill was weaving. All the others she neglected, uncaring of the chaos below in her aegis. Received warnings, oh yes, but ignored them completely. Why should she, a demi, worry about worthless human beings who viewed her as a minor creature not worth worshipping.

Thus, she continued with the weaving heeding none of the complaints murmured by the men and women washing the items she'd completed with massive use of intricate embroiders and very valuable materials that none, but the richest imperial kingdoms could afford. Only none of them were used for that purpose. She tended to hold onto them with an eye toward bargaining favors with other pantheons.

"Diona, do you have any idea of how many petitioners died awaiting your assistance with fertility?" An angry voice roared out of nowhere.

Deft fingers spinning an intricate set of silks paused in their task. Oh dear, he'd found her again. She inwardly sighed. No doubt a severe scolding was at hand. It didn't surprise her, after all she'd done all this intentionally. Though she'd never admit it.

However, she would play by the rules. Diona blinked. "Ah, Great Deity Riordan." She turned her head to face him.

The great deity, Riordan stood in plain clothing. Neatly bound violet streaked crimson hair hung braids around his features. Orange-gold eyes slitted with rage regarded her in exasperation and fury. Normally tanned, brown furred features striped with orange, darkened with fury at her unconcerned mien. "Do you have nothing to say?" He brandished an unusually thick scroll.

Diona glanced from it, swallowed in anguish, and shook her head. "No, I do not, Great Deity Riordan."

"You're lying to me." Riordan accused. "What is it that you've been told that could've saved lives." He demanded to know the truth.

Diona shook her head. "There is nothing that I could've done to make their lives fruitful." Her mouth tightened. "I wasn't able to perpetuate those duties as assigned."

Riordan sighed. "You do realize that no further attempts at reincarnation to become a deity will happen in the future once you're permanently banished?"

"I'm aware." Diona shrugged. "I took into consideration all facts when I first arrived here." She stated calmly. "I knew what my fate would be before I stepped foot here." She'd been warned against coming here. Even after she'd 'died' she'd known she wouldn't remain in this pantheon.

Riordan grunted at her calm response. "You're far too prepared for this." He realized she'd known all along what was going to happen and hadn't cared.

Diona merely looked him straight in the eye. "You know as well as I do that there was going to be one that made life a living hell for mortal worshipers." She waved a hand. "I merely chose that fate rather than have it forced down my throat." As it were, that statement should've given him some warning about what he'd learn in the future.

Riordan rolled his eyes. "More mystic bullshit." He snapped in disgust.

No, he wasn't going to pry deeper. Typical male. Diona dismissed his contempt and merely sighed. "Where do I need to go?"

"The Astral Records. The Fate Sages will deal with your future there." Riordan finally took in the massive amounts of different armaments and other accessories. His eyes widened in disbelief and rage at the seeming waste. He chose not to blast at her for it. Rather, he made a dismissive motion with his hand. "Leave now before I punish you physically."

Diona merely inclined her head. Well, she wouldn't have to worry about him discovering her other secrets. She rose to her feet and with a flick of her hand, she covered her body with a solid black robe that revealed nothing of her body. "Goodbye forever." She stated.

Riordan grunted. He frowned at her concealing garb. "Was that necessary?" He tended to prefer females in thin clothing so that he could use them for certain favors. Although Diona was one of the least interesting ones to him.

Lascivious bastard. Diona was glad to get rid of the burden of useless clothing. "Yes, actually it is." She snorted in disgust. "I won't ever set foot here again."

Now that was the truth. However, there were circumstances beyond her control. All that she'd accomplished material wise, wouldn't go unnoticed. However, none of the deities would figure out the reason behind creating them until later.

"I will escort you to the Hall." Riordan didn't let her escape his company that easily.

Annoyed, Diona merely focused on the fate ahead of her. She refused to say anything to him.

"Ah Riordan, I found you…oh, you decided to personally escort the abhorred demi?" An unctuous smooth voice interrupted their progress.

Diona didn't acknowledge the speaker, she continued walking while Riordan stopped to deal with the person.

"Halloran do you know of what circumstances prompted this incident?" Riordan demanded.

Bah, like hell he'd tell the truth. Diona didn't bother concealing a snicker. In a reflection, she watched Halloran stiffen. He'd been the main perpetrator of why she'd done what she did.

"In fact, I do not." Halloran stated.

Displeased with the entire situation, the Great Deity struck a column with his fist.

It snapped into several shards of rubble. Quickly brushing off the dust, he waved it back into place again. Riordan swore. "If I find out this was some kind of plot to decimate that continent, I will be most displeased with everyone here." He snarled.

Halloran shrugged. "I'm afraid that I'm unaware of what events have taken place except for extremely devastating ones. Might I remind you, we're overseeing twenty universes that have enormous impact on our survival?" His irritation became obvious when he regarded Riordan irately.

As she suspected, he wasn't going to acknowledge his culpability, but Diona knew he wouldn't. Truthfully, she'd known exactly what happened. She'd intentionally allowed them to die. She'd been forewarned of an even worse future for that region. Thus

she'd chosen to find a way to remove future hope of continuing lives there.

However, Riordan would only learn what besieged them after her departure. She'd never wanted to live as a deity, much less a demi that would limit what she could do. Meanwhile, Diona continued her passage through the halls in her black robing. In doing so, she terrified everyone in her path.

"My, my, you have gall walking through the hallowed halls in such garb." A sweet voice cooed.

A buxom woman with bright green hair, dark brown eyes, and leaf mottled complexion partially blocked her path. She immediately moved aside when Diona didn't stop as was usually expected when the Greater Deities appeared.

Not giving a hoot about such ceremony since she was going to become banished forever, she didn't see the need to do anything of the sort. "Greetings Great Deity Leona." Diona didn't break her stride. "I'm sure you're fully aware of my objective now?"

Leona was one of the ones who'd forewarned her. No doubt she'd lied through her teeth, as had Halloran, about those citizens. Diona no longer cared. She'd achieved her goal, sad though it was, through that outrageous loss of life. She focused on making her way to the Hall.

"Yes, I do know. I must say, you went overboard." Leona glared at Diona.

"As you're well aware, I intentionally did so at your demand." Diona shrugged when Leona blinked at her in shock. "I'm sure you're no longer able to recall such an event. You were very drunk at the time, as was Halloran." Other events occurred simultaneously, even Riordan was present as well.

Diona chose not to recall any of that. If she had, the others would immediately regain awareness of what happened. She preferred not to go there. All she wanted was removal from this hedonistic lecherous abode of Greater Deities.

Even as she thought of it, the entrance to the Astral Hall of Records opened before her.

"Wait, don't do it, Diona!" Leona screeched.

Too late. Diona had known it wasn't the Astral Hall. She didn't care. This meant they'd already expurgated her existence from the world as a human. Cool. A whole new life awaited. Her.