37 New story out!

So I published the first chapter in a new original story I'm writing.

The story follows a young girl living in a slightly more technologically advanced world then earth with many similarities to earth, just think of it as a parody version of earth.

one day, on the night of the double full moon (Yes there are two moons in that world) many people all around the world suddenly fell ill. the illness seems to mostly effect the old, young and those in poor health.

Humans aren't the only ones affected however, all living things were.

After the announcement of a system installation rang out in everyone's heads all the sick died and rose again as zombies, All vastly stronger, tougher and more resilient then humans and not that far off when it came to intellect.

no was safe as cities become dens of the hoards of undead who only seeked to devour the living.

That was only the first act in this new chapter of the world. The continents shifted the ice age descend and monsters mutated.

There's no more room for weakness in this harsh unforgiving world. No allies can be trusted and no true loyalty exists.

About the Mc: She's female, 7 years old when the story starts and 8 when the apocalypse hits. She's smart, like super smart, she's obsessed with winning and her morality is questionable at best and nonexistent at worst.

If D is a monster then she's a psychopath.

If you like this story you probably will also like the new one. The writing has more quality then this one.

The story is called:

Bloody Mary: A ruthless world.
