
Training & Date?


Shin moved around the battle simulation. He used all thing he can to fight the robot. His movement could be said is unreachable for A-rank mercenary. Only few of them could have same speed as his but that's just not his expertise. His expertise is, chain combo.

"Ice Lance!"

Shin threw Ice Lance at a target. He then jump and backflip in the air.

"Gattling Bomb!"

A barrage of bombs hit 5 metres radius.

"Spirit arm, enchanced!"

A black with while shiny line covered his hands hitting another dozen of mannequins. After he did, A few mannequins attack at his blind spot or so they look like. Shin had calm face when he face.

"Hedgehog's spike!"

A Black sharp spiked covered Shin's body pierced the mannequins. A few mannequins remained.

"Abyss blade."

A black long katana-like blade appeared. Shin raised his hand, his hand blurred a moment. The remaining mannequins cut to dice. Shin continued practice swing variety of movement.


"What? ... What is THE QUEEN DOING HERE!?"

Shin's first love was there looking at him. She made cute face.

"She wanted to eat. I said, the cook here is you... So..."

"I got it. But, This is damn 6.45 a.m!"

"Yup, he's pissed..."

'But he closed all his simulation program system already..."


"Done, please enjoy... Miss Queen."

"Call me Tohka."

"Yes, Tohka."

Erys had expressionless face when saw a table variety of food. It can be called buffet, even his employer didn't even care at all. Tohka looked at the foods with drool. Shin had faint smile.


They had heavy breakfast. Shin was very excited when saw Tohka had appetite. For all he knew his waifu (from anime) liked to eat. Good thing, he made all of it. He can say proudly that he is the best cook.

"Hey~ Shin-chan, why you make food for breakfast this much. Don't tell me..."

"Erys, I like her. That's there to it, love will grow. Moreover, it's abnormal for to instantly fall in love with someone at first sight and go crazy."

"You're right about that..."

They continued enjoyed their heavy breakfast. It was a fun one in Shin's opinion. After not long the dished finished. The one who truly enjoyed it is,

"Thank you, Shin!"

She tasted all type of food before proceed to devour them without care. Shin was surprised by that so is Erys.

"Uwa, first name already!"

"It's fine, Erys."

"She ate a lot. where the fat going?"

Shin turned his head to see Tohka started shaking and her face is red. Her yes moist looking at Shin as if He is the one who rape her (Not he is not). Erys snickered while glance at Shin.

"I-I'm not fat! Shin idiot!!!"

A fist on solar plexus. Shin's body blown away from the dinner table, Shin was out cold. Erys had surprised face. Tohka had guilty face, even if Shin was a sturdy guy. Don't forget that he is not made of metal, he is human with better strong muscle. Shin lied on ground with blue face.

"Shin is dying!!!"

"Shin, I'm so sorry!!!"

'Oi, this is not RomCom daily life novel! Why the hell I got this!?'


'Damn you sneaky fairy.'


"We're here, RS City."

Shin said with pride showing the city mix of sci-fi and nature. Tohka had glitter in her eyes as she look around in anticipation. Shin sighed as he look around,

'Where is the best place to go...'

"Shin, what do you want to do here?"

'I want to call it date but... No way girl just accepted when she just know me.'

"Tour guide."

"Oh! Guide me then,"

Shin bowed as if he was a butler.

"Yes, my dear queen."

Little did Shin know that there was a hint of red on Tohka's cheek. People who saw it look at Shin in Envy. It was heavenly luck to get to know a girl who is from Otherworld, moreover beautiful one. Thus, they went to many place.


"Look, there are a lot of fish! I want to taste them!~"

"Stop looking like that! What are you, a cat!?"

"I can't?"

Tohka moved her head to side while show cute face. It was hard to guard against cute creature like your waifu. Shin started to get fluffy inside his head, so does the employee beside him. Tohka then continued watching the marine life swam inside aquarium.

"She is cute creature..."

"She sure is..."


"I'm being swarmed by cat!!! I'm dying!!!"


Shin was speechless when saw Tohka wore cat ear. With those mix, anybody can blown to dust with those appearance. Tohka made moved her hand and make cute pose.


"It's... Cute!!!"


Shin sat on bench with Tohka at his side. They been on rest after fill the day with lot of other activities like Bowling, arcade, eating parfait (I know it's cliche but it's quite good, I'm being honest here.). Tohka shook Shin's body eagerly.

"Where are we going next!?"

"Calm down, Tohka. I'm gonna die if this continued. Let me rest pretty please!~"

"Oh, Okay."

Tohka put Shin's head on her lap. Shin's head became blank. Seeing not moving, Tohka moved her hand on his head softly. Shin's eyelids became heavy, it was comforting his tired body. He fell asleep, Tohka who saw Shin giggled a little. She look at Shin with moist eyes.

"I wish I can become a normal girl. Maybe I don't need to face all this throne thing..."

"Why you think so?"

Shin awake when heard Tohka mumbled alone. Shin looked at her with concern. Tohka had bitter smile, looking at other place.

"Because I can't enjoy what normal people do."

"Then you won't meet me or enjoy this moment."

Shin had faint smile when heard Tohka said that. Shin pushed his body up and moved bit closer to her. Tohka became wary, Shin sighed in relief. Tohka knitted her eyes looking Shin.

"At least you're not gullible when being given food."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you still can judge people properly, right?"

"Yeah, then what?"

"I promise, you will experience normal person life. I swear."

Shin had serious face. Touka had dubious look.

"What, you don't believe me?"



"I believe you then."

"Anyway, who taught you all these cute thing?"

"I asked Erys if there is a way to repay your kindness."

'Erys, Thank you very MUCH!!! At same time WTF Erys!?'

Shin had smile on his face while Tohka's face turned red. She never thought repay people could be this embarassing. They went home, Erys had white face on her face when saw Shin's smiling while not smile.


"Geh! Master, please forgive this sly fairy!"

"No way I'm gonna do that!~ I'm just gonna stick with you more often~"

Shin's smiling face darken. Erys flew away from kitchen while Tohka still shy from the date.


"Gehehehe~ I'm coming!~"


Thus, the chaos inside the building of DMan Joker Enteprise went until the middle of night.

"I'm sorry masta!!!"
