
Delivery Part2

"Shit, they really fast. We can't shake them off."

"It's fine, we almost there."

Shin helped Eduard get to the building in haste. Scorpion snickered when saw both of them went to his trap. Scorpion pulled out his pistol, it was coated with alloy of mythril and adamantium while the bullet is composed of pure demon blood as powder and wind steel as the bullet case. He pulled the trigger, the bullet went out at fast rate and without sound. But...

"Wind bullet! Eduard!"

Shin pushed the man away. The bullet grazed Shin's battle outfit and it cut Shin's arm. The grazed sleeve became in tattered while blood dripping out from the wound. Shin cursed since his outfit is light armor which is like paper when face with a bullet of that caliber. Eduard had terrified face, he couldn't hear at all the bullet being shot. Scorpion laughed out loud when saw how Shin saved his partner. He jumped down from 250 feet height and land lightly on ground gracefully with help of wind magic. He glanced at Shin with grin.

It was a cold night, there was nobody there except them and few mercenaries paid by Scorpion. The pain from the wound sting, Shin cursed slowly. Eduard's mind was blank, he didn't think anything except his death is coming. Shin chanted body enchancement on his body as his body move to battle stance.

"So, you, a mere top 100 Delivery Man is challenged me to fight?"

"What, chicken out?"


Scorpion rushed with knife on his hand. He stabbed toward Shin, while Shin use eye enchancement dodging the knife. Shin saw it was coated with extremely thin layer of poison but he didn't dare to underestimate. Scorpion swang his hand to right side as if he predicted Shin's move. Shin gritted his teeth as he hold the blade with his gauntlet. The poison was corrosive, Shin didn't realise a fist arrived meeting his rib. His body flew away from the impact.

Shin used his gauntlet as decelerate his body's flying from Scorpion's fist. Shin was panting, his body was sweating while blood kept dripping out from his mouth. Scorpion had grin while looking at Shin.

Shin activated speed, piercing and gravity spell and rush toward Scorpion. Scorpion underestimated Shin's capability, as soon Shin in front of him, Shin's fist fluidly pierced through his stomach.

"Y-you... Half-wizard.... Burgh!!!"

Scorpion body shuddered before his cough blood on Shin's head. Shin had grim expression, augment magic may good for close combat but it is not suitable for his body as it force his body to do something impossible. Scorpion laughed looking at sky,

"Do you know, why I been named scorpion!?"

A faint aura appeared on Scorpion's back as it shaped into a stinger. The stinger moved fast aiming Shin's throat but Shin's face turned lax one.

'Now the pain from augment magic is gone...'


A huge chain appeared and bind the scorpion's tail. Scorpion surprised while Shin continued raised his left hand.

"Abyss blade."

A pure black demonic sword made of pure energy arrived. It was otherworldly, it could be said that the blade itself is distorting the reality. Shin's other hand grasp it before swing at Scorpion. Scorpion became panic as he dispersed his aura before dodge it but it was already too late. The blade itself look faint, the sword didn't meet any resistance of air or anything around it. the blade only touch Scorpion's body. It was scary, a huge hole appeared on scorpion's body. Scorpion died with face of fear. The swing not only do that, it attempted to eat whole Scorpion's body as it shattered the dimension.

Every looked at that dumbfound. It was terrifying. Eduardo looked at Shin. At that moment, he did not see a young man but a sovereign stood facing world without care about it. It had a back like Shin but his hair is white. The sovereign looked calm. Shin had pale face. The power itself is hard to control. The more it devour, the more will Shin need to exceed. It was his only trump card. Shin let go the blade as it dispersed with a loud boom shattering glassed radius of 10 meters.

"Eduard, go sent that delivery."


Eduard awake from his stupor as he ran toward the building.


"So, about the price?"

"Based on the rules of Delivery Man. when Delivery Man met them from same community that is Delivery Man, the winner will gained twice or thrice the price they formally offer..."

Shin sat on chair looking at the young man. Hart had helpless face, he never expected his rival would use Delivery Man to stop his work. More so that the cost practically rise like dragon. Eduard had blank face.

Eduard looked at Shin,

"Are you sure?"

"Hey, DM community have iron-clad rule."

"That's mean it would be 4.5 million Credit!!!"

"Sorry, Hart. Can't do about it. Thrice for killing, double for defeating."

Hart could only sighed helplessly as he watched both mercenaries. He laid his back to his chair.

"So be it, then."


"So, what are you doing here?"

"Just trying to seduce you?"

"You're not helping."

Shin laid his body on his hospital bed. Tohka and Erys glare at Yuna who sat next to Shin. Shin had face 'F*ck my life'. Seeing that Shin not pleased at all, Yuna stopped teasing him. Yuna coughed a little before look at Shin with serious.

"Based on the description you gave, codename Scorpion is ranked on 50. It sure is surprising to see a last place rank can kill him."

"While that was the case. Other DM would certainly aware who killed Scorpion. Anyway, congratulation. You already jumped from 100th rank to 50th."

Shin had helpless smile as he look at the sky. He felt that this is just a beginning. Or is it?

"By the way..."

"What is it, Tohka?"

"I'm hungry."

"Hmm, I could try to cook but..."

""Let's cook!!!""

Seeing Erys joined Tohka, Shin sighed looking at the sky outside the window, again. Then again Yuna interrupted him.

"dangit guys!!! Let me rest properly, WILL YA!?"


"President! I detected a distortion of our realm detected 100 kilometers from here!"

"What!? Are you sure!?"

"Yes, It is."

A young woman with blond hair and blue eyes in Jacuzzi put her wineglass on the floor looking speechless. She heard one prophecy that there will be a sovereign that born with power to decide the fate as if his play. She always thought of that as joke but a the entry of those legend started with ' When Scorpion challenge abyss, should they know that it was fool to challenge it as Abyss will devour your very well-being.'

"The Scorpion referred to Jian Lay. While the Abyss referred to..."

"Yes, ma'am, it is Joker."


On otherworld,

"The Prophecy of coming of great age is coming! There are a bit distortion to Dex World."

"I heard you brother, stop bothering me. I'm watching television..."

"Yes, are you looking forward to it, my little sister?"

"Not at all, I'm still watching Dex world male idol. Go away, shoo,shoo."