
A new world

It was bumpy, I couldn't try to sleep anymore. I didn't want to go to school today. I opened my eyes to see me in a black dress. My hair was long too and black, I thought my hair was brown and short. "We've kidnapped the princess successfully! I was in a carriage, that's why it was Soo bumpy. Could I really be female? I was male like a second ago. I quickly sat up. "Your awake!?" The driver said. "Your were supposed to be asleep for the whole ride!" So I was being kidnapped from my kingdom, and I'ma princess. Just my day. I stood up and dashed twords the drive. I the tapped my arm around his neck and squeezed. "What the?" I then through him off the carriage and he went tumbling down the dirt road. I was in the driver seat now. I grabbed the rope and pulled back in order for the horses to stop. My dad was in the military and taught me different take downs and attacks so I was able to handle it pretty well. I stepped out of the carriage. Where I was, was so empty. Grass everywhere. I turned around to see two more carriages pulling to a stop. "Princess!" The carriage on the right had a man with golden armour and a red sword ran twords me. The man had red hair and blue eyes." "I thought we lost you for ever" he added. His armour had a name tag. "Red?" I said my head tilting to the side. He kneeled; "That's right, I am red the most powerful knight in the Crimson kingdom." So the Crimson kingdom is my home. There's magic in this world. And I'm the ruler. Red grabbed my hand and moved it twords his face. I know I'm female now and all, but this is weird as hell. His lips touched the top and my hand. Without thinking, I moved my hand to his torso. My hand started to glow white. Bam! Red went tumbling into on of the carriages. I covered my mouth with my hand. Red struggled to stand but he was able. "Princess?" he said. "Your a light and blood type magic user, the two rarest elements. Don't use them on your ally." I was worried, I didn't know what I did."I can tell that's was only a fraction of your power." Red added "Princess what did I do wrong?" He looked at me desperately, I could tell he was as loyal as someone could get. ( A little background about me. I always was sensitive about touching. If anyone touched me, I would flinch or twitch ) "That's besides the point, let's go home." Red said. I nodded in agreement and he helped my onto the carriage. So I was female, a princess and powerful. I thought I would be happy about stuff like this. But I wanted to go home.