
Delilah's POV

'Allow me to pass through this instant. My father will have your heads for this.' I stood to address a guard that had stopped me from passing through the gate out of the Scarlet Pack camp where my supposed wedding was to be held.

'I'm sorry your highness, the Alpha has given I and every other guard, mounted and manned at every single entry and exit point, in and out of the camp, to not let a soul, yours in particular, out of the camp.' The guard said as he stiffened his resolve further to not let me through the gates.

I knew my father to be quick witted and wise due to the experience he had as an Alpha king on his throne for almost 30 years, thwarting and uncovering plots that I could only dream of to begin to fathom, but this ...

I hadn't even thought that he would think so far ahead to put measures in place that would prevent me from leaving, even before he had come to confront me on the topic of my being ready to sign my life away.

I looked over my side as I addressed the guard, when I noticed a familiar aura as Beta Damon, a common nobody who had enough ambition that only my father could match, finding his favour in that stead also caught on to my gaze in the process.

He has passed by and mocked my feeble attempts with his expression, looking over his shoulder with a stare that only struck me with anxiety.

'Hmph ...' Beta Damon snuffed, loudly to my hearing even.

Judging by his direction of heading, it seemed he had been making his way to the Alpha's tent. A stout and brief other beta followed suit beside him as Damon obviously paid little heed to his presence and seemingly running mouth.

'I wonder what that sorry excuse for a werewolf I know is going to talk to my father about.' I turned back from his sight and addressed the guard.

Beta damon has always given me perverted stares and only rubbed off suspicious and Ill willed intent into his gazes when he never even utters a word to me.

It gives me the 'Hee-bee, gee-bees' Or maybe it's just plane creepy with a side dish of chills serving.

I then decided to give up after which i went away from the relentless guard, dissing the presence of the spiteful being that just dampened my mood the more.

That would be both Damon and the guard.

'I will walk through that gate out of here, or I'll walk in from the outside. You'll see.' i walked out on the guard, as I threw a middle finger at him into the air while in my wedding gown, seemed weird but ...

'How am I going to get out of thia place now. I don't have any means to ...' My thoughts were hopeless too, there was no chance for me.

Even though I had boasted to the guard about my determined prowess.

'Who am I kidding, I'm never getting out of ...' I had lost all hope and only made to slump to the floor in grief.

Turns out that I had been called out by a camp staff as she was maintaining the flowers set up for the wedding and even setting up some extras, using a questionable method that I fain ignorance for but still kept me on my toes.

The staff's entire aura seemed shady and gave off an ominous feel especially as she spoke with a shrieking tone held in her speech.

'I hear you're trying to get out of the palace. Maybe I can ... be of help.' She said as she coughed midway in her speech, clearing her throat in the process and now having a normal tone.

Whatever creature she was, remained unknown as she had a hood over her head which made me question the very reason for anyone reasonable enough to ever allow her work in the camp.

'Why would I believe ...' I then begun to address her.

'Shhhh!!! We don't want to attract attention.' she interrupted.

She had stared down my guess at hinted intervals thinking I didnt notice, fact was that I did and found it all the more sketchy.

She then pulled me to a corner where my insistent shouts at the mid volume of my voice wouldn't come off as a problem.

'What would make me trust someone as sketchy as you. I can't even see your face, care to clear my doubts on your not being a leach or a vampire. The guards are right there you know.' I finally made to make my drawbacks to her person, clear to her.

I had keyed into my curiosities and tried to uncover the staff's identity before even beginning to co-sign to any deal she had to offer.

'You have no need to clear your doubts, have them. If you really wanted to have me on a knife's edge, you would've done so a long time ago. You wouldn't damn the only hope that has presented itself for you to get out of this camp, that much is obvious.' the staff said.

The cleared voice and tone she spoke in had already gave her away as a female teen, somewhat of my age, body size aside because the cloth she had on was plus size worthy.

'What do you want?' I asked.

I knew there was truth in her discerning the fact of me wanting to leave the camp so I decided to hear her out.

I then conceited and finally declared to her my intentions as I too listened in to her demands.

'Your dress is pretty.' The girl said in a soft tone as she pointed to the wedding gown that I had on.

I then stared at the gown that I had long forgotten I had on and then looked to the cloth that the girl had worn.

'Lets trade.' I said, in a serious tone moreover.

I had reckoned that if I actually intended to elope from the palace unto a free life, being held back by the constant pulling of the long gown I had on, would be too much of a dead giveaway.

I then decided to switch with the girl who wore what could be compared to rags, screaming of its freedom to go wherever the wearer pleased.

That freedom was reassured because people would clear the path just so they wouldn't make contact with the wearer, which was exactly what I wanted.

'Perfect.' I came out of another corner where I had gone to change wearing a sexy, plus sized cloth that screamed "shuu!"

It turned out that the rugged looking camp staff was actually a werewolf teen in her youth, seemingly even being close to adult stage, she looked my age even.

The staff's POV

'Pretty ...' I had come out of a space between two tents, looking so regal on the wedding gown that I had switched into while adoring its fit on me.

I had never seen or even had the opportunity to manage the thought of being dressed in such finesse and this fitter for the princess just graced me with the single only reason for living up to this point.

I played around with the features that came with the gown: the veil, the layers of wears and the fitted bosom pad that adjusted to my breast, it could leave men wanting, even though it was a pinch of petite.

'You can have it.' I had offered the dress to the werewolf teen who immediately accepted and made no attempt or thought at rejecting it.

'So now you can tell me how to get out of here' I then directed the burning question that I had been holding in from asking to the girl.

I was so engrossed in the thrill and beauty that putting on that single gown held in its feel that I ignored everything else around me, which also included the fitter's outreach.

It took her slapping against my wrist that had been twirling the gown to snap me back into reality.

'Uhmm ... What ... What did you say?' I met her with a series of confused worded thoughts..

'I said how can I get out of the pack.' She said as she seemed like she had repeated her question again, this time shouting to buttress her point to my hearing.

'Oh, how to get out of the palace. That's easy, how do you think I got in and found this job in the first place.' I leaned closer to her, at the same eye level to point her to a heading.

I had pointed to a peculiar place in the camp, a graveyard of sorts where the Luna, the gods rest her soul, being buried there held as its calling card, a form of significance. Yet I pointed my hand pointed specifically at the said grave.

'Is that where it is?' She said as she tried to confirm my pointing.

It was in the middle of the night so going there unnoticed was no problem, except for the fact that everywhere was lit to daylight's shining like the sun was still out and howlings to the west as rampant, that's excluding the spot that she was meant to go to.