

Scarlett has always been an obedient, soft, quiet girl who is extremely religious. She keeps to herself and avoids social interactions. Everyone who meets her, ends up loving her , but she's hiding a secret that no-one knows. No-one knows the heartache, the hurt and the loneliness she has to face on a daily basis. No-one, except one extremely attractive badboy who sees right through her. Jake Gordan is the university's most popular football player. Every girl wants to date him and every guy wants to be him. After a quick encounter with the quiet girl who accidentally bumped into him, his life is thrown off track. Everything he believes in is questioned. Is he capable of loving someone? Read to find out. THIS STORY IS UNEDITED, SO I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY ERRORS.

Thalia_Julius · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 1.

Life is a selfish, sinful, tiring game. The more you try to master or understand it, the harder it gets. Clinging on to that last bit of hope when you've been suffering your entire life is like trying to win a losing battle.

I've tried so hard to be strong for myself and push through all obstacles thrown my way, but everytime I'm forced to play this sick game I lose a piece of myself and with that piece goes confidence, strength and self love. How do I remain positive when the only objectives thrown my way are negative. It's really hard to push through constant bullying and torment, especially when it's coming from loved ones.

"Daydreaming again, Scar?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a hand waving in my face.

I slap it away before focusing on my surroundings. The walls are painted a light Grey color, covered with different photo frames. The floors are wooden with a dark shade of brown. There are brown stools surrounding the counter, for customers to sit on while waiting for their order and cute tables and chairs on the other side of the room for groups of people who plan on sitting for a long period of time. There are also comfortable couches at the back of the coffee shop, surrounded by many shelves of books for anyone who wants to read while having a beverage. It's my favourite part of the place. I smile as I smell the familiar scent of coffee. I'm a coffee addict, it's something I can't live without and it's also the one thing that determines my mood. If I haven't had my coffee first thing in the morning, I will throw a tantrum. Never keep me away from my precious cup of brown liquid.

"You know, just thinking..." I say to my best friend before taking a sip of the warm goodness.

"Yeah, you've been doing that alot lately." She says sarcastically, I don't miss the dramatic eye roll she throws my way.

Laughing at her usual sarcastic self I put down my cup and place my folded hands on the table while locking eyes with her.

"Taylor, how have you been? Seriously, what happened to you is not something to be taken lightly. I know you pretend like everythings fine, but I'm your best friend and I can tell that you're far from it. You're not okay."

She sighs, obviously affected by my words and looks out the coffee shop's window, avoiding my intense gaze.

" I don't know, Scar. It's just really hard, you know? I mean I loved him and he betrayed me without giving it a second thought and now he wants me to forgive him and move on. I just can't. I won't."

"And no-one expects you to." I say. I grab her hands in mine. "I love you and I support any decision you make. That guy is a douche who doesn't deserve any part of you, you're way to good for him. And I'm so proud of you for being so strong. You will make it through this and I'll be here every step of the way." I give both her hands a tight squeeze, silently letting her know that I'll always be by her side.

Taylor just ended her 1 year relationship with her dumbegg of a boyfriend, Nick, who she caught  cheating on her with some girl he claimed was his long time friend. Friends don't suck each other's faces off while laying in bed together naked. But what do I know, I've never even been in a relationship.

I check the time, before gathering my belongings and then placing it in my bag. "I should get going, class starts in 30 minutes. Meet me after school?"

"Yip. I'll come to your place. I'm not in the mood for my ratchet siblings." she self palms her face.

I chuckle, placing a kiss on her cheek. "Alright, see you later. Love you."

"Love you too, babes."

I step out of the coffee shop and am immediately engulfed by the strong wind. The air is cold and the sky is covered with dark heavy looking clouds. I wrap my coat tightly around my body, and make my way to class.

The walk from the coffee shop to Campus is a short distance and I love the peace it brings me. It gives me time to think and prepare myself for the hectic day of classes ahead of me. Pulling my phone from my pocket after feeling it buzz, I open it and see a text from my granny.

Have a good day and don't forget to pray. - mama

I smile at the text, before responding.

Thank you, mama. And I won't forget.❤️

Before I can lock my phone and place it back into my pocket, I knock into a hard back and mentally curse, not wanting to face confrontation.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't checking where I was walking." The person slowly turns around and my eyes slowly trail up the tall, muscular body, before making contact with the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. Woah.

Staring back at me is a very angry, but hot looking guy. Why's it so hot out here, wasn't it super cold just a few seconds ago?

I gulp and unknowingly take a step back, putting some much needed space between the two of us.

"Watch where you're going." He says before storming off. Rude.

Hot and rude.

Oh shut up.

I shake my head and continue my walk, glancing back over my shoulder hoping to get one last look at him, but he's nowhere