
Chapter 4: Name 1

When I got Jessica home, I made her plop down on the couch and just lie down so I could think about it. I needed to sort myself out. After all that had happened, I was just beginning to calm down again.

And, like a bright beacon in the darkness of my mind, the thought that I wasn't really me anymore flickered. Or even not me at all. This rebirth as a symbiote changed me more than I thought it would. If I don't even perceive myself as a person anymore, to the full extent. I mean, I'm, like, me, but when I bit off that guy's head, I... I didn't feel like I was breaking any taboos. I didn't see him as part of my species. Yeah, it's going to be a shock when people find the bodies…

Although, maybe it's not so shocking for this world.

But, what's interesting is…

How did I get here in the first place? Why me? And why here?

Unfortunately, there were no answers to these questions in my memory. Maybe it was some cosmic entity that brought me to this world and put me in the body of a Klintarian? I think that's what this race is called. Or is this all just my dying delirium? In any case, the only reasonable option for me is to act on the basis of the circumstances. Namely, from the fact that I am now an alien life form with my own characteristics.

Exhaling, I get to my feet and walk to the window, putting my fingers to the glass.

I stared at the view of the evening city and still tried to figure out what I was.

Just recently, I lost everything that was dear to me. He took his revenge and supposedly died. But he didn't rest…

And now I'm here…

And I... kind of feel bad that I don't feel the same grief that I felt earlier. How much time did I spend in suspended animation? Or maybe it's because of the rebirth itself or merging with the personality of the symbiote? Why does my past life seem so distant? Like it was years ago, so long ago that I couldn't even remember my little sister's face anymore? And even... his own face…

Yes... it really seems like a long time ago…

I don't know at what point I found myself in this body, but judging by the sensations... I really spent a long time in a state of suspended animation. So long that some old memories began to fade. And it was especially disappointing to forget my sweet little sister…

It would be easier to completely abandon the past, bury it, and consider yourself a new being…

But, all these reflections are broken by this strange hatred, which just goes beyond ordinary emotions and becomes something mystical. Seriously, out of spite, I literally started spewing flames! And it's not a symbiote's ability, but my own power.

- Hehe... - like a demon that escaped from the depths of hell.

I haven't even been to hell, though. And I didn't really believe in him. By the way, but in the Marvel universe hell and demons are quite real, by the way.

My stomach rumbled, interrupting my thoughts.

- Well, I'm sorry, - I said, and headed for the kitchen. - We'll consider it a small price to pay for your help.

My own body's first impulse was to start devouring its host. Not all at once, but just to absorb some not particularly critical piece. But now, when I was already calm and a little accustomed to the new incarnation, it was not so difficult to restrain this impulse. But it is better not to delay with the satisfaction of hunger. So, after opening the refrigerator, I immediately conduct an audit of the food supply.

- Mmm... brrr…

I tried cold chicken, but immediately decided to warm it up. While she was warming up in the microwave, I destroyed a couple of chocolate bars. And, here the chocolate is clearly to the taste of my new body, which from pleasure already passed a wave of shivers. Although, not that chocolate was just incredibly useful, but surprisingly quite nutritious. In any case, a regular meal is enough to satisfy the symbiote's, uh, physical hunger.

And then…

A little awkward in front of this girl. By Jessica…

But I was going to stay with her for a while. I won't show myself to her, otherwise the first meeting was already quite traumatic, for her psyche, at least. And I could even fix it…

The cells of my body were grimly entangled in the girl's brain. By passing signals on it, I displayed the girl's recent memories, and then destroyed the connection between some neurons, tearing my image out of her associative connection. And then, after isolating the fragments of chemical memory, he simply destroyed them. This was happening on such an intuitive level... for a symbiote, it was as natural as breathing. Although, it's worth noting that I won't be able to delete older memories as easily. Or somehow radically affect the person's personality. But, over time, you can easily process the host's mind, directing the person's thoughts in the direction I need. And, to be honest, such opportunities are a little scary even for me.

- Okay, get some sleep.

I returned to the bed and laid her down, then decided to check on something else.