

Cpails · Urban
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1 Chs

Hey you

The people moving in a hurry couldn't stop by the cold breeze of the morning.

Some are holding their phones as they try to grab a cab while others are running under their breath, holding tightly their cup of coffee.

This is not because of the Christmas season that has begun but the kind of city itself. M City is always a bustling place.

This is the same scenario every morning since there are lots of people working in this city. You can find here some of the giant broadcasting corporations with other branded companies. You can also see five-star hotels, restaurants, and super malls.

Who would not want to live in a place where you can be paid generously and live luxuriously?

But what makes the day unusual is the woman sitting leisurely on the steel bench in the waiting shed in front of the L-Diamond Broadcasting Corporation.

Lynn Cohen is holding her phone while her both thumbs pressing the screen and moving it left to the right at the same time.

She's too engrossed that she couldn't even hear the honk of the cars, the Christmas songs, and the noise coming from the people around her.

The high school boy beside her couldn't help himself to watch her professional skilled thumbs winning the racing car game-app for three rounds successively.

Stars are flashing on her phone screen when she suddenly asked the student a nerve-wracking question.

"What's the time already?"

It was for the student not until she casually asked without looking at him.

"Seven-thirty."the student replied obediently.

She then looked at the student without special reason.

"Ow, I'm late."she remarked but expressionless.

The student was not quite sure if the woman was in panic and she's just hiding this from him. He looked away subconsciously, eyeing a cab that had just stopped in front of them.

The student stood up and walked towards it, but he stopped abruptly, he looked back at her.

"What are you waiting for? Get in the cab already."she said, motioning the student.

The student was hesitant while switching his eyes from her to the cab.

She smirked, "I'm good. Moreover, I'm working in that company."she said as she pointed out the tall building across the road.

The student scratched his head and blinked his eyes twice until he finally rushed to get in the cab.

While she played the game again until she decided to cross the road and walk in the company at last.

"You're late again." her superior welcomed her with displease expression as she entered their office.

She shrugged and stared back at her superior dauntlessly.

Her superior was about to approach her, but Mia had already held her hand, one of her co-workers and her friend.

"Miss Faye, Director Damian asked us to assist her crew in putting up the props in his film set."

She then looked at Mia, "what?" she mouthed, arching her brow.

But Mia ignored her and smiled at their superior forcibly.

"We'll be right back, Miss Faye."and pulled her away.

"You know Lynn, you really want to be fired from your job." Mia said as they made their way to the storage room.

"If they want to fire me, so be it. I have been working here for two years, but I am still a reserve staff. Do you think I still want to continue working here?"

She also became an exemplary employee. She comes work early, did all the orders, made coffee, and sometimes stayed up late. But now she realized that she only made herself a fool.

She even stopped and faced Mia.

"And that Faye? Her blood boils on me because she's insecure."

"How can you say that she's insecure with you?" Mia asked her with curiosity in her eyes.

"Because I'm sexier than her." she proudly spoke.

They both grinned at each other, and they continued their walk to the storage room.

After they get the things they need for Director Damian's show, they immediately proceeded to its filming location.

They helped in organizing the set, and it took them three hours to put up the set props.

So before they went back to their office, they decided to have a snack and rest their body first.

"Let's ease up our body on the rooftop."she suggested after they bought their ice coffee.

They were climbing the stairs to the rooftop when Mia suddenly asked her.

"I wonder, how does it feel to be part of a production team?"

"Of course, it's like you're jumping on the rainbow." she answered.

"I hope there is a team that will accept us. If this happens, it would be the best Christmas gift for me."

She smirked at what her friend had stated.

She pushed the glass doorway as they reached the front of it. She entered first, then Mia followed her.

"Oh right, since we're on the topic. Will you celebrate Christmas with your family this year?"

She walked directly towards the railings of the rooftop.

"No, and they are not even my family." she answered nonchalantly, then she leaned on the railings.

The atmosphere between them grew awkward that they didn't even notice the presence of the two men, just three meters away from them.

"Um, have you read the event on the notice board?"Mia tried to break the silence between them.

"Which one?" She asked, then she took a sip from her ice coffee.

"The company will hold a raffle event as a Christmas gift to us."she straightened her back as soon as she heard this, for it sounds interesting to her.

"I read on the notice board that whoever is drawn, she will date Clyde Larson for three days until Christmas eve."

She stared at Mia for a brief moment.

"Clyde Larson?"