

As the sun rays on the young king Baal Throunos, he was looking down below. All the five heads of Tartarus beasts that he collected are now in place in every tip with a star drawing in blood.

'The underground blood pyramid of Ashura's isn't discovered by them yet.' The young king closed his eyes. He remembers the past. He was getting old and bones break easily, but he's still immortal. He was sold here as a blood sacrifice every day because he would regenerate every morning.

Shaking his head, the young king looks at the opening ritual. 'I hope there's a blood altar here. If there isn't, I don't know what I would do.'

As he thought of all the possibilities, the young king witness the opening ritual was about to start. He spread his arms and chants continuously,

"Anoixe ti dynati porta!"

"Anoixe ti dynati porta!"

"Anoixe ti dynati porta!"

The ground trembles after the young king's chant, the ground opens as the young king walks slowly towards inside the darkness.

Looking at the darkness without fear, the young king was greeted by a voice,

"Three thousand years, not single worthy food. I have met, tasted, and fed with different races. However, I cannot tell what kind of race you are..."

The young king Baal Throunos looks left and right.

"Very peculiar. Examining your body, I found nothing familiar. It feels like- like something not in this world or universe itself. This is my five million three hundred fourteen thousand and a five hundred sixty-seven life. Yet, I cannot recall where you're from."

The young king looked he could see a gigantic creature with the head of a human and the body of a lion with the wings of a falcon.

He is a little surprised,

'It's not the head of a woman? Probably because it was killed by the Ashuras and reborn again to be a woman. The Blood Sphinx, a beast that is three levels higher than normal Tartarus beasts, the Legendary beasts!'

In this disorder world, there is a disorder beast: the beast that can survive even if its limbs remain; heads, bodies, arms, feet are destroyed or severed. They will only die if all of their body parts are destroyed.

And they're categories how strong they are.

Temporal - Four times stronger than normal humans in the same stage of cultivation.

Tartarus - Two times stronger than a Temporal beast in the same stage of cultivation.

Volcano - Strong as Tartarus beasts and can go to rage state.

Barathrum - Twice stronger than Tartarus and Volcano, in the same stage of cultivation. But can't go into a rage state.

Legendary - Strong as Barathrum beasts and can go to rage state.

"You are not an Ashura, so I won't let you pass easily, but discovering me is something that impressed me. Tell me, creature, that I don't know. What is it you seek?"

The young king looks at it fearlessly and thought,

'He had magical power, not only pure brute strength, he's like a Crypted and Beast combined like dragons.'

He then answers,

"I am a Variant Ashura. I am allowed to pass."

The sphinx cannot be easily fooled,

"You may have fooled them, but I know an Ashura when I see one. I will forgive your lie because of your braveness, but this is the only time. Tell me, what is it you seek, unknown creature?"

The young king gave the beast a smirk.

"I guess I have no choice. I'm looking for a sacrificial Blood Altar. Is there one inside?"

The beast put its paw on his chin, thinking of something,

"Hmm... The Sacrificial Blood Altar, Hmm... A treasure created by races like Blood demons, Ashuras, Ancestral Vampires, and Atlantis race."

"Yes, those things. Any kind of those things?" the young king replied with a straight face.

"Hmm... An unknown creature, searching for Sacrificial Blood Altar. Hmm... You must look for a way to communicate with the world. There's only two other options for using the Sacrificial Blood Altar...

"The first one is that you are one of the races here, humans, Ashura, disorder beast or any kind of intelligent Crypted beings. You wished to become one of the beings here.

"Second is that you want to use your past power in this world because you gave up this universe for an unknown reason. Tell me what is the answer between the two?"

The young king had a serious look on his face and replies,

"It is not my duty to tell you,"

The Blood Sphinx looks amused.

"Of course, Of course. It is not your duty to tell me. So, I will not tell you if there's a Sacrificial Blood Altar inside too. You need to go inside to know. However, before you enter, there is a little condition to be met or I will eat you, an unknown creature.

"I never thought that I would meet you here unknown creature from another universe. I only have ten years more to live, and you opened the pyramid. Once they knew I'm here, when I died, my memory would probably erase by them."

"I don't care," the young king replied.

The face of the Sphinx came close to the young king with large eyes and says,

"A pity, however, you need to answer my riddles to pass through as compensation."

'Riddles?' the young king was speechless,

"Yes, seven of them. After all, you reached my nerve." Said the Blood Sphinx.


Outside the pyramid,

A hand reaches out from below the destroyed trees. Martis Wolfblood stood up, his face was all red in rage but with a maniacal smile.

"Hahaha! Madf*cker! No wonder he is confident. He is incredible. No one in my clan defeat in such a humiliating manner. Why did a hidden expert remain hidden?

"Am I not worthy of his time? I will not back down and I need to take my vengeance! My new ability works wonders, hahaha! Reverse Blood technique!"

A reverse blood technique processes negative blood energy that puts Ashuras into rage into positive energy by taking two sources of blood energy and multiplying them by one other.

As a result, the energy that destroys becomes energy that creates, and negative blood energy becomes positive. Despite sounding simple enough, producing a reverse blood energy technique is extremely complex and difficult to perform for most Ashura blood users.

"Where is he!?"

Martis looks at the distance where he could still sense the trail of the one who defeated him.


He rushed forward like a speeding train; it took him a little minute to realize that the direction was where the Ashuras clan.

"My Ashura race?"

Martis thought,

'Knowing his capability, he could've been like me. A Sanguine Blood power user, however, he is higher in a stage of cultivation because he could destroy me easily by using simple gold coins.

'He didn't know about Reverse Blood Technique because he left me alive and didn't check. If he did, I would've died right there with his strength.'

Martis's half of his head was healed and regenerated, his injuries all over his body recovered slowly too. The blood that is showering the air with a whistle decreased dramatically.

Reverse blood energy can be used for various purposes, but most commonly healing. Blood energy that turns Ashuras in their rage state comes from negative emotions, which are unfit for healing living things.

Ashura blood power users use reverse blood energy mainly for generating new flesh to heal human bodies. While very few Ashura blood power users can use a reverse blood technique, there are even fewer that use it to heal people other than themselves.

Martis reached his destination with three individuals waiting for him.

"Martis, what's wrong?"

The Elder asked. The Elder was about to send his subordinate, but Martis was a little different today.

"Elder, I'm afraid to say that I experienced defeat by an unknown individual of my own Ashura Clan. I wish to see him and have a rematch!"

The Elder was thinking, 'So, he's already here. And he established his power against his competition with a woman.'

"What's he look like?" The Elder asked.

Martis kneeled and replies, "Elder, his horn is slightly bigger and his flesh was packed with power."

"Just like this one?" The Elder took a Crystal.

Martis was surprised,

"Yes Elder, exactly! It is him!"

The Elder look at him for a moment and says,

"He subdued Edith,"

Martis kneeled and couldn't believe what he heard.

"What?!" He asked again if it's real.

"Here, look at this ball," The Elder said, his eyes shined a light,

"Give it back once you confirmed it." The Elder added.

Martis took it with wearing an unbelievable look on his expression, then he left quietly not saying a word.

"Elder, are you sure about this?" One of the Elders subordinates asked at the back.

"I am, since it is confirmed that the guy we are searching for is an Ashura, stimulating Martis will make him more aggressive and could help him get stronger. He might make that hidden lazy bastard appear and reveal himself."

"What if one of them ends up dead?"

Elder didn't have many expressions on his face, and replied,

"Then they die."

Next chapter