
Change of mind



'What is that?'

Reyz can see the surrounding people with him who are after his brother's head while he's dazed. Their vigorous fighting spirit disappeared in an instant and all of them were unconscious.

'He is so strong. He didn't spare anyone.'

All of the sudden, his frozen body twitch then out of nowhere,

'My body felt so tired, my brother...

'Are you my brother?'

'I fear my brother, for the first time in my life, the person who I thought was a useless and a lazy person was a monster. It was the feeling that felt like I stared at death itself. Fortunately, the one who released it is my older brother.'

Reyz thought in his head. His eyes felt loose. His feet are shaking just by standing and his arm lost all his blood.

"You are alive."

The young king's voice resounded to a silent arena that was full of noise earlier.

Reyz only looked up. His face was a little weary and looked terrible.

"I'm gonna ask you a question. Why protect those useless soldiers?

"What if they betray you?

"What would you do?"

The series of questions were asked to the dazed Reyz Throunos.

"Are you still willing to sacrifice your life for them?"

Reyz unconsciously raised his hand and formed a fighting stance with difficulty.



"I will protect everyone, I will save you!"

"Save me? Where would you save me from?"

"From yourself!" Reyz whisked something out as a weapon, and when the young king saw that, he froze.



'That's my...'

"You're still keeping it?"

The young king said with disbelief written all over his face. Then he observes the face of the man who's holding it.

'Why are you keeping it?!' he said in his mind with a little anger. But the violent killing intent disappeared from his aura.

'I'm glad, I'm glad,' Reyz said on his head with a delight. He noticed that the violent aura disappeared in his brother, and with difficulty, he opened his mouth and says,

"I always keep it, because the man who gave it to me said that however bad humans are, there are still good in them. I even remember all his words, especially the words he said to me.

"Death is not the greatest of life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while we live,

"That's what he said. That's the man that I admire the most! I always follow that! Even if that man changed and became the exact opposite of what he said, I still believe him!

"I conquered my fear because of that!"

The young king couldn't believe it. 'Is that why?...

'In the past, is that why?...


The young remember how selfless his brother was, even when people betrayed him, even when he was on pinch! Until he perished as a hero!

'It's because of me?!

'The reason was all me?! I just did it because I'm from the earth in the past! I said it because I experienced a situation that is far worse than death itself!

'But with my aura that was depleted right now, there's a chance that I would get defeated by my little brother. I underestimated the numbers that I have to pour my aura into, making them all faint in my Tremor rage.

'All of them are still alive. I intentionally didn't make my brother faint. They already witnessed my strength, and I plan to hide it by killing them all,'

Looking at his younger brother, the young king felt regret. 'My little brother would probably stop me. So how do I hide my power?'

Knowing that he had no choice, the young king looked at his brother, thinking, 'I guess I'll let them go for now. My bloodthirsty feeling faded anyway.'

"Grandfathers treasure to make me a little stronger despite being mortal was excellent. It was given to me by my father when he perished. This is also the reason I'm the king and not you.

"To test your character, because father knows that you'll eventually seek to become a Regent. Little brother, I'm proud of you. Reyz Throunos, listen..."

Reyz didn't seem to process everything. He felt like he is getting dizzy. One time he saw how strong his older brother was, then he showed maniacal behavior, and now,

'All these things? What's going on? To test my character?' Reyz Throunos thought.

"I, King Baal Throunos declare you worthy of the Regents Insignia. I hope you pass to become a real Regent, a protector of humanity."

The young king said.

Reyz was shocked when he heard all of this. 'What? Is this for real?'

After saying this stuff, the young king took out something and threw it far to reach his little brother.

"That's the insignia. You can thread your path. Good luck," he said.

Then the young king looked at the side, his eyes locked on Morus and the girls that did not faint. Then the young king turned his back and left the colosseum.

"Why'd he look at us?" The amazing girl asked.

Morus look back at her and say, "He wants us to spread the news that he's only strong because of his grandfather's treasure."

"What?! He's not saying the truth?" She exclaimed in surprise,

"Yes, say nothing. Just do what I tell you to do. Also, don't come back to him. I'll go back to the tribe after this and invite women. I'm sure elders would agree.

"If not, I don't know what will happen if we piss him off further."


As the rumors spread, the king had a treasure to strengthen himself. The young king was sitting on his bed.

He is looking at his hands while muttering to himself.

"I never thought I would wield such power. Just my aura alone was enough to overpower creatures that are a little stronger than myself and make them faint.

"The strangest things are the aura. I can sense any kind of aura that is unique to creatures like a half titan and forest angel.

"I can also sense the aura between disorder users' categories. All of them are peculiar, so many things I don't know about a Symbiotic cultivator.

"So much to know, so much to look forward to and so many dangers I would face in the future. If I knew nothing about symbiotic cultivators, I don't know if I could face those monsters that will come down to this realm.

"I need the Blood altar now. I should start my journey tomorrow. But for now, I will sleep."

After that, the young king Baal Throunos closed his eyes as he rest in peace for the night.

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