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Lordcanute · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Awakening!!! oooh!

Suddenly he appeared in a deep forest. Blood was dripping from his neck, but soon it coagulated.

"What is this, where am i? last thing i recall was..."

Glen was a person that could accept any situation, he liked to think of himself as the chillest person, but others thought of him more like an irresponsible goofball, one with more confidence than a bull on steroids despite having nothing to back it up.

Glen, while mindlessly walking forward had died at the age of eighteen by falling off a bridge while chatting on the phone to one of the women he was sleeping with behind his girlfriend's back.

He then seemed to come to a realization, "That bridge should have had a railing, don't they know it's dangerous... Oh, so I'm in heaven, this is what heaven is like huh?"

Gathering himself from the ground, he stood up, and a stream of memories entered his mind, forcing him to sit back down.

He felt pain a sharp pain in his head, and saw his hands were actually caked in red blood.

As if the memories were the funniest joke he ever had, he laughed out loud, "Hahahaha, god, if you exist, your sense of humor is even better than mine, this is totally what I would do too..."

Although what he meant by that was anyones guess.

"Reincarnation huh... A world of pokemon? Haha, okay then. "

Glen rubbed his throat, the skin on his neck was scabbed over, which showed a long scar. "those people slit my throat, or rather your throat, and left you here to die? and took your only pokemon? and now I've even taken your body, tough luck, kid."

The people that killed him were dressed in black, but from the memories, Glen found they were most likely criminals belonging to team rocket, and likely found him by chance.

Glen looked at the ground, at the small pool of his own blood, "Well, you may of died and I don't really know you, so I don't see how that's any of my business, but if I can, then perhaps I will avenge you."

He looked towards the dense forest, "Eh... too much effor- I mean, I think it's better to forgive and forget, no need to hold grudges, it's not like I'm a protagonist in a wuxia novel, and I didn't even see their faces."

Glen nodded to himself, thinking himself a sage at that moment.

Convinced with his decision, he picked a direction and began walking haphazardly through the forest.

"Well, how am I gonna get out of this? I don't suppose I will get a system like other reincarnators will I?"

<Beep, system initiated, welcome new user, in this world, you will encounter creatures called pokemon, they can be found-

The self-proclaimed system kept ranting on, and on, but his mind was elsewhere, "Man I'm sleepy, maybe I should take a few zz's and figure this out later"

The system beeped again, as if annoyed at his new host ignoring it, -New quest initiated, "Escape the forest"

In front of him, a screen suddenly popped up.

The screen seemed to be trying to force Glen to give it attention, which it achieved for the moment.

Glen scratched his chin while reading it, "Really does seem like a game, how funny."

Focusing on the screen, it read in english, (Hey, You, You're finally awake, you were trying to cross the border, right, walked right into that imperial ambush, damn stormcloaks.)

"hahaha, Was this written by a ten year old who played too much skyrim? what imperial ambush? aahahaha"

Glen continued reading, (You are stuck in a hostile territory, and without a pokemon you will definitely become food the moment the wild pokemon realize you don't have a pokemon to protect you.)

Losing interest, Glen waved the screen away, and continued walking, "

A few seconds later, Glen thought of something, then asked, "Do I get a reward or something?"

Suddenly the screen reappeared and elongated,

(Get out of this forest alive)

Then right below, (Reward: not dying) (Failure: Death)

"Do I get exp and level up?"

The screen shifted like liquid to form new words, "Exp doesn't do anything for you, and you can't level."

"Oh, why did you mention exp then?"

"Exp was never mentioned."

"Oh, you are like a smart ai system thingy that can talk?"

Glen scratched his chin, "Well, that's cool, do you like, know the way out, and do I have stats or something, and can I change the quest reward.

"There is no quest system. Host has the attention span of a fly, and the survival instincts of a lemming. System is somewhat impressed the host adapted so fast, but it seemed it was not in a good way, system has attempted to direct the host from randomly sleeping in the forest, never to wake up."

Glen laughed, "So your were fucking with me, I knew it! so why do you keep calling yourself system and talking like that, and what can you do for me?"

The system sighed, and a screen popped up showing a large map.

"After compiling the previous deceased host's memories, I can say with certainty, that you are currently in Viridian Forest. I suggest you follow this path."

Suddenly the screen focused, and the large map became smaller, and smaller, now showing a minimap on the right corner of Glens vision, quite simialar to a video game.

"Quest updated, current objective, follow the arrow to leave the forest."

"Say status."


Infront of Glen, a new screen appeared, it showed his current equipment, his age(10), height(4 foot 7 inches), stats(7 agility, 6 strength, 10 intellect), and whatever else the system thought relevant.

"This is neat"

"Host does not seem to understand his situation, and it's time you paid some attention to your surroundings, there is a level 4 spinarak eyeing you from the tree to your right. I suggest the host to stop walking, and slowly back up. A level 4 spinarak is among the weakest pokemon, but still stronger than a 10-year-old child."

"The level 4 spinarak has landed on the ground."

Glen was completely ignoring the AI, as his attention was on the status screen, while he carelessly walked forward.

"The level 4 spinark is approaching host."

Glen suddenly laughed, then said, "This is really detailed, Glen pointed to the screen, what's this stat do?"

"The level 4 spinarak was startled by host's sudden laughter, and fled, crisis averted."

"What'd you say, something about a rattata?" Glen looked around confused.

"I. Hate. You."

Five minutes of walking later, Glen comes across a pidgey perched atop a tall tree. It's brown and white feathers were dirtied, which helped it keep hidden in the leaves of the dark forest's canopy.

"Level 3 pidgey ahead, please for the love of god pay attention for once."

Glen looks over, and barely finds it.

He tilts his head to the side, "What does it want?"

"I... What...? I don't know where to begin with you, what do you mean, it's a wild animal, it does things that wild animals do, like killing idiots that ask stupid questions. You don't ask a bear, what does it want, you stay out of its way, and while you are at it, keep your voice down, so you don't figure out what it wants."

Giving the pidgey a wide birth, Glen moves on, and he was soon out of sight of the creature.

"So, like, am I going the right way?"

"Did you really just forget? You've been following the arrow the whole time, and you ask me that? I literally just told you to follow the arrow earlier, and... no, you had to have been listening, because you said status when I asked you to, and even without me helping you, your previous hosts memories should be freely accessible to you... I don't comprehend you."

Glen pointed to the floating arrow in front of his vision, "Ah right, so that's what that was, I thought it was like a helpful forest spirit, and it was leading me to safety."

System: ...