
Awakening (Chapter 107)

After the story was done, Bakugou got up and walked through the woods slowly. Izuku got up, following him.


Izuku Midoriya



Katsuki Bakugo

3 months right


Izuku Midoriya



Katsuki Bakugo



Izuku Midoriya

Well now its 2


Katsuki Bakugo

Whatever. We need to overcome our demons and rage.


Izuku Midoriya

Your right the only reason we even heard her story is to understand how much she went through.


Bakugou turned around with a severe look.


Katsuki Bakugo

We only have 2 months left till school starts. It's time we get serious.


Izuku Midoriya



Izuku and Bakugou stared at each other. The wind was blowing, and the leaves were falling. Just then, as the leaf hit the ground, Bakugou jumped and shot a massive explosion. Izuku dodged using crimson, and they sparred.


Todoroki woke up dazed from what happened. His red hair was back, and so what his blue eye. He looked up and sawdust and explosions. He looked over to his mom. She was sitting just trying to contain her emotions. Todoroki went to her saying.


Shoto Todoroki



Rei Todoroki

Oh Shoto, your finally awake


Shoto Todoroki

Yeah, what happened.


Rei explained everything. How he lost control and how she told Izuku and Bakugou everything

Todoroki looked at his hand and made a fist. He then walked to the battle arena. Rei stood up saying.


Rei Todoroki

Shoto.....I'm sorry.... I should have been stronger back then.... I-


Todoroki hugged her saying.


Shoto Todoroki

I love you, mom


Rei couldn't contain and broke down as she never heard those words before. Not since the incident. Todoroki let her go and ran to the battlefield.

Izuku and Bakugou were shooting attacks when the ice went straight through the middle. Izuku looked over


Izuku Midoriya



Katsuki Bakugo

Hmph, finally, Icy hot showed himself.


Todoroki took a deep breath, and his hair turned pure white, and his blue eye turned gray.


Shoto Todoroki

Bakugou Izuku help me practice Hygoga.


Izuku Midoriya



Katsuki Bakugo



Izuku looked at them both and smiled.


Izuku Midoriya

I'M NOT GOING TO GO EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Izuku roared in 2nd teir. His hair and eyes were blood red. The soil moved, and the grass danced. His aura was shaking the ground itself. Bakugou and Todoroki both looked with awe.


Katsuki Bakugou

Hmph, not stronger than me!


Shoto Todoroki

Your insane Midoriya


Izuku Midoriya (in his head)

I feel my power accepting me more

I can feel it now more than ever

It's not just the user's power anymore

Its mine...


Izuku then closed his eyes and felt his body becoming one with his rage.


Izuku Midoriya (in his head)

I feel it...

Its time


Suddenly the grass was blowing so hard some tips of the grass flew off

Flowers and soil both flew all into the air as the wind was being realized from Izukus body

Todoroki got scared as he felt Izukus power rise


Shoto Todoroki




Bakugou looked at this site with his eyes glistening.


Katsuki Bakugou

He merged them...


Electricity and red waves of energy were shattering the ground as Izuku stood in the middle, gritting his death hard while bawling his fist, trying to control all of his power.


Izuku Midoriya

CRIMSON FULL COWLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



To be contuined....


Hey Icons its good to be back.

Lets finish this story!


