

3rd POV(Aldera Middle School Rooftop)

Izuku Yagi had just received his millionth beating by his sister and his former friends and two of which he once believed he was in love with (That being Katsumi and Shoko).He was bloodied and bruised but something in him was about to snap all that was needed was one little push.

Izumi: So you still want to be a hero Deku?

Izuku could barely stand let alone speak, but Izumi got Impatient and gut punches him.

Izumi: I asked you a question runt!

Izuku on his knees began to speak he gained the courage to say what he wanted to for so long.

Izuku*Whispering*: I hate you.

Izumi caught this and was shocked so she decided to confirm that is what he said.

Izumi*worried*: Wha..what?

Izuku shot up his head and looked straight at his sister and her friends and this time they would hear him.

Izuku: I said I HATE YOU!!

Izumi looked heartbroken as did Shoko and Katsumi, Shoto looked worried but Katsuki looked pissed.

Izumi had never imagined this to be the outcome of her trying to stop Izuku from being a hero, she never believed it would make him hate her or the others.

Izuku: I have never done anything to deserve what you do to me, you, them, mom and dad you all are no better than the Villains you claim to want to fight.I never wanted to be quirkless and yet you hurt me knowing I can't defend myself from five of you, you must feel real strong ganging up on a weak Deku like myself huh?.

Izumi was in tears as were the girls but Bakugou was having none of it.He rushed Izuku and began to assault Izuku while everyone else begged him to stop until Izuku was barely conscious.Bakugou began to walk away until.

Izuku: Cowards!

Bakugou shot a blast with his Explosions but it did something that horrified everybody present his knock Izuku off the roof causing everyone to panic.

Izumi: IZUKU!!!

They rushed to the spot were Izuku fell he was still alive but barley They called an ambulance and he was taken to the hospital.

Time skip.

While Izuku was in surgery a mysterious man entered the room and began heal Izuku While looking in his mind and speak to him in his mindscape.

???: Izuku do not be afraid.

Izuku: Who are you?

???:I am known as All for One I have exited since the dawn of quirks I have the ability to steal, give and combine quirks.

Izuku: Why are you here in my mind?

AFO: I am here to save you like I should have so many times before, Izuku I am Your father.

Izuku: No that can't be right Toshinori Yagi is my father!

AFO: No Izuku, He is your stepfather and the devil spawn of his is you half Sister, besides Toshinori could have given you a quirk any time he wanted but chose to give it to your sister who was already blessed with great power.

Izuku: What do you mean?

AFO then showed Izuku the truth His step father was All Might, and he was once quirkless, he could have save Izuku so much pain but didn't, AFO also show his past to Izuku confirming he is in fact his father and the greatest super Villain the world ever had.

Izuku*crying*: I hate them, I hate them so much!

AFO: I can give you a quirk Izuku, do with it as you please it's a mutation quirk but it will not appear that way, I will have you trained and after that you can decide what you wish to do with your life to continue on as a hero or something else.

Izuku: Please, Dad help me.

AFO: Of course son.

AFO Transferred the quirk to Izuku this was also a way to explain why he suddenly had a Quirk because it was a mutation type that doesn't have an outward difference so it could be easily mistaken for nothing and would require a mutation quirk test to see it also means He is immune to quirk eraser quirks and nullification quirk types.

Izuku was going through physical changes as well he was becoming more handsome and muscular as well as taller.When he wakes up he's going to let the world know who is the boss now.

Next time: Awake and Pissed OFF...

Stay Savage my friends..

Izumi POV

Izuku has been in surgery for hours, I can't bare the thought of losing my brother especially after what he said to us I need to gain his love for us he needs to know how sorry we are mom came first to the hospital followed by Dad, then Grandpa Torino, and Uncle Shouta and Aunts Mitsuki and Rei We were asked what happened all we could say was it was an accident.

My mom was crying so much and My aunts were trying to reassure her that Izuku was going to pull through Shoko and Katsumi were crying so hard afraid that the boy they loved was going to die hating them.Shoto looks broken he looked at his fire side which was his preferred way of hurting Izuku, as his stared down at his hand he looked utterly disgusted with himself.

Kacchan he looked worried, but I knew it wasn't for Izuku he was worried about himself, and his hero career was hanging by a thread.As I looked at him I became more and more sickened by him he nearly killed my brother he nearly took him away from us and Izuku didn't deserve this I swear if he pulls through I'm going to be the best sister ever to him and never raise a hand to him ever again.

Inko POV

My baby boy I am so sorry.I haven't been there for you I should have been giving you the love you need and if Hasashi was alive he would be ashamed of me I swear I will make it up to you no matter what.

3rd POV

At that moment the doctor came out with a shocked look on his face Everyone got concerned that maybe the worst had happened.

Izumi: Doctor is my brother ok?

The doctor looked at the family and sighs causing everyone to tense up.

Doctor: Well for starters He's lucky to be alive, Not only from the fall but the Explosion aswell but that's not the craziest thing to day, it would appear that Izuku's body it self-healing so we talked to a specialist and ran a few test because his file said quirkless but it would appear that was a Misdiagnosis Izuku has a mutation type quirk which like many mutant quirk users needed to put under stress to manifest and it would appear that it's Active now.

Inko was overjoyed to hear all this wonderful news her son would live and now had a quirk she could also start making up for her mistakes.

Inko: What exactly is his Quirk?

Doctor: Kinetic energy Manipulation & transferenceHe can manipulate the energy output of anything he touches to the point of Exploding as well several other aspects of his mutation that we don't know yet.

Izumi: Can we see him?

The doctor nodded and everyone entered the room expecting to see a severely different looking Izuku after all he was a mutant now.When they saw him Katsumi and Shoko were in awe of his handsome features but everyone else could see in his eyes anger, hatred, rage, and distrust.

Inko: Izuku how are you feeling sweetie?

Izuku: Deku...

Inko: What?

Izuku: My name is Deku!

Izumi: Izuku don't say that..

Izuku: Why not it's the name you, Katsuki, Kat,Shoto, and Shoko all gave me After all I am useless.

Inko: No you are not, you are not useless...

Izuku: Why cause now I have a quirk?Yeah I'm now aware that I have a mutation quirk and I'm guessing that is the only reason any of you give a damn!

Izumi: Bro that's not true, we were scared that we were going to lose you!

Izuku: It's your fault that I am here Izumi you and your little friends!.

Everyone: What!

Toshinori: Izuku my son I think your mistaken you were in a accident.

Izuku: It wasn't a accident Baka-gou knew what he was doing just like the rest of those demons you all call children they have done nothing but bully and abuse me since I was four years old.I just a Quirk punching bag to them after all.

Kat: Ichan that's not true we just didn't want you to become a hero and get yourself killed we never meant for it to go this far.

Everyone was shocked that they just admitted to bullying Izuku for a stupid misguided reason.


Everyone was shocked again at Izuku raising his voice at everyone.

Izuku was holding his pillow so tightly in anger he began using his Quirk for the first time the pillow began to glow and emit energy it almost looks like it's covered in green flames he instinctively threw at Them as he did Toshinori buffed up into All Might form and shielded them but was blown back by the Explosive impact when it hit him it felt like it was hit by a heavy weight boxer in his small might form and that was before it exploded, everybody was stunned at the display of power from Izuku even himself.

Izuku: Leave me alone.

Shoko: Zuzu...

Izuku: I said LEAVE!!!

Everyone was saddened that he doesn't trust them or for the fact he now knows his hero was his dad but never helped him before but before they leave Izuku says one more thing.

Izuku: Oh I thought I told you My name is Deku.

3rd POV

Deku has been training now for nearly a year he has also been avoiding his so called family Izumi and Katsumi as well as Shoko have tried following him to see where he goes after school and all day on weekends, word got around that Deku does in fact have a Quirk and is a mutant quirk user the day he returned to school every was shocked at his drastic change in appearance he was the object of many girls lust, the teachers were now aware he had a very powerful quirk and decided not to encourage bullying hoping he too could be the school greatness, but Deku had other plans.

Deku decided to gather evidence of their crimes so when school ended this year many if not all the staff of Aldera Middle school would off to prison, and the school it's self would most likely be shut down.As Deku's grades were no longer being sabotaged he was top in every class he had trained his mind as well as body.

He trained with a mysterious woman who worked with his father she called herself Talia and nothing more.(I Know Talia is DC but I can think of few better teachers for Deku)

She trained him at full force teaching him this way proved effective because not only was he a fast learner but very clever and creative.Izuku specializes in hand to hand, Bo staff, batons, and Throwing weapons of any kind, his accuracy with his Throwing projectiles is unreal to say the least he could pull off shots that many would consider impossible (Think Bullseye from Daredevil) he also discovered a love for playing cards because A)They were insanely cheap to buy in bulk and B) They were like 52 plastic Explosives that he throw like Shiriken in his pocket as a added bonus he learned card tricks which he found very therapeutic.As the school year was ending so waa his training today is the last day of School and Deku's revenge on the school was nigh .

Deku was in his seat trick shuffling one of his many decks of cards many girls lovingly gazed at the green haired boy thinking he's so cool much to Katsumi and Shoko's displeasure and Bakugou's annoyance Believing he should have all eyes on him instead Izumi couldn't wait for the school day to end so she could enact her plan to reconnect with her brother.

As the teacher entered the room he went on about career choices but it was obviously a waste of time since everyone wants to be a hero which he pointed out and everyone in class went nuts except the Yagi's, Bakugou's and Todoroki's.

Then Bakugou spoke collectively for his group much to their dismay.Going on about how he and his group is the best and they will be the only ones going to UA.Many of the students were in disbelief at Bakugou's arrogance.

Teacher: Oh yeah Yagi your applying for UA as well right.

Everyone heard this and didn't know if he could make it in he had a quirk but no one had even seen it in action sure he was the best student in school as well as in the girls opinion the hottest guy there but it made many question what exactly could his Quirk do.


Deku looks at Bakugou lifts up an Ace of Spades card before flinging it across the room like a boomerang before ending up in his other hand without even looking then used his Quirk on the card which began to glow with green flame like Energy every single person in the room was in awe at the beauty of his power as well as his skill with throwing the card.

Bakugou pulled his fist back to punch Deku , Katsumi,Shoko, and Izumi called him to stop but like always he didn't listen as he shot his forward Deku smirked an threw his Ace of Spades card and it exploded on impact knocking Bakugou across the room and causing him to be embedded in the wall everybody stood there stunned at what Deku's quirk could do there was no question he was going to UA.

Deku kept his eye on a timer when it goes off all the evidence he gathered against Aldera Middle goes to the police and Pros and and as the timer went off after the class was over Deku pulled up a seat on the bench across the school many students were wondering what he was doing but it didn't take long to find out.

As swarms of police Arrived and arrested the staff for multiple crimes not just what they did to Deku.

It would be announced that Aldera Middle school would be shut down later that day Deku satisfied with his work he decided to walk home when he heard an Explosion he decided to check it out and he saw his sister and her friends all trapped by some kind of sludge villain and all the Heroes present were doing nothing.

Deku groaned and ran in with him picking up a long poll to use as a bo staff the heroes call him back but he Ignores them the Villain shot Tendrils made of sludge at Deku he blocked using his make shift staff embewing it with energy which knocked away each attack before Deku threw a energy card at the Villain's eyes stunning him, Deku then pulled each Hostage out from the Villain's grasp then jump back before the villain could attack again Deku kick his poll in the air and overcharged it with energy then he the then sent it flying into the villain with a sideways spinning butterfly kick as soon as it made contact the Villain was incapacitated by the Explosive impact that splattered him Against the wall.

Everyone stared at Deku in awe he was about to be scolded when All Might appeared and told everyone that this is his son and Izumi was his daughter the media wanted to ask questions to Deku but he disappeared before any could be asked he went to the dojo where he has trained for the past year to but no one was there all that was there was a case and a note.

The note read

Dear DekuI saw what you did today on the news it is clear I have nothing left to teach you, I've told your father that your heart burns that of a hero and he agrees, but know he will never stop loving you So as a graduation present I leave you my dojo and the contents in this case use them well I expect great things from you

Love Talia.

Ps. Get a girlfriend will ya.

Deku laughed at the last part he opened the case and saw a black credit card that had a bottomless pit off cash and a Retractable Staff that could absorb and release kinetic energy and separate into batons.Deku knew this was just the beginning but now he had to go home at least one more time.

??? POV

So I know what you're thinking who could this smoking hot brunette Walking down the street on this side of town be, well if you shut you pie hole I'll Tell you My name Is Ochako Uraraka And I'm here in this side of town to get some damn good coffee and maybe get lift some jack wads wallet from them.

I walk into a Cafe it had cool atmosphere I saw guy with green hair and he was hot but like all hot guys I'd wager he's an easy mark for little ol me I bumped him to make it look like an accident so I can pick his pocket but after a got ahold of his wallet I found I couldn't move my arm and why you might ask well apparently Tall green and hottie isn't as stupid as I thought.


Deku POV

I was leaving my favorite coffee shop and to my surprise A really cute girl my age bumped me I could tell by her movement and stance she had practice this she must of thought I was an easy pickpocket mark I grabbed her arm and put it behind her back an made her move to the back exit as we went outside I she began to speak.

Ochako*Sultry*: Did you have to be so rough with me it was my first time?

I was caught off by her innuendo but quickly responded back

Deku: Well maybe you should have kept your hands to yourself after all we haven't even gotten to know each other yet.

Ochako: Ohh you know how to play, so what happens now you gonna press charges on me or something?

Deku: Nah it's not like you'd be able to use anything in my wallet anyway Cherie.

The girl was caught off guard by my French nickname for her she seemed to be Blushing like she knew what it meant.

Ochako: and why's that monsieur ?

Deku: A) I don't carry cash on me Cher , B) Unless you want to steal the condom in my wallet to fuck your boyfriend that wallet is just bait for petty thieves.

Ochako: You think I have a boyfriend?

Deku: I figured someone as gorgeous as you had to have some guy on a leash.

Ochako: You know what I like you, you ain't no pussy poser, And you definitely got guts ,you got a name hot stuff?

Deku: Deku Midoriya

Ochako: Deku huh kinda cute, well Deku my name Ochako Uraraka.

3rd POV

Suddenly they heard a loud whistle and then laughter as a group of four thugs approached the two.

Thug1: Lookie here boys it's Uraraka, So guess you don't remember what we said the last time you were on our turf.

Thug2: Guess we're going to have to remind you, but first who's the pretty boy.

Ochako: Look we just met he doesn't know me just let him go and we can settle this ourselves m'kay.

Deku looked at her like she was crazy but for some reason he knew he couldn't leave her here.

Thug1:You heard her pretty boy scram!

Deku: Ok first how about a magic trick?

Everyone stared at him like he was crazy including Ochako.

Ochako: What are you doing?

Deku motions his hands to sign Calm down and I got this.

Deku Pulled out five Playing cards A queen of hearts, Jack of diamonds, king of clubs, king of Spades, and Jack of clubs.

Deku: Now Who ever holds the Queen of hearts when the rest disappear gets to walk out of here unharmed.

Deku then threw the cards in different directions using his boomerang card trick to everyone present it looked like all the cards returned to Deku's hand but only Ochako noticed one missing but the four thugs were annoyed by Deku and his little trick.

Thug3: I thought you said once the cards disappear we would be hurt guess your not so smart after all.

Deku Smirks.

Deku: You calling me a lier

He clapped the cards in his hands and the began their green flamed glow this startled the thugs but before they could react Deku shot his hands out and each of the four cards hit a thug blasting them away and rendering them unconscious.

Ochako was amazed at what Deku just did but more so she wondered why he helped her he didn't know her or why she does this but he protected her she decided to ask him why he help her.

Ochako: Why did you help me.

Deku: Cause you needed it, tell me why are you pickpocketing, I promise I won't judge.

Ochako didn't know why but she felt she could trust him she wouldn't usually tell people she just met her back story but she saw in his eyes the same pain she had felt most her life she recognized the look of someone who felt the same.

Ochako: Well when I was younger my family struggled with our finances and it got so bad they could not afford to feed me so the sent me to live with some relatives but the people they sent me to physically abused me one night I heard them plan to use me to please them so I ran away but I couldn't remember my way home so I grew up on the streets with my Quirk and my wits I used them to pick up the skills I needed to survive my Quirk is zero gravity by the way.I use it to make moving and stealing easier I need to make money to find my parents.So that's my story.

Deku look at the poor girl and hugged her she was surprised

Deku: I know what it's like to just survive day to day to be abused by those who you trusted no one should go through that.

Ochako: Why are you being so nice to me.

Deku: Because you need a friend and so do I. I'll help you in any way I can ok Cher

Ochako began to cry she hugged back she could not help herself this boy wants to be her friend and help her so she wasn't going to waste this chance at a friend and help finding her parents.

Deku then told her his life story left some parts out he told her he planed on leaving his parents house and move into the dojo he Inherited in a few weeks but he asked her if she would like a place to stay.She was stunned by his kindness and reluctantly she decided to go with him to this dojo to live with him, promised to feed, clothe and train her to help on her path and she promised to go to UA to be a hero after he explained the resources it could provide her but also she didn't want to leave her new friend.

As the walk to the dojo Ochako suddenly remembered something she was wondering about.

Ochako: Umm Deku where did that last card go ?

Deku: Oh you caught that huh, why don't you just check your back pocket Cher.

Ochako did just that and as she did she pulled out a Queen of hearts playing card she blushed and smiled and decided to keep it as it was a gift from her first friend.

And maybe some day something more...

3rd POV

It's been a few days since Deku met Ochako they spent most of that time hanging out, Smoking, and training they were fast friends , for the first time in either of their lives they had a best friend.Deku had been slowly moving his things in to the dojo as well as buying clothes and leisure items for Ochako such as a new phone, and her own bed ,Cause Deku had renovated the dojo into a home for both of them as well as guest rooms and kitchen all in preparation of leaving his "Family" behind.Deku had just gotten done with the remodel of his new "Home" after the last few weeks and of course the last couple days with Ochako, Deku is finally ready to say goodbye to his past.

We see Deku and Ochako finishing up Training and Ochako can see Deku has something on his mind.

Ochako: Um Deku, you seem well distracted, you ok hot stuff.

Deku: Oh sorry Cher, just thinking about how I'm going to leave "Them" so I can focus on getting into UA and helping you find your parents.

Ochako blushed a little cause Deku always seemed to know what to say to get her flustered, but she managed to get a hold of herself.

Ochako: Well you know I could always go with you so you know don't have to do this alone.

Deku was surprised, Ochako never ceased you amaze him he could only smile.

Deku: I would to have you by my side Cherie, thank you Ochako truly.

Once again Ochako got flustered but regained composure.

Ochako: Well you know I'm your friend and It's not like I have anything better to do so might as well spend my day ruffling Ass Might's feathers.

Deku: Hehehe Sounds good to me.

Time Skip to the next day Yagi residence

Toshinori, Inko and Izumi had been trying to figure out how to connect with Izuku or as he refers to himself now Deku but he would just disappear without a trace, Izumi and Toshinori both tried to follow him ,but he would always give them the slip and vanish.As the family were collectively thinking on options on what to do with Deku when they heard the front door open and they were greeted by the sight of Deku with a girl they've never seen before.

Inko: Izuku who's your friend?

Deku: Her name is Ochako Uraraka She's going to be living with me after today.

Toshinori: Izuku That girl can't stay here she looks like a total delinquent and you behavior is totally unacceptable lately well what do you have to say for yourself young man?

Izuku: First, "We" Are not staying here with you cavalcade of fuck ups, second, if she's a delinquent what does that make your daughter, third You don't even know me so maybe I have behaved like this for years and you only care because I have a Quirk now I am probably little better than property to you ass holes so I am leaving forever I only came here as a courtesy .

Izumi and Inko looked distraught at Deku's words that he was leaving and had no intention of being a family again.But Izumi was first to speak.

Izumi: YOU CAN'T GO!!*Deep breath* Izuku I am sorry for what I did for what we all did please let's start over and try to be a family again.

Deku: Sure we can start over on one condition.

Izumi: *hopeful* Anything.

Deku: Take back every single thing you did to me for the past 12 years!

Izumi felt washed over with guilt she couldn't change the past no matter how much she wants to.

Inko was having enough of this so she made her presence known.

Inko: So Tell me Izuku Yagi where will you live if not here who will take care of you!?

Deku: I own my own property I inherited from my teacher, And I have been taking care of myself since I was four,and My Name Is Deku Midoriya!

Inko was shocked to hear her late husband's name come out of Deku's mouth.

Inko: Izuku where did you learn that name?

Deku: Oh how you mean My real Name is Midoriya not Yagi and how I'm not All Might's son but his step son, Well I simply did a dna test

Deku lied to protect his father.

But Ochako finally decided to speak.

Ochako: Hey Deku I wanna go home besides these douche canoes can't seem to take a hint.

Izumi: Who are you some kind of gold digging hussy?!

Ochako*Offended*: I AM NOT A HUSSY, I'll have you know I care For Deku very much he's my best friend after all and I won't let you hold him down anymore!

Deku: I love to stay and chat about the good ole days, but who am I kidding there were no good ole days so me and Ochako are going don't try to follow us or I'll report you for stalking.

With that the two left and began their walk home and they left The Yagi's revealing in their mistakes the women in the family started to cry and Toshinori felt like a failure only time will tell if things will change.

But soon many changes are coming to the lives of Deku and Ochako especially so the stage is set for the UA Entrance Exam is approaching and Deku plans to start things off with a bang.

3rd POV

Deku and Ochako have grown quite close in recent months both as roommates and as friends out of the two of them the first to realize they had romantic feelings for one another was Ochako, but Deku wasn't far behind they still flirted with each other, but it was today the day of the UA Entrance Exam was the day they decided to pursue they're feelings after the test though neither of them knew what the other planed.

But right now Deku and Ochako were standing outside the UA Entrance and were about to take the first steps to their future....

But unfortunately Ochako tripped and was about to face plant into the ground , but was quickly grabbed and pulled into Deku's arms she hugged on to him because she felt so safe with him holding her.

Deku: Um Cherie we need to.

Ochako: Shush a little bit longer please just let me enjoy this.

Ochako sounded almost a little bit sad when asking like she was ashamed of asking like it was something selfish, but many girls were staring at the two while saying or thinking "That's so Romantic".

But like always someone had to ruin it.


Deku: Ochako can hold me anytime she wants just like you don't get to call me Ichan anymore.

Ochako: And I'm not a slut I don't go around throwing myself at any boy I see plus the one's who obviously hate me.

Katsumi: You Bitch you don't know anything about me and Ichan.

Ochako: Deku's told me everything about you and your brother how you use to beat up him just because he was quirkless, and you thought he would wait for a girl who made his life hell well no wonder he moved on to someone who actually loves him!

Deku and everyone caught what she had said and then she did as well.

Ochako: *Flustered*Let's go Deku!

Time skip to the practical exam

Deku and Ochako did well on their written exam and were now waiting for the practical exam to start Ochako was still embarrassed by letting it slip she had fallen in love with Deku and noticed him staring at her ,she could barely make eye contact with him.

Ochako: What?

Deku Smirks smugly.

Ochako: Deku What?

Deku: Someone who really loves me?Did you mean it?

Ochako got flustered again and looked away from the boy before he made her face him She was beet red but her face revealed something else "desire and longing" Their faces inching more forward until their lips met the kiss was sweet and powerful, loving and perfect the two were unaware that Katsumi and Izumi had just walked into the auditorium and saw the two kiss Izumi was taking Abit back but Katsumi was angry but she'd have to channel that anger into the exam, Katsuki Bakugou had also entered the room and witnessed the kiss between Deku and Ochako and was jealous of Deku getting a girlfriend before him.

As Deku and Ochako separated for air Ochako looked into Deku's eyes and Saw his cocky smile God did she love his smile.

Ochako: More!

Deku: Of course je'tim Ma Cherie

Ochako: je'tim Mon Cher

The two kissed once more to them it was even better than the first kiss but it had confirmed that the two were in love.As the two separated once more Ochako was hardly satisfied.

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Ochako: More*Weakly*

Deku: Later Cherie I promise.

Ochako*pout*: Ok but you promised and As your girlfriend I'll hold you to it or I'll have to punish you.

Deku: Noted.

As time went on the auditorium began to fill and the presentation began hosted by Present Mic who began to explain the rules of the exam including the point system of robots until he was rudely interrupted by a tall kid with blue haired and glasses who clearly hadn't read the pamphlet in it's entirety because he went on a tangent about the non misprint before he turned his attention to Deku and Ochako for not taking this seriously and demanding them to leave but Deku wasn't having it.

Deku: Umm who are you?

Glasses: I am...

Deku: Oh I'm sorry I just realized I don't give a shit, and for your information if you read the pamphlet fully you'd understand the forth robot is a 0 pointer basically it's a giant obstacle better to avoid than to fight oh yeah if I wanted to hear some nobody's opinion I'd shove my hand up your ass and work your mouth like a goddamn sock puppet now remove the stick from your ass before I replace it with my size 13 steel toe boots Kay precious?

Ochako: Deku don't play no shit you feel me?

Everyone erupted into laughter leaving the boy with glasses extremely embarrassed.

Everyone got into their battle zones a little while later luckily Deku and Ochako are still in the same area.

Deku: Hey Cherie if you do good I give you a little treat tonight.

Ochako: Aw hell yeah we ain't sleeping tonight!

Deku laughed at his newly dubbed girlfriend's antics as he prepared his staff and Throwing cards as the doors opened up the couple Rushed in gaining points while the students they left behind assumed they would be disqualified from the exam for not waiting for a count down.

Present Mic: What are you doing there are no count downs in real life follow those two the already got 60 points between them.

The examinees then rushed into the area to see the robotic Carnage left behind the two who entered first.They believed they were now in presence of a future Pro hero power couple.


In the monitoring room the UA staff was watching intently at the new potential students All Might and Green Magnet were there focused on their daughter's progress but her point score was overshadowed by two other examinees that being Deku and Ochako.

All Might: who has top score right now?

Nezu: there is two who are tied for first their names are Deku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka.

Inko and Toshinori were shocked that to hear their son and his girlfriend are in the lead the teachers were in awe at the two's combat ability Aizawa was impressed with Deku's skill with his staff and Throwing cards and asked for these two specifically to be in his class which shocked the staff.Suddenly Nezu decided to test their heroic spirit by activating the 0 pointer.

Meanwhile back at the exam grounds

During the exam Deku and Ochako separated to gain more ground.After a while the ground began to shake and the 0 pointer emerged Deku saw everybody running for their lives but he saw something that genuinely frightened him his girlfriend trapped in rubble about to be trampled by the massive robot.

Deku race to save the girl he loved charging so much energy into his staff to destroy the 0 pointer he just hoped it would be enough.

Ochako POV

So this how I die before I even got to actually live my life with Deku.Deku I am glad to have had you even for a little while I love you.

I see the 0 pointer about to crush me but then I see Deku slam his staff into the 0 pointer and it exploded into nothing Deku did a flip to land gracefully and smirk at me.

Deku: Did you miss me?

I'm going to fuck that boy when we get home.

3rd POV

After Deku destroyed the 0 pointer everybody was in awe at his ability and Deku had just freed Ochako from the debris and carried her to the easily recognized healing hero Recovery Girl to be healed.As the exam was over Deku and Ochako went back home once there Deku was met with a passionate kiss from Ochako the two entered his room and began a long night of passionate love making.

Time skip two weeks later.

Deku and Ochako have bought a new bed that could easily fit both of them to sleep in since they now shared everything as they return home they're letters had arrived they both had top scores but Izuku had the highest score in both Written and practical exams and he was the first years representative and they were both glad to hear they were in the same class. Cause at this point they hate being away from each other. But now it's their time, its their hero academia

3rd POV

In the last few weeks Deku had been enjoying life before going to UA with his girlfriend Ochako they were anxious about possibly being in the same class as Deku's past tormentors.

Alas the day finally came the first day of UA High Deku and Ochako arrived on campus and made their way to their homeroom class after a few minutes they came to the giant door of Class 1A Ochako could tell Deku was a little nervous which amused her a bit and decided to tease her boyfriend.

Ochako: Hey LeBeau you finally getting cold feet hot stuff* Smug hehe*

Deku: Wha.. What no it's just it..

Ochako no longer amused but concerned for her boyfriend.Listening to every word as he continued.

Deku: It was always my dream to come here, to be a hero even though no one believed in me,not even my family, But now I'm here and can't help but feel like this is a dream, but if it is I don't ever want to wake because I have a new dream because I know I will already accomplish my old one.

Ochako: What is this new dream of yours LeBeau?

Deku: I guess you'll have to wait for me to say Cherie, but I'll give you a hint it's something I couldn't live without.

Ochako:*pout* C'mon Deku tell me!

Deku: Maybe later Cher.

Ochako: Your no fair!, But I'll let it slide for now I guess we should see who we're going to be working with.

The two walked through the door to the sight of Bakugou arguing with Glasses From the entrance exam Katsumi, Shoko and Izumi were glaring at Ochako who was unfazed by the angry fem pomeranian and Icyhot bitch, or The living bush, but Katsuki and glasses took notice of Deku, and the latter rushes over to him and takes 90° Angle to bow to Deku which confuses Deku but amuses Ochako who is snickering.

Glasses: My name is Tenya Iida from Somei Academy and I must humbly apologize for how I acted during The Entrance Exam Assembly ,you knew about the secret point system you are clearly the superior student!

Deku:.... uhh

Ochako:*Snickering* Yeah All hail Deku King of UA's academia.

Deku: Not helping Cherie, look Iida was it I didn't know anything about the rescue point system I was just trying to save my Girlfriend from becoming Paste so ease up ok and let's try to learn from each other ok.

Iida: My so humble,*Turns to Ochako* And you are the girlfriend in question?

Ochako: Guilty

Iida: I see, are you sure you should be wearing such excessive ear piercing?I don't mean to judge but you look like somewhat of a delinquent!

Ochako: Well I like it, and if you didn't notice Deku has Ear piercings too, right my LeBeau?

Deku shows he has two piercings in one ear and one on the other but before Iida could question further Deku closed his eyes and held up his hand to silence Iida and spoke.

Deku: I think we've kept our teacher waiting for us settle down long enough.

Class 1A was confused on what Izuku just said they didn't see a teacher present but then a gruff voice spoke seemingly out of nowhere.

???: Sharp senses and pragmatic not bad problem child now everyone else take notice of this kid "Izuku Yagi" or do you prefer "Deku Midoriya"?

Izumi looked hopefully at Deku hoping that his time away from home would make him yearn for life home with their family and hoping for him to take his name back.

Deku: I share no love for the name Yagi or Izuku It's Deku Midoriya sir!

Izumi had a look of disappointment on her face it didn't go unnoticed by Bakugou and Shoto it was understandable for Shoto on both sides but Bakugou was aggravated by it.

???: Any way I'm Shouta Aizawa You home room teacher now take these gym uniforms and meet me in the P.E. Field you have five minutes.

Everyone went to the locker rooms With Deku as he was changing many of boys were jealous of his physique some asking for his training regimen

But on the girls side they heard about Deku's body and wanted to sneak a peak which lead by Mina Ashido several girls including Kat and Sho were looking at Deku through a peep hole Mina noticed that Ochako wasn't looking at her hot boyfriend.

Mina: Hey Ochako why aren't you looking at your green hottie ?

Ochako: Nothing I haven't seen before I mean we live together and sleep in the same bed so...

Mina then rushed over to Ochako with several of the other girls excluding Kat, Sho, and Izumi (Who looks like she's uncomfortable with all the girls perving on her brother)

Mina: WHAT YOU LIVE WITH THAT GREEK GOD OF A MAN, AND YOU SLEEP TOGETHER, I AM SO JEALOUS*Ochako sweat drops* So do you sleep together or "Sleep" Together if you know what I mean?

Ochako: Oh yeah me and Deku have had lots of sex I sometimes can't keep my hands off him he's too perfect but let me be clear*Ominous aura* I don't have an issue with you girls looking but if you make a move on my LeBeau I will Make sure you all get the first Free flight to the moon without a space suit kay?

All the girls saw she was serious and nodded frantically but Kat and Sho were in disbelief that this girl and Deku had sex before while Izumi was grossed out by the news of her brother's sex life.

After everyone changed

Aizawa Began to tell everyone that they were doing a Quirk Apprehension Test Izumi asked about Orientation but Aizawa was not going to waste time on useless ceremonies and he let that be known also told Deku to Step up because he got first in the entrance exam.

Aizawa threw a softball to Deku and told him to throw it anyway he wanted without leaving the standing circle and to use his Quirk.

Deku Transferred kinetic energy into the ball and whined up his pitch and threw the ball as it was airborne he pulled out his Deck of playing cards and filled a single card with energy as well and threw it at the ball at insane speeds as the card hit the ball it exploded and it triggered the energy in the ball to also explode sending it even further til it wasn't even visible anymore.

The meter scanner listed the distance at 10,000 Meters everybody was shocked at Deku's skill and display of power ,but Aizawa noticed something when Deku powered up the card he couldn't erase his Quirk he could feel it but not erase it, Deku in Aizawa's opinion looked like a regular teen with a quirk but somehow he was a mutant quirk user and that made it slightly harder to keep him in line but he doubts Deku will be causing much trouble Bakugou on the other hand was causing trouble from the moment ge got a lower score than Deku.

3rd POV

Deku and Ochako were now in their second day of UA They were enjoying their free time before the heroics class started The two were snuggling up to each other this greatly displeased Katsumi and Shoko, While Iida went on a rant about Public Displays of Affection, but the couple just Ignored them, but all good things must come to an end as All Might and Green Magnet entered the room like a couple of fools screaming on how they were coming through the door like a hero.

Deku: Shit!

Iida: Language!

Ochako: uhh Japanese?!

Deku laughed at his girlfriend's joke but was annoyed with his class over the fact that they were going on about how cool All Might and Green Magnet are.

All Might: Now we are going to be performing a very important exercise *Holds up a Category card*

Bakugou: Battle Training!ah Hell yeah.

Green Magnet: Now please grab your designated case inside you'll find your hero costumes and any support gear you turned in.

Deku and Ochako went up to grab their suits an began to change in the locker room meanwhile everybody Gathered at the training area after changing they were waiting.

All Might: So is everyone here?

Mina: Hey where's Midori and Uraraka

Uraraka: Here bitches!!

Suddenly Uraraka Jumped down from the ceiling

Her costume was black with pink highlights on her suit and fingerless gloves.

With a helmet that displayed a sharp tooth grin and blush marks on the cheek area she aliso had spring bars in her boots to aid with jumping and a array of special grenades that Deku had help design

Everyone was in awe at her costume but that left one question were Deku was suddenly Ochako did a High backflip and Deku came in sliding on his knees from underneath her before slamming his staff on floor shooting him in the air into a sideflip onto his feet everyone was stunned by their Entrance, All Might and Inko were speechless before returning to the battle Training Lesson All Might explained the rules that there will be two teams heroes vs villains and the Villain's have to defend a dummy bomb, as some voiced their concerns but in the end they drew lots Which resulted in a strange event one two man team would have to fight a four man team of the roll Villains and as fate would have it , it was Deku and Ochako vs Bakugou, Izumi, Katsumi, and Iida this didn't seem fair to some but to the surprise of many Deku and Ochako were pumped up for it and they were up.

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Izumi was nervous about fighting her brother and didn't wish to hurt him further, Kat wanted to reck Ochako for stealing Izuku, Bakugou had one objective that was destroy Deku.Iida wanted to form a plan but was ultimately left behind once the training started as the other three went in search of their targets.

The two on the hero team Already expected this outcome and already form a plan to defeat their enemies.

As the training started Deku had many compartments for his many ,many playing cards he already had a few ready for use as they walked through the halls suddenly Deku pulled Ochako away from an explosive attack coming from Bakugou.

Kat: Hey bro leave her to me I want that bitch!

Bakugou: Whatever do whatever you want to her I want Deku!.

Deku/Ochako: Ha Gay!

This pissed off the Bakugou Twins while Izumi stood back as the two Explosive twins rushed the two hero's Deku embewed his cards with energy and threw them at Bakugou causing several Explosions when they made contact after he was stunned Deku using his staff began a brutal barrage of strikes on Bakugou before knocking him back.

Meanwhile With Ochako and Katsumi Kat sent a flurry of Explosive attacks at Ochako but She either blocked or dodgedevery single attack this infuriated Katsumi ,but what made it worse was Ochako's mocking.

Ochako: Wow are you sure you're the same girl who use to beat my Deku?

Kat swung wildly but hit nothing.

Ochako: Cause this is sad I'm not even using my Quirk yet!


Ochako: Wow you really are like a angry pomeranian, hehe how adorable does the doggie want a biscuit

Suddenly Seemingly out of nowhere Ochako threw a dog treat at Katsumi suddenly Katsumi saw nothing but red she fought like a wild animal until she finally hit Ochako in the lip knocking her down

Katsumi: That's first blood, got anything to say now bitch?

Ochako stood up with a smirk as she licked the blood off her lip and smiled smugly at Katsumi before speaking again.

Ochako: Thank you ma'am May I have another?

This shocked and Disturbed Izumi and Katsumi to see and hear.

Back with Deku and Bakugou

Bakugou: You know Looking down on me is a big gamble you little shit but I guess that you and your little card fetish think you can best me huh?

Deku: I like those odds but it's true fighting you is a gamble so I should thank you, you just gave me a idea for my name!

Bakugou: Oh yeah what's that you stupid nerd?

Deku: I am a gambling man so I think it's only fitting that my name represents that you can just call me " Gambit"!

Deku now named Gambit twirled his staff around before using the bring it gesture with his off hand making Bakugou rush at him with rage but Deku began to trade blows with Bakugou for every 1 hit Bakugou got Deku got 3 until Bakugou's ego was as fragile as glass the both gained distance from one another Bakugou was desperate to prove his superiority he knew he was going to have to resort to his secret weapon.

Back with Ochako and Katsumi

Kat still shocked by the display of mastochism from Ochako she did know what was about to happen but Ochako shot forward a jumped in the air and used the momentum and her quirk to preform a devastating tornado kick to Katsumi Katsumi began to feel the air knocked out of her but Ochako wasn't done yet she released her quirk then dropped on the floor and swept Katsumi's feet making her fall face first into the ground and to finish Ochako used her head as a pivot to help her cartwheel which turned into a sidewhinding flip kick directed at Izumi knocking her to the floor.

Izumi POV

Kat was down for the count I had no idea Uraraka was such a good fighter but Izuku always did like strong girls and she just put me on my ass I get up to fight I tackle her into the wall and try hitting her sides but she hammer fist down on my back and puts me in a lose headlock before using the wall to push off and swing around me to be behind me she then smashes my head into the wall it dazed me and I feel her arm tighten around my neck and her legs wrapped around me to keep me from moving I can't breathe everything was going black before I passed out I head Uraraka say something that made me realize what this was.

Ochako: For Deku!

And everything went dark...

3rd POV

After Ochako defeated both Katsumi and Izumi Deku was face to face with Katsuki Bakugou who began to rant about how his Quirk works and lifts his gauntlet with his other hand on the pin he explained how the gauntlets were not just for show but were In fact a support item used to store sweat for one big Explosion

This scared everyone in the observation room especially All Might, Inko, and Shoko and Shoto Todoroki.

All Might: Young Bakugou don't you'll kill him!

Bakugou: He'll be alright if he dodges During this Ochako went behind Deku waiting for the right moment Deku twirled his staff around him as if to challenge Bakugou and Bakugou pulled his pin

Bakugou: DIE!!!

Suddenly a enormous Explosion was sent towards Deku and Ochako but Deku swung his staff while Infusing it with his Quirk upward it redirected the Explosion straight up going through each floor shaking the building Deku then kneeled down and screams

Deku: Ochako now!

Ochako: Right

She ran and activated her quirk as she used Deku as a springboard to shoot her upward through the hole while going through the hole she grabbed a rock as she made it to the bomb floor she sees a shell shocked Iida she uses her quirk to increase the gravity in the rock as she threw it hitting Iida in the head knocking him out , Bakugou shocked by all of this finally turned his attention to Deku who was twirling a playing card around his finger.

Deku: Your good Bakugou but me I'm, I'm.Magic* Infuses his card with his energy*

Bakugou was about to yell at Deku before a barrage of Explosive cards hit Bakugou knocking him out Ochako waits for Deku to join her and the both touch the dummy bomb as they kiss each other Making them win. Uraraka was named MVP of the match. and Soon people would see how powerful these two really are

Deku , and Ochako were sitting in class but Izuku was having trouble keeping his eyes open ever since his fight with Bakugou his eyes have been irritated Ochako noticed her boyfriend Squinting and blinking rapidly sometimes so she decided to ask about it.

Ochako: Deku are you ok?

Deku: My eyes feel weird and I feel warm inside my chest I've never felt like this before.

Ochako became worried about her boyfriend so she voiced her opinion.

Ochako: Maybe you should see recovery girl?

Deku: Yeah maybe..

At that moment Mr. Aizawa entered the room, Telling them how they did in battle Training yesterday , then told them to pick a class President and vice President, many in the class wanted the job except for a few , in the end Iida suggested that they elect the President and Vice President of the class with a vote

In the end Deku got the most votes, followed by Momo making them The Classes President and Vice President.Katsuki demanded to know who voted for Deku but no one answered him.

At lunch Deku was sitting with Ochako on his lap with Iida staring at Deku weirdly.

Deku: If you have something to say then say it Iida!?

Iida: Well I was wondering if you should still be demonstrating PDA with Uraraka since you're Class president?

Deku: I'll do whatever Mon Cherie wants me to, if She wants to sit on my lap she can, If she wants me to kiss her she'll get her fill.

Ochako then got a mischievous smile as to just annoy Iida and get some lip action from Deku so she started a very heated make out session with Deku.

Ochako: Yummy*looks at Deku lustfully*

Iida began inaudibly ranting while Katsumi looked pissed so much so she broke her fork, Izumi looked like she was about to puke at the display of sexual tension between her brother and his girlfriend.Bakugou looked pissed off as ever on how Deku got a super hot girlfriend.

Bakugou: Hey Round face how about you ditch this shitty Extra and get with a real man!

Unfortunately for Bakugou Ochako ignored him completely and just kept kissing and snuggling with Deku.This just pissed Bakugou off more.


Ochako: You say something Bakugou?

Bakugou: I said...

Suddenly an alarm went off and the students were in disarray Deku grabbed Ochako and moved them outta the way, as he surveyed the area and saw the press somehow got in.Taking charge Deku pulled out one of his cards and charged it with energy before throwing it upwards at the exit sign as it exploded he had gotten everyone's attention.


Everyone was stunned at Deku's control over the situation and for most of Class 1A they felt he was the right choice to be a leader.

Later that day Class 1A had gotten into their hero costumes for rescue training which was being held off campus at Unforeseen Stimulation Joint or USJ for short as the students got on the bus the had conversations with each other which led to Tsu asking Deku why Bakugou hates him,which led to Deku vaguely mentioning that Bakugou had almost killed him a while back and that "He's pissed he didn't finish the job" making everyone have a cautious reaction to Bakugou many already pegging him to one day be a villain.

As they arrived at the USJ facility they were greeted by the space hero Thirteen she was asked by Aizawa where All Might and Green Magnet were because they were supposed to be here, with Thirteen only holding up three fingers, which earned a scoff from Aizawa and Deku as they were part of the few who knew All Might's secret.thirteen began to explain how quirks are tools but can easily be used to kill if incorrectly used or abused with earned a shutter from Izumi, Shoto, Shoka, And Katsumi.

But right before they could start their training Deku sensed Kinetic energy and got on guard as a portal opened up revealing several dozens of real Villains.

Aizawa and Thirteen had also noticed and prepared themselves for battle as the ring leader of the group came forward, his had bluish grey hair and chapped shin and was covered in human hands.He declared himself as Shigiraki Tomura and that they were the League of Villains and they were here to kill All Might.It didn't take long to see All Might wasn't there so like a spoiled man child Shigiraki ordered the other villains to kill the students, Aizawa sprung into action taking out villains with his bare hands.

But the portal user a man made of purple mist named Kurogiri appeared to try to stop the students from escaping but was not prepared for Deku he had been analyzing everything since the start he energized a card an threw it at Kurogiri's metal chest plate and knocked him outta the fight for now Deku then ordered Iida to warn UA of what is happening at USJ and to bring back up, Iida almost argued but saw Deku's face of determination so he ran as fast as he could to get help.

As Deku returned his attention to Aizawa he was shocked to see a giant Black monster with it's brain exposed he knew what it was A nomu a failed project that Deku's father abandoned long ago if someone is continuing those experiments they have to be stopped but right now Deku has to save his teacher from this bioengineered monstrosity.

Deku rushed forward ignoring the calls of his classmates as he was running he noticed Ochako following him.

Ochako: Where you go I go Lebeau!

Deku smiled and as the small time villains closed in on them they both knew that they don't stand a chance against the two of them.

Deku: Let's Get it Cherie!

3rd POV

As Deku, and Ochako engaged the lower villains their class looked at them stunned and amazed as they took them out with Cards, Quirks, And Fists completely destroying them to those on the heroes side it looked like the two were dancing with each other their attacks were flawless and completely in sync with one another but to the villains it looked like a bloody ballroom blitz as the two heroes were pulling no punches causing severe damage but not death basically making the rest of these guy's lives a living hell from the pain of their injuries the sight was gruesome so much so the remaining villains except Shigiraki and the Nomu had surrendered.

As Shigiraki was distracted by inflicting pain on Eraserhead after the Nomu had beaten the ever loving shit out of him, Shigiraki didn't notice didn't notice the energy infused card flying right at him once it hit it's target it exploded with a knockback that sent Shigiraki flying backwards.As he looked through the residual smoke he saw the image of Ochako's mask light up display and the green glow of Deku's eyes on his silhouette to Shigiraki he was looking at monsters but he regained his composure cause he remembered he brought his own monster.

As the smoke cleared Shigiraki saw his attackers Deku had a cocky grin as Ochako shared her boyfriend's expression under her mask.

Deku: Alright Handjob I have questions your gonna answer me or I'll have my girl here personally levitate your soul from your body before I blast you the fuck off of this planet!

Shigiraki: You pretty G.D. Cocky, who are you?

Deku: You can call me Gambit, so shake weight where the hell did you get that Nomu?

Everyone was shocked that Deku knew what that monster was called even more so with Shigiraki and Aizawa.

Shigiraki: Ho.. How do yo...you Know about my Nomu?

Deku: As far as I am aware there are only four people in the entire world who know of their existence me included but the process for making them was abandoned, so I will ask again where did you get one?

Shigiraki was now questioning how this kid knew about the Nomu and the others who knew so he wondered why his master didn't mention this boy or that they had an inside man.

Shigiraki: Which master do you serve?

Deku: Oh am I supposed to say Jesus or some stupid shit like that Right hand Betty.

Shigiraki was getting impatient at All the Innuendos that Deku was calling him as well as him actively ruining his plans.

Deku: Tell me Tissue investor, does the name All For One mean anything to you?

Shigiraki was shocked to hear his master's name come out of the hero's mouth but he would soon would regret his next action.


Deku: So he recontinued his project, any who Two pump Jack I'm afraid I can't let you kill the blonde gorilla.

Shigiraki: Enough, NOMU KILL THEM !

The Nomu dashed from behind and attacked the two heroes Ochako barely had time to dodge as for Deku evaded in time before throwing six energized cards hitting the Nomu causing massive burnt holes in it but it was short lived as Izuku saw it begin to regenerate.

Deku(Mind): Damnit it as a Regeneration quirk as well as super strength and by the way it barely moved some sort of shock Absorber or nullification quirk I need to know which to come up with a plan to beat it.

Ochako (mind): Holy shit that thing is fast, and it practically tanked Deku's Attack but we gotta give it all we got.

Deku then pulled out his Staff and rushed towards the beast, the Nomu swung it's hulking fist down at Deku who ducked under it and began striking the creature with everything he's got but doing very little so he infused his staff with his quirk and began to hit harder, suddenly Shigiraki was laughing like a maniac.

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Shigiraki: Your wasting your time my Nomu Has Shock absorption you can't beat it even with your weapons.

Deku Was Glad to hear what kind of shock absorber the Nomu had but there was one problem the energy output was starting to reach it's drawback Deku was slowing down because he has been using his quirk too much he hasn't used it this this much ever and the Nomu took this advantage his hit Deku in the stomach sending him fly into a wall that collapsed over him.

Ochako: DEKU!!!!

Ochako began to throw her grenades at the Nomu out of anger, causing her to lose her line of sight on it from the smoke until she was grabbed by the throat and slammed down getting the wind knocked out of her as the Nomu lifted her up it roared at her she threw a grenade in the Nomu's mouth as she smiled lifting her middle finger with the grenade pin around her finger.

Ochako: Boom Bitch!

The grenade exploded knocking both of them back Ochako was barely able to stay awake she tried to crawl away but the nomu began to regenerate and grabbed Ochako by the throat again and began to choke her while punching her gut causing her to scream.The students of UA watched in horror, but her screams awoke something.

Deku's POV

I heard Ochako's screams my eyes began to burn I was filled with so much rage I refuse to to die here I refuse to let the woman I love suffer, I will fight to save her, save them, save them ALL!!

3rd POV

Deku's Eyes began to change the white of his eyes began to turn black while his green irises began to glow brighter than ever before he rushed with his staff moving at speeds that would rival Iida he jump to the air using his staff like a bat infusing it with energy while swinging it hard once it hit the Nomu it Created a massive impact explosion making it release Ochako and causing it to go flying backwards.

Deku grabbed Ochako and brought her and Aizawa to the others appearing seemingly out of nowhere, before returning to fight the began to rush Deku, but the young hero jumped over the Nomu Deku pulled out full deck of cards infusing them all with his energy but instead of the usual green glow it was red and Deku threw them all at the Nomu.

Deku: Gambit's 52 Razor Blow up!

The cards simultaneously cut through and exploded the Nomu the heat from each detonation was so hot it destroyed the cells of the Nomu ceasing it's ability to regenerate until there was nothing left the Entire Nomu was incinerated the class was in awe distracted by Deku's powerful display so much so they didn't see Kurogiri come too and him sneak off.

Shigiraki was in disbelief and filled with such rage it out weighted his fear he rushed Deku but suddenly the doors of USJ swung open and bullets from Snipe had struck Shigiraki as the heroes from UA had arrived Kurogiri urged Shigiraki to retreat but before they left Deku Called out to them.

Deku: Tell your boss Deku Midoriya sends his regards!Tell him everything that happened today!

Shigiraki: I will gets you next time Gambit you hear me next time I Will kill you!

As Shigiraki and Kurogiri escape through the warp portal Deku walked towards his class until All Might Drop in This enraged Deku while All Might was say his signature catch phrase Deku walked up to him with his quirk infused fist and hit All Might in the jaw This shocked the students, Izumi almost called out to her dad, The only one not shocked was Ochako.

As All Might regained his footing Deku's eye returning to normal but still filled with anger.

Deku: Are you a Hero or a teacher All Might?

AM: I...I'm Both.

Deku: No your not, since you can't manged both these duties then give up one because you care about being a hero so much quit teaching these villains were here for you, to kill you, because you thought that hero work was more important we nearly died, You are not invincible, you are not A god but you could at least act like you give a damn about your students!

The class began to say he was giving All Might too much disrespect or that he was out of line.

AM: Izuku I'm Sorry I didn't..

Deku: No You don't get to call me that name Your not my father and you'll never be!

Izumi: Izuku Stop dad didn't know this would happen big brother!

Izumi covered her mouth because she realized what she did

Everyone was shocked to learn that that Deku and Izumi were All Might's children.

Deku having enough he walked over to Ochako taking her hand and leaving not before Saying ", You don't get it this it just the beginning and All Might being here just put a huge target on our backs" both teacher and students heard what Izuku said but weren't sure if it was paranoia or If Deku was right.

Meanwhile at the villain bar .

Shigiraki had told his master about what happened then gave Deku's message AFO was Furious not at Deku no but at Shigiraki telling him that Gambit/Deku Midoriya was completely off limits to engage or attack.This made Shigiraki angry and him to start his own agenda.

Back to the UA students

Over the next week school was out But now as the students were beginning to come back, during the break Deku and Ochako had been training Deku's new power which Deku Named Ragin' mode and he discovered that after he had used that power only once his drawback in his regular form had been sm severely decreased he could now use his power more without tiring himself out.

As the class wanted to ask what it was like being the son of the no.1 Hero Deku had to be calmed down by Ochako before Aizawa had entered the room to everyone's surprise, Aizawa had informed them that the UA sports festival was about to begin

3rd POV

After Mr. Aizawa had announced that UA's Sports Festival was just around the corner this was a chance to be scouted for internships from hero agencies this was one of 3 chances that UA's hero course would get to boost their chances getting head starts in their hero careers.Some of the students voiced their concerns about having the Sports Festival so soon after a villain attack, but Aizawa informed them that they were beefing up security this year but were also continuing the festival as a way to prove that UA is unafraid and safer than ever.Shortly after Aizawa dismissed the class as they were about to exit when they were greeted by a crowd of students blocking the entrance.

Mineta was the first to freak out demanding that they be let through Iida inquired why they were blocking the door way, but Katsumi and her brother called out saying they were checking out the competition since they survived an actual villain attack they wanted to size 1A up before the explosive twins yelled out for them to move.


Iida: You two Can't just call people extras when you don't know their names!!

Bakugou: So what we fought villains we're already heading for the top( turns to the others students) Take a good look your looking at the next No.1 Hero.

Tsu: Technically It was Midoriya and Uraraka who fought villains you and your sister just stood there looking angry.

Katsumi: Shut it Frog legs!

Deku and Ochako came forward and decided to both humanize their class while egging the Bakugou twins on.

Deku(to Katsuki): God can you two be anymore annoying.

Ochako: Yeah you mangy bitch.


Ochako: I was talking to Bakugou not you doggy

Bakugou twins: I AM NOT A DOG GODDAMN IT!

Ochako: Oh Look their so cute when they want attention, you wanna biscuit bitches, you wanna biscuit?

Bakugou: I will destroy you.

Suddenly a dog treat hit Bakugou in the nose and Two hit Katsumi

Ochako: Have a biscuit!

They were about to attack Ochako before Deku step in front of her with her sticking her tongue out at them in victory.

Deku: Ok now that established that these two are clearly dogs that need to go back to obedience school , how can I help you fine UA students today.

Many of the students went to declare war on 1A and swore to replace one of them when they win the festival.Deku just smiled and said.

Deku: Neat.

The one from 1H general studies Named Shinso Hitoshi , claimed war directly on Deku after his comment.

Deku: Well you see that would be intimidating if you were intimidating.

Shinso: Are you Mocking me?

Deku: No No no, pfft Yeah, I mean Look at you this skinny Sleep deprived Zombie looking mother fucker is coming here declaring war on me and my class while interrupting my lunch hour and trying to impress me like his alcoholic father!

Shinso then threw a punch at Deku who countered it and put him in a arm bar.

Deku: Be a sport and grab daddy another beer would you?

Deku then shoved Shinso away before walking away with Ochako following before she turned around to mock the other students.

Ochako: You be good now finish you homework and be in bed by nine, we'll wave to you children from the finish line!

Ochako skipped to catch up to her boyfriend while the classes were left stunned at the 1A power couple.

Kirishima: Man that exit was manly.

Sero: Too bad those two are being assholes just not as bad the Bakugou twins.

Tokoyami: Revelry in the dark!

Deku and Ochako trained hard for the next two weeks this festival was more important to Ochako then to Deku this was her chance to get scouted and then gain connections to help find her parents.Deku had to fill out an application to at least be able to use his playing card in the festival since they count as his support gear it was accepted.

After along two week of preparations the UA sports festival was finally ready to begin.

In the locker room everyone was getting prepared , when the Todoroki twins approached Deku to both apologize to him and to declare war personally on him but for Shoko she was directing her declaration at Ochako while glaring at her.

Deku stood up and looked at the two of them and said

Deku: Say what you want but convictions will out weigh anything you have to say I choose to let my actions speak Your words are as cheap as your haircut.

Everyone was stunned at Deku's answer and The Bakugou's were furious at the Todoroki twins going with Deku and Ochako as the rivals of the festival and not themselves.

Deku and Ochako were about to leave when Shoko decided to make a wager with Ochako.

Shoko: Uraraka if Me or my Brother win this festival I want you to break up with Izuku so that he may Date me!

Deku looked offended they had cross a line with him but it only got worse.


Ochako looked like she was thinking before she said

Ochako: Hmmm...Nah!

The two girls were about to explode until they heard Present Mic start the Sports Festival opening it was there time to start walking down the tunnel and into the stadium

3rd POV

In the Commentators booth Present Mic and his co host Eraserhead began introducing the participating classes starting with Hero course Class 1A.

Class 1A exited the tunnel looking determined as ever with Deku leading them unfortunately Mic seemed to overhype the students of 1A cause many of the other classes to look at them in jealousy.

As the other classes were announced Midnight came out to be the referee and Call up Deku to make his students pledge.

Deku was surprised because no one had told him about this part of the sports festival he looked nervous at first until Ochako grabbed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile, which he returned.

Deku stepped up to the podium and took a deep breath, before he started to speak.Inko and AM looked at Deku in anticipation curious on what he would say.Many girls and pro female Heroes blushed at Deku's handsome features much to Ochako's displeasure.

Deku: For many of you here you've been training with your quirks most of your lives but for me most my life I was misdiagnosed as Quirkless.

Many in the stadium were stunned to hear that Deku was misdiagnosed as Quirkless especially his class.

Deku: As that resulted in me being ignored and bullied by those who I once considered friends and Family, then I got the chance to ask my Idol if I could be a hero without a quirk but he said no, not long after that my bully began to beat me up but I refused to break even when I was used as a quirk test dummy and was exploded off the top of a building.

Everyone in 1A eyes were now on Bakugou, as Deku continued to speak.

Deku: After that my mutant quirk had awakened and I felt I could finally be a hero so I trained my ass off to perfect my powers and skills that's when I realized, you don't need a quirk to be a hero just will and heart, you see I believe that there's a hero in all of us , gives us strength, keeps us honest, so if you want to be a hero don't let a quirk keep you shackled from trying, don't let other people's words discourage you, be a hero you want to be, I pledge that I will never stop fighting for those who need it the night is darkest before the dawn but the dawn is rising, and to you who doubted you, rise above it ,why cause WE Are Here!

The crowd and world over erupted in applause for the young hero in training.Midnight went on about youth or something and announced the first event an Obstacle Race as the students got into position Deku and Ochako hung back a little to observe how the other competitors would react All of the sudden Shoto Todoroki engulfed the entrance in ice as soon as the race started but even though it trapped a lot of racers it didn't even get to Deku and Ochako, The former used his quirk to boost his speed by controlling his output of kinetic energy in his arms and legs making him faster than Iida, Ochako had used her quirk to basically fly by controlling her own gravity.


Aizawa: God do you have to be so annoying, as for my thoughts Midoriya and Uraraka are largely ahead of their peers in both combat ability and quirk usage even more so when these lovebirds work as a team.


Deku and Ochako looked at their so called obstacle zero pointer robots from the entrance exam

Ochako: Not this time!

Ochako smiled before releasing her quirk and landed on one of the robots and used her quirk to increase the gravity effectively crushing it, while Deku stomped his feet while using his quirk shooting him high into the air in mid jump the Robot swung it's giant fist at Deku but Deku spun in mid air dodging the attack as he dodged Deku threw several energized cards at the Zero Pointer destroying it with it's kinetic explosions.

As the two leading heroes began to move to the next obstacle they heard the sounds of two angry Pomeranians and felt the presence of two emo candy canes as well as the disappointing sight of the living broccoli.

Bakugou: DEKU!




The four of the five yelled out to the power couple who promptly ignored them and continued their trek toward.

The next obstacle was called the fall Deku was carried by Ochako using her quirk to make the two fly over the obstacle and as more students began to lose this event Deku remembered that they always make the winner of the first event have some sort of handicap in the second event so when he and Ochako bypassed the mine field Deku stepped in front of his girlfriend stopping her from going through the finish line the first to make it threw was Izumi who looked confused Deku didn't even look tired so why did he just stop she wondered after she went through Deku gave Ochako the go ahead to continue the both got through the finish line at 2nd and 3rd place followed by The Bakugou twins and the Todoroki twins, as more students finished the race Deku and Ochako smiled at one another as Midnight announced the winner of this event as Izumi Yagi then she announced that the next event was a cavalry battle and how the placements of the race dictated the points that the headband holders had but with a twist the winner of the last event is worth 10,000,000Points.

Now all eyes were on Izumi who looked Terrified but Deku walked up to her and chuckled and in a funny voice said.

Deku: Your in Danger!


Ochako: No that was the other guy his name Shit Sherlock first name No.

Izumi: Oh you two think you're being cute?

Deku/Ochako: Bitch We're adorable!

Izumi: I'm Right fucked then aren't I?

Deku: Right in the down under!

Izumi: That doesn't even make any sense.

Ochako: Sure it Does!

Izumi: How?

Deku: Fuck you That's how.

Midnight: start building your teams now

Izumi I am So fucked!

As all eyes were still on her she did the only thing she could think of.

Izumi: QUACK!

3rd POV

Izumi was a sitting duck and she knew it and light the majestic Space Bird do she Quacked to try and ease her discomfort.To which both Deku and Ochako started to laugh at her predicament hysterically.Deku and Ochako joined forces with Mei Hatsume from the support course who kept referring to Deku as "Muscles" As she felt Deku up and wasn't even deterred by Ochako almost breaking her hands for putting her filthy paws on her man.

The last to join their group was Tokoyami (So the canon group)

Kat and Shoko teamed up with their brothers to form the power team as they called it.

As team's filled up Izumi eventually found her own teammates in the form of Shinso Hitoshi , a girl with vines for hair called Shiozaki and A lizard girl both from class 1B and as soon as the teams were formed Midnight Allowed the battle to commence.

Everyone with the exception of Deku's group went after Izumi The had all figured they would easy targets but Shiozaki's defense was impeccable, The lizard girl Awareness was excellent Shinso's seemed to be talking in Izumi's ear and her eyes dulled and looked lifeless Deku did his homework on his peers including the ones everyone else overlooked especially the ones who could turn in to potential threats in and out of the festival and the top of that list is Shinso Hitoshi his brainwashing quirk could be tide turner in almost any situation weather it be a Villain attack, Hostage crisis or a suicidal individual he clearly had a tactical mind but he himself had no combat skill.

Everything he told Izumi to do she did as well as the others following the human puppet's orders but Deku had saw other combatants he decided to take the headbands of the ones who exerted themselves first he and his team purposefully avoiding the Todo/Baku team and waiting for the right time to ambush Izumi who's team had also been collecting headbands when countering attacks from other teams even if they lost the 10 million point head band they'd most likely get into the next event.

As the other team's noticed time was running out they scrambled to gain points Deku saw Izumi's team were winded so he took this opportunity to move in.

Using his card throwing tricks he sent several energy infused cards at his target creating a concentrated explosion that acted as a massive flash bang blinding The entirety of Izumi's group but also snapping Izumi out of her trance but it was too late Deku's team during the confusion took Izumi's 10 mil headband she panicked when she realized it was gone then everyone had their eyes on Deku and his team they rush at them but he smirked and said only one thing.

Deku: I win!


Izumi was stunned that she won a event without really remembering anything of that event as a few more team's we're called the last event was named 1v1 Battle Tournament

Izumi saw her brother face who had a almost Bakugou like grin like this is what he was waiting for.And it scarred her but then her eyes landed to Ochako who pointed her hand at Izumi, Kat, and Shoko in the form of a gun and proceeded to pull the imaginary trigger on each of them all while smiling.

The Battle Tournament of the UA Sports Festival was about to begin and it's one to remember

3rd pov

Midnight: Before we get to the Tournament I would like direct your attention to our half time performance requested by our mysterious Sponsor.Will Deku Midoriya cone to the stage and sing a song for us!

Unknown to Deku and the audience this was set up by Deku's father AFO and As Deku at that moment got a text from his father explaining the plan which made the green haired boy smile.

Deku stepped on the stage a asked for silence for a moment to make a small speech.

Deku: This song is about my life, my family, and My idol All Might.

Suddenly the jumbotron feed was hijacked as music started to play and the a face with the upper half obscured shadow appeared but it was clear this man had freckles like Deku and white curly hair, people were stunned until the man began to sing to the haunting melody.


Oh, yeah

I feel you crumble in my arms down to your heart of stoneYou bled me dry just like the tears you never showWhy don't you take what you want from me?Take what you need from meTake what you want and goWhy don't you take what you want from me?Take what you need from meTake what you want and go

Inko looked as if she saw a ghost as she heard the voice of her supposed dead former husband she whispered his name "Hitashi"


I never needed anything from youAnd all I ever asked was for the truthYou showed your tongue and it was forked in twoYour venom was lethal, I almost believed youYeah, you preyed on my every mistakeWaited on me to break, held me under hopin' I would drownLike a plague, I was wasting awayTryna find my way out, find my way out

And it finally came the dayI start giving my heart awayFor Heaven's sakes, my bones will breakBut you never own my soul, no

Izumi began to see how much pain Deku had been in all those years as for All Might his whole body went numb when he hear the voice on the jumbotron but didn't want to believe what his mind was throwing out that his nemesis was alive and he may have pushed his son into his arms.

I feel you crumble in my arms down to your heart of stoneYou bled me dry just like the tears you never showWhy don't you take what you want from me?Take what you need from meTake what you want and goWhy don't you take what you want from me?Take what you need from meTake what you want and go

I took them stones you threw, made chains for the crew (ice)I brought up 10 hoes, this coupe only made for two (yes, sir)They all ran through it, it ain't nothing left to doI need some more reasons to live out this evening (straight up)I've been sippin' forever and just taking whateverHoping, thinking whenever you'll be back aroundLet's go our ways, whicheverYou say how is however long'Cause you know I'll never be alone

Love (love, yeah)Shorty gon' backNeed it on sightCrack it all backGive her that pipeAll of my gangShawty went bad


I feel you crumble in my arms down to your heart of stoneYou bled me dry just like the tears you never showWhy don't you take what you want from meTake what you need from meTake what you want and goWhy don't you take what you want from meTake what you need from meTake what you want and go

Take it all away

Why don't you (take what you want, take what you need)Take what you need from me, yeah(Take what you want) why don't you (take what you need?)(What you need, yeah)

As the song ended many of the audience questioned what the lyrics meant but one thing was clear Deku had experienced real pain and somehow All Might was apart of the pain he endured.

But soon the stadium was filled with thunderous applause. As it raised questions between All Might and Inko as Deku excited the stage and the giant screen reverted back to normal. As the tournament was about to start.

3rd POV

As the beginning matches were decided the first match was Izumi vs Shinso

The fight was less than spectacular Shinso coaxed Izumi into speaking even though she was aware of his quirk but was able to break the hold of the brainwashing quirk by breaking her own finger and threw Shinso from the ring with her telekinesis Winning the match.

Next match of note was Ochako vs Mina Ochako beat Mina fairly easily as the matches continued Deku had waited patiently for his match to begin with Katsumi when the time came Deku was called to the arena, on his way to the there No other than All Might and Green Magnet were waiting for him as well as a hidden news crew the reporter was around the corner wanting to see why All Might's own son would sing such a song about the symbol of peace.

All Might: Izuku That was some song you sang but do you know who that man on the arena screen was?

Deku: No, now get out of my way All Might.

Deku lied to protect his father he wouldn't risk his true family for anything He only needed his father and Ochako no one else....


Inko darted to catch Deku's arm with pleading eyes as she begged for them to be a family again.

Inko: Izuku I know we made mistakes....

But she was cut off by Deku raising his voice in outrage.


The reporter was stunned at what she just heard the the symbol of peace and his wife were neglectful parents and their daughter was a abusive sister this was the story of the century.

Deku walked away as he was met by Inko's head hung low in shame she began to cry as she knew everything he said was true, and the reporter discretely walked away to work on this story further.

When Deku continued to the stage for the arena as he was met by Katsumi looking away from his hardened gaze she quickly shook herself out of her discomfort she didn't want to fight Deku but Her brother had said maybe if she wins then Ochako wouldn't want him anymore as unlikely as it was she had to hold on to some hope that this was the way to get her precious Izuku back.

Midnight: Are the fighters ready?

Deku had his above a pouch on his belt as he answered.

Deku: I was born ready!

Katsumi: I'm fuckin' ready!

Midnight: BEGIN!

Katsumi Rushed forward with her explosions propelling her towards her opponent.As Deku used his quirk to both infuse his cards that he drew from his belt as well as augmenting his legs with kinetic energy to boost his speed and strength, as they closed the distance Katsumi reeled her fist back to throw an explosive punch but was too slow to react to Deku's three explosive cards flying directly at her each hit had a purpose the first stunned her the second knocked the wind out of her causing her to hunch over and the final card blasted backwards on to the floor skidding towards the edge of the stage.

The crowd was amazed at what they just witnessed as Katsumi stood up she was in pain her own explosions don't hurt but Deku's hurt...

a lot

Katsumi: That was some attack Ichan but it was your last I'm winning this then I'm taking you home!

Deku looked at her with disgust she still didn't understand, and probably never would.

Katsumi fired explosions from a distance while Deku used acrobatics to dodge the attacks.While in mid backflip Deku threw a energy infused card directly at Katsumi's face when it hit her the concussive impact knocked her out of bounds until she hit the inner arena wall knocking her unconscious Bakugou couldn't believe his sister lost to Deku of all people his next match was with Shoko so he decided to leave to prepare because he only wants one fight now the fight against Deku Midoriya.

As Deku was declared winner he saw his next match was against His own Sister he had a twisted smile adorned on his face this fight was gonna be a good one.

All Might was nervous about his Daughter going against Deku but he was confident that she would win after all she may be having trouble with OFA but he was positive she had got a handle on it by now.

Inko on the other hand was terrified at the idea of her children fighting each other she didn't know who would reign victorious but she did believe that everyone was going to be surprised at the outcome.

The tournament is in full swing with the first matches going off with a bang but the next set of matches are about to begin.

3rd POV

The rest of the 2nd matches were pretty much as you'd expect Bakugou beat Shoko to waste no time for Deku to him it was the only match that mattered but he didn't even consider Izumi beating him but if she did it would only prove his point about Deku's weakness and that he got by on pure luck so far (oh the lies we tell ourselves )

Though Ochako fought hard in her match against Mina but she didn't have much time to recover at all between events let alone matches,Tokoyami saw she overused her quirk and The two fought to a draw eventually though Tokoyami admitted Ochako had beaten him but both withdrew from the tournament.

The rest of the matches after that were uneventful but now we see Deku walking to his next match with his former sister Izumi, Izumi was a nervous wreck if fighting her brother wasn't enough she constantly throughout the Sports Festival had been fighting against OFA it drawbacks are getting worse it was a matter of time before the damage is permanent as she too entered the ring , all she heard was silence when she focused on her brother Deku glared at her she flinched at his cold stare she knew she deserves it she got into a sloppy fighting stance as izuku pulled out a fresh deck of playing cards and began to shuffle them into the air back into his hand.

Midnight prompted the two combatants to state that they were ready.

Izumi: RR Ready Midnight Sensei!

Deku: Start the damn fight, Daddy needs to Express some rage.

Midnight shivers at Deku response liking his dominant side.

Midnight: In another time , in another time, well anyway BEGIN!

Izumi Rushed Deku using OFA in her legs she immediately began to feeling a stinging sensation in her legs like her bones were under a lot stress but still she ignored it as she was almost upon Deku She reeled back her fist in hopes to end this fight quickly she redistributed OFA into her fist only for Deku to suddenly vanish before her eyes before being met by a devastating uppercut kick to the face

Everyone was stunned at his feat of speed while Izumi was sent skyward Deku vanished again and reappeared above Izumi who was still dazed by the first kick to only be met with a more powerful forward flip heel kick to the top of her head shooting her straight down into the center of the stage.

All Might was not only shocked by the speed and brutality of his step son's attack but in awe of his Control of them as well because it was clear now he was holding back because if he weren't that second kick could have easily killed Izumi.

Inko was in a state of panic when she saw Deku's attack she knew in that moment of the first kick she and her family were paying karma a blood debt and the price was Izumi.

When Deku landed from his attack he waited for Izumi to recover once she finally was able to pull herself together she looked at her brother in regret she still believed she could win however she would have to resort to dishonesty, dishonesty using truth as a base.

Izumi: Izuku, I am sorry, sorry for everything, I have failed you.

Deku: You have no right to use that name Yagi!

Izumi: You're right , I don't after all the pain I caused you I don't deserve to use your name.

Izumi began to limp towards her brother in hopes to get close to end the match with a sneak attack but there was one issue with this plan Deku isn't a fool.

Izumi: We should have been there for you and we weren't we hurt you and for that I am eternally sorry.

As Izumi got closer to Deku he looked like he was starting to buy her trick so he spoke back to his sister.

Deku: I thought you'd be there for me, be there when I needed you, but you betrayed me why?

Izumi: I don't know I was scared, scared to lose you if you became a hero without a quirk.

Deku: I just have one more thing to Ask?

Izumi was almost at point blank distance now as such she was still trying to deceive her brother before charging her father's quirk.

Izumi: What is it Izuku?

Deku: Do you think I'm an idiot?

Izumi eye widened he knew she was trying to sneak up on him she quickly charged OFA only for Deku to throw multiple energy infused cards at her exploding on impact knock her around the ring she could barely stand she was in so much pain she now charged up OFA which added to her pain she launched herself at Deku and aimed her attack straight for Deku's chest and he didn't move out of the attack's pathway.

Izumi: SMASH!!!

All Might stood from the stand noticing his daughter was using OFA at max output which would most likely kill Deku.


But it was too late to stop the attack but what happened next shocked every single person watching at the last possible second Deku sidestepped the 100% OFA punch And slapped down on Izumi's forearm redirecting it's impact of power but also causing maximum effect for the gifted quirk's backlash as Izumi's arm had broke in a unnatural angle in a L shaped position she dropped to her knees as the pain was unimaginable.

Deku grabbed Izumi by the hair and dragged her to the ring's edge and said.

Deku: Next time you try to kill me....

Deku Lifted her up so she could look at him As he finishes her.

Deku: Aim for the head!

Deku Then shot out two power infused cards blasting Izumi out of bounds as she finally passed out from the pain.Everyone was stunned.Mainly because They just saw an attack that could easily kill someone be stopped and redirected so no one but it's user got hurt.As Izumi slept she found herself inside OFA where she was met by Her father's predecessor Nana Shimura aka Paragon

Nana looked at Izumi with disgust and pointed at her saying the phrase "Unworthy" over and over again before finally speaking clearly stating that OFA is killing her as well as rejecting her and what's worse is it can never be passed down again so it was wasted on Izumi the last thing Nana said was that she should never had chosen Toshinori.

Izumi awoke in Recovery Girl's office who confirmed that with each time she uses OFA it shortens her life as well as destroys her body. One thing was certain Izumi if she wants to live can never use One For All ever again.