
Deity Witch

A girl who was betrayed and nearly killed by her best friend without knowing the reason, after staying unconscious for days, woke up anew, filled with strength and unknown abilities. keeping her identity hidden and also having in mind that succumbing to evil will bring an end to her existence therefore, she struggled to be on the borderline between good and evil. Vowed to get revenge she discovers the secrets of the World that she lives in where weakness is a sin.

KwinAmmySanctus · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Weak and fragile 3


Ursula stood, pacing around her room in regret. The guilt of her deeds towards her friends, especially Charlotte a moment ago, was too much for her to handle. She broke down in tears, feeling so ashamed of herself. She was still crying loudly when her handmaid knocked on her door. She stopped for a moment, wiping her cheeks repeatedly with her palm in an attempt to get rid of her tears

The knock came again more loudly this time around …

" Mother, is that you ?"

She said as she comported herself quickly enough for the intruder not to notice the state of the emotional mess she is in.

" No my Lady.

It's Sally, your handmaid"

The tiny voice said and Ursula cleared her cracked-up voice.

" State your request and leave me alone "

" My Lady, Your teacher Mr. Zachary is here for your afternoon class.

What should I tell him, my Lady? "

Sally's voice came again.

" Tell him it is my time of the month and I feel sick. I need rest and I'm not in the right frame of mind to study now "

" But my Lady, that was the same excuse you gave four nights ago …"

Sally protested but Ursula was quick enough to cut her off.

" Oh! Shut up, Sally.

I'm not in the mood to study. Tell Mr. Zachary anything that will make him go away for today please !"

She yelled in frustration.

" I'm sorry my Lady.

I will make him go away as soon as possible "

Sally said fidgeting with the hem of her dress even though she wasn't standing before Ursula but she was scared to her bones. She knows what Ursula can do when she's mad, very dangerous, and destructive.

" Better! And one more thing,

Find my mother for me, I need to speak with her, and don't ever come to disturb me except if I need any assistance from you.

Now get lost !"

She commanded and Sally scampered away in fear.


Mrs. Naya Banfield sighed loudly after reading from the piece of paper on her reading table.

The paper carried a royal seal and it was a letter from the military sent by her husband. It's been a year since she last heard from her husband and she's worried about him to the bones.

"Oh! Heavens!

Salvador, please be okay for your daughter and me.

Even if you won't make it to our daughter's engagement ceremony, I just want you to be healthy and alive for us.

I miss you so much dear husband.

Please come back quickly for us

I will be the happiest and proudest of all women if you can do this for me.

Please Salvador, hold on a little longer "

She prayed silently, almost in tears and worrying so much about the welfare of her husband.

The content of the letter made her heart sink to the deepest part of her stomach

" I need to see the seer, she will be in the best place to know my husband's fate.

Oh! heavens, come to your daughter's aid "

She prayed again as she hurriedly folded the letter and hid it in a little box carefully placing it in between scrolls.

She threw a cloak over her body and hurriedly walked out of her study room.

On opening the door that leads outside the mansion, she heard the sound of horses and sighed again.

Charlotte is back and she's not alone, she came with her betrothed and she mustn't let her know the situation at hand. She mustn't find out else she will be in emotional mess, she knows her little girl and what she's capable of doing .

Hence Mrs. Naya Banfield smiled widely showing all her teeth that even a blind knows that the smile is a facade.

" Mother !"

Charlotte screamed delightfully throwing herself at her and she caught her in a warm embrace.

Her heart melted and a sincere smile appeared on her chubby cheeks.

Mrs. Naya Banfield is a very beautiful woman even though she's in her forties, she still looks so youthful and graceful with golden brown hair and lips as red as rose. Her nose stood proudly on her chubby cheeks and her deep blue sea eyes perfecting her beauty. Her skin is as fair as snow and hairy too.

This is one of the best qualities that her little girl inherited from her.

" Mother I have missed you so much"

Charlotte said

" I have missed you too, my girl.

Have you gotten the dress ?"

She asked as they disengaged from the warm embrace.

" Yes mother, I will get it now "

She ran to get it from the carriages.

"No need to go back to the carriage to get it. I'm with it ..."

Roland said as he walked further to meet his mother-in-law with the wrapped dresses.

They turned sharply to see Roland walking towards them.

" ...Good day mother "

He greeted with a charming smile.

" God bless you, my child "

Mrs. Naya Banfield said as she embraced him warmly.

"Come here Charlotte,

Your sweet Roland is with the dress already stop rummaging the whole carriage.

Come here, you silly girl"

She teased and Roland laughed

" Mother, stop already "

" Just go in and rest Charlotte, you're lucky that your teacher won't be coming today. His wife went into labor earlier today.

Just go in and rest, in the evening you shall continue your sewing class.

Vetta will be training you from now on"

Mrs.Naya Banfield said as she began her step towards the carriage but she suddenly stopped abruptly.

" By the way, you can try the dress when I return in the evening.

I'm going to inspect the poultry.

Please Roland take care of her and extend my greeting to your mother ."

She added and finally entered the carriage.

Charlotte sighed immediately as the Carriage sped off and Roland embraced her.

" Not you too Roland.

Are you going to leave me too?."

She pouted as tears gathered in her eyes.

" Darling, I thought we had discussed this. I need to go back to the Academy please my love "

Roland pleaded desperately.

" Alright, make sure to come back in the evening "

" I will my love "

He said breaking off from the warm embrace, he held her face and kissed her rosy lips briefly.

" Don't forget my birthday is in three days from today ."

Charlotte gushed happily.

" I won't forget my love and I will give you a very precious gift.

Be a good girl I have to go now.

I love you Charlotte "

" I love you too Roland Ashwood "

She grinned and he embraced her again inhaling her sweet scent.


" Ursula, why the tears? "

Mrs. Agatha Van Suleca said in alarm as she rushed toward her who was weeping loudly

" I was in a meeting in the Town's square when Sally sent a message that you're not well and needs my urgent attention.

What's wrong Ursula dear,

Talk to your mother, I'm all ears please my girl "

She pleaded as she embraced Ursula warmly, rubbing circles on her back in a soothing manner.

" Mother, I'm having problems with my friends again.

I slapped Vera and insulted Charlotte and now they have all left in anger.

I hate myself mother ."

She wailed loudly like a child whose mother denied attention.

" It's okay don't worry, I will talk to their mothers and they will speak to them on your behalf, okay Ursula, stop crying, my child. "

She consoled as Ursula inwardly smirked devilishly while pretending to be weeping loudly.


The carriage stopped at the mouth of the thickest forest which housed a cave where the great witch who was disguised as a seer hid. Her name is Anna and she's the greatest witch alive, Anna is the only survivor in her lineage as her family is made up of witches and seers.

She escaped the religious inquisitors who hunted for witches and now she secluded herself in a far away deepest part of an abandoned cave.

As the carriage stops and the neighing of the horses stopped, a woman wearing a dark cloak is seen walking into the thick forest fearlessly.

Her mind is occupied with different thoughts as she walks deeper into the forest stopping before a cave.

She couldn't wait till nightfall before embarking on this dangerous mission, what is disturbing her needs to be addressed immediately else it is going to bring sorrow and mourning to her household.

She took a lamp holder and lit it because the cave is unusually dark even in the light of the day. She began her journey into the cave.

Anna the witch smiled delightfully when she felt the presence of her visitor nearing her domain.

She spoke out first startling the visitor and the visitor removed her cloak to reveal...

" Naya Banfield, I know that you will seek my help again.

What is it that troubles you again my dear friend? "

" I'm not your friend Anna.

Speak to me with respect "

Mrs.Naya Banfield said, gritting her teeth hard in anger.

The witch ended up releasing a throaty laugh at her statement.

" Naya, you haven't changed all these years.

Lower your pride Naya for pride goes before a downfall.

Why do you need my help Naya from the household of Banfield?..

Speak for I am listening "

Said Anna the witch.

"It's Salvador "

Naya said as her eyes softened and the tears she was trying so hard to hold fell freely down her cheeks

" What about Salvador? "

The witch queried further even though she already knew what she came for but she wanted to hear from the horse's mouth.

" He was Poisoned, Anna.

They poisoned my husband and he has been in a sick bed for the last six months. I just received a letter from the military that his condition is not improving at all.

What do I do Anna?..

Just tell me "

Naya said, crying bitterly .

" Naya my friend, ever since you saved me from being killed years ago by the inquisitors, I had vowed to do anything in my power to repay you and I have paid you back countless times in different ways."

she said without mincing words.

This hit Naya like a deadly poisonous vine that she doesn't know when she fell on her knees pleading desperately.

" Please Anna, just this once.

help a friend in need.

Please Anna, save Salvador.

save my husband."

Mrs Naya Banfield cried as more tears poured down her cheeks like water fall.

" Naya my friend ,stop wasting your tears and go back home to your daughter, Salvador will get better. Remember Naya, I'm only helping you again this once in order to fulfil the prophecy .

I will go to the military camp and administer the antidote myself.

Also, warn Salvador to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.

Naya leave this place as soon as possible, there shall be a royal parade very soon.

I can smell it so much my friend .

Go, before you land yourself in trouble "

Anna said

" Thank you so much, Anna.

Thank you ".

Naya thanked her over and over again.

The witch laughed heartily.

" One more thing my friend, do you mind quenching my curiosity?.

Why do you hide so deep?

Why are you running away from your shadow?.

I wonder why?.

Is it because of him, I wonder.

You have changed so much from that friend I know.

You look weak, very weak.

How low the mighty had fallen.

it's a pity."

She said and Mrs. Naya Banfield's heart skipped a bit, she continued after a while.

" I don't need an answer from you my friend. I know that you will not tell me, everyone has their secret after all I'm no exception."

Anna said as she rose from where she sat since her conversation with Naya began. She turned squarely and faced her visitor giving Naya the opportunity to have a better view of her . Anna is a woman in her forties yet her appearance shows the physique of a seventeen year old girl and that age was when she awoke as a witch which explained why she still retained that teenage appearance. She's blessed with long white curly hair and amber gold eyes plus dark brown lips . Her face is well carved which accentuated her beauty.

" it's been twenty years Anna and yet you didn't age at all "

Mrs Naya Banfield said effortlessly.

" Oh ! Spare me that sermon Naya and don't deviate from the main topic.

You and I are the same but you choose to ignore your path. Those pills you always take to make you look and follow the same timeline with them is dangerous, Naya .

I won't warn you again. Go home , Salvador will get better ".

The witch assured as she released a long throaty laugh yet again.

Breathing a sigh of relief Mrs. Naya Banfield left the room with the door closed.