
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. Explore the world of Tensura tens of thousands of years before the canon. A/N: I made this story just for fun, and if I get bored of it, I won't hesitate to drop it.

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Wise Queen of Spirits.

Stonees?(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)



Twilight Valentine, the Divine Ancestor, felt a tingle of excitement course through their being. A riddle! This was a novelty. After millennia of research, finally, a challenge that wasn't simply observing the chaotic world. Their very essence hummed with a newfound purpose.

The question hung in the air, pulsating with spirit magic: "WHAT CAN YOU HOLD IN YOUR RIGHT HAND, BUT NEVER IN YOUR LEFT HAND?"

Twilight's mind, a vast repository of knowledge, whirred into action. Magicules wouldn't work. Bloodline abilities wouldn't work either. They considered the concept of unique skills possessed by specific individuals, but even those weren't exclusive to one hand. Frustration bubbled within them. Was this a test of strength? Perhaps a specific magical item that bonded with a dominant hand?

Days bled into weeks. Twilight, confined within the ever-shifting labyrinth, obsessed over the riddle. They delved into ancient texts, analyzed obscure rituals, and even attempted to dissect historical accounts of weapon usage and combat techniques, always searching for an answer that eluded them.

One particularly agonizing day, their frustration reached a peak. "Is this some kind of cruel joke?" they roared, their voice echoing through the labyrinthine halls.

Suddenly, a soft chuckle materialized in the room. "Not at all, Divine Ancestor," a voice, gentle as a summer breeze, responded. It was the voice of the labyrinth spirit. "The question is meant to test not just your knowledge, but your perspective."

Twilight narrowed their eyes. "Perception? How does a simple question about hands require perception?"

"Simple answers often lie in the most obvious places," the voice replied. "Look at your hands."

Hesitantly, Twilight raised their hands, examining them with a renewed focus. They were identical in appearance, each with five equally nimble fingers. A flicker of understanding sparked in their mind.

"Is it... my left hand?" they ventured, their voice filled with a hint of self-deprecation.

The laughter echoed again, a touch warmer this time. "Absolutely! You see, your right hand can hold your left hand, but your left hand cannot hold itself."

Relief washed over them. It was so simple, so obvious once they shifted their perspective. The solution wasn't magic or strength, but a fundamental limitation of the human form.

The spirit spoke again. "You have passed the first test, Divine Ancestor. There are two more to go. Are you ready?"

An exhilarating warmth spread through Twilight. This was challenging, yes, but it was also exhilarating. They had a feeling these weren't just about strength or arcane lore. "Bring them on," they declared, their voice brimming with newfound confidence.

The room shimmered, and a new riddle materialized in the air. This time, the challenge wasn't a simple question, but a cryptic statement:





Twilight stared at the words, a playful grin spreading across their face. They had a feeling this wasn't going to be as difficult as the first riddle. The answer, they sensed, resided in a different kind of perception, a playful observation of the world around them.

The stage was set for a fascinating duel of minds, a test of both knowledge and perception. Twilight Valentine, the Divine Ancestor, was finally getting their chance to use their wisdom to its fullest. He began thinking about the riddle, he already learned his lesson from the previous riddle that took weeks to complete. He won't make the same mistake again, perhaps the answer is simple and can be found with just simple thinking. 'The clues are too vague, I cannot grasp the proper answer…'

Hesitantly, Twilight refocused on the words, each one sharp against the shifting walls. "I have cities, but no houses; I have mountains, but no trees; I has water, but no fish; I have roads, but no carriages?"

A spark of realization ignited within them. The answer wasn't some fantastical world, but a representation – a way of depicting the world without its clutter.

"Is it… a map?" they exclaimed, their voice tinged with a hint of self-doubt. It felt too simple, too basic for a challenge presented by the spirit.

The room shimmered, and a warm light bathed them in a gentle glow. "Indeed, Divine Ancestor" the spirit boomed, the satisfaction evident in its voice.

Relief washed over Twilight. They had awoken from their self-inflicted labyrinth of overthinking. Sometimes, the answer truly lay in the most obvious place, a matter of perspective.

"The map represents the world," the spirit continued, "stripped of its details, but capturing its essence. It guides, it informs, it allows us to navigate the complexities of the world."

Twilight nodded, a newfound respect for the power of simplicity blooming within them. They had not only passed the test, but gained a valuable lesson in the importance of clear thinking and understanding the core of a problem.

The air crackled with anticipation. "Now, for the final test," the spirit announced. Its voice, though gentle, held a hint of challenge. "This one is a bit of a legend… The Queen mentioned that even some of the creatures you created, there are those with little lifespan? This should be suitable for you if you indeed did your job of observing their growth" the spirit conveyed the thoughts of her Queen. "Please present me with the challenge. I won't disappoint the Queen of Spirits" they said, excited for the next one. This is a first in their life that they are being taught. They are the peak of mind after all, creator of races.

Twilight waited in anticipation as the same effect happened like before. The sealed room was filled with light as the words finally appeared before his eyes. Just like the others, this riddle was not something they could decipher within one glance so they focused their eyes on the floating words.


The inscription shimmered before Twilight, each word etched with an otherworldly luminescence. A prickle of unease ran down their vast consciousness. This riddle felt different. Unlike the previous ones that relied on logic or perspective, this one held a strange familiarity, a faint echo from a long-forgotten memory.

Focusing intently, Twilight dissected the riddle. "What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet in midday, and three feet in evening?" Their mind raced, sifting through his abundance of knowledge. Was it some mythical creature with a metamorphosis tied to the sun? An arcane ritual involving specific stances?

Hours bled into days, and the riddle continued to taunt them. Frustration gnawed at Twilight. They delved deeper, unearthing forgotten scrolls and arcane texts in their mind, searching for a hidden meaning. Yet, the answer remained elusive.

Then, a memory flickered into existence, a faint echo from a distant past. It was a vision, hazy and fragmented, of delicate, luminescent beings flitting through a twilight forest. They were small, fragile creatures, their bodies shimmering with an ethereal light. Twilight, in order to please his creator, had created them – beings of pure essence, meant to exist for a single, brilliant day.

A jolt of realization struck them. The creatures! The answer to the riddle lay not in the grand schemes of the universe, but in their own, cherished creation. A bittersweet pang of fondness washed over them, a forgotten affection for the fleeting beauty they had brought into existence.

"The answer," Twilight boomed, their voice echoing through the labyrinth, "is a human, right?" The room shimmered, the light intensifying as the spirit's voice resonated.

"Indeed, Divine Ancestor. A brilliant deduction. A human, crawling on all fours in their infancy, walks upright in their prime, and relies on a cane in their twilight years."

Relief and a flicker of pride washed over Twilight. They had not only solved the riddle but also rediscovered a cherished memory, a reminder of the wonders they had created. The spirit's voice continued, filled with respect.

"You have passed all three tests, Divine Ancestor. Your wisdom and perception are indeed formidable. The Queen will be pleased. Now, prepare yourself. The true challenge awaits."

The room dissolved around Twilight, the labyrinth walls melting away to reveal a blinding light. They braced themselves, anticipation thrumming through their being. The lessons learned in this strange confinement had awakened a dormant spark within them. They were ready to face the wise Queen of Spirits who opened their minds widely. Never had they felt such loss before, they believed themselves as the most intelligent beings in the world besides Veldanav yet here they are spending weeks on mere 3 riddles. The experience is welcomed by them.

The moment they entered the designated room though, what greeted them made them understand the term disbelief. "What are you looking at? Hurry up and tell me your request, you made me wait for weeks. Thanks to you, I couldn't bother Reinhard!" There, the esteemed Queen of Spirits was munching into some food that they didn't recognize ignoring all kinds of manners or so. It was out of their expectations that the sagacious person who created those riddles would be a messed up looking woman.

"Hm? What is that gaze? Believe me or not, I will really kick you out right now. I wasted so much time here when I could have used it to play instead" Ramiris was unreasonable with her words but sadly she has no obligation to entertain Twilight. She is already irked that someone dares to disturb her play time but now they are also staring strangely at her, she couldn't help but be pissed.

Twilight immediately controlled themselves as they apologized to the Queen of Spirits. "I hope it is in your heart to forgive us. We are sorry for taking your time Lady Ramiris" usually, Twilight would not respect anyone in the world except Veldanava and Reinhard but since Ramiris proved her worth, he is obliged to do so. "Hm, I accept your apology. Now you better hurry up or else Reinhard will get angry. You know how scary he is right? I heard your story from him, it was hilarious!" Ramiris chuckled, pointing at Twilight who just closed his eyes in humiliation.

"Once again, I apologize. I came here to ask for your support in fetching some Spirits that will help me with my research. Lord Veldanava was not satisfied with the two species I created hence I wish to create more" Twilight initially wanted to mention the time he spent waiting but upon realizing that it is just stupid, he held his intrusive thoughts back. He can't afford losing this chance. "Oh, High Humans and Vampires was it? I heard about them from Reinhard, he mentioned how they are faulty and wouldn't suit his father's preference. Judging from how he was speaking, it seems like he already knows what kind of creatures Veldanava would like.." Ramiris pondered while speaking of her thoughts.


They were stunned to hear that. Not only Reinhard knows of their existence, he even knows Lord Veldanava that well. "D-Did Lord Reinhard speak of the race that Lord Veldanava wanted? If so, may I ask what it is?" they asked, a little desperate since it has been long yet they still have not managed to satisfy their lord. "Ah, nope. Didn't mention it, I was also curious about it so I asked however he never mentioned it once. Well, that guy is pretty stubborn. Oh, spirits right? I can fetch some for you" Ramiris was pretty nonchalant about the situation.

"Uh.. I would like to add that they must be some fallen fragments of the Original Great Spirits. I ask of you…" Twilight lowered their heads lightly. "Well, it doesn't matter. Let's hasten this up so I can return now" the process was quick. With Ramiris's authority as the Queen of Spirit, even Greater Spirits could not resist her. Ramiris ordered the spirits to follow Twilight and not to ask questions, her current attitude is different from the past where she cares for everyone. She is like this because of the influence of Reinhard who didn't even try to butter up his attitude.

Ramiris quickly kicked Twilight out of her labyrinth after he finished his goal. Unknown to the Queen of Spirits, her history will be quite different from the original. The fallen Queen of Spirit will be held in a good light, because of a simple misunderstanding that she didn't consider a big deal.






Ramiris made her way back into Reinhard's crib. Although she admits that she felt happy watching Twilight's misery, she won't say it out loud. He still wasted a few of her weeks after all, he can't change that fact. Without even bothering to knock, Ramiris intruded the room. "Reinhard! We are finally done!" She shouted disturbing the man who was relaxing in his throne. "Hn? …You've already returned?" Ramiris can't explain how but she feels like Reinhard is really exhausted while saying that. As if he was treating her as a huge problem.

"Tsk, I hate that you sounded so uncomfortable there! Still, I finally finished my job there, he was so troublesome!" Ramiris began complaining, ignoring the deadpan that Reinhard is giving her. "So? Did you help him or what?" he asked while conjuring a wine from nothingness. Ramiris was excited to speak of her story that she didn't notice the frustration from Reinhard's face. After finishing the tale, she stared at Reinhard waiting for him to say how magnanimous she was.

"In conclusion, you played a game of riddles after which you got bored for he took so long to answer and then just immediately handed the spirits…? I was a fool expecting from you" He said, swirling the wine from the glass. "What does that even mean? I did a great thing right? Other races will now emerge while the world prosper from them" the way Ramiris spoke struck Reinhard. He then remembers what kind of being she was. The epitome of all spirits, caring to others impartially.

In the end, it was his mistake after all. For thinking that Ramiris was the same kind of person as he, perhaps this is the result of being with her for too long. He began conjuring his opinion about her and took it for granted. She was never an evil person in the first place, neither will she become in the future. Her becoming a demon lord was just a result of her saving the world, there was no malice included.

"Ramiris, I have changed my mind about you. You are a kind person after all. Your generous heart will never bend to any evil. You may continue holding your head high for that reason" Ramiris was overwhelmed by what she just heard. It was the first time that Reinhard called her by her real name and not by 'Woman'. And the compliments he was giving was not something one can hear even for millennials. Maybe if they were a worthy enemy then he might make an exception but genuine compliments like this? Almost impossible.

That is also why Ramiris cannot help but feel dread from this situation. It was already unusual for Reinhard to call her by her name but he also complimented her. Is the world gonna end next? Her feelings were spot on. Because the one friend that Ramiris created in her stay has now decided to vanish from her sight.


