
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. Explore the world of Tensura tens of thousands of years before the canon. A/N: I made this story just for fun, and if I get bored of it, I won't hesitate to drop it.

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Spirit from the future.

Please throw some stones.



After a few weeks, Ramiris and Veldanava finally stabilized the entire world. They cleaned up the battlefield and the destruction caused by the clash. There was one place that couldn't be fixed though, it was the place where Reinhard killed both Velgrynd and Velzard using his spear. It appears that his aura was too embedded on the ground that the concept of it cannot be removed anymore. This place would become an object of fear in the future.

"Sigh, Veldanava. I want a break. Please don't call me for another millenium or so! Why do I have to clean up the mess created by your son?" She grumbled pointing at Veldanava who was guilty. "Hahaha… sorry for that" he said, scratching the back of his head. He really dragged Ramiris in this one. "What is your plan after this? I am thinking of creating a new species or perhaps a person that can help me with that goal. How about it? Would you like to witness it?" Veldanava was determined about this project. He really hopes that his dream race would be born from this.

Ramiris squinted her eyes in annoyance. "Do you think I'm a fool? I won't fall for that! I bet you are just going to use me if something went wrong" she didn't even buttered her words up and just straightly denied Veldanava. "I'm going home! I don't know what kind of chaos your son created there. I am worried about my spirits, what if he decided to eat them?!" Ramiris had enough, she concentrated her attention and forced her will to ignite the magic she wanted.

The Primitive Magic took effect, disintegrating Ramiris' body as it was teleported away. Veldanava was left at that scene so he just sighed and started his work again. "I really can't get a rest now can I?" He muttered then began working.






Ramiris arrived at her labyrinth but somehow the atmosphere within the labyrinth was far from what she expected. She thought that every spirit would be hiding in sight trying to avoid that monster of a man. Well, the hallway was silent but that was not what took Ramiris' attention away. It was the fact that thousands of spirits appeared to be staring at her room. An unusual action that they don't usually do.

She walked towards them and decided to reveal her presence. The moment she did that, every spirit quickly swarmed towards her. ""Lady Ramiris!"" they shouted in sync. "Ohh, what is happening? Why are you guys in my room? You usually don't have any interest there right?" she asked, inquiring about the situation.

"Lady Ramiris! That scary man is something else! We thought that he would be a tyrant but he didn't do anything dangerous! Moreover, moreover, look!" The Greater Spirit of Fire was pumped up as she excitedly explained to Ramiris. Ramiris followed her finger, staring at the room. She stopped on her tracks before her jaw slowly dropped. "What is this?!!!" She shouted with all of her might before barging into the room. There she saw Reinhard sitting on a golden throne while giving her a scrutinized gaze.

He appears to be displeased by her actions. "Lower your voice, woman, this place has no need for hoes" Reinhard said, narrowing his eyes. Ramiris' eyebrows twitched in annoyance, she was the owner of this room! She looked around and saw no resemblance to her previous one, in fact, he changed everything! Colors faded from Ramiris' face, she got closer to Reinhard but swiftly backed away when his aura touched her. She was frightened to the point that shitting her dress might not be a dream anymore.

"What did you do to my room?" Ramiris sulked, giving Reinhard the eyes that were searching for fairness. Reinhard didn't answer immediately but stared at her for a few seconds. "... Spare me from the trouble of explaining. It has been decided that this is now my room, you should create another room for you to decorate. The trash you called gimcrack are kept by the other spirits, you may ask them for it" he was ruthless with his words and didn't even bother to empathize with Ramiris. "Now, you are just rude! Did your father not tell you to speak respectfully to those who are older than you?" Ramiris asked.

Reinhard stared at her like he was watching a monkey. "Have you forgotten, woman? I have never spent more than 10 minutes speaking with my father. It is more ridiculous that you haven't thought about that" he said, shrugging her off. "Kiiih!! Now I'm mad! Let me look around your room!" Ramiris went on her own and started inspecting things up. She stared at the king size bed of Reinhard and was confused about it. "Hey, what is this?" She asked, getting close to it.

"Make sure not to touch that woman. Your scent might stick to the fabric. That would be displeasing" Reinhard gave her a side glance before sipping the wine in his hand. His action is so sophisticated that the spirits outside were mesmerized by it, even momentarily forgetting about their fear of him. Ramiris clicked her tongue but instead of following Reinhard's words, she jumped on the bed instead.


That was the pure reaction Ramiris had when she drowned from pure bliss. The soft fabric of the bed fully embraced her body as the fluffiness eroded her system. Ramiris lost control of herself for a second as she flew through paradise. She stayed in the bed for a few minutes not knowing that Reinhard was already giving her a complicated look. She was just released from the spell when Reinhard finally stood up and grabbed her ruff before throwing her out of the bed. "What was that for? I was enjoying myself!" She complained with tears in her eyes. She just finished her work and wanted to rest, this is the best object for her!

A picture that should not be normal for the Queen of Spirits. "That's my bed woman. You can create yours however don't touch whatever's mine. Tsk, I need to burn this one and create new again" Reinhard did not like the messed up bed. He grabbed it and was about to burn the thing when Ramiris suddenly held his arm, "Wait, wait, wait! Let's make a deal! I'll let you have this room in exchange for this resting machine!" Ramiris was desperate, she really wanted this thing now that she tasted its forbidden pleasure.

Reinhard raised his eyebrow hearing that, he pondered for a second before an idea emerged on his head. "... Procure me a spirit. To be precise, one that is not afraid of me" he said gaining a huge HA? From Ramiris. "Then forget about it" Reinhard's pride was high, if the other party objected then he wouldn't make a deal. "I didn't say I wouldn't accept it! Let's go right now, if you are lucky then some strong spirits might just accept you!" Ramiris snickered. She believed that no spirit would get close to this abomination, especially with his innate aura of fear.

Not even her, the Queen of Spirits could resist it, there is no way that some spirit would have the courage to face this man. That is what Ramiris believed. Ramiris took a glance at Reinhard, she was forced to look up because of his height. No matter how she looked at him, all she can think of is refinement. If only he doesn't have that fear inducing aura of his then he would probably become a great figure for the spirits. She shook her head in disappointment at that.

"Then, follow me! There is a specific place for the summoning!" Ramiris stood up as she reluctantly glanced at the bed, 'I will take care of you later, farewell for now' she tearfully thought as she floated away. Reinhard can somehow read her thoughts as he just looked at her weirdly, he can never comprehend the mind of women. Nonetheless, that doesn't matter right now. He just followed her despite the woman trying to lose him many times. It was fairly annoying but since he is the one requesting then he can't say anything. He also thought that Ramiris is a special being in this world, meaning that killing her would result in catastrophe.

Ramiris reached the summoning place as she grumbled in annoyance. "Hey, why can you follow me?! I was jumping through floors using my authority! How could you sense me when I even completely concealed my presence?" She asked, grabbing Reinhard's clothes. "Foolish question. There is no way such a sloppy way of hiding could be called concealment. Besides, I already memorized your scent, no matter where you are in the world, I can instantly spot you" Reinhard answered with a small smile.

"M-Memorize?! When did you sniff me you bastard!!" She punched Reinhard strongly but as expected, it was futile. "Now, quit your yapping woman. What am I supposed to do?" He asked, forcing Ramiris to stop. She coughed many times trying to regain her image, "Well then, stand over there. In the center and just pray. If any spirit has an interest in you then they would descend. If not then sorry" she pointed at the center of the circle. She was happily celebrating in her mind though, 'Heh, he probably doesn't know that I can just pluck any spirits I want. Let him make a fool of himself' she thought.

Contrary to Ramiris' expectations, Reinhard didn't immediately stand in the circle. Something among her words seemed to irk him. "... Pray? You mention praying right? That is something I would never do. Hailing someone other than myself is a great shame, a God shall never bow to anyone else" While saying that, he started walking. Each step was filled with anger as he finally reached the center. Reinhard opened his arms as if expecting something before he shouted, "If you call yourself a spirit then present thyself in front of me! Instead of pathetically hiding in these corridors, show yourself and serve this God instead! And that, I would be satisfied"

There was a long silence as Ramiris shivered in anticipation. She really believes that something will come out of the calling but even after 5 seconds, there was no response. Ramiris' smile evidently turned into a grin, "Hahahahaha! You made a fool of yourse-!!" She could not finish her words because a heavy pressure descended on the platform. It was a pressure that even her, the Queen of Spirits, was affected. What kind of spirit would show up?

"I see, only two are brave enough to face me? Very well, I shall deem all other spirits as ants and only acknowledge the two of you as barely acceptable creatures!" Reinhard announced loudly. The first one of the two was a black haired woman wearing a beautiful white dress. And from what Reinhard can comprehend, she appeared not of good intention. "Watch out! She is out to kill!" Ramiris tried warning Reinhard but that was useless because he is already aware of that. "You dare point your sword against me? Are you aware of the consequences of that action?" He calmly asked, ignoring the sword already pointing at him.

The spirit seemed to be confused by what he meant however she still continued to strike because this is the only way to fight against this monster. Ambushing him when he is just new to the world. At least that is what she concluded from the future. The attack descended as Reinhard was forced to parry it to the side. That was not a good choice though as at least half of Ramiris' labyrinth was decimated in the process. Just from a single attack!

Reinhard felt that the attack was enough to decapitate even a True Dragon. This means that the spirit really wanted to kill him on the spot. "Very well, I have received your intention. You must have come from the future, am I right? Be aware that the death of your precious one will be at your behest. For many of your parallel world traveling, I hereby declare that this will be your worst decision" Reinhard finished his words as he grabbed the spirit by the throat and smashed her on the ground. "Now, be afraid for you have angered me" he stopped suppressing his aura and made sure that everything was focused on Chronoa.

Her coming to the past to kill him means that he fought against Rimuru in other timelines right? No, he can't imagine himself losing and based on how destructive the attacks of this Chronoa, that means that he killed Rimuru many times. "How does it feel? To receive the absolute peak of my love? Can you relish the fact that you killed your beloved with your own hands? His death will be the cause of you and you will travel to an unending journey knowing this" Reinhard stared deeply into Chronoa's fretting eyes.

She was moving around trying to escape his grasps but it was useless. The fear is already rotting her mind, it won't be long before madness consumes her. Knowing this very well, Chronoa used her desperate means. She is aware that Reinhard is a monster packed with potential and everything he experienced once, he would get used to it or directly learn it. Chronoa doesn't really want Reinhard to get used to this feeling but she had no choice.

Opening her eyes, Chronoa watched as the world stopped. She halted the movement of time itself. Only information particles can do movements within this suspended world. This is her last resort and seeing that Reinhard is still frozen, she immediately went to action. She imbued her sword with the Ultimate Skill and slashed Reinhard with it. This is actually the first time Chronoa faced Reinhard because from all the other timelines, the other spirit kept preventing her.

She has no idea of Reinhard's real skills or abilities. She has heard that he has some resistance against attacks, physical or magical, but she trusts that her Ultimate Skill can bypass that resistance. Ultimate Skills are the epitome of the world after all. Chronoa placed all of her strength to those strikes intending to end everything in a single confrontation but to her horror, her attack really did damage Reinhard, only cutting the first layer of his skin though. The attack that she placed her all was stopped by the flesh of this monstrosity. Chronoa failed to stop her shock from showing on her face.

Now that she thought about Reinhard's words, she now feels endless regret when thinking about the hardship Rimuru will face in the future because of her actions.

Chronoa's shock didn't stop there, she froze when she spotted the eyes of Reinhard moving to her location. Despite experiencing the suspended world for only 3 seconds, Reinhard is already aware of it! If this continues then he might really start moving before she can finish him off. Chronoa pushed all the thoughts on her mind as she continued barraging Reinhard with heavy strikes, attacks that can kill True Dragons were dropped but alas, it was close to futility.

She only stopped when Reinhard's voice finally rang. "7 seconds have passed… are you satisfied yet?" Chronoa lost all hope at that as she fled back to other timelines in panic. That was the first meeting of Manas Chronoa and Reinhard Nava.

