
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. Explore the world of Tensura tens of thousands of years before the canon. A/N: I made this story just for fun, and if I get bored of it, I won't hesitate to drop it.

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Family Reunion.



A fierce crimson wind roared across the desolate landscape bordering the Underworld, carrying with it the icy bite of Velzard's presence. Velzard, the Ice Dragon, her majestic form shimmering with an ethereal blue glow, hovered high above the swirling vortex that marked the entrance to the demon realm. Beside her, Velgrynd, the Scorch Dragon, mirrored the swirling inferno within her, her crimson scales blazing with a heat that rivaled the sun.

Both True Dragons were a whirlwind of emotions. Their elder brother, Veldanava, had finally shed light on the existence of a previously unknown younger sibling. Relief, tinged with simmering rage, battled within them. Relief at finding a new sibling, and rage at Veldanava's secrecy.

"Five minutes," Velzard rumbled, her voice echoing through the swirling vortex like the crackle of ancient glaciers. "That's all it took to pinpoint their location."

Velgrynd snorted, a plume of fiery smoke billowing from her nostrils. "Their auras practically scream 'dragon' and 'danger'. Child's play for us."

Their combined senses, honed over millennia, had sliced through the Underworld's chaotic energies, pinpointing their brother's location with ease. Now, a tempest of emotions swirled within them. Curiosity about the younger sibling, a hint of protectiveness, and a deep-seated grudge towards a powerful entity rumored to reside in this very realm.

Velzard, ever the strategist, lowered herself closer to the vortex, her icy aura momentarily shielding her from the scorching wind. "We approach with caution, sister," she warned. "This realm is rife with unknown dangers, and our brother may not be as…prepared as we are."

Velgrynd let out a growl, the sound echoing like thunder. "Prepared? He's probably causing havoc and bringing shame to the True Dragon name as we speak. Still, I suppose we can't let the little one be completely overwhelmed by…everyone."

Their telepathic link crackled with a single unspoken thought: the humiliation they endured two centuries ago at the hands of a celestial being rumored to reside in this very realm. Their nephew, the being who dared to slay them, a being they longed to confront once more.

With a synchronized nod, the two True Dragons plunged into the swirling vortex, their immense forms disappearing into the chaotic energy. The wind shrieked in protest as their celestial power clashed with the Underworld's infernal essence, but the True Dragons pushed forward, their determination to find their younger sibling unwavering.

They emerged on the other side, a sight that would make lesser beings tremble. Velzard, an embodiment of winter's fury, and Velgrynd, a living inferno, stood amidst the desolate plains of the Underworld. Their powerful auras sent ripples of fear through the nearby denizens, who scrambled to hide in whatever crevasses they could find.

Ignoring the terrified whispers in their wake, the True Dragons set off towards the location Velgrynd had pinpointed. Their senses, however, sent a jolt of surprise. The powerful presence they expected wasn't alone. Another familiar aura, one they hadn't considered, pulsed alongside it.

"Wait," Velzard said, her voice laced with a disbelief that echoed in Velgrynd's mind. "There's…another strong presence. But it's not what we expected."

Velgrynd narrowed her eyes, focusing her senses. Recognition flickered within her fiery gaze. "Wait a minute…that can't be…"

A wave of sudden clarity washed over them. The shock of their brother's existence had momentarily pushed another detail to the back of their minds.

"Reinhard…" Velgrynd muttered, her voice a low growl. "We almost forgot…he wouldn't be alone. That other presence…it's our bastard of a nephew."

The simmering rage towards their eldest brother, momentarily forgotten, a wave of exasperation washed over the True Dragons. They had almost forgotten their nephew entirely in their haste to find the new brother.

Their shared telepathic link crackled with amusement. A new challenge awaited them, one that promised a mix of annoyance and perhaps, a touch of amusement. Reuniting with their newly born brother and settling an old score with their nephew could all be accomplished in one fell swoop.

The True Dragons, their steps lighter with this unexpected turn of events, adjusted their course. They were heading not just for a new sibling, but for a chaotic family reunion that promised to shake the very foundations of the Underworld.

Within the obsidian walls of Blanc's castle, Reinhard, draped in an aura of quiet power, sat upon his throne crafted from molten gold. His eyes, usually sharp and focused, were scanning a series of intricate diagrams etched into the obsidian floor. A frown marred his otherwise stoic expression, hinting at a problem that required his full attention.

Suddenly, a tremor of power rippled through the very fabric of the Underworld, a disturbance so potent it couldn't be ignored. Reinhard's eyes snapped open, a flicker of annoyance crossing his usually composed features. The air crackled with a tension that sent shivers down the spine of the lone Primordial present, Noir.

"Those…auras," Reinhard finally spoke, his voice a low rumble. "They're unmistakable."

He recognized them instantly - the blazing inferno of Velgrynd and the glacial chill of Velzard, his formidable aunts. A sigh escaped his lips, a sound heavy with exasperation. Their arrival, unexpected and unwelcome, promised nothing but chaos.

With a swift movement, he rose from his golden throne. Power surged around him, coalescing into a shimmering barrier that enveloped the entire castle. The obsidian walls pulsed with a golden light, forming an impenetrable shield against the approaching storm.

"They come in force," Reinhard stated, a hint of grim amusement in his voice. "Prepare yourself, Noir. It seems your…admiration will soon have a target."

Noir, who had been practically vibrating with excitement ever since sensing the approaching auras, practically preened at Reinhard's words. "A target, you say? An opportunity to witness the true power of Your Majesty?"

Reinhard's lips twitched in the faintest semblance of a smile. "Perhaps. But remember, Noir, remain…controlled. We do not wish for lifeless destruction, even if it entertains you."

Noir bowed deeply, his theatrical flourish somewhat subdued by the seriousness of the situation. "Of course, your Majesty. Discretion is my middle name…well, not technically, but you get the idea!"

Meanwhile, outside the shielded castle, the desolate plains of the Underworld trembled under the combined might of Velzard and Velgrynd. Their arrival was a spectacle in itself – Velzard, a majestic embodiment of winter's fury, and Velgrynd, a living inferno, their fury a tangible force.

"This barrier," Velzard rumbled, her voice echoing through the barren landscape. "A curious trick. But nothing our combined power can't break."

Velgrynd, ever impatient, let out a fiery snort. "Stand aside, Reiny! We come not for a fight, but for a reunion!"

However, their attempts to breach the barrier proved futile. It pulsed with an otherworldly power, repelling their attacks with ease. Their frustration grew, simmering alongside the memory of their previous encounter with their nephew.

Within the protected castle, a different kind of chaos unfolded. Veldora, the embodiment of pure destruction, found himself locked in a playful, but ultimately destructive, battle with Jaune, the Brawl Princess, Blanc, the Ruler of the Underworld, and Violet, the Nightmare Lord.

The cavernous hall echoed with Veldora's booming laughter as he swatted away their attacks with playful swats of his tail. Jaune, her fists crackling with energy, landed a few decent blows, but they did little to faze the mighty True Dragon.

Blanc, her voice firm, commanded Veldora to stop his rampage, but her words were lost in the din of battle. Violet, ever the cunning, observed the situation, formulating a plan in the shadows.

Suddenly, the tremor from Reinhard's barrier reached them. Veldora, sensing trouble, turned his head towards the castle walls. A spark of curiosity flickered in his crimson eyes.

"Hey, what's going on out there?" he boomed, his voice filled with childish excitement.

The three Primordials, momentarily forgetting their predicament, also turned their attention to the barrier. Their faces, etched with worry and curiosity, mirrored the chaos about to unfold outside the castle walls.





Just as the tension between the True Dragons and the barrier reached a fever pitch, a tremor shook the very fabric of the Underworld. The ground rumbled, and the air crackled with a power that forced Velzard and Velgrynd to take a step back.

A booming voice, laced with a hint of amusement, echoed across the desolate plains, cutting through Velzard's frustrated growl and Velgrynd's fiery snarl.

"Now, now, ladies. There's no need for such a dramatic entrance."

The barrier shimmered and dissolved, revealing Reinhard standing before them. His golden hair, usually meticulously styled, was slightly ruffled from the dust of dispelling the barrier. A flicker of annoyance crossed his sharp features, but it was quickly replaced by a hint of amusement as he surveyed the scene.

"Veldora," he called out, his voice carrying through the open space. "Enough with the childish games. We have much to discuss."

The sound of Veldora's booming laughter abruptly ceased. A moment of silence followed, then a deep rumble echoed from within the castle walls.

"Reinhard? You're here? That's awesome! Can we finally break some stuff now?"

Veldora's enthusiastic voice, laced with a hint of childish naivety, pierced through the tension. The True Dragons exchanged bewildered glances. Their fearsome nephew, the slayer of True Dragons, was seemingly having a conversation with their newly discovered brother?

Reinhard, the epitome of control, seemed unfazed. A hint of an annoyed smile played on his lips.

"Patience, Veldora. There will be time for…destruction later. For now, let's welcome your sisters home."

Velzard and Velgrynd, still speechless, watched as the castle gates creaked open. A figure, shrouded in shadow, emerged, followed by Jaune, Blanc, and Violet, their faces etched with a mixture of relief and apprehension.

The figure stepped into the light, revealing a majestic True Dragon, his scales shimmering with a vibrant sapphire hue. His golden eyes, filled with a childlike curiosity, locked with those of his sisters.

"Hello," he boomed, his voice filled with an innocent exuberance. "I'm Veldora. It's nice to finally meet ya!"

The shock on the True Dragons' faces was a sight to behold. Millennia of existence had prepared them for many things, but a playful, sapphire-scaled brother was not one of them.

And so, amidst the desolate plains of the Underworld, a reunion unlike any other unfolded. The two most powerful True Dragons, known for their destructive might, stood speechless before their newfound brother, while their formidable nephew, the slayer of True Dragons, watched with a hint of amusement in his piercing gold eyes. It was a scene that promised chaos, laughter, and perhaps, a touch of heartwarming family bonding, all under the watchful gaze of the Primordials within the castle.






The opulent halls of Blanc's castle buzzed with an unusual energy. Gone were the sounds of battle and the tremors of Veldora's rampage, replaced by the delicate clinking of porcelain and the hushed whispers of conversation. In the grand reception hall, an unlikely gathering had taken place – a family tea party, presided over by none other than Reinhard himself.

Seated at the head of a meticulously crafted oak table, Reinhard exuded an air of quiet authority. His simple white suit contrasted with the ornate table setting, yet he seemed perfectly at ease amidst the grandeur. His golden hair, still slightly ruffled from earlier, framed his sharp features. A hint of curiosity flickered in his piercing golden eyes as he observed Veldora.

Across from him, perched on a surprisingly comfortable chair, sat Veldora. His True Dragon form, a whirlwind of emerald scales and primal power, had been tucked away for the moment. In his human form, he appeared as a young man with sun-kissed skin, tousled blonde hair, and eyes bright with curiosity. He was currently fiddling with a delicate teacup, a stark contrast to his usual boisterous demeanor.

Flanking Veldora were Velzard and Velgrynd, their True Dragon forms similarly restrained. Velzard, the Ice Dragon, now appeared as a woman with flowing silver hair and eyes that shimmered like glacial ice. Her beauty was ethereal, like a frozen waterfall captured in human form. Velgrynd, the Scorch Dragon, mirrored her sister's elegance in a way. Her fiery hair, usually a wild mane, was now tamed into a beautiful wave the color of the sea. Her eyes, the blue of a clear summer day, held a fiery intensity that spoke volumes of her power. Both, however, were still grappling with the revelation of a new sibling, their gazes flitting between Veldora and Reinhard.

Beside Reinhard, diligently refilling teacups with an almost theatrical flourish, stood Noir. Assuming a slender young man with dark hair and golden eyes that gleamed with an unnatural red light. His loyalty to Reinhard was absolute, and fear was an emotion reserved solely for his master. He observed the scene with a hint of amusement, his dark uniform a stark contrast to the vibrant tapestries adorning the walls.

The silence stretched, broken only by the nervous clinking of teaspoons. Veldora, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, leaned forward in his chair.

"So, they're my sisters?" he asked, his voice filled with an innocent wonder that disarmed even the formidable Velzard.

Reinhard met his gaze, a hint of amusement flickering in his golden eyes. "Indeed. It seems we have much to discuss."

Velzard, ever the pragmatist, cleared her throat, her voice a low rumble. "Reiny," she began, "while we appreciate the reunion, we would have liked to be involved in Veldora's care." A hint of unspoken challenge flickered in her glacial eyes.

Velgrynd snorted in agreement. "Exactly! We may not be known for our nurturing instincts, but surely we could have handled a little…exuberance." She shot a playful but pointed look at Veldora, who blushed under her fiery gaze.

Reinhard sighed internally. He knew his aunts wouldn't let this matter drop. However, before he could respond, Veldora spoke up again, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"So, are you both strong too? You must be if you're my siblings!"

The question hung in the air, momentarily distracting the True Dragons from their concern. Velzard and Velgrynd exchanged a surprised glance.

A ghost of a smile played on Reinhard's lips. "Strong?" he echoed, his voice neutral. "Perhaps. But strength can take many forms. Tell us, Veldora, what do you consider to be strong?"

Veldora, momentarily thrown off track, pondered the question, his brow furrowed in concentration. The tension in the room eased, replaced by a spark of genuine curiosity.

Veldora puffed out his chest, a hint of pride replacing his earlier curiosity. "Strong?" he boomed, his voice echoing in the opulent hall. "Strength is about pure power! Being able to blow things up, to fight and win! If you can't level a mountain with a single punch or freeze an entire ocean with a breath, then are you truly strong?"

The air crackled with tension. Velzard's eyes turned an icy blue, her aura sending a wave of frost that shimmered across the teacups. Velgrynd's hair seemed to smolder, her eyes flaring with a volcanic fire. The playful banter had evaporated, replaced by a simmering anger.

"Insolent brat…" Velzard growled, her voice laced with millennia of icy fury. "Do you dare question our strength?"

"Exactly!" roared Velgrynd, her voice like molten rock. "We are True Dragons, harbingers of destruction! We have reshaped continents and scorched the very sky! You, a mere hatchling who can barely control his power, dare lecture us on strength?"

Veldora, oblivious to the brewing storm, blinked at his sisters, his youthful enthusiasm dampened by their sudden hostility. "But… I thought siblings were supposed to be strong!" he whined, a hint of confusion clouding his bright eyes.

Reinhard, saw the impending chaos unfold. A barely audible sigh escaped his lips. This was precisely why he had hesitated to involve Veldora's formidable sisters. He knew their volatile temperaments, and Veldora's innocent arrogance was the perfect spark to ignite their fury.

"Enough" he boomed, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade. His golden eyes, usually sharp and calculating, held a flicker of warning. Both Velzard and Velgrynd, despite their immense power, flinched at their nephew's command. The respect, perhaps even fear, they held for Reinhard was deeply ingrained.

"Veldora," Reinhard continued, his voice calmer but firm, "strength is not just about brute force. It encompasses wisdom, control, and the ability to use your power for your 'own' greater good."

Velzard and Velgrynd scoffed, but remained silent under Reinhard's watchful gaze. They may not agree with his methods, but his authority, especially when dealing with their newfound brother, was undeniable.

Veldora, however, remained unconvinced. He mumbled something about boring lectures and the thrill of a good fight.

Reinhard, suppressing another sigh, decided to change tactics. "Veldora," he said, a hint of amusement creeping into his voice, "perhaps a demonstration is in order. Your sisters, despite their… unorthodox way of showing affection," he shot a pointed look at the two fuming True Dragons, "are indeed formidable opponents. Why don't we have a little sparring session, just to showcase different aspects of strength?"

Veldora's eyes widened with excitement. A sparring session with his powerful sisters? Now that sounded like fun! He didn't understand the subtle tension in the room, or the way his sisters bristled at the suggestion. To him, it was all a game, a chance to test his newfound strength against his legendary siblings.

Velzard and Velgrynd exchanged a look. They saw the spark of challenge in Reinhard's eyes, a silent dare to showcase their power without resorting to outright destruction. With a grudging nod, they agreed. The opulent tea party had transformed into an unexpected battleground.

As the three True Dragons rose from their chairs, their human forms dissolving into their magnificent Draconic avatars, a tremor shook the very foundation of the castle. The battle lines were drawn. Veldora, the enthusiastic but naive newcomer, against the seasoned might of Velzard and Velgrynd. It was a clash of power, of ideologies, and perhaps, a fragile bond waiting to be forged in the heat of battle.

