
Deity Cultivation Journal

The journal of a ancient cultivator, that have found a lifebound treasure called "Life Chronicles", a magical book that would store all happen around him. This is the journey from a simple orphan, to a immortal cultivator. And beyond that, to a deity that creates a world of his own. This is how it all started.

KojiroHineri · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Where light shine, shadows loom.

Year 0196 of the MunYu empire, day 25 of four Moons

Lee Yenshu continued his solitary journey through the rolling countryside, his mind filled with the quiet contemplation of his newfound self-discovery. The lush, verdant landscapes that had so captivated him before now blurred at the edges of his vision as his thoughts turned inward.

"I am myself," he murmured, the words still feeling foreign on his tongue, yet liberating all the same. No longer was he defined by the labels and expectations thrust upon him - be it slave, sage, or anything else. He was simply Lee Yenshu, a young cultivator forging his own path in this vast world.

As the sun began to dip below the distant horizon, painting the sky in vibrant hues of orange and gold, Lee Yenshu paused, surveying the tranquil scene before him. A small stream meandered through the gently sloping hills, its crystalline waters reflecting the fiery sunset like shattered shards of a celestial mirror.

Drawn by the sight, Lee Yenshu made his way towards the stream, kneeling down and trailing his fingers through the cool, refreshing current. The water's soothing energy seemed to wash away the lingering tensions in his body, and he took a deep, calming breath, centering himself in the present moment.

As he sat there, gazing into the depths of the stream, movement in the nearby foliage caught his eye. Instinctively, his hand moved to the hilt of his Eight Branch Sword, prepared to defend himself if necessary. However, the sight that emerged from the bushes was not that of a threat, but rather a small, curious creature.

It appeared to be some kind of hybrid beast, with the body of a rabbit and the antlers of a deer. Its large, luminous eyes regarded Lee Yenshu with a mixture of trepidation and fascination, its nose twitching as it sniffed the air cautiously.

Lee Yenshu couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, the tension in his shoulders easing as he recognized the harmless nature of the peculiar creature. Slowly, he extended a hand, offering the being a friendly gesture.

-Hello there.

He said softly.

- I mean you no harm.

The rabbit-deer hybrid paused, its ears twitching as it studied Lee Yenshu's outstretched hand. After a few moments of hesitation, it tentatively approached, its movements graceful and fluid. Gently, it nudged Lee Yenshu's palm, and the young cultivator couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at this unexpected encounter.

- You're a curious one, aren't you?

Lee Yenshu murmured, his fingers lightly brushing the creature's soft fur.

- What are you doing out here all alone?

The hybrid beast seemed to sense the kindness in Lee Yenshu's voice, and it edged closer, its large eyes gazing up at him with a silent plea. Suddenly, a faint rustling in the distance caught their attention, and the creature's head whipped around, its body tensing with alarm.

Before Lee Yenshu could react, the hybrid beast darted back into the foliage, disappearing from sight as quickly as it had arrived. Frowning, Lee Yenshu rose to his feet, his senses heightened as he scanned the surrounding area, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword once more.

The air was thick with an unsettling energy, and Lee Yenshu couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. Slowly, he began to retrace his steps, his focus entirely on his surroundings as he made his way back towards the main road.

As he emerged from the treeline, he paused, his eyes narrowing as he caught sight of a small group of figures in the distance. They seemed to be moving with purpose, their robes billowing in the gentle breeze. Intrigued, Lee Yenshu began to follow them, his curiosity piqued by the strange aura they exuded.

Lee Yenshu watched intently as the hooded figures made their way down the worn path, their steps purposeful and their energy almost palpable. He couldn't quite place it, but there was something about their presence that set his senses on edge, like a subtle disturbance in the natural flow of the world around them.

Cautiously, he followed, keeping a safe distance as he trailed the mysterious group. His hand remained poised on the hilt of his Eight Branch Sword, ready to act should the need arise. But despite the lingering unease, Lee Yenshu couldn't help but be drawn in by the air of mystery surrounding these travelers.

As they rounded a bend in the road, the figures paused, and one of them turned, seemingly scanning the area. Lee Yenshu quickly ducked behind a nearby copse of trees, his heart pounding in his chest. For a moment, he held his breath, fearing he had been spotted. But the group simply turned and continued on their way, disappearing into the distance.

Emerging from his hiding place, Lee Yenshu let out a slow, measured breath. His brow furrowed in contemplation as he considered his next move. Part of him urged caution, to simply continue on his own path and leave the strange figures be. But the curious and adventurous side of him - the side that had led him on this journey of self-discovery - yearned to uncover the truth behind their clandestine movements.

With a resolute nod, Lee Yenshu set off once more, his steps quickening as he followed the trail left by the hooded travelers. The further he went, the more the landscape began to shift, transitioning from the rolling hills and verdant meadows to a more rugged, mountainous terrain. The air grew cooler and thinner, and Lee Yenshu could feel the weight of the journey beginning to settle in his limbs.

Just as he was about to turn back, he caught sight of the figures once more, their robes now visible through the sparse treeline ahead. Steeling his nerves, Lee Yenshu pressed on, determined to uncover the truth behind their secretive mission.

As he drew closer, the young cultivator began to make out more details - the intricate embroidery adorning their garments, the subtle gleam of metal that hinted at hidden weapons or talismans. And then, as they paused before a towering, rugged stone, filled with strange runes, hidden in the shadow, in a most unnatural way, Lee Yenshu's breath caught in his throat.

For in the shadows, a shimmering portal seemed to unfurl, its edges rippling with an otherworldly energy, it gave no light, not in the way we are used to it, but a shadow felling, as if the shadow itself was growing, without the aid of any light. The hooded figures approached this mystical threshold, and one by one, they stepped through, disappearing from view.

Lee Yenshu stood transfixed, his mind racing with a thousand questions. What lay beyond that portal? Where were these enigmatic travelers headed? And more importantly, should he follow them, risking the unknown in pursuit of the truth?

Gripping the hilt of his sword tightly, Lee Yenshu made his decision. With a deep breath, he stepped forward, crossing the threshold and plunging into the swirling, dazzling vortex of shadow light and energy that awaited him on the other side.

As Lee Yenshu passed through the shimmering portal, a profound sense of disorientation overcame him. The world around him seemed to shift and bend, the very laws of nature appearing to bend to the whims of this strange, new realm.

Blinking rapidly, he found himself in a breathtaking landscape unlike anything he had ever witnessed. Towering, crystalline structures stretched towards a sky that shimmered with hues of azure and amethyst. Cascading waterfalls of glimmering energy flowed through winding ravines, their ethereal currents crackling with power.

Lee Yenshu stood in awed silence, his gaze drawn in every direction as he tried to take in the splendor of this alien world. The hooded figures had vanished, leaving him alone to confront the overwhelming majesty of this place.

But one felling was stronger than anything else, he could feel Maoyei, not as before, not as a silenced and muffled voice, eating away at him, but as a scream, a urge, a need to belong.

That felling caused Lee Yenshu to collapse on his knees, and scream, but no voice came out, instead, a black ooze began dripping from his mouth, nose and eyes, that weird, putrid liquid, began to gather as it hit the ground, in front of Lee Yenshu.

That black substance began to twirl and move, as if it alive. Lee Yenshu felt weak, and even more so in that weird realm, were, despite it's beauty, the very air seemed to impose on his presence, as if he was not allowed to be there.

Still weak, and dizzy, Lee Yenshu's sight began to falter, he was losing conscious, and, in that terrible state, something reached his ears.

- I Cant, I don't want to come back, why did you cross to this realm your idiot piece of shit? It's calling me back, I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK, you will pay for this your piece of rotten meat. I'll make sure to it, on my name, If you think I made your life miserable before, just wait till I can escape this realm again. I'll torture your soul for all eternity, just as I should have done with the sage.

Lee Yenshu was too weak to understand anything more, but more and more insults came from the place were that black goo was. And that voice, he did not know how, but he was sure that was Maoyei's voice.

Just as he was about to lose all strengths, and collapse, he felt a gentle yet hold around him, and the smell of freshly poured rain filled his nostrils, as well as a sharp tingly sensation that went trough his spine.

Before his eyes closed, and his vision faded, he saw a young woman, dressed in white cloud like robes, with grey hairs that resembled a storm cloud, that vision calmed him, so much so, that he fought the urge to collapse for a little more, just to see that woman, for a few more seconds.