
Deity Chat: I Can Trade With God's

Humanity was on the verge of extinction after the portal appeared but some people started awakening supernatural and soon the tide turned different. Humans started overpowering otherworldly creatures. And as humanity stabilized, the hunter profession started rising. After 100 years, a boy named Ethan who had lost his parents during a rift and got an ugly scar on his face was cursing the god. The gods heard his prayer and the next day when he woke up he found an unknown app, filled with weirdos on his phone, the "Deity Chat" | • | Howdy readers, English is not my first language, so expect some grammatical mistakes. Anyways, have a good day. And the updates will be twice a week as I am busy with other works

SomethingCringe · Realistic
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7 Chs

Ungreatful People, Olivia Scarlett


Ethan was sent flying twenty meters across the street.

Standing tall and imposing at the centre was a werewolf larger than the rest, exuding an aura of authority. It was the D-Rank Blood Fang.

The werewolf's piercing yellow eyes locked onto Ethan, filled with a mixture of curiosity and aggression.

Its fangs glistened, a clear display of dominance.

As Ethan struggled to regain his footing, his heart raced with a mix of fear and determination.

The sight of the D-Rank Blood Fang sent chills down his spine, but he knew he had to face this powerful adversary head-on if he wanted to protect himself and the innocent civilians.

Gritting his teeth, Ethan mustered his courage and focused his energy.

He was somehow able to stand, positioning himself, holding two silver daggers.

He was about to attack the monster and as he leapt forward, the dagger he was holding disappear.

"WTF??" Ethan exclaimed.

All the strength that he had, disappeared.

Now, he needed protection from the monster. He knew he was nothing without those daggers. As he, who was so weak was able to cut through the monster like a hot knife cutting the butter.

"Shit, shit, shit..." He was talking steps back as the monster moved forwards.

And the monster launched at him, his big claws ready to tear Ethan apart.

Ethan closed his eyes instinctively knowing his end was near.


The Bloodfang was sent flying by the kick on his face.

As the dust settled from the impact, a figure emerged from the shadows, stepping into the scene with an air of confidence.

This newcomer was a tall, athletic man with a commanding presence. His chiseled features and piercing blue eyes captivated those who laid eyes on him.

He had a rugged charm, with a five o'clock shadow and short, tousled brown hair that accentuated his rugged appearance.

Clad in a sleek, black leather jacket adorned with various pockets and buckles, he exuded a sense of mystery and danger.

His muscular physique hinted at years of rigorous training and battles fought.

The man's name was Gabriel Stormrider, a A rank hunter known for his powerful physic.

Gabriel's gaze fell upon Ethan, and a look of mild disgust crossed his face as he took in the scars that marred Ethan's visage.

His voice dripped with condescension as he addressed Ethan.

"What's this? An ugly dork trying to take on a D-rank monster?" Gabriel sneered, his tone laced with arrogance. "Know your place, weakling. Leave the fighting to the true hunters."

He continued his tirade, his voice carrying an air of superiority. "I am the protagonist here, destined for greatness. You're nothing but a nuisance. Find a hole to crawl into and stay out of my way."

His words struck Ethan like a blow, fueling a mix of anger and humiliation.


As the dust settled and the Blood Fang lay defeated, Gabriel Stormrider stood tall, his triumphant gaze fixed upon the fallen monster.

The reporters, drawn by the commotion, began to converge on the scene, eager to capture the moment and secure an interview with the renowned hunter.

Among the reporters was a stunning woman, known for her captivating beauty and sharp wit.

Her name was Victoria Hartfield, a top reporter who had covered numerous supernatural events with a fearless determination.

With flowing chestnut hair cascading down her shoulders and piercing green eyes, she commanded attention wherever she went.

Victoria, dressed in a stylish suit that accentuated her curves, moved gracefully through the crowd of reporters, her camera crew in tow.

Her gaze briefly swept over Ethan, her expression one of thinly veiled disdain.

"Hey, you with the scars!" the reporter taunted, her tone dripping with disdain. "Could you move to the sideways. We are taking an interview of Mr. Gabriel. And we don't need an ugly face of yours here."

Her cutting remark hung in the air, intensifying the sting of humiliation that Ethan already felt.

And as the interview began. They started asking questions to Gabriel and the civilians.

Scene: Hospital Room

Ethan lay in the hospital bed, his body bruised and bandaged from the battle with the Blood Fang.

Apparently, his ribs, right leg and back were broken when he took the hit from Booldfang.

His eyes were fixed on the television mounted on the wall, broadcasting the interview with Gabriel Stormrider and the grateful civilians.

Reporter: "Mr. Stormrider, you truly are a hero. How did you manage to defeat the ferocious Blood Fang?"

Gabriel, with a smug grin: "Well, it was all in a day's work for someone of my caliber. I used my exceptional skills and experience to take down the beast. It was nothing more than a minor inconvenience."

The camera panned to the civilians, who praised Gabriel and expressed their gratitude for his bravery.

Civilians A: "Thank you, Mr Stormrider! You saved our lives! We're forever indebted to you!"

Civilian B: If it weren't for you, Mr Stormrider. My daughter would have died.

As Ethan watched the interview unfold, his heart sank.

He had risked his life to protect those very same civilians, yet his efforts went unnoticed and unacknowledged.

Ethan (muttering to himself): "Did they forget about me? Did they not see that I fought to protect them? I put my life on the line too..."

His disappointment mingled with a sense of betrayal.

He had always believed that heroes were recognized for their deeds, but it seemed that nobody cared about him.

"May I come in, Mr. Christopher?" A familiar voice came from outside the room he was staying in.

"Come in," Ethan said, confused about who could it be.


As the door opens a black-haired girl entered the room.

Ethan was a little surprised, seeing the girl. She was the girl that screamed after seeing his face and the one that he saved.

He really didn't have any hopes of her showing here.

"Maybe, she's here to arrest me for touching her?" Ethan's faith in people had already dropped after seeing the news.

When he saved civilian B's daughter, instead of thanking him, the man gave all credits to Gabriel for saving his daughter.

"You know I can hear you." The girl said as a pout formed around her cheeks.

"I'm Alexa, by the way. I'm sorry for screaming when I first saw you. It was just a shock, but I'm grateful for what you did." Alexa introduced herself.

"I am really thankful to you for saving me." She said, "And, Do you know Olivia Scarlett?"

Ethan's became wide as he heard the name. "I guess you do know her. Then I would call you senior?"

Ethan's eyes narrowed, his expression hardening with a mix of pain and anger as Alexa mentioned Olivia Scarlett's name.

The mention of his past girlfriend stirred up a tumultuous blend of emotions within him.

"So you are her boyfriend, she always mentions about you when she ha-"

His voice turned cold and filled with bitterness as he replied, "Olivia Scarlett... I know her all too well. She was my girlfriend once, or so I thought.

But when tragedy struck and I lost my parents, she couldn't handle it. She abandoned me, left me when I needed her the most.

She couldn't bear the sight of my scars, the reminders of the pain I endured. So, no, I don't have any respect or fondness for her."

Ethan's voice carried a deep-seated resentment, his words laced with the bitterness of betrayal.

The wounds of his past were still fresh, and the mention of Olivia only reopened them, fueling his hatred and disappointment.

"She chose to walk away, leaving me to face the world alone. I don't need her or anyone else who can't see past my scars. I've learned the hard way that people are quick to judge and abandon you when things get tough."

A flicker of sadness briefly crossed Ethan's eyes, a hint of the pain he carried within him. But he quickly composed himself, his gaze hardening once more.

"I don't care about her or what she's doing now. I have no interest in reconnecting with someone who turned her back on me."

"But she really cares-"


"Shut up and get out!!" Ethan screamed at her. He could not bear to hear anymore about Olivia.