
Degenerate Reborn In House Of The Dragon

Crackfic Warning Reborn as the twin brother of Aegon the Unworthy Son of Viserys Targeryen and Alicent Hightower Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. I'm not super familiar with the Dance as I am with the war of five kings era....but I felt like writing one so here we are. I try to not alter the facts as much as possible but Hotd lore is tedious as all hell so dates might not be perfect and I've altered ages only a slight ammount on certain occasions. Also, Valeryons are not chocolate no matter what HOTD tells you and I'll debate you on that.

SERBMADHAUS · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Ch 22 Retribution

(Very Dark Do Not Read)

I walked up the marble steps until crossbow bolts began to rain down on me, I slashed several into splinters before casting a protective ward.

The Sea Lord's personal guards were dressed in blue and golden armor were firing from behind a set of thick steel bars that separated the Sea Lord's personal area from the rest of the Palace.

I walked up to the steel gate and used my Vampiric strength to kick it's center.

With every kick a heavy clank and smash was heard as the iron gate began to bend and crack from the onslaught.

The guards fired their crossbows again and nearly cried when the bolts deflected off of thin air and struck the hard marble foor.

I gave the iron gate one more kick before it broke off it's hinges.

I walked In and neared the trembling guards who drawn their swords and bardiche's.

After some quick swishes all of them were cut into pieces and I continued on while breaking into each room and slaughtering the concubines and lovers of the Sea Lord and his Son.

Before long I reached a Golden door, it was magnificent.... beautifully embossed with the Titan of Braavos as it's centerpiece....

I kicked the door once as it bent slightly inwards and I heard the screams of girls and cried of children.

I continued kicking the heavy golden door until it flew off if it's hinges and thudded onto the ground....

I walked in slowly and looked around....it was a huge oppulent room, all gilded with gold and encrusted with jewels.

Cowering on the large bed was a beautiful middle aged woman, three daughters and two boys,....standing beside the bed with a small sword was an older man with a long beard and wrinkled face he wore orange and gold clothes and a large pendant around his neck.

In front of him was a serious looking man wearing bright blue silk robes and a shiny silver breastplate on his chest...they all eyed me with fear.

I looked towards the man in blue and spoke.

"I heard the First Sword of Braavos does not run...But.....if you drop that sword I'll let you fuck either his wife or one of his daughters.....I've killed every other guard in this palace myself....you stand no chance...." I told the man as I wormed my way into his mind....

the women on the bed shrieked at my words but I just smiled.

The First sword glared at me for a moment before turning his blade downwards and placing it in his sheathe as he walked to the edge of the room.

 "{The Wife....I've already fucked the Daughters"} the first sword spoke and I just hummed in approval.

I walked towards the Sea Lord and he moved to stab me but I just sidestepped and sliced both of his hands off with a quick movement.

He writhed in pain on the floor as his family cried in the background.

The first sword just stood there as he eyed the mother hungrily.

I sat down on a nearby chair and served myself a cup of wine before speaking...

{"You Sent A Faceless Man....for a child of seven namedays.....do you know what will happen to your children now sealord?"} I asked the man and he just sobbed before speaking.

{"Y...You took my son's bride....I couldn't let it stand....."} He spoke while crying....

{"Good....good....First Sword please head downstairs and call all the diplomats to come here.....I wish for them to enjoy themselves as well....call the servant girl too...."} I spoke and the man nodded before heading down.

I rose from my seat and dragged the sealord by his beard as I tied him into a chair and pointed him towards the bed.

Then I took away all the weapons that the family had hidden....all the daughters were already deflowered so I wouldn't partake of these spoiled women....

I sat beside the Sealord and we waited as the Family sobbed on the bed.

Before long the Diplomats walked into the hall as their shoes, boots, and bottom of their robes were drenched in Blood from the hundreds of gallons that coated the floor.

I called the servant girl over and sat her on my lap as I had her bring the wine cup to my lips.

The first sword stepped out in front and I spoke to all of them.

 {"The Sealord would like you all to enjoy his hospitality....he offers his wife and offspring for your pleasure tonight.....the first sword will get the wife before anyone else....."} I spoke aloud...none moved.

My eyes glowed sinisterly and my pupils narrowed into slits as they all felt a chill run down their spines.

"....YOU....WILL....ENJOY...." I spoke and the trembling men began to approach the bed as they removed their clothes while the sealords family cried out for mercy.

Midway through I had to cut off the Sealord's eyelids because he kept closing his eyes to the horrific show that was going on....

At first the diplomats were a bit sheepish with what holes they filled but soon enough they let loose and started ruthlessly pounding the Entire family, son's included.

I sat there drinking the wine that the servant brought to my lips as the Sealord cried beside me...gods this was good...

After three hours all the men were completely exhausted I thanked them for their service and let them leave back to their chambers....

they all ended up thanking me for being so generous and would consider me a friend in the future...

I cast cleaning magic on the whole family then with the help of the first sword we dragged them all out to the front of the Palace.

Once outside I summoned long wooden stakes and rubbed them with grease that the little maid brought from the kitchens.

Iet their cries sound out as I ordered the first sword to shove them into the Sealord's family and we both raised each of them and placed them into holes I carved with magic.

Once they were all standing I looked back at the first Sword. 

"You are free to go, thank you for your hard work." I told the man and he nodded before scurrying back inside the Palace to steal valuables.

I turned to the trembling maid. {"You belong to me now.....Do you understand...."} I spoke and she trembled as she nodded.

I then cast cleanimg magic on the both of us.

I pulled out some parchment and ink before I began writing.

'Beware The Blood Eyed Dragon...Beware His Long Sharp Claws....... Beware The Green Flame.....Beware Before You Enact His Wrath...Beware Of Maegor Targeryen.....'

I then took a dagger and stabbed the message into The Sealord's chest.

I called the little maid and she scurried behind me as we walked to the southern courtyard where Cannibal could land.

We stopped there and I called him, he descended through the dark night air and the little maid screamed before fainting as he approached us.....

I grabbed her and climbed into Cannibal before flying off towards Dragonstone.

 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ... . . . .

Once the maid woke up we were high above the clouds as Cannibal soared slowly through the night sky.

She screamed at first but I held her close and spoke. "Don't scream....it disturbs this peaceful flight... Just sit and enjoy the view..." I spoke into her little ear and she nodded before looking out at everything around us...

The Moonlight glimmered beautifully upon the waves the land off in the distance was barley visible now but it could still be made out.

A few large ships sailed through the night silently and the wind rustled through our hair.

She enjoyed the view for a while before she spoke. "A....Are...Are you going to eat me....." She asked while trembling.

I just kissed her head and pulled her into my arms.

"You belong to me, I don't eat my servants.....but I'll punish you if you're not a good girl..." I told her and she nodded quickly.

"I'll be a good girl....I promise!!" She spoke a bit scared.

"Good....Good.... And don't worry about your chastity girl, you're much too flat for my taste..." I spoke and she nodded while looking down at her chest.

"Don't worry about those, some good food back at my castle and you'll be good as new.."

I told her and she blushed but still trembled in fear....there was no escaping now.

. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 

I landed next to the fortress and walked inside with the maid in tow, when I entered the private section of the Castle I was greeted by Mother and Rhaenys who kissed me on the lips.

I then hugged Uncle Harrold, he knew about the relationship with mother and honestly didn't give a shit.....he just cared if I was consistently being better with a sword.

I then sent the maid to a separate room and walked with my women to my chambers.

I opened the door and saw both of my beautiful Wives.

They were still asleep and their bellies bulged greatly.....

in about a month I'd have two children from Laena and one from Hilde...they'd been such good wives and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

We all headed to bed and laid down as we cuddled.....I got my retribution and hoped those greasy haired Braavosi cunts would try me again so I could burn the whole city to the ground.