
Degenerate Daoist

In the eyes of society, Khan was an absolute degenerate, a perfect depiction of the word ‘failure’. Food, wine, women... Robbery, assault, murder... Were these not some of life's finest pleasures? Inevitably, Khan's depraved lifestyle landed him in prison. After being stabbed to death in prison, he found himself reincarnated into a mystical new world. Would this life-altering experience cause him to change his way of thinking? Would he take his new life as a fresh start, leaving his evil ways in the past? Absolutely not. Khan was determined to continue living as an irredeemable piece of degenerate trash. This is the story of a degenerate seeking dao in the world of cultivation.

Degen_Writer · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Inner Sect Elder

"So anyway my little Riri, do you have any idea what might be in this entrance exam?"

"Wait, you mean you don't know?"

"Eh, so you do know something?"

Fu Rian stared at him for a while before she couldn't take his clueless expression anymore and laughed.

"Pfft…the entrance exam is the same every year, it's not a secret or anything." She smiled at him.

"Oh, so it's like that…I guess they'll explain everything though, right? Hey, I'm not expected to already know what's up am I?" Khan suddenly asked quickly.

"Stop worrying, they explain it so there's no point me saying anything only for it to be repeated in ten minutes. Ah, the elder is here now." Fu Rian comforted him, calming Khan down.

Well, he thought that he was going to win either way though. Khan looked forward, wondering which elder it would be this time. When he saw that it was a familiar face, his expression lit up positively.

"Old man Gon!"

"I would be mad about the testing pillar, but really I'm just glad that you're leaving." The old man sighed and shook his head.

"Aww, don't be like that gramps! You're really going to miss me, right? Hahaha!"

"…Let's go." The elder didn't even respond to Khan and directly turned to leave. All of the other elders and disciples in charge of the outer sect testing were left speechless when they saw how Khan was able to get away with speaking to a highly regarded elder in this way. Even Fu Rian didn't quite understand how this situation had come to be.

They followed the elder for five minutes at a steady walking pace until they reached a large arch gate. The gate led to…nowhere. It was impossible to walk through the gate, because a stone wall blocked the entrance.

Elder Gon placed his hand against the stone wall, then suddenly, it lit up with bright white light.

"Come, this is a teleportation formation leading to the inner sect entrance trial." He glanced back at the pair and said. They both nodded and stepped forwards, placing their hands on the glowing stone wall and waiting.

Elder Gon made a rapid hand seal and a rune disappeared into the glowing gate. The whole archway flashed with a blinding light, forcing both Khan and Fu Rian to shut their eyes. When they reopened their eyes, they found themselves in an entirely different place.

Khan glanced up at the gate, still marvelling over this method of transport. The gate no longer looked the same as before, because it wasn't the same gate. They were now standing under an archway that actually led to a path ahead.

The first thing they noticed after stepping onto the path was how the spiritual energy concentration here was much higher. This was caused by the many spirit herbs and fruits that grew throughout the inner sect, and the barrier that held the spiritual energy within the confines of the inner sect.

The surroundings really were quite marvellous, nothing like the broke outer sect with their wooden houses and dirt roads. Even this simple path was lined with marble, or perhaps it was jade or another precious stone. The path was a gorgeous white and grey colour whilst the freshly kept lawn around them was laden with trees, hanging gorgeous fruits into the-

"Hey- Hey! Stop eating, who said you could eat the inner sect's spirit fruits?!" Elder Gon yelled at Khan after turning back and seeing him munching away on a glowing blue fruit.

Khan stared at him for a second, then ravenously took three more bites, finishing the fruit without breaking eye contact.

"Just so you know, you're already being tested here. The inner sect elders watch as the outer sect disciples make their way towards the trial in order to test their strength of heart and nerves."

"Guess I passed then?" Khan burst out laughing.

"Pfft…" Fu Rian stifled a laugh and turned away from the elder apologetically.

"Just don't touch anything else, got it? Seriously, you can't afford to pay for anything here, do it again and you'll be tried for theft against the sect."

"Fine, fine I get it. Let's hurry up and get going." Khan waved his hand dismissively.

Elder Gon sighed tiredly and led the way onwards.

They seemed to be on a mountain right now based on the gradual incline ahead. They continued walking for half an hour, until they turned a corner and arrived at their destination. The other outer sect disciples and elders were already waiting, Khan and Fu Rian were the last arrivals and drew the stares of many of the participants.

Khan frowned, he didn't like being looked at like this, as if he was being judged…some people were clearly looking down on him! He immediately glared back viciously and released his killing intent, trying to stare at as many people in their eyes in the shortest period possible.

All of the waiting disciples were bewildered and looked towards their elders questioningly. The elders frowned and snorted, looking at Khan with contempt.

So, he glared at all of them too.

The other eight head elders of the outer sects all met Khan's glare and he didn't back down an inch, not to anybody. So what if they were stronger than him? He was allowed to glare, and the sect rules prevented them from so much as touching him.

Elder Gon rolled his eyes and ignored everything around him, bringing his two participating disciples towards the wooden temple in the centre of this flat clearing. They walked past all those other disciples and elders, who Khan now completely ignored since he was satisfied that he'd glared enough.

"An interesting disciple." A mature and bountiful woman in her late twenties giggled slightly as she watched Khan's entrance from a distance. She had also seen him eat the fruit earlier, something that she had never seen before.

"He's too arrogant, he won't get far in the study of dao with that attitude." An old man besides her snorted coldly. They were both standing atop a cliff, too far away for Khan or anyone else in that crowd to even notice them.

A middle aged man beside the pair glanced at the bitter old fellow and laughed.

"Actually, I happen to know about this kid, he's a 5-Star Samsara Soul."

"What? Are you sure? There must be a mistake!" The old man became defensive immediately, whilst the woman silently stared at Khan with shining eyes.

Khan suddenly stopped and started looking around him with an irritated gaze, startling the trio, especially the woman.

"He actually noticed my gaze…?" She muttered.

"There's no chance! He only possesses a Rank 2 Realm soul cultivation, how could he detect the gaze of a Holy Core Realm powerhouse?"

However, both the woman and middle aged man became even more interested in this new disciple.

"Khan, what's wrong?" Fu Rian asked as she blinked, confused as to why Khan was suddenly looking around with an irritated look on his face.

"Someone's watching me, but I can't see them anywhere." He frowned, finally giving up.

"I told you earlier that you're already being observed didn't I?" Elder Gon replied, but raised an eyebrow slightly. "I'm surprised that you can feel the gaze of a Holy Core Realm inner sect elder, though."

No, more than surprised, he was shocked! This should definitely not be possible!

"Tch, so that's why I can't find them, they must be too far away for me to see." Khan clicked his tongue. Being watched from the shadows like this was annoying…as expected, this trial was going to be tedious.

"My apologies for that, disciple Khan. I was merely interested in-"

"Gah!" Khan exclaimed and nearly fell over. He turned around rapidly and glared at the woman who had snuck up on him. "Fuck, don't sneak up on people like that! I nearly smacked you on reflex!"

The woman was stunned for a moment, she didn't know how to respond.

"E-Elder Giorgina!" Elder Gon was shocked at first, but he quickly straightened up, then clasped his hands together and bowed. "I apologise for this impolite disciple from my outer sect…truly, I apologise for bringing him to the inner sect…"

Now, everyone in the area felt stunned. Seeing the head elder of one of the nine outer sect regions bowing was shocking enough. From this, they could infer that the young looking woman ahead of him was actually an inner sect elder!

More shocking than this though, was the fact that this elder was actually apologising on behalf of a disciple! However, it wasn't long before they understood him.

"Woah, what a beauty!" Khan's eyes widened and he exclaimed. Seemingly oblivious to Elder Gon's building fear and his sweat-drenched back, Khan grinned at the woman and nodded repeatedly.

"Not bad, not bad at all! Beauty, after I score first place in this trial, how about visiting me in the inner sect for some fun?"

The implication behind his words was obvious. Elder Gon nearly fainted on the spot, whilst all the other elders' and disciples' jaws dropped in disbelief.

"Khan, you're talking to an inner sect elder, not a disciple participating in this trial." Fu Rian sighed and forced a smile towards the woman.

As Khan said, she was truly a beauty. This woman's hair was long, black and silky smooth. Her skin was snow white, whilst her deep brown eyes showed her innate curiosity towards all things in this world.

"Eh, an elder? Huh, now that I pay attention, you do seem pretty strong…haha, no matter! Elders and disciples, who cares about all of that? A beauty is a beauty, and all beauties in this world will be mine eventually! Little beauty, wait for me to catch up to you, I'll play with you then, ok?" Khan smiled warmly and patted the stunned woman's shoulder.